Tactical Error #5
02-04-2004, 04:07 PM
I was going to post this on Monday when I found out but I was too tired. Starting Monday, February 16 at 12:00 midnight Witch Hunter Robin will run on [ADULT SWIM] taking the Inuyasha time slot. I've never seen the show befor but I might check it out.

Questions, comments, or suggestions on the series?

02-04-2004, 05:11 PM
Doesn't Cartwoon Network... cut stuff out? Didn't they edit out any religious comments in other animes they aired? And of course, blood and similar stuff?
How are they going to deal with Witch Hunter Robin? o_o"

Anyway, this is one hell of a cool series, trust me. Give it a go. :)

02-05-2004, 02:28 AM
well they're a little more linient in the cutting for adult swim shows. if its toonami then yes, snip and cut. but for AS, it ain't half bad. I personally don't know anything about "witch hunter robin". so i'm curious to see it.

ok. i just came back from getting the low-down from the official site. lol. it seems like a total hellsing rip-off. except they replace vampires with witches. wow. O_o rofl. seems a little lame but who cares. i'll watch anything these days. lol

ultima weapon
02-05-2004, 03:34 AM
'Course i'll watch it, it got my attention, before they started airing the commerical i didn't even know about the anime. I'll be tuning into it on Feburary 16, it seems very interesting, dark and gothy.

02-05-2004, 06:15 AM
Witch Hunter Robin?? Awesome!! Watch it.. though i tink eng dubbed animes arent as good as the original language (jap).. aniwae enjoy!!

02-05-2004, 10:32 AM
Hellsing rip-off? Just because it happens to be about an organization that hunts after individuals with paranormal abilities? I hate it when people are so quick to judge, and try desperately to find similarities between shows. I've read the accusation "Hellsing rid-off" about Chrno Crusade, too, and that's simply ridiculous.

Witch Hunter Robin bears no similarity with Hellsing. The show is VERY unique, and I am talking about the atmosphere now, about the art, the character design, the music, etc. Hellsing is a lot more freaky... Witch Hunter Robin is very elegant, has more realistic art than Hellsing and IMHO is better. ;)

Lightning Mage
02-05-2004, 06:35 PM
I've seen at least 6 episodes of it and it's pretty interesting.
Personally i'm glad it's replacing Inu Yasha. To me Inu Yasha is getting to be a newer DBZ. It's got too many villains. Plus it's going on forever. But WHR is something i'd gladly watch on [ADULT SWIM]. I wouldn't worry about them cutting anything out.

02-06-2004, 05:35 AM
yea i agree with Misao.. Hellsing had whole lot of violence and gore compared to Witch Hunter Robin.. doesnt the music already soothes u?? HellSing's one was damn freaky..

Dark Narga
02-06-2004, 10:42 PM
WHR looks like it'll be nothing like hellsing. i'm hella happy that it'll be on. Inuyasha is getting dull seeing the same epsoides over & over again. since it on AS it'll be as close to its whole as they can get it. my Questria friends tell me its hella sweet so i'll watch it.

02-07-2004, 01:10 AM
Witch Hunter Robin bears no similarity with Hellsing. The show is VERY unique, and I am talking about the atmosphere now, about the art, the character design, the music, etc. Hellsing is a lot more freaky... Witch Hunter Robin is very elegant, has more realistic art than Hellsing and IMHO is better.

Sadly, because you like WHR I'd have to consider your opinion on it to be biased and therefore invalid.

ESPECIALLY since I thought we all settled the "better" anime issue about 3 years ago. Do we really need to go through it again?

And I didn't have to try to find a similarity, I read the summary and bam it hit me. It was so obvious. If it wans't so obvious and I was trying to compare to some anime I like to make it look bad I would have said something stupid like "OMG IT IZ SO LAIK LAIN BECUZ IT'S ALL SECRET AND DAKR AND SHITE"

And I think the only reason chrno crusade is always compared to it is because its like from the same company (i think) and they too have a secret organisation. now tell me, if it is so unfair, tell me of any other anime with secret organizations in them BEFORE the hellsing series, and i'll go ahead and shut my mouth about it and yield.

Until then, WHR is HELLSING RIP-OFF! :p

I stand by my half assed opinion.

And don't get all pissy either It's not like I even give a damn whether they are similar or not. I mean what are you some witch hunter ultra fan who considers everyone else unworthy if we don't like it or compare it to other anime? fuck man. if your gonna get all high and mighty pick a REAL anime to fall in love with like robotech. pfft. lol


02-07-2004, 07:11 AM
I'm not in love with WHR, I watched it, I liked it, and I watched some of Hellsing and therefore can say that the shows are not similar. Or maybe they are, in the same way that every show is similar to every other show. Like, say, both have a female main character, or similar stuff. But when it comes to the real important things, the things that make Hellsing Hellsing, WHR WHR and if you like, Chrno Crusade Chrno Crusade, it's about atmosphere etc.

I recommend you give WHR an unbiased try.
Actually, some people say it's similar to X Files... It all depends on your point of view.

02-07-2004, 08:06 PM
you can count on me to give anything an unbiased try. i HAVE no biases. never did, but probably might one day. lol

i just don't like to be thought of as those who DO compare anythnign with anything and then bash something and consider themselves 1337 anime fans.

i'm not like them. >=E grrr. unless you are intentionally insulting me! in that case, i challenge you to a duel! a POKEMON DUEL! lol ;)

but anyway does anyone know what other projects the company that made whr has made in the past? /me curious

02-15-2004, 01:02 PM
I, for one, am super excited about this. But then again, I haven't seen any Witch Hunter Robin yet, so maybe I'm missing something.

