10-18-2012, 06:06 PM
Arrow - Scoring Session Featurette - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=CL40vS0jNgG8o&feature=player_detailpage&v=W5Cl65ySRSQ)

Anyone watch it? Love it and hooked now. Blake Neely composed the score and I can't wait for the release.

10-18-2012, 11:22 PM
Awesome most looking forward to watch this coupled with Supernatural on CW Wednesday nights. I actually think this Stephen guy is hotter and more manly looking than Justin Hartley and Justin was Hot, so thats a good thing!

10-19-2012, 12:10 AM
I liked the first one, have not seen the second yet. Like where they are going. Very close in style to a Green Arrow mini-seies back in the 90's, though I cannot remember the name...great artwork...

I will not hold my breath for a score release though, many of his don't get one. We'll see. We'll see if this lasts..

10-19-2012, 03:24 AM

10-19-2012, 06:43 AM
Ah yes. Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters. The first three part mini-series....

Next week (24th), will feature Deadshot....the benefits of subscribing to TV Guide. :)

10-19-2012, 10:32 PM
Ah yes. Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters. The first three part mini-series....

Next week (24th), will feature Deadshot....the benefits of subscribing to TV Guide. :)

And knowing how to make Google your friend :)

10-31-2012, 11:16 PM
episode 3 tonight!
2 was a flop...

12-23-2012, 04:27 PM
Does anyone know release date of Arrow OST?

09-13-2013, 05:59 AM
Sept 17th, this coming Tuesday is the release date according to Amazon, which also has the track listing for the score. Can't wait to hear it! Already pre-ordered via iTunes. Love thee show. Rewatching Season 1 and hope to finish just before Season 2 starts. I hate to do this for those who haven't seen it yet, but I believe most or all of you have seen the trailer for Season 2 so you know Black Canary will debut. Unless they throw a curve ball, its obvious who will put on the suit. The Flash is also gonna appear is more than one episode and as a result, will have his own spinoff show. Not sure why they went with Barry Allen over Wally West though. I don't know if its possible but wouldn't mind seeing Huntress return too.

I hope the Arrow cave is upgraded along with new weapons. I also hope to see an evolution in the Arrow costume that'll include a mask over a hood. I don't mind and actually do like the make-up, but anyone can easily pull of his hood if they can manage to sneak up behind him enough to reach it and yank it off. A bit surprised no one managed to lol! The mask won't be so easy to take off though.

I did not mind it though in Season 1. I always think of Season 1 of shows as an ongoing experiment, a work in progress. Arrow's costume and the Buffy theme for its first seasons are proof of that. Over time, Buffy's theme evolved and I believe Arrow will too. If not 2, then I say by Season 3, he's gonna be masked.

Count Zero
09-17-2013, 03:55 PM
So looking forward to getting the Season 1 Soundtrack which is released today but alas I have to wait one more day... GRRR. Pre-Ordered from Amazon a few weeks ago but I wanted an actual disc and unfortunately they're not offering an autorip/cloud version with the purchase of the physical disc so that means waiting til tomorrow. D'OOH!

09-19-2013, 12:43 PM
October 9th can't come soon enough. Wish Season 2 started today. I am unsure why they wanna do a Flash spin off and why they're using Arrow as a launchpad for it. I wish them success in Flash but spin offs usually fail to last very long. I guess Flash can have life if it is going to be a crossover series to Arrow like Angel was with Buffy and Neverland will be to Once Upon A Time.

If I were them though, I'd focus on finishing up the Arrow show, which hopefully won't be anytime soon and once that's over, have a Flash series with Arrow guest starring for a few episodes.

09-19-2013, 02:25 PM
Why the Flash? My guess is Warner Bros, which owns DC comics, is laying the groundwork for their Justice League movie and is introducing the character to a young audience which is mainly the CW's demographic and will be a large part of the audience for JL. And until Man of Steel, Batman was the only character in their inventory that had any commercial success. (Remember Green Lantern and how god awful that film was and how poorly it performed at box office? And then there was last year's aborted Wonder Woman TV series.)

Another problem is DC's characters are so damn powerful: Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, etc . . . How do you find credible threats from them to face and overcome that will work on the screen, because what works on the comic page doesn't mean it will work in the movies. (Famous example: Wolverine's costume: bright yellow with a Charlie Brown stripe looks good on the page but not on the movie stage. I mean Wolvie is all but wearing a target with a bullseye and sign that says "shoot me now.") Its no wonder for Man of Steel the villains were Kryptonians.

One reason Marvel has had such success is its characters (most) don't have god-like powers, they are more human. (A relative term in the world of super heroes.)