02-10-2004, 11:55 PM
OK.. i take u have completed all of the final fantasy's....?so....which has the best final boss then???

i think the one winged angel (sephiroph) and the one after that are the best!!!!

i will like to hear ur views on this but.....

Sorry but dont mention the last boss of ff8 cos ur gonna ruin it for me so if final fantasy 8 has the best last boss just say:ff8 has the best last boss or something like that dont say anything about it plz


02-11-2004, 07:08 AM

The final battle between Cloud and Sepheroth (u kno the one where u use omnislash if u have it and kill him in one hit) its like the Final Showdown after all the sh*t Sepheroth has done to Cloud.......

02-11-2004, 08:46 AM
To be honest... (and I'm not an enormous fan) I would say VIII, I think. Why?

Here be spoilers, obviously.

Well, VIIs final battle was okay. Pretty dramatic, I suppose, but the boss only came in two parts, and neither were INCREDIBLY difficult. Didn't convey a sense of a titanic struggle, which is kind of what one hopes for. IX was pretty similar. I don't remember how many parts there were to the final boss, but I think it was only really one. And you didn't feel much hatred towards him, he was just some faceless final boss shipped in. Lacking in something. The final boss in X.. well, not too difficult, either. And it was another one which I would say is... just too beastlike, if that makes any sense. Followed by the part with the Aeons. Which was pretty easy. Generally, thoe were too monstrous, and that deducts something for me, especially when it was no particular link with the story. I can't explain it. As for VI. Kefka wasn't very hard. It was okay. V and IV, very run of the mill, I can't think of much to say. They were fairly dull.

But VIII.. well, it was a difficult final boss, as I remember, one with, what, five different forms? Something like that. And even in its more bestial forms, they're completely explained by the plot. As well as that, you get a sense of Ultimecia throwing everything shes got at you, changing form numerous times, and the general difficulty of the battle (its the onle final battle I've had to attempt twice.) The scenery adds a lot too, and the drama is heightened by the loss of characters into time (ah, can't remember exactly =P). It also really feels like you're pooling all of your resources, as you use all of your characters. So, yeah, VIII, for me. It was just... well done.

Bahamut ZERO
02-11-2004, 09:03 AM
***SPOILER FOR FF8 + 6 + 7 + 9.***

Ultimecia had quite a few forms, ja. Her original sorceress form, then summoning Griever, then Griever releases Shockwave Pulsar, then the Griever - Ultimecia combo, then Ultimecia's final form. It is a titantic struggle when you build it up like that.

But I'm not forgetting the final boss of FF6. Kefka. The guy was an insane godlike dude. The dungeon to get to him was long and quite tricky. And his final form had four forms, so there was a titantic struggle involved there. Plus he'd been your main enemy from the first moment the game started. So he was a more relevant boss plot wise.

I agree that Sephiroth was a tad on the lame side, in terms of difficulty. Plus Kuja (the main enemy of FF9) only had one final form in the game, although he did have the Flare Star move which was a BITCH to fight against at times.

02-11-2004, 09:52 AM
yea *SPOILERS* FFVIII Final boss was the hardest toughest meanest bosses i ever played.. 5 forms altogether and for all u noe one of em could juz kill u and POOF its game over... u'll jump around and go nuts once u beaten the boss.. hehheh

02-11-2004, 02:45 PM
ide have to say the best final boss is from FFII i dont know y but i just think that it has to be one of the best that there is^^ but thats just my opinion^^

02-11-2004, 10:57 PM
Im not sure what FF had the best final showdown, but i just want to say how FFX has the most easy i have ever seen (and most dissapointing!).

02-12-2004, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by Gregar
Im not sure what FF had the best final showdown, but i just want to say how FFX has the most easy i have ever seen (and most dissapointing!).

yeah in u can beat braskas final aeon in three hits if your strong enough....and yu yevon...well it doesnt really compare to the like of 7 8 or 9 last boss does it?

02-12-2004, 03:34 AM

Today i discovered that my ff8 (disc 3) was left on the top of my tv by little sister........the disc over heated and..........died!!!!

wat da f..k am i gonna do now?!?!?!

02-12-2004, 08:29 AM
go ask any of ur frens who are willing to lend u FFVIII disc 3.. tat is if they buy ur story of wad happened to ur own disc :D

02-12-2004, 09:05 AM
Solution- All bosses are good in there own special ways..


02-12-2004, 07:41 PM
ff6 had the best final boss. the ff7 final boss was just a copy of the last form of the ff6 final boss.
ff7 had the most memorable final boss.
ff8 had the hardest and longest final boss (my opinion)

sorry Alpott87 but i can prove u wrong. the ff9 final boss was just a dissapointment. there was no good side to the ff9 final boss.

ffx, well i dont like to get in the way of a father and son dispute.
ffx-2 i played half way, i just cant put my self to play that garbage.
but im going to say that ffx-2 has the most easy boss to beat.
because so far every boss in that game is easy to kill.

02-12-2004, 11:35 PM
i knew ffx-2 was going to be disapointing!!!!!

02-16-2004, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
But I'm not forgetting the final boss of FF6. Kefka. The guy was an insane godlike dude. The dungeon to get to him was long and quite tricky. And his final form had four forms, so there was a titantic struggle involved there. Plus he'd been your main enemy from the first moment the game started. So he was a more relevant boss plot wise.

Getting to Kefka was really hard, but I always fought fighting him after all you went through to get there was a bit of a letdown. If you get every single playable character in your party in the world of ruin, there's really no way he can beat you.

In terms of emotional impact, VI's final showdown is way up there though.

02-18-2004, 12:04 AM
I liked fighting Zemus/Zemorus of FFIV. Big Bang can quite the bitch. But yeah i liked fighting Kefka too. FFX and FFX-2 were big letdowns final boss wise.

Cloud's Clone
02-18-2004, 12:12 AM
I enjoyed the FF7 showdown between Cloud and Sephiroth. I thought I was gonna die, then I used Omnislash as a last resort and,tada,I beat the game. I was seriously sweating it.