02-04-2004, 10:41 PM
OK I'm new here, but not new to FF7. I once had a real picture of Cloud's Buster Sword, and it said it was in The Museum Of Japan. Is it REALLY REALLY REALLY REAL?!
I'd walk up to the museum curator and beg him for it :D PLEEEASE PLEEEASE! :D

02-04-2004, 10:45 PM
Ummmm, so your saying someone forged a fake sword?? You know there is no such thing as a buster sword in real life right? Who would have that kind of skill to forge a big sword like that. It'll probably take 5 years to complete and 3 people to make it.

02-04-2004, 10:58 PM
It looked pretty freakin real to me... :eye:

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 11:14 PM
actually there have been swords in history that are 8 times bigger then the buster sword...

02-04-2004, 11:18 PM
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Like..... what? :D

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 11:20 PM
the Egyptions made a gigantic sword to kill hippo...the samurai made one to take down many enemies at once...both were over 8 feet long and weighed over 250 pounds...dont ask for the metric mesurements cause i dont know them...

02-04-2004, 11:23 PM
All I gotta say is
thats a long sword. lol
not many people are strong enough to lift a 250 pounder, That's crazy.

02-04-2004, 11:25 PM
Well I wouldn't wanna have a dam sword that big. There's no point of having a sword that dam big, unless it's just for show. You have to be very, and I mean steroid taking strong.

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 11:27 PM
...witch was why about three people had to use it and not took three strong dudes to swing that bitch around(and yet look how skinny Cloud is...)

02-05-2004, 12:28 AM
cloud can lift it with mako-reinforced bi-ceps oh yeah.
so the sword is real..or can be real..u'll never know what it's made of though...only square knows...

02-05-2004, 01:45 AM
The buster Sword is Real And Available for you FF7 Fans... Check They Also hAve A gunblade (Non Working Revolver Of Course) Theyre Expensive But!

02-05-2004, 02:45 AM
wow, you ARE right Setzer, THANKS! My parents and I are gonna talk about it and see if I can get it... :cool: :cool:

02-05-2004, 06:32 AM
Setzer, can i ask u sumthin? R these allowed to be delivered overseas or juz fer local delivery? Cos u noe.. the security r tight these days.. but hey i may wan to get one.. so is dere a problem>?

02-06-2004, 12:11 AM
OK screw buying a downsized remake of the BS- my dad claims he can make one- bigger and badder. Plus its alot softer on our wallets, buy one for $275, or make one for about $50... whats better? guess :D :D

the smaller version weighs 4 and a half pounds, made of high strength 6160 laser cut aluminum. my dad says he can make the same thing with the same materials, or a bigger, thicker, better one. I vote for a better one. :D

03-15-2004, 05:29 AM
on is it entitled Buster Sword?

03-15-2004, 12:55 PM
yes it is real my mate has 1!

03-15-2004, 03:57 PM
i am a professional weaponcrafter and yes ive made a buster sword

03-15-2004, 04:02 PM
I've also seen it on I'm not sure if it's still there or not.

Good for you omnislasher 69! What kind of steel did you use? Now for your next challenge make a damascus version of the buster sword.

03-15-2004, 06:25 PM
Wow a real buster sword thats fucking awesome. Man that rocks

03-19-2004, 06:05 AM
i dont know what kind of steel i was high when i made it i looks awesome tho. my guess is titanium alloy

03-19-2004, 11:56 PM
Asked my dad, and he says we need to finish the go-kart project we're working on first. I still dont see why we cant just leave the cars out of the garage... :whatever:
Still, once we make the BS I'll be envied at my school. :cool: :D ;)

03-20-2004, 11:34 PM
i looked it up in google and it looks awsome

03-27-2004, 01:36 PM
Who cares....I don't want that freaking Buster peice of crap!!!I want the freaking Masamune!!!6 Feet.......*drools* Yeah....thats the sword for me

Master Nabeshin
03-27-2004, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Setzer
The buster Sword is Real And Available for you FF7 Fans... Check They Also hAve A gunblade (Non Working Revolver Of Course) Theyre Expensive But!

The "Buster sword" on is too small to be compared to the real thing, you have to have it custom-built, but you can have on if you have a few thousand dollars. Also, the gunblade is a letter-opener, which sucks.

03-27-2004, 04:32 PM
Titanium alloy? riiight :rolleyes:

Master Nabeshin
03-28-2004, 07:07 PM
No one would be able to lift a titanium alloy buster sword. There are new, alternative super metal compounds, though. it would still be heavy, but it'll be much lighter (and much stronger) than any titanium alloy. Only drawback- it's very expensive (about $15 per pound, compared to $1 per pound with steel and $3 per pound with aluminum).

