09-24-2012, 02:35 AM
I will only do my username for now.

My username was because I love Final Fantasy and I love Fire spells and I think ''ahhh'' Final Fantasy so I came up with Fira777 [F i ruh777].

Also I love to gamble [although I do read The Holy Bible sometimes].

09-24-2012, 04:24 AM
Username: I'm a major LittleBigPlanet fanboyman.
Signature: I'm a major LittleBigPlanet fanboyman.
Avatar: Because just because. And she's hot.

09-24-2012, 04:38 AM
usernam: formerly it was CATASTROPHE, because that summon from golden sun was pure epicness, now, because rokusho is my favorite medabot, and because my friends call me that.
current avatar, because i love princess jasmine, and women of this etnicity.
signature, i dont know, just a fact of me

Tom Toonami Tunes
09-24-2012, 04:39 AM
Username is because I needed a place to upload my toonami music collection.
Signature because I know how to talk to the ladies and Neg banned both Jesus and love.
Avatar because I'm full of beans.

09-24-2012, 08:16 AM
Username from a line in British sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf - a character listens to an album called Reggie Dixon's Tango Treats.
Avatar is the delicious Ginrei from Giant Robo - sexy, courageous, and can really kick arse - all the things I am not.

Faye Kipling
09-24-2012, 04:39 PM
'Faye' from the Questionable Content comic which is an old username I used to go by a few years ago, Kipling originated from a member called Jester calling Maggie and I 'exceedingly good' so we became Kipling sisters or something. I think that's how it went, it was a long time ago.

Avatar is of The Borrower Arrietty because I love Studio Ghibli films, especially that one.

09-24-2012, 10:59 PM

also my avatar is from caprica because too lazy to change it

09-28-2012, 05:39 AM

And yes, this is a shameless excuse to up my post count. :P

Edit: OK, so now I can be a little more specific - I have no avatar because it won't save the files I've tried :(, and my signature is just a quote pulled from my Page-a-Day Zen calendar.

09-28-2012, 05:50 AM
my name is a former name i used and the one i liked best.

10-04-2012, 06:27 PM
Username is how Gilgamesh's lackey in the PSX version of FFV was spelt by Square's US localization team (it's meant to be spelt as 'Enkidu'). I chose the name at random out of an old FFV guide years ago when I needed a username for eBay. The name has stuck with me ever since. :D
Avatar is a White Mage from FF Tactics - specifically, the PSP remake The Lion War. I like White Mages so yeah. :3
Signature is a now out-of-date FFXI sig showing my FFXI character details. I really should update it though as Enki is now lvl 99 and hasn't worn Blessed gear as shown in that sig in ages. :p

10-05-2012, 06:17 PM
Vanishing Point is one of the greatest car chase films ever made.

10-05-2012, 08:33 PM
User name 'tis my actual name, plain and simple. My real life nick, Mandi, is being used, so I agreed to Amanda to avoid confusion. I often just use a pic of me as an avatar. When I was posting a ton of Godzilla soundtracks, I was using a "zilla pic, for a while. My current one is just a pic I saw on line, and liked a lot. Plus it is bright and purdy. If folks are having trouble saving avatar files, there is a thread for that in the assistance forum, where admin and mods will help with that.

Gentleman Ghost
10-06-2012, 08:24 AM
Ndi came up with my username in chat like ages ago. Something about batman, I remember Rob having a cry because I didn't change it to ChocoPie or something.

Signature is like, from 2009 or something. Not sure if that site is still being updated. :( BAHN HYDROCHEN

Avatar is the name of one of my fav New Zealand bands: The Naked And Famous. I dunno if I like them because they're from here, or because their music is good...
Here's one of their more famous tracks: The Naked And Famous - Young Blood - YouTube (
And this track: The Naked And Famous - Punching In A Dream - YouTube ( was featured on that KONY 2012 video. Shameless plug eeeehhhhhh.

10-09-2012, 08:57 AM
my username provides from the name of a Transformer, Starscream. I'm a fan of this character.
SS: Starscream
TF: Transformers
37: number of my "Departement" in France.

Gentleman Ghost
10-11-2012, 08:09 AM
You're from France!


