02-08-2004, 08:55 AM
I posted it here cause its not really meant to go in the FF IX forum..

Okay heres a tale that happened many a years ago.

In the days of the Playstation era, when Final Fantasy VIII was at the high point of game graphics, i decided to buy it, played it, didnt get the Junction system, and spent 3 weeks trying to beat the monster on the communication tower, i sold it, and since that day i decided i would never play another Final Fantasy again.

Then i moved too another school, and heard some people talking about final fantasy IX, i borrowed it from a friend (Darkness of eternity his name is on here) and they said the ability system was easy on this, i didnt belive them, but i borrowed it anyway.

Got the case home, opened it too see some really cool art on the covers, and slipped disc 1 into my grey playstation, on goes the power...

Entrance movie- My eyes were wide open, wow i thought, seen as i was used too the other crappy FMVs of syphon filter and Army men, this completly blew me away!

Vivi- Wow what cool graphics on a character! i thought!

Equipment and stuff- i was like, cool iron armor! il equp this with this and wow!

before i knew it was was sucked into the story line, and was in treno. decided too turn it off then, but couldnt wait too play it again!

So there we have it, just thought id share that with you guys...

oh, and the music has to be the best on FF IX, for those people who say otherwise, you probably like the kingdom hearts music XD.

02-08-2004, 09:06 AM
Yea FFIX had a much better storyline, and much less complicating ability system than FFVIII, and music.. hmmm... quite ok.. Melodies Of Life was excellent..

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
02-08-2004, 09:11 AM
That was nicely put, and I liked the way you wrote it out....nice, quick, moments.

But anyway I'm glad you enjoyed the game it is easily in my top 3 fave FF's. Anyway nice little tale there, cool

02-08-2004, 10:21 AM
ur tale touched me in a way i've never felt before :D

02-08-2004, 11:18 AM
ya, the best game..

02-08-2004, 11:56 AM
seriously, gd post

02-10-2004, 04:36 AM
the thing i liked about ff9 was that u cant put every ability on any 1 character. that made the game much better to play and is my second best ff game ever

p.s. ff x2 isnt out in this country yet but i think its gonna suck

02-10-2004, 08:44 AM
yea man i havent played FFX2 but i can tell its a FANBOY kinda game..

02-10-2004, 10:00 AM
One thing I didn't like about FF9 and quite a few other FF games (FF4j, FF9, FF10) is that it limits which characters can use/do what. For example: I hate it when only one or two characters can use summons, or when a character is limited to only using Black Magic, etc. I prefer to have more control over that, such as in FF5 and FF7. Other than that, yeh FF9 is one of my favourites, definately the most polished up to it's point in time.

02-11-2004, 03:50 AM
Originally posted by Purikah
One thing I didn't like about FF9 and quite a few other FF games (FF4j, FF9, FF10) is that it limits which characters can use/do what. For example: I hate it when only one or two characters can use summons, or when a character is limited to only using Black Magic, etc. I prefer to have more control over that, such as in FF5 and FF7. Other than that, yeh FF9 is one of my favourites, definately the most polished up to it's point in time.

disagree makes the game far too easy...
giving different people different abilities makes u think about what players u will use to beats different enemies making it more enjoyable!!!!

02-14-2004, 12:31 AM
Final Fantasy IX was an easy Chocobo adventure, it was sooo easy, and the battle system was easy as well. It's dar off better than Final Fantasy VIII, but I think it's still a good game though...

02-14-2004, 05:14 AM
Ya FFIX is a lot better then FFVIII, but like you said for the music, I would go with Final Fantasy 7, That music will never die. I hate that damn junction crap:notgood: :whatever: