02-05-2004, 02:06 AM
Hey... im new figured i would ask what manga character do you compare your self too? I my self feel im most like sephiroth... i ware black got the trench and i like katana swords... funny thing is that i was like this before i even played FF VII.... odd huh... well let me get some feed back kwl?



02-05-2004, 02:41 AM
well then all you need now is a fascination with fucking with peoples heads, tearing off your mothers head off, and attacking your father with a sword and your done. :D good luck.

i like to compare myself to master roshi and i think i'm a lot like him as well. i'm a dirty old man who likes pron and hentai and i'm a total perv with a huge ass hentai collection unmatched by common human beings. (don't ever ask me to give you some though. you are unworthy). now all i need to do is invent the kamehameha and i'm done. :p

02-05-2004, 11:41 PM
well i often have my thoughts of mass destruction and death... and sometimes i think i can get away with it... but then again i do kinda stand out so it might prove more difficult then origanaly planned... but i thought about lots of decaptation... my exes mainly lol... then keeping the skulls like trophies... kinda like predator... but yea i not worried about asking you for your hentai... i prefer the real thing... but glad to see some one replied to my thread...


02-07-2004, 01:14 AM
well now i think your going a little too far. i don't want you to ruin sephiroths image. if you want to have your ex's skulls in your room and think of decapitations that's totally fine. but don't do it in the name of sephi cause he's not like that. he's more like the type that would do it for the reason that he thinks he'll become a god when he does it. so do that instead and you should be totally fine. :)

have fun causing chaos in the name of immortality. :D

02-07-2004, 01:22 AM
yea i guess your right... Sephiroth wouldnt do that... i think part of me is just psychotic... but we all are in a way right? as far as becoming god... that would be nice... but after achieving it i feel it would become boaring... the journey always seems more exciting the the destination... what are you thoughts on death and destruction and controling the world... speaking of controling the world... i would probably end up destroying everything i hate... but thats any one i guess... whats nice though... is that i feel that immortality is quite an idea, i would find it amusing to live forever but not because im afraid of death or anything... just because i think of everything i could amass with such a long life span...

what do you think?

02-07-2004, 08:13 PM
i think about world domination all the time. but i don't plan on being evil. i'm going to start out LOOKING evil because everyone assumes that someone who wants to control the world must be evil so that's how everyone will think of me. but then after i succesfully own the earth people will see that i'm actually really cool and probably the best ruler ever in all of history because I would have created a form of perpetual energy, perpetual light ended world hunger, destroyed democracy and killed all forms of bullshit politics. :p

but that's just my overactive imagination speaking who might one day take over my brain and make me do evil things but until then i just like to post in forums and watch anime. :D

/me is then hides his flawless plan to take over the world.

did you know that if you actually take the time to think about it, you CAN come up with a very well thought out method of world domination. its really easy. you just have to know how people think really really well. like being empathetic to entire nations all at once in order to predict how theyw ill react to certain life changing situations like a second revolution. O_o..creepy huh?

well anyway i'll assume this is the last chance i get to say anything in this thread because it is so obviously off topic and well hey, at least i had fun talking nonsense here and there. lol

02-07-2004, 08:28 PM
well thats kwl just email me and we can talk shit or what ever... kwl

btw... ur right on the whole world domination thing... and not to mention your not the only one with an overactive imagination... besides... speaking of looking evil... people think im a vampire... which is fine

but yea e mail me if you want

02-08-2004, 04:28 AM
I love Katana swords, and Samurai swords. I like Sephiroth's Masamune. Wonder how much it would cost to make one in real life? I would be considered a bit like cid( That "sit your ass down, and make the guests some tea you $%^@#" way, only when I'm mad)Barret because I got that body building thing going on and some of his attitude. A little bit of Cloud, I don't know why.

02-08-2004, 05:20 AM
Hey Savior,

To actualy make sephiroths Masamune would probably cost around 3 grand... cause its about 4 and a half feet of folded steal... and to have a good sword the steel would have to be folded a minimum of 75 times... now about a foot of that would be in the handle and the blade it self would be 3 and half feet long... most katanas are roughly 3 and half feet total usualy a 27 inch blade...

By the by, if your into Japanese culture you should watch tom cruises new movie "The Last Samurai" i enjoyed the movie its really good with ancient japanese customs and what not...

but as far as being like other characters i would have to say my second choice would be...Squall from FF VIII because im the loner type... and cid i guess in a way from FF VII because im a mechanic and like to work on engines and shit....

well thats about it for now... thanks for replying to my post


02-08-2004, 09:38 AM
I'm like Gai from Naruto, I'd say.

02-08-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Tact
well then all you need now is a fascination with fucking with peoples heads, tearing off your mothers head off, and attacking your father with a sword and your done. :D good luck.

i like to compare myself to master roshi and i think i'm a lot like him as well. i'm a dirty old man who likes pron and hentai and i'm a total perv with a huge ass hentai collection unmatched by common human beings. (don't ever ask me to give you some though. you are unworthy). now all i need to do is invent the kamehameha and i'm done. :p
when ur done i shall giv u a bunch of porno mags in exchange for u to train me :D

02-08-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Katana
Hey Savior,

To actualy make sephiroths Masamune would probably cost around 3 grand... cause its about 4 and a half feet of folded steal... and to have a good sword the steel would have to be folded a minimum of 75 times... now about a foot of that would be in the handle and the blade it self would be 3 and half feet long... most katanas are roughly 3 and half feet total usualy a 27 inch blade...

By the by, if your into Japanese culture you should watch tom cruises new movie "The Last Samurai" i enjoyed the movie its really good with ancient japanese customs and what not...

but as far as being like other characters i would have to say my second choice would be...Squall from FF VIII because im the loner type... and cid i guess in a way from FF VII because im a mechanic and like to work on engines and shit....

well thats about it for now... thanks for replying to my post

wtf, the blade would be like 5foot+, just look at how long it is in the CG cut-scenes, but ur right bout everything else (cept the price which i estimate at $7000+)

02-08-2004, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by The Immortal

when ur done i shall giv u a bunch of porno mags in exchange for u to train me :D

sounds like a deal. but i'll need a minimum of a years worth of pron mags though. that's 12. :p

02-08-2004, 08:29 PM
well how bout 6 and i'll convince a schizophrnic criminal to come live with u?

el em ay oh
02-08-2004, 08:59 PM
hmm....sephiroth's a manga character?

oh well, anyway...

Originally posted by Katana
but i thought about lots of decaptation... my exes mainly lol... then keeping the skulls like trophies...

feel sorry for the idiot who goes out with YOU.

...just kidding. *hides under a rock*

anyway, i'd say i'm sort of like...the female-version of hayama akito...

02-08-2004, 09:57 PM
Ya that movie was awesome. That sounds like a reasonable price for a sword that damn long.

02-08-2004, 10:53 PM
in relpies to the latest posts...

on teh sword length... yea 6 to 7 feet would probably be more acturate....

about the people who go out with me... well its more of a physical attraction then anything else... my personality isnt the greatest espesialy when i get pisses or jelouse when i get jelouse i send out death threats but thats just how i am... dark and a lover of death and large amounts of giving and recieving pain... sometimes pain is better then feeling nothing at all...

in the words of sephiroth... you are just a pupet... but i think we are all pupets in our own way acting in the best intrest that is not our selves...

hmmm i wonder if message boards are just a way of cheap therapy?

02-09-2004, 01:59 PM
well i'm a master of puppets *starts moshing*....... i'll hav u kno

02-10-2004, 05:23 AM
I can not get over how much like cloud i am since i was little ive always had kinda long spikey hair, im 5'6 and the doctor says im probly gonna grow to be 5'7 im skinny and i even have the same blood type im kinda quiet but not to quiet aswell.

02-15-2004, 12:46 PM
I thing I'm a lot like Usagi from the Sailer Moon manga. Clumsy, awkward, and more then a little silly, but devoted to everyone I love, and naive enough to love just about everybody. Parts of Peach Girl have hit really close to home for me, but I ack the strength or the temper to be much like Momo. I haven't found any characters in a manga I could really deeply relate to though. Maybe I've been reading all the wrong manga.

02-15-2004, 01:59 PM
i wud compare myself to hideki from chobits or keitaro from love hina cos i cant do tests to save my life and im bout keitaros height but i look scarily like hideki :D

02-17-2004, 05:08 PM
I'm like Noboru from Great Teacher Onizuka. Short. Not attractive. Not a good student. Not athletic. Likes to sit around and play video games all day, and has no friends. But unlike me, Noboru gets a girl in the end.