10-01-2012, 08:30 AM NT_EGO__V3__OGG___2012_.zip_links

Uploaded to mediafire to provide a better download speed.

Originally from here: Silent Hill: Downpour Complete Soundtracks (CST) - Silent Hill Memories ('

Credit goes to CONSTANT EGO for the rip and for providing it.

I had to shorten the names on certain tracks because I was getting a notification that said that the names are "Too long" while trying to extract them.

Also, I can't get enough of this track.

10-01-2012, 09:46 AM
For how bad the game was it actually has a good soundtrack :).

10-01-2012, 09:58 AM
I don't think it's as bad as some people made it out to be. It has technical problems that hindered the experience, which was my only major complaint about the game. I'm almost finished with it, so, I'm having a good time playing it despite it's problems. I can see why the majority of the people say it's underrated.

04-06-2014, 02:14 PM
I am playing the game. and it is bad. It was bad developed, not because of bugs, but story wise and the people doing this game don't know how to make a horror game. The character does not say anything about suspicious things. You find a item.... and.... "ok. I found this... and.... You don't say nothing. I don't even know where is this supposed to be."He does not question anything. And when he does, I can almost throw a party for that. The enemies in the rain have a horrible design. I feel I am seeing cradle of filth or spliknot costumes. And the biggest disappointment so far were the dolls...
The game is not creepy... what makes the game creepy, believe it not not, are some bugs. There is a bug on that side quest about the father who killed the babies and his wife. The portrait of the kid and a certain angle you see blood in his face. That was programming that was not tested, that blood is behind the portrait, but in a certain angle you see it the portrait.
And the "scares" they wanted to put... did not scare at all. Oh... and they kill the mystery very fast. The scene when you hear kids voices, and when you god down one floor, just by chance a newspaper cut is telling a story of the kids. Thank you for killing the mystery, that would make the character thing is going insane and thus make it look a like a horror story. we already know the story of Murphy, which make most of the cut-scenes and flashbacks useless. And the most annoying thing is when you go to the other side and were chased by that thing. That is not fun or horrific or anything else. I makes go back in time and hate Resident Evil 3.
Only good thing.. The puzzles. It's pretty much the best in the game. and when we have some good ideas in the game, like walking into the movie, they somehow brake the feeling.
Soundtrack is bad paced. Honestly, I feel more enjoyment playing the game with no music and no enemies and exploring the town.

Anyway, can I ask for a re-upload? the official soundtrack is a joke.

04-06-2014, 06:02 PM

04-07-2014, 03:08 AM
thanks :)