10-11-2012, 04:17 PM
Born in '99 a week before FF8 came out; pops died in a one-car DUI crash; so normal feelings of lost etc...i found myself when FF8 came out; able to relate to squall on a emotional/spiritual level; and seeing him evolve and life doesnt suck; hence why took the Squall name / avatar; and i stole a quote from the game because there was a time during life; when people would say they'd do stuff; and after a few times of disappointments; i came across that quote during a replay made a lot of sense.

Lord Brimstone
10-14-2012, 09:57 AM
I originally made an account here by the name of Father Brimstone, and nickname that was given to a character I played in the tabletop rpg game "Demon: the Fallen". I played a flame wielding devil inhabiting the body of a pastor's son and was playing the role of a televangelist. (long story about all of that, but I digress) I was around here for a while then disappeared for a while due to work and whatnot. When I found out about this place again, I had completely forgotten I had made an account here and couldn't use my normal username, so I went by the name of Lord Brimstone, which still fit the character, plus I feel it's a fitting nickname for a guy that lives on a volcanic island. (BTW, vog: aka volcanic gases that act like haze and/or fog is quite hard on the sinuses). I did later remember the details about the old account, but I had posted so much with this account, I never reactivated it and stuck with this one and this name ever since. (the more you know....)

Marshall Lee
10-22-2012, 04:13 AM
Username: Adventure is awesome!
Avatar: I <3 Denise Huxtable.

Infernus Animositas
10-25-2012, 01:02 PM
My username comes from the fiery AOE spell from Fable: The Lost Chapters - Infernal Wrath. But I wanted to make it a bit more unique so I just translated it to Latin and stuck with that.

My avatar comes from the art of Kallias (
I combined two of the pictures from his Anime gallery he created, I photoshopped it a little and that's what I came up with.

10-25-2012, 09:39 PM
Username: My Female anime idol who prefered to die of her own disease then to take the cure that would make her be on the dark side, and eventually having to kill to one she ever loved.
Avatar: I change a lot my avatars depending of my soul and mind and the junction of both. My Avatar always simbolizes something of my actual life or desires, most of times, they are my own complex messages and interpretations that fit my own self.
In this case : (Based on Quantum Physics theories and my eyes) "Music is everywhere, even when you close your eyes, she is right beside them."

I have a vein of Poet, yes. I write a lot !

10-26-2012, 01:08 AM
Well things are complicated a bit for me

User name: Chemistry was my passion since being around 10 years old. Used to mix things for fun and tried a lot to buy Microscope to see micro things. I could not progress into the Chemistry nor as academic studies niether as a carrier. Finally found myself into business school. However I am happy with being in economics, finance major now. As a mean of reminding myself of the regret of the old and hollow promises to be in Chemistry field I gave myself this user name HCL. Which is in fact a sort of a well-known chemical component. Supposedly this regret should allow me to get the positive feedback to always work harder knowing that I missed something. This combination of regret and motivation will allow me to get the best out of anything I work on. In addition to keeping some loyalty to one of the most fantastic hobbies I had during my childhood.

Avatar: Well another long story. In few words, I hope all caged "birds" in the world will be freed someday......

The Household Cat
10-26-2012, 06:08 PM
It's from an interview about the band Spiritualized - basically it's Kate Radley's parents' cat.

And my avatar - Thomas Newman. Early 90s, I think...

10-26-2012, 08:16 PM
Username: It's an amalgamation of two comic book characters I created when I was younger. Avil looks similar to Deadpool but is a deadly escaped prisoner from the future. Slare is a teenage gargoyle who is apart of a family of them. Similar to the show Gargoyles.

Avatar: Comes from some nifty art I found on a Chinese Deviantart-type site.

Unknown User
10-26-2012, 10:27 PM
Username: Couldn't come up with a name.

Avatar & Signature: Cause it represents how I mostly don't pay for music ;)

10-26-2012, 10:36 PM
you dont pay for music at all, or just the music that doe snot come to your country, therefore you just have to donwload it on the web?

Darth Revan
10-29-2012, 03:29 AM
Username: Darth Revan ( My favorite Star Wars character.
Avatar: Picture of the Revanchist himself.
Sig: The Code of the Sith from the Star Wars Universe.

