The Joker
02-09-2004, 03:37 PM
I notice in some Final Fantasys, characters can be completely customized to do absolutely whatever the others can with the difference of limit breaks. Others, like FF4 and FF9 the characters are completely unique and have very little in common.

Which do you prefer?

Though I like the idea of people learning different things like in a job system, I feel the best gameplay is with characters that are almost 100% unique. They have all their own magic, commands, moves, and are better in some situations than others are.

I think its also more neccessary to character development in my opinion. When you create a character's personality outside of the battles and not inside, it seems a bit lazy in my opinion, but that isn't neccessarily true. Additionally, it feels generic.

Neo Sephiroth
02-09-2004, 05:58 PM
see i posted so you cant say im lazy...even tho i am...anyway i vote unique because i feel like it

02-09-2004, 06:08 PM
I prefer unique. With customisable, there are so many dieffrrent directions you could go in... it just doesn't really work as well as unique characters. In my opinion.

02-09-2004, 07:50 PM
I agree with that assessment. i'm playing FFTA right now which is an extreme of customizable character gameplay, and it is just pain to no end trying to figure out which jobs to master in preparation for major engagements. the battles are easy though...whichever battle tactics one chooses they'll easily progress through the game comfortably...but i'll stop talking about that and just say that individuality is what made each FF game more than acceptable and the same applies to it's characters.

02-09-2004, 08:55 PM
i'd say it would depend on the situation/setting of the game more than anything.

02-10-2004, 01:55 AM
I dont really kno, it all goes with the setting of the game like unique worked really well with ff9 and ff4 and custom characters worked good with 8 and 7 so its hard for me to answer. But if I was to choose one id pick customisable characters.

The Joker
02-14-2004, 03:11 AM
On another note, do you guys like limiations?

Such as in FF8 you can only have so many commands, but in games like FF7 and FF10 the sky is the limit. Same thing with Final Fantasy Tactics, you can have 1 extra ability if I'm not mistaken.

For me....I'm not really sure. I appreciate freedom, I also appreciate reality and challenge though too...its really hard to say. :confused: