02-08-2004, 01:45 PM
.......and come up with FFXV (which should giv us enough time to complete before Square get that far). come on, story, battle system, characters - profiles, sketches (those excellent sig makers we have could redo some of the really gd sketches with photoshop or somethin), the world it's set in. all the key stuff (so no magic lists or weapons). how bout it?

02-08-2004, 01:49 PM
Splendid idea!
I would love to have the summoning creatures as regular characters. Because I think in all those past FF games, they've got little opportunity to develop their personalities, and I want to see Ifrit and Shiva fight, Carbuncle being cute and Bahamut being incredibly cool. :)
They could maybe have a human form and only turn into their real forms in battle. This leads us to the battle system!

Evad D'Aragon
02-08-2004, 01:58 PM
Or it wouldn't be their real forms. The characters would be able to transform into the Espers ;) Then they'd be treated like mutants and hunted down like in FFVI :)

As for the Battle System, I'd like something like FFX-2 or Grandia II. You probably get my drift.

02-08-2004, 02:02 PM
Right, having them monster-ish would influence the way the story has to go. As well as the message. Let's say the message is 'no prejudices!'
In the beginning the main characters esper village could be destroyed, and he is the only one who survives... And maybe there'll be someone who tries to use the espers in his evil plans...! =D

02-08-2004, 03:55 PM
yeah, he/she sets out to seek revenge but like in FFVII he/she gets caught up in something bigger than his/her lil revenge thing. a short while after he/she starts their revenge mission, while travelling, they come across someone being chased or hunted down (similar to the church part in VII) and decides to help. it can be one of the first boss battles. the boss is too strong for your characters (even if u've spent some time levelling up) but when your nearly gone, the person u decided to help turns into Shiva or something or maybe u turn into somethin like Ifrit

02-08-2004, 04:52 PM
why dont we have it set as zidanes two kids both boys. first looks like zidane his name is duren and the second looks like sephiroth his name is kiuw pronoced the way it spelt.:D story line place: ff9 world of corse like last time
whats happend: do you remeber prince puck the rat boy he is a lot older and has taken your parents zidane and garnet(dagger)
and vivi its up to thier kids to find them. but one thing is still the same kaja is back but he is a black mage puppet(trapped in side) thanks to puck but how did this all happen: zidane and garnet are in the grave yard looking at garnets mums grave taking about how they met(prety simple hey) but then garnet starts to hear that song you know,the one that zidane herd in that vilage. and then bahamut show up and destroys the alexandrie(oh just like old times. the kids are unconcios and find the castle in pieces, what a drag. they go look for vivi and he's gone and all his kids( the little clones of vivi). you see two men which look likes them jesters who helped capture garnet in ff9. and it follows from there. the battle system is more soldiers than monsters. because ff6 magiteck war has started again and there is more technoligy machines which corsed the mist to come back so i call this either: FINAL FANTASY XV: MIST WARS or FINAL FANTASY XV: MIST TECHNOLIGY.

02-08-2004, 04:59 PM
k, everone ignore that last post as it was a complete waste of our time, we're goin for original ideas

02-08-2004, 05:15 PM


02-08-2004, 05:26 PM

02-08-2004, 05:33 PM
look, if ya want to go on about FF6+9 hybrid thingy, start a new thread! it's a totally different subject. would a moderator plz move these posts to a new thread

Bahamut ZERO
02-08-2004, 06:08 PM
Storyline.. We need to go for something original, but that follows the normal FF pattern.

So let's say include the four crystals somehow...

Good, we've got four elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth.

Earth: Strong, defence, so think a warrior or a knight. A noble warrior straining to bring peace to the land.

Water: Pure, clean. A white mage or someone similar who has no evil thought, and has no impurity.

Air: Light, free: A monk or a similar character who travels and comes and goes how he wishes.

Fire: Destructive, chaotic: A black mage whose only goal is to avenge the death of someone he loves.

Naturally, you'd have four separate threads of the story that bring the party together and link them up. 4 separate parties of characters, the deaths of the minor characters, etc. Then the big bad guy (a magician of shadow, let's say) turns out not to be the big bad guy (and is actually one of the characters' brothers, and the white mage falls in love with him, as she's a she... o_O) Joins the party to make a party of five to take on the final boss character.

Oh, and as for summons: I need to think about this, but each element could correspond to a group of summons (Fire to Ifrit, Bahamut, etc.) The summon "levels up" or something. =/

ffMASTER, please do us a favour and write in little letters as well as CAPS, there is nothing more annoying than trying to read all caps. Also, please don't double post... If you have something new to add, use the edit button. Thank you. :)

02-08-2004, 06:11 PM
I'd prefer the white mage, if there has to be chaarcter classes at all, to be male. For a change.

02-08-2004, 06:13 PM
yeah, but are we gonna go with a job system or everyone can and use magic? we have to include th fifth element: holy, perhaps at the end, as we were sayin aboutt transformations, a supreme transformation, as in all FFs the ultimate summon has to change, so how bout a holy knight or somethin?

02-08-2004, 06:21 PM
If you take Holy, you have to take Unholy, too. There must always been an opposing element... Else it's no fun.

I don't think it should be possible for everyone to use magic. Everyone should have individual skills and abilities, strengths and weaknesses. :(

02-08-2004, 06:27 PM
but holy has never had an opposite, flare, ultima, comet, demi etc. where non-elemental

regarding the transformations idea and specific jobs and abilities: will all characters be able to transform? protagonists can't be too unique physically tho remember, Tidus was a dream and such but he was a regular joe in battles and stuff

02-08-2004, 06:31 PM
and what bout parties? classic 3 or handy 4? we gotta include swtiching-out

Evad D'Aragon
02-08-2004, 07:03 PM
switching out ? I don't know. Depends on well the party members are balanced and the number of warriors we have.

02-08-2004, 07:05 PM
well it's a gd feature so we should go with it. i say 4 in a battle

Bahamut ZERO
02-08-2004, 08:07 PM
Fine, male white mage it is~

Well, depends...

I'd like to include the switching in and out of party members, but I also like the party size of 5 that existed in FF4. Two strong warriors, two strong mages, and a balanced character in the middle.

I dunno really... :(

02-08-2004, 08:13 PM
what about protagonists from different races?

02-08-2004, 08:43 PM
I would kinda like it if this FF would go by a new battle system that is more active instead of command based... not saying it should be like FF:CC, more like Star Ocean 3.

02-08-2004, 08:46 PM
i'm not familiar with those games, how do they work?

02-09-2004, 11:48 AM
Oh yeah, I want guados.

Even if Holy never had an opposite element, it should have. Call it Utter Destruction or something, and make it the force that threatens the world, poisons people's heart and twists them to commit evil deeds.

Bahamut ZERO
02-09-2004, 01:24 PM
I thought Holy had Meteor as its opposite... Or was that just in one game?

I'd like the idea of a Chaos magic that just tears apart anything in its path regardless of what it is. Just unleashes complete, horrifying, terrifying, random destruction and death and demolition.

Holy and Shadow might work as opposites.

As for different races: Yes, of course. A war between two different races would make for a nice lil' storyline, as well as the tragic love story between two people from different races who have to fight each other BECAUSE of their differences and end up running away. Or something.

o_o;;;; I'm obsessed with that idea. =P

Maybe a Suikoden style "big fight" battle could be used as well?

02-09-2004, 01:34 PM
Utter Destruction is a very long word and would be called Utty... and I guess no one wants that! ^-^

What about the good old summoning creatures being real people (to make Anna happy) and being some old, strange race with some really strong power (and they really have a name... what about Ancients? =_= okay... no).
And, to get some evil folks in here, there are those who tried to make their own Summoning Creatures.
Omega and Ultima.
Those "products" broke free somehow (hole in the plot) and where lost for... let�s say... years.
But they will be found... :cool: and Omega is involved with our mainchara! Yes! (�-^)

Summoning Creatures: Their source of power lies in old crystals (to get the crystals back too! ^-^No FF without them, I say!!! :D )
wich could be called Galators. A magic pendant from the Merlin stories. ^_^�
And what about that: For being what they are they are hunted down by these evil guys and they gather to make a final strike against those evil guys. ( and they call theirselves Returners and... NO!! >_<)

Bahamut is evil. That would make it interesting! I mean... a fight between Bahamut and Leviathan (Leviathan could be the leader of those... rebels. :) I love rebels! Long live the rebels! )

In battle you can change between this "Esper" form and the human form. Only those with element abillities can cast magic. Odin for example can�t. Odin in human form would be some cool guy... (with sunglasses and a sake bottle... NO! *slaps herself*)
Carbunkle is so damn cute you start to feel sick! XD and Leviathan has long dark-blue hair! And Bahamut dark-red hair! :D

I dunno which summon the mainchara will be but he shouldn�t be such an important summon. What about Valefor? He was kinda fluffy! ^-^

Oh!! And I wanna have a bard! YES, a darn bard! XD They are so cool!
Ah~ yes. Siren is a bard...! Ah wait... a male bard would be better. :eye: Whatever! I want bards! Lots of them!

"Lady Auron" :cool:

Bahamut ZERO
02-09-2004, 01:38 PM
That's a good idea... That's an awesome idea... Rather than "summoning" something into battle, the character has the spirit of the summon within themselves to call upon in times of great need? They "morph" into the half-human, half-summon esper-ish form and then unleash wanton destruction themselves.

And the big bad guy could be Bahamut, the King of the Summons, whose finishing move is Misao's Ultimate Destruction Chaos styley magic spell.

Yes, I'm just saying what everyone else said, but I wanted to clarify it in my head...

02-09-2004, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Misao
Oh yeah, I want guados.

Even if Holy never had an opposite element, it should have. Call it Utter Destruction or something, and make it the force that threatens the world, poisons people's heart and twists them to commit evil deeds.
somethin like the mist in IX but on a magic wielding scale

02-09-2004, 01:46 PM
how bout that the ppl who can turn into espers or whatever are somethin like the ancients in VII, an old race with not many members left or maybe the complete opposite, these ppl could be the next stage of volution which would make an interesting under current, but not really traditional final fantasyness

02-09-2004, 01:47 PM
You mean Asshole Mega Magic? =D

I agree with my cute sister.
I further suggest that in the beginning the characters won't be able to change into their esper forms for a long time. Maybe only for a few turns at first, but as they level up and grow stronger, they'll be able to remain longer in their powerful mode.

Uhm, I remember that someone might have asked whether all characters should be able to morph into something big and esperish. I say, No. And let there be a lot of characters, and let there be an army at least.

Fact is, I'd love to have a real battle scene. With Many People VS Many People. Maybe with switching between several groups or something.

@The Immortal
You don't have to double-post...

Random other idea: No random encounters!

02-09-2004, 01:51 PM
Nothing wrong with clarifying it in your head! =D
And Bahamut will be cool and strong and evil! Muahahahaha!

I thought that Omega will play a cool part... perhaps he�s the "brother" of the mainy who took care of him and then has to protect him when one day those evilos show up and try to get them both. But Omega can save his "brother" and gets caught himself (or seems to be caught... ;) )
Meanwhile the hero (wow, a hero...) runs around alone and gets picked up by
Leviathan himself! WOW! XD
(Believe it or not, I typed "gets licked up by Leviathan". But NO Yaoi!!! WAAAAA!!!)

And the final battle will be very "disasterific". :D

oioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioioi~ :eek:

... hmmm...

Now we have to think of a name for Misao�s incredible unholy destruction thing magic spell!

"Lady Auron" :cool:

Thanks other cute sister! XD

02-09-2004, 01:55 PM
how bout that at first the transformations are only for limit breaks and later on u get to freely change when u want and NO MORE RANDOM ENCOUNTERS

Bahamut ZERO
02-09-2004, 04:20 PM
I think Misao already christened it "asshole mega magic", which could be the offhandish way your bravado cocky character could refer to it as...

I know it's cliche, but a final spell named "Armageddon" would probably work... A spell that ruptures planets and destroys stars... (Only it doesn't continually destroy stuff that has already been destroyed, ala FF7's final boss' special move.)

@Anna: In Grandia, you have the map that you run around and the enemy is actually walking along the screen (like Chrono Trigger, as well), that sort of battle system better than the random one, right?

And yes, the skills as an Esper should level up. Like GFs only... Better...

02-09-2004, 04:23 PM
wasn't there a spell or somethin in VIII called armageddon or somethin?

