02-08-2004, 06:31 AM
for some odd reason i can't take the SeeD test this time though.

the first time i played through a couple years ago when it came out i could take it, what have i missed?

aren't u supposed to be able to take it once u pass the exam?

oh just a quick off topic that someone should be able to answer straight away, what code do i need for my sig to showup? i cant seem to get it to work.

02-08-2004, 06:38 AM
Now that you are a SeeD cadet, you'll get a rank. You can increase your
rank by taking tests which can be taken when you go to the tutorial in
your menu and choosing test. Here are the answers for the test. Take
note that you can only take test acording to Squall's level. So if
Squall is level 7, he can only take the test until test 7.
This is directly from the FF8 Walkthrough located on this site: http://www.ffshrine.org/ff8/ffviiiwalk.txt

Second Question:

When you make a post there is a box directly below the message:

[√]Show Signature: include your profile signature. Only registered users may have signatures.

02-08-2004, 07:03 AM
ahhhhhh its in the tutorial menu :lol

i thought it was meant to appear above the save option.

thanks for the info on the sig friend but thats not what i was looking for. i have an image i would like to use as my signature but the html code i entered into my sig in the profile doesnt seem to work with this site. im asking what code others are using.

02-08-2004, 07:31 AM
Derr... excuse my idiocy.

Check this page:

If that doesn't help could you include the faulty code?

02-08-2004, 08:19 AM
thanks the "shicster" has saved the day as you can see from the presence of my image.

not sure what i did i think i left out the "/" at the end of the code as in "[/img]''

02-09-2004, 06:06 PM
I know I'm not the mod here, but since this discussion has been going on for at least a day or so now, I'll just point out that stuff about signatures and code and stuff should be talked about in Questions, Feedback and Assistance, or by PM.

02-09-2004, 08:27 PM
this thread was left to die, you are the only one who has now made it active again.

did you look at the posting dates before you decided to comment?

the thread only lasted about 2 hours so i fail to see how you can be whinging the thread has been going on for more than a day and should be discussed elsewhere.

Added to the fact that when you entered this thread you would have seen it was about the SeeD test, you would have read that the matter was resolved and then you proceeded to add a useless comment to a dead thread therefore reviving it.

so you tell me who is in the wrong my friend. :p

02-09-2004, 11:54 PM
Well, I "subscribe" to all threads from my control panel, so I don't always have a good bead on the exact times. I just saw that it had new messages. I also failed to see that the issue had been resolved, but I see that it has been now, so feel free to let the death of the thread begin.