02-09-2004, 04:36 PM
:notgood: You cart bring ff on the x-box the x-box id to bad i would like it to come out on gamecube or game cube 2 as ff started out with nintendo

02-09-2004, 04:47 PM
Learn to spell, please, please by God, learn how to spell!
Punctuation is also a useful things to make your posts a bit clearer. You should try it!

So, could you please rephrase your post? It's a simple strategy:

Proper English
--> people understand what you mean
--> people can reply to the topic

It's not that hard! TRY IT!

Bahamut ZERO
02-09-2004, 04:52 PM
I haven't heard any rumours about Final Fantasises being released on the Xbox as well as the PS2 for the time being. Obviously, we've got Crystal Chronicles on its way on the Gamecube, so that's a return to the Nintendo console.

Personally, I think XII will be the last game to feature on this generation of consoles. Then we'll have the Xbox 2 and the PS3 out, and then it's fair game which console the series continues on. I'd prefer the console which had the better technology to take over the series and run with it.

We'll see... It's a long way in the future for now. Let's wait until Final Fantasy XII is on our shelves, and the plans for the next gen consoles are a bit more developed before we panic about Bill Gates ruining the Final Fantasy franchise...

02-09-2004, 05:31 PM
FF should make it's grand debut on X-Box with XII and VIII on neXtBox

02-10-2004, 04:25 PM
Square Enix should make their own console system!!!

Its shape will be... square.

02-10-2004, 04:30 PM
The 'Cubes predecessor.

What? I thought that was brilliant. :(

02-10-2004, 04:38 PM
If it goes to Microsoft, I'm going to be paying more money than I am now. :(

02-24-2004, 05:03 PM
if ff goes to xbox i will go stark fuckin insane and kill all who buy ff for xbox and then finally destroy microsoft and myself in the process, and thats just the beginning............:eye:

03-10-2004, 10:15 AM
I'll chip my xbox in defiance, and buy the game to rebel.

03-14-2004, 06:38 PM
gah. the x-box is a good system. I have tons of good games for it.

that said, I'm happy FF is on the PS2, and I'm pretty sure it's going to stay there for the next round too. Sony is still on top, and Square-Enix is going to keep Final Fantasy on the most popular console.

Lightning Mage
03-21-2004, 04:52 PM

Never, never, never, never, never, NEVER!
I hate X-Box. I'd hate Squenix if they sold out to fuckin' X-Box.

03-21-2004, 07:12 PM
YEAH! Chip the Xbox <3

03-22-2004, 01:36 AM
correct me if im wrong but i beleive that s-enix is a japanese company.....
and i also believe that microsoft have sold a staggering 3 console's in the whole of japan....
whether xbox is good or not (not) it's just not going to happen..

if s-enix are going to switch console's it should be nintendo's new one....
as that nintendos rpg collection is growing strong (in japan)...
and it's kinda catching up in sale's with ps2...

03-22-2004, 10:14 AM
a gamcube switch? maybe i could go with that, but then i'd have to buy a new system, strife ain't that rich folks!!!

03-22-2004, 08:01 PM
Please - at the GameCube's current price, it's not that bit a deal. US$99 is a pittance for the tonnes of good games available on the system.

That said, Square-Enix would never switch - it's too late in the game on the current generation. Next gen is an entirely different story - it wouldn't be beyond Square to jump boat at the biggest marketing oppurtunity.

Hell, they did it from SNES to PSX.

04-01-2004, 03:09 AM
there's no problem (for me) if the square-enix produce an ff game on another console like X-box or gamecube. because i have all the game consoles! :swoon: :angel: :erm:

04-01-2004, 02:12 PM
I really hope that the Final Fantasy series will stay with Playstation, but I could deal with it if it went over back to Nintendo again.

Why do they do that anyway? I mean in the begining weren't there Final Fantasy games on the Nintendo systems and then they switched to Playstation, and now they have FFXI online and--correct me if I'm wrong but aren't there some FF games on Gameboy Advance? And then there's Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles on Game cube . . .

Wouldn't it be easier just to stay with one system?

04-01-2004, 08:21 PM
S-E wanted a game on the handheld, and Nintendo wanted an FF on their console, so they compromised - S-E got their Tactics Advance, and Nintendo got their Crystal Chronicles.

