10-10-2012, 03:57 PM
Hello Everyone!

I have made mixed some cues and i want to let you hear the mixed cues:
First a mix with music from Pirates 3 - Pirates 4 and from the VG. Pirates Of The Caribbean - Extra Mix 1.mp3 (
Then a mix from themepark music of the Efteling (Piratey style music) mixed with Drink Up Me Hearties! The Efteling vs Pirates Mix.mp3 (
A little sfx version of Escape The Endeavour - At World's End (i removed some effects, you will hear that, sorry)
And the last one is a almost no sfx version of Making The Ship Ready - Dead Man's Chest Dead Man's Chest - Making The Ship Ready.mp3 (



10-10-2012, 05:24 PM
Annnnnd cue the usual crowd and silliness in 3.....2.....1.... O.o

10-11-2012, 01:48 PM
errr what? XD