03-31-2004, 02:11 PM
Hey, 4 wat I know, titanium is a lot lighter than even aluminum, but REALLY FREAKIN' expensive,EVEN MORE in the case of the alloy, which is harder and mebbe even lighter.Hey, if u wanna have an Ass-Kickin' version of the Buster Sword,and u want to handle it.....PUMP UP SOME WEIGHTS,MAN!Get strong, and then swing it around showing yourself off to everyone!That would be extremely fun to see!

03-31-2004, 09:18 PM

....... What They Said. ;) :cool:

Master Nabeshin
03-31-2004, 11:31 PM
Titanium is heavier (but a lot harder and more durable) than Aluminum (check the periodic table if you beleive this is not true), but titanuim is a helluva lot sharper than aluminum. An alloy means that other elements are mixed in with the metal, so most likely you'll end up with some attributes of the metal strengthened, but weakened in others. Of course, Dormtrooper is right about one thing for sure, ya gotta pump some weights if you're gonna swing a buster sword around.

....I'm obsessed with getting a real buster sword....

04-01-2004, 01:08 AM
I don't care how much you can lift, nobody can swing around a real life buster sword for long, not even Magnus Samuelson.

Reason #1 - The buster sword will weigh upwards of 30 lbs and be about 5-6ft long. This is a simple matter of physics and leverage, because the point of ballance will be very near the middle of the sword (3ft away from your hand) that is where you will feel the weight and will make it seem very heavy and unwieldy.

Reason #2 - It's a video game which doesn't follow the rules of physics. Just look at how massive the blade is compared to how thin the handle is. If you were to strike something with this sword the force generated by the blade hitting something will be so massive it will very likely snap the handle right off.

The only practical way to have a full size version of the buster sword would be to make it out of alluminum, which means it would not be a functional sword and merely a decorative piece.

Master Nabeshin
04-02-2004, 08:32 PM
I've estimated it to be about 67 1/2 inches long, with a blade length of about 53 inches. If it is made out of aluminum, then it would be no more than 20 pounds ( a 50-inch replica is only 11 pounds!) Granted, yes it wouldn't be sharp- but where the hell you would use it? If you coat it with "LiquidMetal2", then it will be much, much more durable. if you make it completley out of Liquidmetal2 (one of those metals I've mentioned before), then there will be no worries about even the strongest person breaking it. You could probally use two buster swords as tank ramps if it where made out of this. Also, you can control the center of gravity by making the handle out of a much heavier metal than the blade.

04-02-2004, 10:43 PM
I suggested alluminum because the average person would actually be able to hold the thing and from what I understand it would be cheaper to produce than most other metals. Yes you wouldn't be able to use it anywhere but it would be a very nice display piece. I'm not familiar with liquidmetal2 and the only result a quick internet search returned was a study on the defects of certain compounds in semiconductors. But if it does what you claim it can the problem of weight would still be there. Yes, you could counterballance the blade by making a very heavy handle, but then the overall weight would most likely be over 50 lbs. I don't care how strong you are, nobody would be able to weild a 50+ lb sword.

04-03-2004, 06:46 AM
Thankyou so much(Chaosrain112)for telling us this I just finished ordering the two blades and i could never be happier thanks again
:D ;)

Master Nabeshin
04-04-2004, 01:18 AM
Liquidmetal2 is a special poly-alloy with super elastic and super strength properties. It like a plastic metal. It can be injection molded, and spray applicated (look on expensive golf clubs, the Liquidmetal2 logo will probably be there, but only on new ones). A factory used to have high-demand tubes on some of it's machines, and the tubes would have to be replaced every 6 months, they had Liquidmetal2 sprayed on the tubes, and the tube have been holding for over 10 years now....wait..this is a final fantasy forum, why the hell am I writing this? Anyway, my question to you is- If you got yourself a real, full-sized buster sword, what would you do with it? I'd display it in my collection.

04-04-2004, 06:07 PM
Well... yeah that's all true and all, but... isn't there ANY way known to humankind that would let someone wield a Buster Sword? I'm not being picky or anything, it's just I like to get more than just a display piece out of a sword- especially a big one.

Master Nabeshin
04-05-2004, 10:58 PM
If there is any miracle metal out there that would allow for both strength and low weight, then I think that many Final Fantasy fans would be very happy, and go on killing sprees with all of our new buster swords. Including me.:-P

04-05-2004, 11:35 PM
No, it'll be worse. Everyone is going to compete on who looks like Cloud more..

