02-04-2004, 08:29 PM
Since the game does not talk much of Cloud's father, I have come to an assumption that Cloud could of been created of Jenova cells too. I mean Cloud and Sephiroth are similar in many ways. Cloud's mother could of been injected with Jenova cells. Well it is possible.

02-04-2004, 11:32 PM
Sephiroth had no knowledge of his existence prior to SOLDIER - other than the name of his mother, Jenova. He was comfortable in this knowledge until what should have been an uneventful trip to Nibelheim, in order to investigate a reactor leak.

On reaching the town, Sephiroth, his second-in-command, and two regular soldiers visit the reactor, guided by a local girl - Tifa. Inside the reactor's core, Sephiroth makes two disturbing discoveries - the first, an organism named "Jenova" contained within a room in the reactor - and secondly, the prescense of Mako=enhanced humanoid monsters growing within metal pods, a result of Hojo's experimentation. Sephiroth comes to the conclusion that he has also been produced in this way - as a Mako and Jenova enhanced 'super-soldier,' - and thus begins his descent into insanity.

On the trip back to Nibelheim, Sephiroth doesn't utter a word. Once there, he locks himself into the basement of the Shinra Mansion - where past records and documents are stored. Here, he begins his quest for knowledge of his past, the Cetra (or Ancients), and Jenova, his supposed mother...

" organism that was apparently dead, was found in a 2000 year old geological stratum."
"Professor Gast named that organism, Jenova..."

"X Year, X Month, X Day. Jenova confirmed to be an Ancient..."
"X Year, X Month, X Day. Jenova Project approved. The use of Mako Reactor 1 approved for use..."

"My mother's name is Jenova... Jenova Project... Is this just a coincidence?"

When Cloud visits Sephiroth several days later, his knowledge is complete - and every document and manuscript in the Shinra basement read. Sephiroth calls Cloud a traitor - explaining that he is descended from the Cetra, the indigenous race of the planet, as his mother, Jenova was an Ancient. The Cetra, or Ancients, migrated around the planet, settling and moving on until they died when they reached the Promised Land and supreme happiness.

Those that disliked the journey, however, settled and chose to lead an easier life - the ancestors of humans on the planet during present day. Soon after this, a disaster struck, and the planet was saved only through sacrificing the Cetra - its original inhabitants. One Ancient at least remained, however - Jenova, was discovered in a 2000 year old geological stratum and spawned the birth of "The Jenova Project"; an attempt to reproduce people with the powers of the Ancients or Cetra (the ability to communicate with the planet, among other traits) - and through his research, Sephiroth discovered that he was the result of these experiments.

With this speech, Sephiroth leaves to visit his "mother", Jenova. Before exiting Nibelheim, he sets the town ablaze, killing virtually all its inhabitants and burning every building to the ground. He is followed to the Mount Nibel reactor by both Tifa, Tifa's father, a Shinra guard and his second-in-command.

On reaching the reactor, Sephiroth kills Tifa's father, the first to try and stop him. When Tifa attempts to take revenge, he badly wounds her, knocking her unconcious. The next attempt to stop Sephiroth (his own second-in-command) also fails, but the final attempt succeeds - a Shinra guard, after being stabbed by Sephiroth's masamune, manages to turn the tables; lifting Sephiroth into the air, sword still through his chest, and throw him into the reactor's core.

After this, Sephiroth is reported missing, presumed dead - but has, in fact, been preserved in the Mako of the reactor, and carried via the Lifestream to the Northern Continent - the Promised Land, to be exact. While in the Lifestream, he has absorbed the knowledge and power of the Ancients, has the ability to control the numerous Sephiroth clones still alive and also part of the Jenova project - all containing Jenova's cells..

That was from the Scholar

Do you guys remember when Cloud attacked Tifa( or Aerith I don't remember)? Before he went into the coma? After or Before (I Forget) Sephiroth got the Black Materia. Well i'm guessing Sephiroth tried to control Cloud, in trying to make him kill Tifa( or Aerith). I think cloud has Jenova cells in him.

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 11:35 PM
that wasnt Cloud that was Zack...the shinra guard was Cloud

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 11:40 PM
ok this will be hard...Sephiroth died spirit did not become part of the life stream...through out the whole game he is minipulating a clone that looks like him(witch is why it seems he can fly) and Jenova was no Ancient...she was an alien that fought them in a war...they froze her in mako and she sent a virus that killed most ancients...thats it in a nut shell anyway

02-05-2004, 01:42 AM
Youve Both double posted... Im No Mod... But... You Know You Can Edit your posts... *Highly Recommends*

And if The mako Infusion Process makes Cloud And Seph Brothers then That Makes the Whole of Soldier A Family Unit... An dIf you Wanna Put it Down To The Jenova Expriments by Hojo then All Of the Sphiroth clones And Cloud And Seph Are Family of Each Other...

02-05-2004, 04:18 PM
*Continously Slams his head against the wall* Ya Neo is right, Hey give me a break I was 9 , The last time I played (I'm replaying). Sorry Neo. Jenova did come from a meteor and was not an ancient. Those clones are smoking somthing strong ("Re.....un....ion. *chokes*)