10-05-2012, 06:54 PM
Hey everyone!

I've just recently started playing the wonderful masterpiece that is New Little King's Story, the remastered edition of the 2009 Wii game.

I've found the Wii-version gamerip floating around and the music is truly wonderful, and while I can't be entirely sure, I'm almost certain I've already heard one or two songs that weren't on that gamerip I've come by.

Can anyone confirm or disprove this? I'd love to have the rip from the PS Vita version if there are new songs.

Thanks in advance!

10-07-2012, 01:52 PM
Here's the link to the OST, fantastic music:

I can also say for certain that there are new songs in the PS Vita version, and that they are awesome :) Does anyone have the game and know how to rip music from the PS Vita?

10-08-2012, 02:59 AM
Is this the SAME game?

10-08-2012, 07:02 PM
Hey man :)

I never played the original, but from what I've learned, it is like an enhanced version. It has new character artwork, new (awesome) music, updated graphics and some online functionality. The core mechanics are the same though, and I love it. Just the kind of game that the PS Vita needs. Shame it was download only in the US though and that Konami haven't marketed it good enough, otherwise it would have probably been more known.

10-08-2012, 10:04 PM
hummm I've played the first one. It's a very good game.

I scared kkkkkkkk

I've search for information and I learned that, plus that you said, also the plot was remade (a poligamous love story was inserted - is it? Well, if it's true, so beyond the ministry of development, ministry of environment, ministry of public finance, the kingdom also need a ministry of love relationships - I think the first one already had a ministry like this, but I don't remember well. I find it so funny, because managing only one woman already is a Herculean task, imagine dealing with seven kkkkkkkkkkk).

Well, I concluded all that makes this game worth to be played, because its all new.

So I bought it on Play-Asia, a phisical copy, asian version.

Now, I'm waiting for this OST too (and the game, since it will take long time to arrive here) kkkkkkkkkk :D