Neither of them are really Final Fantasy titles as such, though. And it's easier to stay with one system programming wise - but apart from that, it's more economic to make games for all three systems. Bigger market, you see.

04-01-2004, 08:48 PM
Is it true that there will be a kingdom hearts CoM to the GBA? :erm: :confused:

04-01-2004, 09:32 PM
Yes, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories is a GBA game. It's set between Kingdom Hearts 1 and Kingdom Hearts 2, and involves a story about Sora losing his memory, and having to get it back.

The battle system is card based. I hope it's fun :(

04-02-2004, 12:29 AM
so what's the story with kh2? cos i see a clip were sora was he was being sealed, is that anything to do with his remery loss?

04-02-2004, 12:45 PM
PS2 sucks, if it went to XBOX it would rule, sounds, graphix, size of game, everything would advance alot bigger and more! PS2 'WAS' good before XBOX came out, but the jaggy edges and bad saving and loading system doesnt cut it, its total rubbish. I dont even know why u hate it so much, I traded my PS2 in with 20 games for an XBOX and 5 games and still havent put it down now! Also I thing it would be cool to make a PC version that 'suits' the PC.


04-02-2004, 01:18 PM
I never said I didn't like Xbox, but I would be very displeased if Final Fantasy was ever released for Xbox.

I honestly don't see why they would do that.

Xbox may have good graphics but there are more important elements to videogames.

04-02-2004, 01:30 PM
Tell me one thing that xbox cannot do for it that ps2 can? I can tell you things that PS2 cannot and xbox can do it.

04-02-2004, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by DarkPenance
Tell me one thing that xbox cannot do for it that ps2 can? I can tell you things that PS2 cannot and xbox can do it.
Playonline, without having serious rifts with XboxLive.

04-02-2004, 02:01 PM
Xbox live is miles cheape than ps2's network play, its alot better. Plus anyway, Final fantasy has always been best as a single player RPG, online just spoils it. If you wantedd it online, why not just make it for the PC, thats the best in the busness for that and everything else. And who made windows? Microsoft, and who made XBOX? Microsoft, see, xbox is alot better to play on, in every aspect, FF will rule xbox if it ever got released on it.

04-03-2004, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by DarkPenance
Xbox live is miles cheape than ps2's network play, its alot better. Plus anyway, Final fantasy has always been best as a single player RPG, online just spoils it. If you wantedd it online, why not just make it for the PC, thats the best in the busness for that and everything else. And who made windows? Microsoft, and who made XBOX? Microsoft, see, xbox is alot better to play on, in every aspect, FF will rule xbox if it ever got released on it.

FFXI = PC and PS2
FF = Was multiplayer since FF4 to 6 then 9 then FFCC then FFTA.
Microsoft = Known for keeping A LOT of things private to themselves, thus game companies have little control over the servers that go on the Xbox Live servers.
Xbox Live = 50 a year + Additional Fees for a few games.

Want to rebut? <3

04-03-2004, 06:40 AM
Why go online? Single player for Final fantasy has always been its strong point! Not many gamers will pay squarenix for online play. I would if it was for the PC.

Also I said what can xbox 'NOT' do for it that PS2 can? Not, what has microsoft done and kept secret!

04-03-2004, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by DarkPenance
Why go online? Single player for Final fantasy has always been its strong point! Not many gamers will pay squarenix for online play.
Only, oh, 200,000 or so, paying $12 a month.
That's why they go online.
It makes them money.

04-03-2004, 05:08 PM
But still, everyone will play it on single player.........but online, I doubt it. Plus single player has its best storyline and beats any RPG in that way, if it was online, its like a chat room with avatars and a few tasks to keep them occupied. I am telling ya, if it goes like it did with FF11 then they will lose alot of customers.

It would spoil Final fantasy forever, why do u think they chose FF12 for single player? Cos' they prefer to have it there normal way.

If they liked making FF11 they would have make the next installment the same, or even better, its hard enough to keep one MMORPG updated without more.

Who would like the series to go to PC and have an excellent single player story aswell as an online 'FREE' version like NWN (Neverwinter nights). With this they can make patchs to fix every bug and also release an editer for mod makers to play with, that way its very re-playable, think Morrowind but with the skills of Squarenix and an intrigueing story to it.

