09-21-2012, 01:36 PM
I have been looking for these for ages, I know that OP 1 and 3 have singles on iTunes but apart from that I have not been able to find 320kbps clean rips anywhere. Anyone know what's going on? Also If anyone can tell me how to use iTunes Japan without buying those gift cards, then I'd be grateful. It's Ninja time FFshrine!

UPDATE: I am getting someone to buy OP 1, OP 3 and ED 2 for me off of iTunes Japan, I will upload those as soon as possible. In the mean time, if anyone has anything to contribute then we could solidifiy that part of TMNT history quite well. These are the title of the singles.

I will bold and underline the singles I have and then when I've got them all will upload them all.

Opening Song #1 - "Jounetsu no Kaze" (The Wind of Passion) by The Inazuma Sentai (Eps 1 - 13)

Opening Song #2 - "PERMANENT VACATION" by Under the Counter (Eps 14 - 26)

Opening Song #3 - "EVERYBODY" by Turtles4 (Eps 27 - 52)

Ending Song #1 - "Summer Fighter" by ??? (Eps 1 - 13) ([Karaoke] ED 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSph2ksjTTQ&feature=player_detailpage) here is the karaoke as the artist seemingly is unknown, if someone could locate that too that'd be great)

Ending Song #2 - "Natsu no Owari ga, Mada Koko ni Aru" (Summer is Over, But I'm Still Here) by The Local Art (Eps 14 - 26)

Ending Song #3 - "Fighting Spirit" by Mirai Drive (Eps. 27 - Ep. 39)

Ending Song #4 - "Koishite KIMERU" by Kimeru (Eps. 40 - 52)

11-12-2014, 09:03 PM
I second this as well. Does anyone have Jounetsu no Kaze (the full version?)