02-16-2004, 08:39 AM
watch it. In english or not, guaranteed satisfaction.

Mechant Guy
02-17-2004, 12:31 AM
well i dunno im a big InuYasha fan but almost everything they have shown on Adult swim is good

Random person: *cough* Reain *cough* Sucks balls! *cough*

02-17-2004, 10:19 AM
So I watched it last night, and while nothing about it was bad, nothing about it really excited me either. Is there anyone who can tell how much they cut, and if the japanese voice actors are better then the ones in the dub?

02-17-2004, 11:57 AM
I watched it as well. Hellsing has always been my favorite anime
(Go Alexander!) And I honestly didn't view it as a rip off... Honestly, I loved WHR. It seems to me like a mix of Silent Mobius, Blood: The last vampire, and even a likkle bit of Hellsing (just a little). The animation was great (although not perfect ie: the guy who was bald....NO ONE HAS A HEAD THAT LARGE!!!) and the charactors seemed interesting enough (Amon seems very cool). Although I'd have to have to say, It wasn't too spectacular. ( I ran out and bought the Hellsing OST as soon as it came out ). All, in all, I found Witch hunter robin quite entertaining. I wish it wasn't on so late though. I'll try to catch the rest of the series when I can. hopefully It'll air on toonami soon...hopefully. As for the music, It is some what melacholy.

02-17-2004, 01:57 PM
I think Japanese Seiyuu are almost always better than our Voice Actors. Mostly cos we just get squeaky voiced weirdos for girls/talking animals and men with too much testosterone for the males. Whereas the Japanese ones can actually, you know, act.

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 04:36 PM
I thought it was an o.k. first episode. I'm sure the action will pick up to a lot better speed as soon as they get about 4 more episodes into the series. I definitaley will stay tuned to the series cuz I like the concept of the show. It's kinda like Blade mixed with The Exorcist.

That one guy,Amon I think was his name,was a bad ass!!! He's now officially one of my favorite anime characters(besides Spike)

Mechant Guy
02-17-2004, 07:47 PM
they didn't get rid of InuYasha they just moved it up to 11:30p.m. central

02-18-2004, 04:23 AM
dun worry.. the later episodes promises to be better.. oh and i haf the japanese version of it.. there wasnt any gore, blood splattering.. so i dun think there will be cuts..

Dark Narga
02-18-2004, 11:15 PM
WHR is pretty cool so far i can't wait to see more :D. that & new InuYasha its really p*ss me off how they one play the same ones over & over again.

02-19-2004, 03:21 PM
I was thinking of watching this, but i missed the first episode and maybe if i had seen it then the second one would have seemed more interesting.

Cloud's Clone
02-19-2004, 08:08 PM
The shows got a lot of potential. I think more anime lovers should pay attention to it. It has a very good story to it.

Tactical Error #5
02-19-2004, 08:34 PM
I watched the first three episodes and will be watching tonight's and from what I've seen it's not for everyone. I can't really form a solid opinion from just three episodes as the characters are still in early development but it's growing on me a little. The art style is nice and moody as is the music but I still feel I'm missing a little on the story part.
Anyway, yes they did only move Inuyasha back half an hour, as well of the rest of the programs. This has effectively removed Lupin III from the lineup. So Inuyasha fans stay up half an hour later, Lupin fans complain like crazy, and the rest watch Witch Hunter Robin.

02-20-2004, 12:56 PM
Witch Hunter Robin is definitely getting better. The last two episodes were, in my opinion, leagues above the first one.

Lupin III isn't in the lineup any more? That's so sad. ;_:

02-22-2004, 07:23 PM
I've seen the first week of Witch Hunter Robin. It kind of reminds me of a slight mix of Hellsing and Serial Experiment Lain. I wish I could see it in Japanese but the english dubbing isn't bad so far.
It's going to be a pain though to stay up so late just to watch it though. There's 26 episodes right? Long nights are coming my way

02-26-2004, 06:23 PM
I'm lucky- I work overnights, and I have to start getting ready for work about the time that Big O ends.

Dhelor Aqari
03-13-2004, 07:04 AM
I've watched every episode that they've shown on CN. It's quite intriguing, in my opinion. Plus, the music is exceptional.

Apparently, Sci-Fi Channel has bought the rights to make a live action version of the series. Sounds interesting. Hopefully they don't screw it up as they have so many programs.

Tactical Error #5
03-13-2004, 01:22 PM
I've missed a couple of episodes but the series is definately picking up. Mojor plot twists of late with Robin going into hiding after the attack and Amon's whereabouts and condition unknown. I'm hooked, are you?

03-13-2004, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Tactical Error #5
I've missed a couple of episodes but the series is definately picking up. Mojor plot twists of late with Robin going into hiding after the attack and Amon's whereabouts and condition unknown. I'm hooked, are you?

The same thing happened to me. I missed two or three episodes, and then I was totally lost when I went to watch it Thursday. It was a great episode, though.

03-18-2004, 10:20 PM
i think witch hunter robin is a very interesting anime series all on its own and the music along with the animation are quite good in my opinion.