11-06-2012, 02:39 AM
Yannis...My real name...just...
A bit Crazy...cause is true

11-14-2012, 06:00 AM
I came up with "Lehnaru" from Lynari Desert from FFCC ages ago, and my avatar because she's hot. My sig is my score wishlist and a favourite quote of mine from A Song of Ice and Fire.

02-01-2013, 11:18 AM
Dark4eyes came from the fact that I'm legally blind and wear dark glasses. Don't have an avatar of my own yet (can't find one small enough in my collection.)

02-03-2013, 12:40 AM
It's the title screen for UFO Robo Dengar by Nichibutsu. i threw it up without adding transparency because i admittedly only registered here to request a few albums, but i only just now realized i should probably at least try to participate in the community...

02-03-2013, 09:01 AM
Username: I like dragons and beatmania IIDX music so I guess I combined the two... I know, real creative.

Avatar: I had a couple different ones, but I mainly use Taz or Bowser since they are both awesome characters to me, and I can't choose between the two.

Signature: The grey bar shows what game I'm currently playing. It always updates in real time. The Orie quote is something I just thought was funny I guess?

02-07-2013, 11:23 AM
gara made them for me

i really miss gara

02-12-2013, 02:00 AM
I am not giving a brief explanation, nor an exaggerated one because I could just say 'Nightmare' is a cool word, but that's not why I chose it. But I chose 27 because two and seven are my favorite numbers.
And the avatar varies, but I chose Silva because I just think he's a cool villain.

Prophet Wing
02-12-2013, 03:08 AM
I came up with my username as a combination of my liking of birds and my belief in precognition, albeit with some accidental experience. My signature came about as a result of reading too much philosophy (although "too much" is a relative term, and could very well be someone else's "not enough").

To be continued, as soon as I find an avatar.

02-12-2013, 11:36 PM
I have an avatar to load but can't find where to upload it. I then read somewhere that some users don't have that privilege. It must be random for I've gave no reason to be excluded. Oh well, nothing to cry about. And as for my moniker, my name is Ray and I like the Joe Walsh tune, "Rocky Mountain Way." I just switched the first letters from the 1st and 3rd words. I thought it was inventive. :)

02-12-2013, 11:44 PM
Avatar: Power Girl from Alex Ross's Kingdom Come

Sig: I like boobies.

User Name: Tanis, from Dragonlance

02-14-2013, 07:13 AM
username is my japanese name
avatar is mawile, a personification of a pokemon. I like it because to me represents that there's more to me than meets the eye.
sig is just how I normally am most of the time, sin being my former name that people still call me because it stuck

02-14-2013, 11:06 AM
Username - my Xbox gamertag which I randomly made years ago. Me and my older brother used to call my little sister Kikley for some unknown reason and couldn't think of anything else. Still have that gamertag today and now I have just branched the name out into different things.
Signature + Avatar - Radiohead are my favorite band and therefore Thom Yorke is my favorite artist. About all there is to it.

02-19-2013, 01:34 PM
My name + the abbreviation of my country.

02-26-2013, 06:42 AM
My name...just popped into my head one day in High School,and I haven't stopped using it. in two piece Halloween mask I like, wearing my Science Officer shirt. Not as scary as my real face.:)
Sig...A line from Marvin the Paranoid Android from The Radio Series, HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY

02-28-2013, 01:25 AM
Shal'tiar - Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki ('tiar)

03-08-2013, 10:20 PM
Fun thread. It's interesting to learn this stuff about people. . . .

Username: I desperately wanted to make movies when I was younger. In high school, after taking a group trip to Universal Studios in California�and watching my eyes light up at every turn�the whole group started calling me "Uni" for short. I've used it ever since as a shorthand for myself. I add the "Master" part when the three-letter iteration is too short for internet use, or when someone else has already taken it.

Avatar: While I can't say I'm a big fan of the Middle Earth artwork from the Brothers Hildebrandt (it's a little too cartoonish for me), I've always loved this picture of Bilbo in his study. It's just the perfect representation of a writer in process . . . and, being a writer, I like to think that's how I look when I'm at work. (I imagine the reality probably looks a lot more like Gollum in the midst of one of his schizophrenic Slinker/Stinker conversations.)

Signature: Broadcast News is a favorite movie of mine, and this bit between Holly Hunter and her boss beautifully sums up the attitude of certain individuals I often encounter on internet message boards�particularly those focusing on the subject of filmusic.