04-06-2004, 06:59 AM
lolllllllllllll u guys r fuuuunyyyy. FF7 is jus a game man, dusnt matta wot the weight is and stuff, the designers put it in there cos its kool

Dark Knight Odin
04-14-2004, 05:26 AM
The Buster Sword and the Masamune are great swords. But i personally like the Zantetsuken from FF8. It may not be big but it looks cool and has a lot of power to boot.

04-20-2004, 10:08 PM

Sorry but i think this topic is too good to die in MY eyes, let more people see it, make suggestions, AND LET US KNOW IF THERES A GOOD METAL TO MAKE A FREAKIN BUSTER SWORD! :coolegg:

ff7 kid
04-23-2004, 12:16 AM
the buster sowrd is real and i have it it cost 300 and some bucks but its real

04-23-2004, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by Dark Knight Odin
The Buster Sword and the Masamune are great swords.

Well, if you're a fan of Masamune's work, go back to ancient Japan and ask him to make you one. Oh... but there is no the Masamune, there were many more than one made.

Besides that simple fact, this whole thread makes me cry.

04-23-2004, 09:15 AM
um ... since u guys are all buster sword experts. the two holes in the top next to the handle... are these materia slots? cause i know that the sword itself can only hold 2. so im just curious if they are or not.

04-23-2004, 09:24 PM
Yes they are. If you notice in the game the Buster Sword can only have 2 materia equipped to it.

ff7 kid
04-23-2004, 11:23 PM
go here to see the real buster sword

the go to fun stuff and go to sighttings and scroll down and *BAM* there it is matiera holes and all

04-24-2004, 07:19 AM
i typed in Buster Sword in the search thing and didnt find anything

Master Nabeshin
05-01-2004, 12:21 AM
Go on eBay and serach for the Buster Sword, there's a smaller version of the buster sword for sale. It's only about 36-38 inches long, but it's got a grittier, more realistic look to it than the aluminum version (the new stainless stell version kicks ass), plus, this version comes with materia orbs that are placed in the handle. 'Course, both versions are still smaller than the "actual" buster sword would be. Only two full-size swords have ever been produced by Square (or so I've been told, and probaly for promotional uses), and the only way to get a full-size, sharpened buster sword is to hire a custom bladesmith and dish out a few thousand dollars. The same goes for Sephiroth's masamune, which is much different from an actual masamune, and is more like a No Dachi or a giant samurai sword. Unless there are different versions of the masamune, with a shorter hilt and longer blade than what I've seen.

Originally posted by C-Str!fe
lolllllllllllll u guys r fuuuunyyyy. FF7 is jus a game man, dusnt matta wot the weight is and stuff, the designers put it in there cos its kool

That may be, but who's gonna be laughing when everyone has a buster sword but you? Possibly still you, from insanity. *cracks spinal cord* ooo, that's better.

05-03-2004, 10:41 PM
Well I got bored today and typed Buster Sword into Google and looked through a few pages, saved some pics, ( :) ) and I clicked on a link in some other language and there were pics of swords on it and as i scrolled down i recognized the pic that i mentioned at the start of this thread. THIS IS THE PIC I HAD:

AINT IT BEAUTIFUL?!?!?! :love: :coolegg:

05-03-2004, 11:24 PM
To keep this thread alive, I might as-well show all my pics of the Buster Sword... lol

Note that I merely right clicked them and hit Save As.
I only drew 1 of these, and its on Paint. :)

lol FF7 start screen

Master Nabeshin
05-09-2004, 10:31 PM
I think this thread is dead...

05-10-2004, 07:11 PM
This thread is about 4 months old :laugh: .....someone must of been bored...

ff7 kid
05-10-2004, 07:19 PM
Dontthink it worked

http://FF7 U*N*I*V*E*R*S*E

05-11-2004, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by Savior_Sephiroth
This thread is about 4 months old :laugh: .....someone must of been bored...

Yeah... I WAS- Kinda. :)
But theres always someone who has to share their addictions on the internet or wherever. Just 'cuz its old doesn't mean its dead! *Uses godly powers to revive old thread* HALLELUJAH! :D

ff7 kid
05-11-2004, 09:58 PM
I have a pic of the real buster sword you can get it for $300 or so i wish i knew how to put it on here :confused: :whatever:

ff7 kid
05-12-2004, 01:07 AM
Hehehehehe look at the buster sword :)

Great thing it is.

05-16-2004, 02:48 AM
The buster sword IS real *prolly been said about 500,000,000 times but i dont wanna surf thru all the pages* go to and search for it, there is also a gunblade and a masamune :)

06-24-2004, 07:46 AM
Well would you like to have the Masamune Blade?Which was carried by "THE REAL ONE WINGED ANGEL"about heps long ago.He is also the one who supposaly doomed the Earth and summoned Super Nova which is bigger than the sun and is ganna hit in 2100!!!!