10-17-2012, 08:57 AM
51 tracks, all unnamed and mostly looped.


Ape Escape: Million Monkeys Soundtrack (

1. Track 1 - 2:36
2. Track 2 - 1:39
3. Track 3 - 3:25
4. Track 4 - 3:44
5. Track 5 - 1:15
6. Track 6 - 0:45
7. Track 7 - 3:43
8. Track 8 - 0:44
9. Track 9 - 4:11
10. Track 10 - 2:47
11. Track 11 - 3:36
12. Track 12 - 1:19
13. Track 13 - 3:28
14. Track 14 - 2:30
15. Track 15 - 0:41
16. Track 16 - 11:42
17. Track 17 - 4:02
18. Track 18 - 3:18
19. Track 19 - 4:11
20. Track 20 - 1:19
21. Track 21 - 3:45
22. Track 22 - 0:07
23. Track 23 - 2:44
24. Track 24 - 2:31
25. Track 25 - 2:35
26. Track 26 - 2:48
27. Track 27 - 0:28
28. Track 28 - 1:28
29. Track 29 - 1:26
30. Track 30 - 4:04
31. Track 31 - 2:50
32. Track 32 - 2:40
33. Track 33 - 2:49
34. Track 34 - 0:09
35. Track 35 - 0:09
36. Track 36 - 0:09
37. Track 37 - 0:14
38. Track 38 - 0:10
39. Track 39 - 0:11
40. Track 40 - 2:54
41. Track 41 - 3:54
42. Track 42 - 2:34
43. Track 43 - 1:48
44. Track 44 - 0:11
45. Track 45 - 0:13
46. Track 46 - 0:42
47. Track 47 - 0:42
48. Track 48 - 0:39
49. Track 49 - 0:32
50. Track 50 - 0:39
51. Track 51 - 5:56

10-18-2012, 10:36 AM
Thanks for going through the trouble!

10-18-2012, 12:05 PM
Can anyone tell me who did the music? I am trying to tag the tracks and Google is of no help here.

10-18-2012, 08:21 PM

04-16-2013, 09:59 PM
Thanks for posting this soundtrack! :D

04-20-2013, 09:02 AM
nice links work still

04-27-2013, 04:09 PM

02-05-2016, 07:54 PM

02-20-2018, 04:08 AM
Based off gameplay footage I'd say the audio needs to be sped up about 8.75% for some or all tracks to put them in the right key/tempo. Going by what I hear from tracks 4 and 24.