02-09-2004, 06:06 PM
why dont we have a soldier who is looking for the 5 elements which are: fire,water,earth,lightning and holy but each element is in a different time mode and there is 3 worlds and a number of elements is in the worlds. and in each world there is a number of villages and citys so it is medevil,past precence(1800's) and future.(year 3030) the game is set in the year 2050. and in each village and city there will be a boss we will make them the hardest bosses to beat so about a minamim of 30 bosses at least

last boss will actualy be the element holy: hp:666666,666666
asorbs: elements fire,water,earth and lightning.
uses skills and sumons new sumon which haven't been disscused

any idieas for a new sumon

we also keep job functions so then you can buy skills and pay people to help you find the elements.:D

02-09-2004, 06:13 PM
sounds like an idea for a totally different game rather than FF. we're tryin to keep with FF spirit here, but not too bad, just don't go so over the top and think about established formulas but try not to copy them

02-09-2004, 06:46 PM
Im Liking How This is looking... Alot... Anyone Here Know how to Program? Screw Square We Could Make It Ourselves!

I like the Whole Characters morph Into Summons Idea That Totally Rocks Hard.... Itd be Kinda Like Digimon... Which By the Way Is not A Bad Thing...

Suggestion: As you Level Up With Certain Party Members Maybe You COuld Have A DNA Digivolve Thing Going On Where To Chracters Morph Together Into One Big badass Summon Like Alexander And Odin Combined To Make Mecha holy Odin... Or to At least Do A Dual Tech Similiar To Chrono Trigger... And As Your Party Memebers Build Up They Get New Summons? Maybe in a Crystal Theory... AN dEach Summon Has Different Spells And Stats... Thus Differentiating Chracters... The Crystal Could Possibly Be Equippable And You Learn All The Skills And Magic off Of them Ala` FF6 So you Can Use Them As Your human Form.

Im Really Ready to Put In To This... Its Sounding Brilliant... If Square Enix Rejects us... Lets Sell It off To Someone Else And Change All The Final Fantasy - ism's

02-09-2004, 06:48 PM
why don't we have in the three worlds a different aged cid and have biggs and wedge as your team partners. that should keep it in the spirit coz with out cid it would be crap!

is that better

i am trying my best ill do as you tell me but its not a bad idiea.:p

02-09-2004, 06:51 PM
yes, but as i said before, we're tryin to come up with a totally new game as the way it always goes, if u want, u should start a FFVII-2 thread or the like

02-10-2004, 02:15 PM
here we go then have the three worlds still and the story line of the elements but lets say each element is garded by a summon

the hero named vorpel is a red haird soldier because nerly every character has blonde hair so thats new have him train soldiers in each of the worlds and when you think your ready you go looking for the elements. and in battle you can have six characters. and when the soldiers reach a experance level they can transform in to monster or character in the battle system.:confused: :cool: :p

oh and for every soldier you succesfully train you grow 300hp stronger and for every skill or magic spell you teach them you grow 15mp stronger

02-10-2004, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Setzer
Im Liking How This is looking... Alot... Anyone Here Know how to Program? Screw Square We Could Make It Ourselves!

I like the Whole Characters morph Into Summons Idea That Totally Rocks Hard.... Itd be Kinda Like Digimon... Which By the Way Is not A Bad Thing...

Suggestion: As you Level Up With Certain Party Members Maybe You COuld Have A DNA Digivolve Thing Going On Where To Chracters Morph Together Into One Big badass Summon Like Alexander And Odin Combined To Make Mecha holy Odin... Or to At least Do A Dual Tech Similiar To Chrono Trigger... And As Your Party Memebers Build Up They Get New Summons? Maybe in a Crystal Theory... AN dEach Summon Has Different Spells And Stats... Thus Differentiating Chracters... The Crystal Could Possibly Be Equippable And You Learn All The Skills And Magic off Of them Ala` FF6 So you Can Use Them As Your human Form.

Im Really Ready to Put In To This... Its Sounding Brilliant... If Square Enix Rejects us... Lets Sell It off To Someone Else And Change All The Final Fantasy - ism's
i kno! for limit breaks there could be a fusion technique where all u party members on the battle field can transform into one bitchin summon!

02-10-2004, 03:11 PM
oh at the end were there looking for holy in stead of it garded by a summon. it is garded by a village army a very big army. which in the rbg it shows a big battle seen from above and in the end its a battle between you and the other armys leader. oh and that love thing goin on is the leader, which is a white mage soldier and uses holy summon a esper which is were she transforms in to ifrit,bahamut and half human. and she uses her limit brake when she reaches 1hp which leaves you with 1hp. and ends in a draw and the love thing is brought back in to the situation and you know it end in all romantic crap like that. ;)

keep what i just said about the draw but take the love thing about the romantic crap at the end out and keep both of them in love but as the battle ends between them they get up walk three steps and just die and fall aside of each other.

02-10-2004, 03:15 PM
what immortal said about all your party as a limit brake fusion together and bein one bichin summon was great

02-10-2004, 04:35 PM
im login out know tar.

02-10-2004, 04:56 PM

Don't triple post. Don't chat. :)

Bahamut ZERO
02-10-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by The Immortal
wasn't there a spell or somethin in VIII called armageddon or somethin?

The spell in Final Fantasy VIII was named "Apocalypse" and essentially means the same sorta thing. Sounds a wee bit cooler than "Armageddon" as well. Just thought "Armageddon" would be better because it hadn't been used.

"Devastation" could be another good one. Any of those three, because it sounds final. You know? Once you're hit by this, you're finished?

Oh, and edit, In Breath of Fire III, Ryu had a dragon form that morphed him together with the other two party members. Although it didn't really give him new powers, we could extend that so that you mix the two powers and get new spells only available through that mixing if you decide on the fusion idea.

02-10-2004, 05:57 PM
Wheee~~, a mixing thingy. Sounds interesting and is definatly a new battle system!

For this Asshole Mega Magic spell we could as well take Ragnar�k.
For me the absoluty best end of the world ever! :D

"Lady Auron" :cool:

Fear the Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ XD

02-10-2004, 07:32 PM
i got it! similar to BoFIII, u find new dna or somethin similar and through mixing u find the extra summons such as Ramuh or *drools* Bahamut!

02-11-2004, 06:20 PM
it sounds good but i don't under stand what you mean. could you explain a bit more please immortal. explain about the dna thing.