Please tell me what you would like it to change over to:

Playstation series
Xbox series

Place your votes now!

04-03-2004, 09:26 PM
this is a pathetic topic, all u have to do is look into it more and u will find out that square will NEVER go to x box, there is no point for one, then it only started coming out for gba and gcn cuz they never sold their rights to sony, they could have brought out games for n 64 if they wanted, but the cartridges limited them, so they didnt, they have no reason to go to x box because the series will NOT make nearly as many sales as it does on ps2.

04-04-2004, 11:09 AM
Yea it will, even better! Everyone I know has ditched the ps2 for an xbox, and they all were FF fans! Then look at america, its huge and the gaming population there has to be the biggest, all those have xboxes, so stop putting it down u fat little PS2 fan, get with the times, IDIOT.

04-04-2004, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by DarkPenance
But still, everyone will play it on single player.........but online, I doubt it. Plus single player has its best storyline and beats any RPG in that way, if it was online, its like a chat room with avatars and a few tasks to keep them occupied. I am telling ya, if it goes like it did with FF11 then they will lose alot of customers.

XI is a once off, though. It doesn't matter if less people play it, because they have the constant income from monthly fees. You'd know that if you were paying attention. They don't plan to make XII a MMORPG, we already know that. So they can have both constant income for XI and massive sales off a big title like XII and the FFs following it. So, what's the problem? You're clutching at straws.

Originally posted by DarkPenance
Yea it will, even better! Everyone I know has ditched the ps2 for an xbox, and they all were FF fans! Then look at america, its huge and the gaming population there has to be the biggest, all those have xboxes, so stop putting it down u fat little PS2 fan, get with the times, IDIOT.

Your friends are a very unususal case, it seems. PS2 has mass-market appeal. Squenix will continue to develop for the PS because it is most popular, which equates to most sales. That's the kind of superiority which counts, when you're a developer. Not graphical ability or some ethereal superior gameplay rubbish. (Which I hardly see being true, XBox is worse than PS2 for non-online games).

Top Cat
04-04-2004, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by DarkPenance
Yea it will, even better! Everyone I know has ditched the ps2 for an xbox, and they all were FF fans! Then look at america, its huge and the gaming population there has to be the biggest, all those have xboxes,
In case you haven't noticed, Japan HATES the X-Box, and S-E is a company based in- guess where- Japan. And no, not all of America has the X-Box. The PS2 is the console with the biggest market appeal, the most gameplayers and the potential for higher profits than any other console. And because Final Fantasy X, XI, X-2 and XII have or will be coming out on PS2, it stands to reason that S-E will continue to develop for Sony consoles whilst FF fans continue to buy them.

Originally posted by DarkPenance
what can xbox 'NOT' do for it that PS2 can
Ooh, only not give them a few million pounds/ dollers/ euros in profit.

X- Box is still in many ways a niche console- not enough original games to make it stand out, but with a few features that attract some people to it. Whilst this is the case- and it has been for a while, especially in Japan, S-E will continue, in my eyes, to develop for Sony for the foreseeable future.

And finally....

Originally posted by DarkPenance
so stop putting it down u fat little PS2 fan, get with the times, IDIOT.
So, stop putting PS2 down, you fat little X-Box fan, get with the times, IDIOT.

04-04-2004, 12:42 PM
You are kidding right? The only reason why PS2 has a bigger market is because they only attract freaks of the world and also those slant eyed frogs we call japs. And when I said what can xbox not do that ps2 can, I meant, gameplay, graphical, anything like that, not what S-E gets out of it.

AH, I hate trying to talk to Final fantasy freaks, that the only thing they think about is to get laid with that Tifa lass, weird freaks! Try a shooter once in awhile, with a little better graphix and sound than PS2's obismal attempt, it will make u stop having a stiffy when u get to see a poster of Tifa or someone.

God u are obsessed with these games, its only a game! I only go on games for fun, thats what xbox and pc can do for ya, not a old PS2, its way crappy and I hope they make the PS3 worth a final fantasy to go on, if not, it should go to the PC.

BTW, I dont hate the PS2, I just think the bigger companies should make there games for the better console in the market, then it doesnt matter who has the biggest market cos' only counts with the top of the line games.

Anyway Fable will easly be better than anything that S-E could and can come up with, one of the best AI creators is working on the game.

