10-20-2012, 01:00 PM
Hi, I just wanted to submit a soundtrack that I thought was pretty good. There was a game called Nexus - The Jupiter Incident, released in 2005. It had really good graphics for its time, a really neat solar system / galaxy view, and some addictive gameplay.

I always wanted to see a sequel to this game, and I used to check the forum once or twice a year. Then, mysteriously, the site disappeared off the face of the planet. They even had videos showcasing the gameplay / engine capabilities of Nexus 2, but it never saw the light of day. Apparently, they were bought out by some other company, and like any company that gets bought out, bad things happen.

Anywho, here's the soundtrack to the game, which I PAINSTAKINGLY ripped. I had to do a lot of hunting to find a program that would be able to extract the game files. I took it upon myself to properly name, tag, add album art and replaygain. I hope you guys enjoy this.

alsjkfdlasjdflakjsdfasdfadsfkjsglf.7z (

Password: Zvg7CB5R41TugOmsVdNXre32U68c8J


10-20-2012, 10:21 PM
It won't be winning any awards anytime soon, but this is pretty good stuff. Thank you for all your hard work!

10-21-2012, 09:33 AM
Last track seems cutted before end.

Also, any chance to get this in another format and better quality ? (mp3 320kpbs for instance. I have some technical problems with ogg files)

10-21-2012, 10:10 AM
Thanks! :)

10-21-2012, 11:40 AM
Last track seems cutted before end.

Also, any chance to get this in another format and better quality ? (mp3 320kpbs for instance. I have some technical problems with ogg files)

Hi, Unfortunately OGG is the highest quality I can provide because that was ripped directly from the game. You can convert these to any other format. Winamp can convert to M4A (AAC), Foobar should be able to convert these to MP3, but doing any of these things will result in quality loss because these OGG files are already lossy.