02-13-2004, 04:53 PM
come on lets thing how the character/s should look and there atitude

02-13-2004, 04:56 PM
in BoFIII the protagonist, Ryu, can change into a dragon, in the game u find DNA cells which u use to turn into different dragon forms. u can combine some of them to enhance ur dragon form or create new ones

02-13-2004, 06:55 PM
wow thats amazing, thats a great idiea yes of corse we will use that in the game. fantaztic :D

Lightning Mage
02-14-2004, 12:53 AM
Instead of Fire, Fira, and Firaga it could be like this:


Lightning Storm


That would be more creative.
There could be a spell called "Omega Strike" that would be like Death or Deathblow. It would be one of those super ass kickin magic spells.

02-14-2004, 02:02 PM
how about:
Flame Blast

Thunder Storm

Ice Age

Super Cell

Tidal Wave

Lightning Mage
02-14-2004, 03:07 PM
Black Hole


02-14-2004, 08:46 PM


Bahamut ZERO
02-14-2004, 09:03 PM
Problem is that Demi and Death are two completely unrelated magic types. Demi decreases your HP by a certain amount (1/4, 1/2 and 3/4.) Death instantly kills whatever it's cast at (assuming that the opponent isn't death immune or your luck isn't that great.)

Character designs can vary from your typical human character to a beastial design for others. Maybe the elements can respond to different beast designs. (One race is pure fire, one race is pure ice, one race is pure earth, one race is pure air.) Therefore you get a natural immunity and a natural weakness and during the game you can develop the characters accordingly to mix / match elements and immunities and such.

02-14-2004, 09:07 PM
it was goin' Quarter (quarter of health taken away), Demi (half your health taken away) then Death (all your health taken away - if your lucky)

Lightning Mage
02-15-2004, 06:24 PM
This is just a made up begining.


-fade in to bright sky-
Five personal airships fly by leaving streaks of smoke as a commanding officer looks up from a balcony.
He turns to face his red armored helmetless troops.

Commander: Ok Beta Squad, this is your last test before three of you are chosen to join the Alpha Ranks. I hope I have trained you well enough for this task. -Commander walks back and forth surveying his troops- Now remeber, you are fighting for the Kingdom of Arkieda and even if you don't make it to Alpha Ranks you will still be a respected member of Beta Squad.
- Commander's voice is drowned out by the toughts of the forth soldier to the left-

Soldier: (thoughts) I finnaly made it to the final test. I remember the first test there was. There were 50 of us. This test was to decide which 25 officers would stay in Beta Squad. The next test was to eliminate ten more officers. The third test left us with ten troops left. This test will pick three troops to join Alpha Ranks, the highest ranking soldiers that are the Kings personal army. The rest become Beta Squad, a seven man army that liberates cities. So either way the last ten officers become official soldiers. I hope I go to Alpha Ranks.

Commander: Did you hear what I just said officer?
Soldier: What? ... oh ... uh.
Commander: You weren't listoning were you?
Soldier: No, sir. Apologies, sir.
Commander: What's your name officer?
Soldier: Asuka Huldfaste, sir. (pronounced: Aska Huldfast)
Commander: Well Officer Huldfaste, let's hope your short attention span won't get you killed int this test. -walks away- No idea how the hell he got this far. By the way you're all to meet on the runway at 09 hundred hours, men. I'll see you there.

-all but Asuka and another officer leave the balcony-

Soldier: That was harsh, dude.
Asuka: ......
Soldier: Don't sweat it. He's just humiliating you to get you fired up for this test. My name's Jak Marllst. ( Jack Marls)
Asuka: Yeah, well you know mine. I don't think I'll make it to Alpha Ranks.
Jak: Me neither. -Asuka looks at him, surprised- -Jak holds his hands in front of him- I mean, for me, dude. I don't think i'll make it either.
Asuka: Well, we'll just have to find out won't we.
Jak: Yeah. I'll see you on the runway.
-Jak runs off screen-
Asuka: I'll just try my hardest I guess. - grabs his stomach- Oh man, I'm nervous.
-Asuka walks off screen

That's all I have so far. If you think it's good i'll tell you more when it comes to me.

02-15-2004, 08:32 PM
great, cept u could re-write the soldier (thoughts) bit, make it a bit more readable, but great nonetheless

Lightning Mage
02-16-2004, 12:05 AM

I wasn't quite sure how to set it up. I thought about spacing between each line but i thought it might get a little long.
If you want more i'll try it differently next time.

02-16-2004, 03:54 AM
is there a chance of fighting summons in the test that lightning mage was talking about. and the last summon you have to beat is non other than neo bahamut from ff7.

02-16-2004, 12:07 PM
Lightning Mage: sure, y not try a few totally different things to help get the creative juices circulating within all of us

Lightning Mage
02-16-2004, 11:12 PM
Ok. Lets see. I'm usually no good with the action and middle parts to a story, so here's a different begining. You guys can add on to my stories if you wish, just have it make sense.
This one is more futuristic like FF8.


A shuttle hovers silently in space.

-Alarm sounds-

Soldier 1: Radio for help!
Soldier 2: There are no ships in the area!
Soldier 1: WHAT?! Well, we'll just take care of this problem ourselves.

-They leave the bridge and head down the flashing coridor-

-Soldier 1 opens a door and shoves his head in-

Soldier 1: Hurry! The computer has found three bodies in the cargo bay!

-The black haired soldier in the room jumps to his feet-

Black Hair: I'm comming!

-He grabs his weapon, which is a wrist blade with a 100mm machine gun attached-

-They hurry and gather troops to the cargo bay-

Black Hair: There's nothing here exept the bodies.
Soldier 3: Just wait. Whatever did this has to be around here somewhere.
Soldier 1: How come the computer didn't detect any hostile creatures onboard?
Black Hair: No idea.

-Suddenly a machine gun is fired at Soldier 1-

Soldier 2: What the hell did you do?!
Black Hair: What do you mean? I didn't do-

-He sees a black haired man that looks just like him standing over Soldier 1-

Black Hair: What the hell?

-Then everything goes black-

Black Hair: Was that me?
Voice: You can't deny your fate.
Black Hair: What are you talking about?
Voice: The future is always clouded. You can't deny your fate but it can be changed.
Black Hair: Wait, I don't understand.

-The voice repeats itself as it flows farther away-

-The black haired soldier wakes up in his room, on the floor and sweaty-

Black Hair: What a weird dream.