I hope the arguement will end at this post....

Top Cat
04-04-2004, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by DarkPenance
BTW, I dont hate the PS2, I just think the bigger companies should make there games for the better console in the market, then it doesnt matter who has the biggest market cos' only counts with the top of the line games.

Games companies are just that- compaies. They don't care about how good or bad a console is, they care about profits. Sure, they try to make good games, but at the end of the line, Square- Enix care primarily about the profit margin, and right now the majority of the console market and the majority of gamers are behind Sony, so S- E will make games for Sony systems, because of the profit they can make.

Originally posted by DarkPenance
AH, I hate trying to talk to Final fantasy freaks, that the only thing they think about is to get laid with that Tifa lass, weird freaks! Try a shooter once in awhile, with a little better graphix and sound than PS2's obismal attempt, it will make u stop having a stiffy when u get to see a poster of Tifa or someone.

God u are obsessed with these games, its only a game! I only go on games for fun, thats what xbox and pc can do for ya, not a old PS2, its way crappy and I hope they make the PS3 worth a final fantasy to go on, if not, it should go to the PC.

That's generalisation. Sure, I like Final Fantasy, got all the games I can, but really, I don't know of anyone on the Shrine who actively dreams of getting laid by Tifa.
PS2 graphics? Take a look at Pro Evolution Soccer 3/ Winning Eleven 7, MGS2, FFX and X-2. X-Box graphics may be better, but frankly graphics don't matter. It's the gameplay and originality that counts, which the X-Box unfortuneatly sorely lacks.
For example, some top X-Box games:
Halo- Yes, it's good, but now it's on PC hardly worth getting the console for.

Timesplitters 2- PS2 game, PS2 graphics, PS2 sound. How's that for enhanced gameplay and the ultimate 'graphics and sound' you seem to like so much?

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City- PS2 game, PS2 graphics, PS2 sound. How's that for enhanced gameplay and the ultimate 'graphics and sound' you seem to like so much?
Yes, that is the same as above, but it still stands.

Medal of Honor, THPS: PS2 game, PS2 graphics, PS2 sound. How's that for enhanced gameplay and the ultimate 'graphics and sound' you seem to like so much?
Getting repititve now?

Oh, yes the 'original' ones-
Oddworld: Whatever it is- Essintially the same as the PS1 version, only with the graphics and sound.
Deus Ex: Invisible War- If it wasn't coming out for PC as well, the only reason I'd buy an X-Box. But, it's coming out on PC LIKE EVERY OTHER X-BOX 'EXCLUSIVE'.

And as you've seen from above, I do like other types of games, in fact I play a lot of genres, including shooters, so for fuck's sake stop generalising.

Originally posted by DarkPenance
The only reason why PS2 has a bigger market is because they only attract freaks of the world and also those slant eyed frogs we call japs. And when I said what can xbox not do that ps2 can, I meant, gameplay, graphical, anything like that, not what S-E gets out of it.
Oh, right. So in other words half the gaming population are freaks and the Japanese are slant- eyed frogs. You're a very balnced, non- rascist person I see. And the whle reason I posted about the profit was because that's what S-E is concerned about. Graphics and sound may well be better than the PS2, but gameplay will be worse because of the X-Box controller, if you can call it that. I'd rather have a Dual Shock 2 than whatever that lump of black plastic is called. The button layout is all wrong.

Originally posted by DarkPenace
Anyway Fable will easly be better than anything that S-E could and can come up with, one of the best AI creators is working on the game.
WTF is Fable? No, wait I know already- it's a D&D game or an FF rip-off, because apart from Dragon Quest and Breath of Fire, all RPGs are.

04-04-2004, 02:50 PM
Let it be known, if Square-Enix moves on to the Xbox, there really isn't much of a plus side to their reputation. I would suppose that means moving FFXI to Xbox which would be stuck on Xbox Live and then... oh wait, that wouldn't work because there would be tons of newbies talking to each other...

But, let it be known, if Square-Enix moves on to the Xbox, it would lose the fan base already established on Sony. The Xbox fans, in the view of RPGs, are a minority.

Xbox is grabbing my attention but I'm looking at something that is really not of "Xbox Quality". The only real reason I would want an Xbox right now would be just to play SvC: Chaos, CvS2, KOF2k2, and various SNK/Capcom fighter games online and that's it. CvS2 can already be played online on the PS2 and the DC, it just that there are no American Servers to play them on.

