02-09-2004, 04:09 PM
Ashe the women in the game is given a blade so theres a hight probality of the stoiy having somthin to do with blades
p.s she is given it in the intro.

There may be the change job part of the game as well just as there is in ff x 2

The downer for all ff titels was the randome battels and how repetivte it could be. But now Square has promised a new combat system. So now maybe there will be the eng of them annying battels.

The wold that ff12 is based in is Lvalice so you people who have played ff tactics they will know about this place even thou i said that theres no promis it will all look the same and be based arounf the same things.

02-09-2004, 04:44 PM
Uhm, first off, try not to post HUGE pictures when they have nothing to do with your post. It's only annoying.

Second, please before opening a new thread, check whether there's already a thread with the same topic.

There's already a thread or even several threads about FFXII being set in Ivalize. And about Ashe etc. It's old news. Don't think we're badly informed, yes?