-He walks out of his room to join his fellow soldiers in the mess hall-

I used Black Hair because I couldn't think of a name. This one has a more deep story right in the begining. Add to it or talk about it, I don't care.

02-17-2004, 05:57 AM
I like it. It has lured the player already.

Maybe u shud haf more flashes of the future.. like Black Hair seeing himself surrounded by dead bodies.. or maybe a cross-like chain swinging in front of him.. yea sumthin like tat..

Adding to previous discussions.. the game shud haf an ACTUAL time mechanism.. as in a clock wud be set in the beginning of the game.. den like specifically at 6pm, it gets dark.. Yea so its sumthin like u can do certain things in the day and in the night.. e.g: Wind magic is more powerful at night, or specific monsters appear at this time.. i noe this was featured in WarCraft 3 and one of the Pokemon series.. but i tink its cool.. and it wud be the FIRST (im not sure) FF to haf it.. suggestions?

02-17-2004, 07:21 AM
that ruled! some great writing there man

02-17-2004, 07:29 PM
here is a bit of writing when black hair is in the mess hall

black hair: Hey guys did you here that?

soldier 5: What..What are you talking about?.

black hair: your kiding write soldier 1 and 3 have just been murderd and you guys dont know whats going on.

soldier 5: hu..what did you just say?.

black hair: that soldier 1 and 3 have just been murderd.

(soldier 11 over hears the conversation.)

soldier 11: did you see who did it?.

black hair: no(in a dissapointing voice)

soldier 11: WELL WHY NOT!!


soldier 11: what were you doin in there any way?.

black hair: when the alarm went off..

soldier 11: what alarm the alarm hasn't been repaird for a month?.

black hair: what?(shacking head in confusement).

soldier 11: never mind that, was there any one else besides soldier 1 and 3 with you?.

black hair: ya, soldier 2 was with me(looks around in confusement)...HEY WERES SOLDIER 2?!!!

soldier 5: are you playin a joke?. if you are i will arest you for wasting a valuable soldiers time.

black hair: what do you meen he was write with me when it happend.

soldier 11: soldier 2 was killed in the test 2 (aka just deserts).
he was found by your cheef commander(its that person lightning mage was talking about some one called holfast or somit like that.)

(black hair sits down and thinks to him self.)

black hair thoughts: AH! whats going on. somthing strange is going on and i don't like it.

soldier 5: hey you ok?, ya drifted away for a minute there.

black hair: you said soldier 2 was found by my commander.

soldier 11: ya why?.

black hair: is he still on bord?.

soldier 11: ya i herd some one sayin he docked just a thew hours ago.

black hair: oh..and an other thing. what was the date when soldier 2 was found?.

soldier 11: WHAT!. ok lets see if i can remember, um....(long pause)it was 12/3/3002.

(black hair looking puzzeld)

black hair: but that was neary a year ago.

soldier 11: ya quite sad when you thing about it.he got atacked by a pack of tonberys to beleved at least 50, so theres know way he would of servived. if you whant more details there should be a file in your desk.

black hair: ok..thanks, er..ille se ya later at the examination test later.

(black hair walks slowly still thinking about what just happend.)

black hair thoughts: a year ago, now i KNOW theres something wrong.

black hairs name heres an idiea wade gormite.

Lightning Mage
02-17-2004, 07:34 PM
Well. That was very interesting. I lost you after a bit though. But interesting nonetheless. I'll have to think about the name.
Today I woke up 10 minutes before school started, (8th grade) and i've been kinda off the ball today. No train of creative thought whatsoever. Well when I get it back should I make another begining or continue one i started? If you say I should continue one be warned that they tend to get rushed or boring or just not that good.

Well whatever. Guess i'll just lie on my bed and listen to music.

02-17-2004, 07:51 PM
just continue the last one you did was mind blowing and was not boring at all.and thanks for that comment. :p

ha ha that school bit was funny i'm the same age as you but my bday if 14/1/1990.and am in year 9....oh better stop chating SORRY

02-17-2004, 08:13 PM
ha! i beat ya's both! (but i'm still in 9th grade)

EDIT: hey, would ya's give me comments on my idea so far for FFVIII-2? http://forums.ffshrine.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12330

Lightning Mage
02-17-2004, 10:42 PM
Ok. Black Hair will be named Wade. (Thanx to ff MASTER)
I like it because Marvel's Deadpool says his name is Wade Wilson.
Well here it goes.

-Wade enters mess hall and heads for the table on the left-

Wade: Guys, I just had the freakiest dream.
Soldier 1: Oh really. (sarcasticly)
Wade: Man, shut up.
Soldier 1: Sorry, sorry. Go on.
Wade: Well I was on the ship and...

-Wade tells Soldiers 1 through 6 about his dream-

Soldier 2: Oh my God. (sarcasticly)
Wade: You know what? I don't know why I even talk to you about this.

-Wade walks out of the mess hall-

Soldier 3: I swear he's goin' nuts.
Soldier 5: Hey dude, the're just dreams.
Soldier 3: Well whatever.
Soldier 2: Well if he does go insane he might kill all of us, so lay off the sarcasm.
Soldier 6: Like he's gonna kill all 12 of us. Ha!

-Wade walks down the corridor-

Wade: Tomarrow I'm resigning to another squad.

-Wade opens the cargo bay door-

Wade: I know it's just a dream, but it seemed so real. Then there was that voice.

-Wade sits down in a corner-

-Wade begins to nod off-

Voice: Wade.
Wade: Huh......... what?
Voice: What are you going to do?
Wade: I don't know.

-Wade is in a blood stained room on the ship-

Wade: What the...?!

-Wade walks out of the room unwillingly and heads for the bridge-

-Door opens-

Wade: Computer, begin reprograming sequence.
COM: Afirmitive.
Wade: We are no longer patroling the Zaseg galaxy. I'm the only creature on this ship. You will obey only me.
COM: Enter voice command.
Wade: Wade Gormite.
COM: Reprogramed data saved.
Wade: Good. Set a course for the Tylgath system.
COM: New course plotted. Estimated time of arival, 35 hours.
Wade: Perfect.

-Everything goes black-

Voice: Wade.
Wade: What?
Voice: Wade?
Wade: WHAT?!
Soldier 3: Wade, wake up ya' bum.
Wade: Oh, I fell asleep. Sorry.
Soldier 3: Did you have another dream? He he he.
Wade: Shut the hell up.

-Both walk out of the cargo bay-
-Wade stays in the corridor-

Wade: Why did I need to go to the Tylgath system?
Soldier 3: Will you hurry up?
Wade: Sorry.

-Wade follows Soldier 3 to the bridge-

Well there it is. Theres more to come. This is all still the prologue. Like in Lunar the real begining doesn't start until an hour in the game. Expect some new characters and turn of events next time.

02-18-2004, 08:29 AM
cool, definately a darker turn for FF, so naturally i like it :D

02-18-2004, 02:47 PM
well it is good but i realy dont know.not to brag or any thing but could we keep my bit of the script and when the examination is on he has a quick nap and then the dream starts.:cool:

Lightning Mage
02-19-2004, 07:06 PM
This is what I meant by when they tend to seem a little rushed. I'll see what happens next because I have no idea. You can make up more to it but i'll probably still do it my way. It's just that ff MASTER's add-on took a whole different path than how i planned. But i won't be posting for a couple days because i'm goin on vacation.

On another unrelated note, what do you think of my new sig and avatar?

02-20-2004, 07:13 PM
ok heres more.

(wade walks into the examination room with soldiers 7,8,6,11,)

wade: hey guys where did soldier 5 go?

soldier 11: hey! dont look at me he said he needed some fresh air so he whent to the deck.

soldier 7: he always skips these examinations, if he doesn't but the effort in to it why should we?

wade: ok..carm down will ya, ill go check on him.

soldier 6: make sure you bring him back or ill be waiting in line for agges.

(wade walks towards the door, he gets stopped by the doctor shouting his number.

doctor: number 16

wade:*@#" hold on ill be there now.

doctor: now please.

soldier 8: hey hury up will ya im starvin, i wona get this done an over with.

wade: ye sorry.

doctor:just stand in the pod for a moment whille i do a scan.

wade: how long will it take doc:

doctor: oh about an hour plus 15 minutes for drug injection(keeps them steady when in battle).

wade: tar doc.

(soldier 8 and 11 talk quitly to them selves)

soldier 8: hey did you heare commander huldfast is taking us for the next test?

soldier 11: why i thought he was takin group c?

soldier 8: no apparantly he's takin us for the hole 2 months untill we pass.

soldier 11:good look to wade then he'll never pass with an attitude like his

(wade dozzes of and just catches the last bit of the conversation)

wade thoughts: hey guys were are you, hey guys!
.ge wiz were is every one.

(wade opens his eyes and steps out the pod.)

wade:(strches arms)err.hey doc is that it, should i go in the invertry and wait for the drug injection.

(wade looks over the pillar were the doctor was standing and sees him lying there)

wade: oh #~@% his head. (he realisis the doctors head had been sliced open. he slowly turns his head and sees all the other soldiers that were with him an hour ago have all suverd the same fate.)

wade: OH HOLY!!..what the hell(in a shocking but yet less confused voice.).

wade thoughts:damn i knew this would happen he's back, but why didn't he kill me. woh hang on just be glad he didn't kill ya.HM your write but still i would of been the first person he saw as he walked in to the room so why didn't he kill me.

(wade heares a voice)

wade: w..w..whats goin on? :confused: i thought.

doctor:mr gormite are you alright, number 11 get the the commander.

soldier 11:yes doctor, im write on it..

wade:NO! im alright don't bother

soldier 8:but the doctor s...

wade:I DON'T CARE WHAT HE SAID!! just leve me alone.

doctor: ok.well ill leve the drug test till tommorow, meet here at 12 mid day. and don't forget or you wont be able to take the final test.

(wade walks out quitly)

wade thoughts:looky for me i wont be here.

thats all i can do for now but i do have more so ill wait another time to continue.:D

02-22-2004, 02:09 PM
not bad, some of the slang was corny and very un-final fantasy tho, but gd effort nonetheless

02-22-2004, 04:10 PM
I think they should sex it up a bit more and have more violent seens and maby even where you get to choose either to be the good guy or the bad guy in the storie.

02-22-2004, 05:58 PM
i could come up with somit like that but i will have to think about it.

02-22-2004, 10:24 PM
yea then u can have 2 endings which will make the player want to try it out again..

Lightning Mage
02-23-2004, 02:50 PM
A-hem. Yet again it was interesting. However, try using capital letters and correct spelling/ punctuation. I got a little confused after a bit.
Just in case you don't know, the story with Asuka and the one with Wade are two completly different plots.

I have planned out the ending for my tale already and i know what will happen at the end and I think you'll all love it.

Well anywho be ready for a shocking surprise in the next part.

02-24-2004, 04:56 PM
oh i didn't know that, but now i think about it i might as well keep in there coz then it would make a good story line i think.

here a bit more after wade desides not to go to the drug test.

wade thoughts: DAMN! how im supposed to get past them.

(wade sees gaurds 1 and 6)

wade:hmm...(wades thinking)

wade:GOT IT!

gaurd 1: What was that.

wade: Woops.

gaurd 6: Ya must be hearing things.

gaurd 1: Hmm propably.

(wade whistles loudly to draw the gaurds attentions)

gaurd 6:HEY! i heard it aswell.

(little pause)
(wade whistles again)

gaurd 1: HEY! i heard it again.

gaurd 6: well what was it?.

gaurd 1: i think it was a whistle.

gaurd 6: you sure?.

gaurd 1: i think so..ya it deffently was.

(wade slowly walks out)

gaurd 1&6:(gasp) its you.

gaurd 1: what are you doin here you should be training?.

wade: .........(silence)

gaurd 1: HU:confused:

gaurd 6: hey is he awake?.

gaurd 1: well his eyes are open.

wade: move now.

gaurd 6: WHAT!

wade: move now.

gaurd 6: Wade stop playin and get back to training.

(wade stands there staring at them angrily)

gaurd 1: Wade leve us alone, where not in the mood.

wade: MOVE KNOW!

gaurd 6: i dont think he's playing around, he looks like he means it.

gaurd 1: oh no dont hert me...HA HA,come on wade stop playin.

(gaurd 1 walks over and puts his hand out to gide wade and wade quikly draws his blade out and chops gaurd 1s' hand off.)

gaurd 1: AHHHHHHH!!! YOU B*%�@~$.

wade: i told you to move.

gaurd 6: w...w..what did you do that for?.

wade: do whant to be next?.

gaurd 6: n..no.

wade: tough look.