But going back to Final Fantasy, the only plus I see from SE's side would be... well... better graphics system...

PS2 graphics? Take a look at Pro Evolution Soccer 3/ Winning Eleven 7, MGS2, FFX and X-2. X-Box graphics may be better, but frankly graphics don't matter. It's the gameplay and originality that counts, which the X-Box unfortuneatly sorely lacks.

Whenever you say that, sometimes I think that you could be my missing link. ;_;

04-04-2004, 03:22 PM
I hope this doesnt go into an allout brawl cos' the games on Xbox are way better than the games that PS2 has pulled off. Final fantasy 11 can stay on the PS2, I didnt say that us Xbox fans wanted an online game, we need a final fantasy game.

And for the nOOb thing, ah, we could beat you guys at games any day, our better graphix give us a better detailed enviroment to roam in and the sounds let us hear things around us better. We are way more advanced.

04-04-2004, 03:38 PM
*cough* So, basically, DarkPenance is too stupid to formulate an argument and is hurling incorrectly-spelled insults at everyone else!

Awesome! Don't keep it up!

At least provide us with examples of the supposedly "excellent" games*snickers*. :)

Top Cat
04-04-2004, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by DarkPenance
And for the nOOb thing, ah, we could beat you guys at games any day, our better graphix give us a better detailed enviroment to roam in and the sounds let us hear things around us better. We are way more advanced.

Originally posted by DarkPenance
God u are obsessed with these games, its only a game!

Originally posted by DarkPenance
I hope this doesnt go into an allout brawl cos' the games on Xbox are way better than the games that PS2 has pulled off.
Why are they better? Exactly how is the X-Box so great?

Originally posted by DarkPenance
Final fantasy 11 can stay on the PS2, I didnt say that us Xbox fans wanted an online game, we need a final fantasy game.
But you're not because S-E knows the X-Box isn't as profitable as the PS2. If you realised S-E care about the profits more than you you'd see why it isn't getting one, and at current rates won't be getting one. (bold font intentional)

Originally posted by Udo
So, basically, DarkPenance is too stupid to formulate an argument and is hurling incorrectly-spelled insults at everyone else!
Looks like it.

04-04-2004, 07:18 PM
you can watch dvd's without having to buy something extra. thats something ps2 can do that xbox cant. fucking xbox rip off, only trying to make more money, as if bill gates doesnt have enough. and dont you find it strange that halo, the xbox "game of the year", isnt a platinum series? most of the shit on the xbox that is platinum series is platinum because it made lots of sales with another system the game is out for! squenix would be just asking for a bankruptcy (yet again, thank god for final fantasy)if it came out for xbox!honestly (and im pretty sure im not the only one who thinks this), i would never by a squenix game on the xbox, even if i did own an xbox.

04-04-2004, 07:35 PM
SHOT down!!:laugh:
multiple times penance, i almost feel sorry for your lack of inteligence and know how of what makes a game good, god i feel as if you are some mainstream gaming n00b, god(again) go read a couple gamepros are psm's to get "enlightened" and come up with an at least postable reply
PS:i laugh at you :laugh:

04-04-2004, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by DarkPenance
And for the nOOb thing, ah, we could beat you guys at games any day, our better graphix give us a better detailed enviroment to roam in and the sounds let us hear things around us better. We are way more advanced.

Um... the graphics improvements in the Xbox are actually mainly lighting effects and anti-aliasing... pretty, but nothing that will 'give you a better detailed environment.'

Sound... Xbox uses Dolby Digital, just like PS2.

Don't get me wrong, I like my Xbox - I enjoy kicking my friends in Halo, and Knights of the Old Republic is one of my favourite RPGs. I'm just saying it's ridiculous to say that because a game is on a different system, it's inferior - systems are nothing more than mediums to play games.

So, i've got my Xbox, PS2 and GameCube so i'm not limited - and honestly, they're not that expensive now. You can pick up all three, and a couple of games, for less then I paid for my PS2 when it first came out.

...also, just a note on Fable. I'm looking forward to it - it's very amibitious for an RPG. But you brought up NeverWinter Nights - and I believe Fable will be like that. The story will be interesting, but not central like the Final Fantasy series. The fun will be in the gameplay - if they can really pull off the real-world system, it will be fantastic.

04-04-2004, 11:26 PM
i am also very keen to find out how fable turn's out...
i saw a bit of gameplay, and i thought "'s nothing special,but it's not bad"
but a it's highly anticipated game for this year, so it cant be that bad (not gonna be better the ff, in my opinion)

the game im looking forward to on the xbox is that rpg game by the ppl who made knights of the old replublic...cant remember the name!!!

as i am a owner of all three console's i can rightly say that everything that darkpenance is talking about is total rubbish...
graphics for sad must you be to point out the smallest little differences in graphics and "XBOX HAS MUCH BETTER GRAPHICS THE PS2" i mean, come on, how sad is that...

ff will never (EVER) go to the xbox....simple fact.
xbox has sold about three copies in japan not to mention selling less then ps2 in america....

if ff should switch, gamecube's it's choice....
wait.... i know what your gonna say now..."GAMECUBE'S FOR KIDS" were as in natural fact, gamecube has the best games on the planet on it...
but judging from the sale's figures of the ps2, it's noy likely that final fantasy will be switching console's at all too soon!!!

04-05-2004, 12:48 AM
ok some more stuff.... Xbox has been known to have been broken more easily than PS2 and also to malfunction more than the PS2. "Fable" is basically a rip off of FF. Xbox is the minority of the Gaming industry. GC leads and PS2 comes in second. GC has the most looked forward games in the gaming industry. Ps2 seconds. And XBox comes in last. Xbox has only one good game that i know of. Halo. and thats on the pc so there is no real reason to buy an xbox. PS2 has FF, GTA, Need for Speed, Socom, MGS, and all the other stuff. And like said before. Graphics arent really what gamers look for the most in a game unless theyre a noob or something. THey look for all the stuff inside a game. Battle systems, storylines, all that junk. anyways its never going to Xbox. GC more likely. heck it would more likely go to the old Atari before going to Xbox. ok that sums it up for me so far. cya. haha graphics arent much difference between the systems anyways.

Stop complaining darkpenance... and spell right for a change.

04-05-2004, 02:24 AM
looks like they are probably gonna just stick to gcn and ps2, make ff and other squenix games on both the systems. thats what i think they are doing. and i know for a fact that squenix is not going to anything for xbox, like many have said, japanese hate xbox and squenix is a japanese company.

ps, has anyone else heard the rumour about ffXII coming out for playstation portable? because there are (i think it was) 9 games being made currently for playstation portable so it has something to buy for its release.

04-05-2004, 02:31 AM
Well, it showed for the last few years that Square is sticking with the top system of the market... but then with FFXII, the torch must be passed on. Right now it's Sony or Nintendo. Unless Microsoft actually offers a lot (and I don't mean just one or two things better, I meant a full buttload of stuff), we're not going to see it on a Microsoft based Console any time soon.

I should also mention that the Xbox is either a newbie's toy or a professional's machine, not anything down the middle.

Top Cat
04-05-2004, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by TidusofZanarkand
GC leads and PS2 comes in second. GC has the most looked forward games in the gaming industry. Ps2 seconds. And XBox comes in last.
OK, I agreed with most of your post but not that part. PS2 leads the gaming industry simply because it is the most profitable, biggest selling and most popular games machine on the planet. GC has good games, yes, like Zelda, Resi, Mario etc but PS2 is he market leader. And that's the way it looks to be staying for the moment.

04-05-2004, 03:55 PM
As much as I would want to say that the GCN is better than the PS2, while it's technically better, it isn't. Whoever sells the most wins and GCN, compared to the PS2, isn't selling much.

Xbox is just, like I said before, a newbie toy or a professional system.

04-05-2004, 04:06 PM
The best doesn't always win, Mog. ;D

04-05-2004, 04:25 PM
I win because I'm best you HOAR

04-07-2004, 10:57 PM
well the results about what i posted were from a few months ago so yeah and I totally agreed with you. I didnt think EGM was right. I just posted what i saw on EGM so yeah. I think the guy insulting PS2 is too scared to post again...

04-11-2004, 10:58 AM
why is he a hoar

04-11-2004, 11:14 AM
It doesn't matter. Uh, in-joke. Try to stay on topic, eh? �_