(battle mode comes in play and you have a battle whether you win desides if you carry on walking or go back to training. this is the first active battle in the game so far.)

gaurd 1: HP= 943 MP=30

wade: HP=600 MP=22

thats it realy.

02-24-2004, 05:53 PM
Maybe it's just me, but this thread turned a bit funny recently. What we had was a brainstorming session, what we have now is a single guy typing parts of his own script and two individual users cheering him on.
Uhm, maybe you better post your story in Fiction & Poetry, because this thread is supposed to be something else...

Lightning Mage
02-24-2004, 06:50 PM
Yeah, you're right.
Well it's goin' there now.
ff MASTER should make his add-ons to my story in a different thread called like, uhh...
call it Alternate FF Story or somthing to that effect. If you do that make sure you mention me in it somewhere.
Like at the end of every part put like
Special thanx to Lightning Mage for the story starter.
Or just make up a new story.

Well so long! Make sure to catch up on my tale when you get the chance.

02-25-2004, 01:49 PM
ok i'll do that and lightning mage i'll mention you in it to just see it as a free advertising on your behalf.:cool:

Lightning Mage
02-25-2004, 06:31 PM
Well then thats settled.
As for goin' back to the topic,

You should be able to cosomize your airship. You could buy parts and colors. That would be sweet.
Maybe you would have a relationship with all other playable characters. You could like buy 'em stuff. If they don't like you enough they might decline when you switch party members and say they don't want to be in your party at the moment. That would add some coolness to it.:cool:

02-25-2004, 06:49 PM
You should be able to cosomize your airship. You could buy parts and colors. That would be sweet.
Uh oh. Just as long as it's not like Kingdom Hearts. The whole Gummi Ship thing there was cute for maybe a few minutes and then it quickly got boring.

Lightning Mage
02-25-2004, 07:28 PM
It would have that basic idea but the parts and ship designs would be more Final Fantasy-ish.

02-26-2004, 06:10 PM
ya that sounds good.
you could youse the parts to get to places the air ship wont be able to go becoz of to much power having to be used to travel,and also on avery mision or what ever you collect and buy or trade fuel capcells to power up your air ship.

Lightning Mage
02-28-2004, 01:23 AM
If you equip like a peice of armor you should be able to see it on one of the characters. Just showing the weapon is a little boring.

Oh, check out my FF15/ original story in the fiction and poetry forum. I finished part 2-B today. (Technically part 3)
:D :D :D :D

02-28-2004, 02:04 PM
that would look well good. because in most of the ff's they never seem to cary there weapon around or the armor there wearing.

02-29-2004, 07:41 AM
yeah, the cosomising idea sounds cool.

hey! i kno, how bout if in battle you could call on the airship to do a raid attack. maybe restrict it to the airship character, ya kno, like Cid in VII

Lightning Mage
02-29-2004, 08:44 PM
More Chocobo breeding!!!!!
Save points should be Moogles again!!!!
Mini games!!!!!!





AIRSHIP RACES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just thought of that now.

03-01-2004, 12:02 AM
Airship Races?Cool...

Landlord of Sector 7
03-01-2004, 12:34 AM
Airship races would be really cool, so would more breeding with the chocobos. But how about (this might have been said already, I'm too lazy to read the whole thing) if you could alter your characters costumes. Or if you could build a city on the world map like on Age of Empires or something like that. Maybe make your own business.

Lightning Mage
03-01-2004, 07:43 PM
That sounds cool. It seems like it would be a better feature to add to an online RPG though. But then again there would be so many costom cities, it would be so crowded.

Yeah that would be cool for a non-online RPG I guess.:cool:

Landlord of Sector 7
03-02-2004, 12:23 AM
Yeah like a mix of Age of Empires and the Create-a-Park feature in Tony Hawk's underground (lol) Because then you can be like a landlord (what a coincidence) of your town and if there is a business that is doing underhanded stuff or what not you could shut them down!

03-02-2004, 01:50 AM
Wow, Sim-Final Fantasy.

03-02-2004, 12:31 PM
that sounds good and all but how would it fit in with the character story line and background systems such as battles and simple stuff like that in my opinion i don't think it would work. it would be a nice feature and all but as i said how would it fit in.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-02-2004, 12:36 PM
well if we were talking about a traditional FF storyline than I wouldn't want it in my game either except at the end when you are free to do whatever you want because there would be no time for it in the general storylin anwyways but I like Agent's description of it (Sim Final Fantasy) but definetly not as crappy as the Sim games. Hey another idea maybe you could like pick a spouse for yourself! LOL that would be cool cause then you could have babies and they could grow and be in your party!!!:D

Lightning Mage
03-02-2004, 04:49 PM
........ just no.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-02-2004, 07:37 PM
HAHA well maybe I was getting a little carried away but I was thinking about this in school but maybe someone should find a way to email Square our ideas!!! I know I saw a website that would email Square if you wanted a remake of FF7 so maybe someone here should try to find out how they did it!!! THat would be great.

Lightning Mage
03-02-2004, 08:48 PM
They might not use any ideas even if we could email them.
But still we should try. What if they used some ideas?!

whoa... If they used all of ours, we would be famous.
......................................... or something to that effect.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Landlord of Sector 7
03-02-2004, 11:20 PM
See LightningMage I am not that bad once you get to know me. And as for giving them ideas, if they used anything at all of ours we would go down in FF history as the forum site who changed the way we play! LOL! Maybe they could make a book and I could be the illusrater.

03-03-2004, 04:01 PM
your running a bit too far ahead there guys. sometime in the (near?) future, someone could send an email to Square Enix USA with a link to the thread and some info. gotta be a gd letter tho so as to garner their interest enough for them to check it out

Chocobo breeding: YES!
Mog Savepoints: YES!

save mogs should heal you every time u talk to them cos that was a damn nifty feature in X.

another place similar to the Luca sphere theatre in X should be included.

anyone who has played the PSX re-releases of I, II, IV, V & VI should kno about the Bestiaryies and stuff. wouldn't that they be cool features in it.

monster/battle arena: VII or X style ?

Lightning Mage
03-03-2004, 04:54 PM
Heal at saves? YES!
Battle Arena? YES!
Bestiaries? YES!
Even if we did email 'em, how do we know they can read english?
Unless their com automaticly translates it...

Well, enough about that.
As i said, Airship races would rock the jazz ass. It would add a whole new element to Final Fantasy. There should also be a character like a summoner. Except that they would be able to capture some monsters and "summon" them. They wouldn't do as much as a summon though.

03-03-2004, 05:33 PM
yo dudes i'm good at wizen the net i'll have a look a round for us and if i find anything i'll tell you. but what happens if they take all the credit, know that would make me mad:mad:

03-03-2004, 05:42 PM
there's a reason i said Square Enix USA

03-03-2004, 05:43 PM
and you tried to hit on someone via PM...

I can see why stuff doesn't make sense on the net. X_x

03-03-2004, 08:00 PM
Well, Misao, I love your summons-with-personalities idea.
It's very naruto :p
But a little story behind them would rule, they verged on it in FFX with the fayth, but then again that didn't really fly. I wouldn't want them as main characters though, like, incidental ones, more like Irvine then Squall, for example :)

Landlord of Sector 7
03-03-2004, 08:00 PM
Wow. When I said that about emailing them I expected everyone to tell me that I was an idiot and stupid and stuff but I sure didn't expect this! Are you all in on an elaborate hoax designed to lower my self esteem?:eye: :erm:

Lightning Mage
03-03-2004, 11:29 PM
YES! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Seriously though. It might be a good idea but I just have some lingering doubts about it. Dunno what though.:erm:

Landlord of Sector 7
03-03-2004, 11:45 PM
YEAH DO0od!!! I have inspired a revolution of the FFShrine!!!:D All bow down before me (not really I'm just happy someone finally thought one of my ideas was cool)!!!!:)

03-06-2004, 11:50 AM
oh i'm great. yo dudes i found some email addresses to get in touch with square enix.

its either.

1: *snipped*

2: *snipped*

3: *snipped*

i think it would be better to go with number 1

*edited out the pointless e-mail addresses* Khyros~

Edited by Misao:
Seven posts after this one were removed because they were just a kind of pointless discussion about the website ff MASTER linked to, and were going terribly off-topic. In order not to let the original topic of the thread die, they were removed, and I beg you all not to start this discussion again, thank you. ~Misao

Lightning Mage
03-06-2004, 11:27 PM
Maybe you could like, eat stuff to keep your hp high. If you don't your hp drops a couple points. Or your strength decreases.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-07-2004, 12:18 AM
Maybe that would like work better with Fatigue (need to make fatigue first.) Like maybe some good food and some bad food, and you can pick up anything you find but you would need to know what it is so you know if it is healthy or not.

Lightning Mage
03-07-2004, 12:40 AM
Ooo ooo, I know!

03-07-2004, 12:43 AM
ooo the strength going thing would really piss me off!!! :mad:

Lightning Mage
03-07-2004, 12:46 AM
ya mean the whole food thing I suggested?
Well I don't see any of your ideas.

Woah, 200th post. Drinks at my place.:cool:

03-07-2004, 12:53 AM
nah its a great idea im just saying my strength goin down will piss me off....i'll write an idea as i brainstorm it first!!!

Landlord of Sector 7
03-07-2004, 02:15 AM
I thought of this and it might have been done before but whatever. What if you could...oh crap I forgot about it now...umm.....oh yeah. This is a long shot cause there are not enough buttons but what if you could like interact differently with different terrain (ex. go swimming) or like slide on ice or something.

03-08-2004, 10:05 PM
er.....didn't they do that in mario64? im sur they did!!!!

Landlord of Sector 7
03-08-2004, 11:17 PM
Um........sort of but only to a small extent and we are talking about FF here. Another idea would be maybe they should make it so the towns are a lot bigger because let's face it. Do you see any towns around here that house about 3 to four people? And they should make Midgar COMPLETELY accessible. Even the top level.

03-08-2004, 11:22 PM
i have a great idea (4 rpg's in general) characters should be able to use each others weapons....this could make games alot more interesting to play.....

Lightning Mage
03-08-2004, 11:37 PM
Yeah, that could work out.
But it might be a little, uh, weird to see an Aerith-like chick using a 3-foot club.
Or to see a manly, buff dude to use a staff/racket.

Hee hee, that'd be just funny.:D

03-08-2004, 11:44 PM
ok...not every weapon....just the weapons that atleast have a chance on suiting them...

Landlord of Sector 7
03-08-2004, 11:44 PM
I think that that would be sort of dumb but it would definetely be funny seeing little Eiko on 9 trying to weild Cloud's Ultimate Weapon!!!:D

03-08-2004, 11:51 PM
yeah well.......making the towns bigger isn't exactly an idea but a word of advice to s-enix is it?
seeing steiner with a staff would be cool tho no?

Lightning Mage
03-09-2004, 12:10 AM
Yeah I see what you're saying.
Like say, Cloud could use Vincent, Yuffie, and Cid's weapons.
And, say, Dagger could use flutes, daggers, wands, and rackets.

That makes more sence.

03-09-2004, 12:16 AM
yeah weapons that will suit them like say.....vivi could use daggers cos there small..ya know..depending on there size and wei.......
yeah they should give weapons different weight so the player might not be able to hold the weapon depending on his/hers strength ....

Lightning Mage
03-09-2004, 12:26 AM
The weight thing sounds cool.
Might work for a normal RPG.
Same could go with armor too.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-17-2004, 08:56 PM
Wow it has been a long time since the last post on here. I think that the weight thing sounds a lot like Morrowind except that one was where you could only carry as much weight as you could handle total. I think that would be cool and I thought of a really good one now. CREATE YOUR OWN WEAPON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH THAT WOULD BE SO DAMN AWESOME DON'T YA THINK? There could be an engine where you could make the design, color, type and stats of your own masterpiece.

03-17-2004, 10:07 PM
thanks for reviving the thread!!!!

and great point, making your own weap will cool!!!

i also think synthasizing (is that splet right?) your weap should be updated!!
like merge any two weap's and you get a complely diff weap!!!


Landlord of Sector 7
03-17-2004, 10:23 PM
Yeah and hey maybe there could be a thing where you could make your own Limit Breaks and characters!:D That would be a lot tougher but maybe if they had like preset options that you could combine and intertwine you never know! And I'll get on changin my sig right away!

03-17-2004, 10:41 PM
that's going a bit far!!!!

but hey....aint like im saying it could never happen!!!!