02-04-2004, 02:28 PM
lets have some ideas of who clouds father could be.........

me im going with the retard in the pipe by aeris house who after splitting with clouds mom turns into a sort of vegetable like state and lives in a pipe.......

02-04-2004, 08:18 PM
i dunno, but Barret may be his Uncle?

02-04-2004, 08:23 PM
What if Cloud was created exactly like Sephiroth was?? I mean Lucrecia gave birth to Sephiroth, so Cloud's mom could of been injected with Jenova Cells too. Since Cloud and Sephiroth are very similar. hmmm I think i'm getting to something.

02-04-2004, 08:28 PM
yeah and Cloud Could of been Zack's Brother, so same mum there maybe

Seig Warheit
02-04-2004, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by Savior_Sephiroth
What if Cloud was created exactly like Sephiroth was?? I mean Lucrecia gave birth to Sephiroth, so Cloud's mom could of been injected with Jenova Cells too. Since Cloud and Sephiroth are very similar. hmmm I think i'm getting to something.

That's fucking rediculous. JENOVA is a being found inside of Meteor when it hit first that's sole purpose. If the above case were true, we'd have 2 guys running around trying to summon meteor.

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 10:27 PM
yes and both of Zack's parents are in his old house wile Cloud's home is still next to Tifa's...

02-04-2004, 10:49 PM
Wasn't Jenova found in a Stratum?

Well I guess your right, because a stratum is a layer of rock, but wouldn't a meteor make a crater??

Ummm no that wouldn't mean we would have two guys trying to summon the meteor. Sephiroth is the one who lost his mind remember? Hey I have another question, why did cloud try to attack Tifa (or was it Aerith?) after the black materia was taken by Sephiroth. Before he went into the coma. Well my memorie is rotten, so I'm guessing since Sephiroth can control people with Jenova cells in them, he tried to control Cloud in killing her.

Sephiroth had no knowledge of his existence prior to SOLDIER - other than the name of his mother, Jenova. He was comfortable in this knowledge until what should have been an uneventful trip to Nibelheim, in order to investigate a reactor leak.

On reaching the town, Sephiroth, his second-in-command, and two regular soldiers visit the reactor, guided by a local girl - Tifa. Inside the reactor's core, Sephiroth makes two disturbing discoveries - the first, an organism named "Jenova" contained within a room in the reactor - and secondly, the prescense of Mako=enhanced humanoid monsters growing within metal pods, a result of Hojo's experimentation. Sephiroth comes to the conclusion that he has also been produced in this way - as a Mako and Jenova enhanced 'super-soldier,' - and thus begins his descent into insanity.

On the trip back to Nibelheim, Sephiroth doesn't utter a word. Once there, he locks himself into the basement of the Shinra Mansion - where past records and documents are stored. Here, he begins his quest for knowledge of his past, the Cetra (or Ancients), and Jenova, his supposed mother...

" organism that was apparently dead, was found in a 2000 year old geological stratum."
"Professor Gast named that organism, Jenova..."

"X Year, X Month, X Day. Jenova confirmed to be an Ancient..."
"X Year, X Month, X Day. Jenova Project approved. The use of Mako Reactor 1 approved for use..."

"My mother's name is Jenova... Jenova Project... Is this just a coincidence?"

When Cloud visits Sephiroth several days later, his knowledge is complete - and every document and manuscript in the Shinra basement read. Sephiroth calls Cloud a traitor - explaining that he is descended from the Cetra, the indigenous race of the planet, as his mother, Jenova was an Ancient. The Cetra, or Ancients, migrated around the planet, settling and moving on until they died when they reached the Promised Land and supreme happiness.

Those that disliked the journey, however, settled and chose to lead an easier life - the ancestors of humans on the planet during present day. Soon after this, a disaster struck, and the planet was saved only through sacrificing the Cetra - its original inhabitants. One Ancient at least remained, however - Jenova, was discovered in a 2000 year old geological stratum and spawned the birth of "The Jenova Project"; an attempt to reproduce people with the powers of the Ancients or Cetra (the ability to communicate with the planet, among other traits) - and through his research, Sephiroth discovered that he was the result of these experiments.

With this speech, Sephiroth leaves to visit his "mother", Jenova. Before exiting Nibelheim, he sets the town ablaze, killing virtually all its inhabitants and burning every building to the ground. He is followed to the Mount Nibel reactor by both Tifa, Tifa's father, a Shinra guard and his second-in-command.

On reaching the reactor, Sephiroth kills Tifa's father, the first to try and stop him. When Tifa attempts to take revenge, he badly wounds her, knocking her unconcious. The next attempt to stop Sephiroth (his own second-in-command) also fails, but the final attempt succeeds - a Shinra guard, after being stabbed by Sephiroth's masamune, manages to turn the tables; lifting Sephiroth into the air, sword still through his chest, and throw him into the reactor's core.

After this, Sephiroth is reported missing, presumed dead - but has, in fact, been preserved in the Mako of the reactor, and carried via the Lifestream to the Northern Continent - the Promised Land, to be exact. While in the Lifestream, he has absorbed the knowledge and power of the Ancients, has the ability to control the numerous Sephiroth clones still alive and also part of the Jenova project - all containing Jenova's cells..

That was from the Scholar

I'm assuming that shinra guard was Zack. Since Cloud was the second in command.

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 11:12 PM
woah too many Cloud was captured and made into the mako/jenova thing...and because seph can control his clones and cloud was sort of a clone

02-04-2004, 11:28 PM
Im kind of confused on what you just said?? So your saying cloud is a clone?

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 11:31 PM
yes watch the little skit on disk three...go to the shinra mansion(ware you got vincent) and go to the basement should clear that up

02-04-2004, 11:34 PM
Ok thanks

02-04-2004, 11:54 PM
Hojo said he was a failed experiment neh? but Tifa's memories, Sephiroth's memories, and if u would consider Cloud's memories include his youth as a human child. so it shouldn't be Hojo or Sephiroth....i say Cid..

02-05-2004, 01:44 AM
K now 5 Posts in A Row... Mods! Please Fix this! *Puts Hand up For modship*

02-05-2004, 06:57 AM
erm Savior_Sephiroth have you actually completed the game or is your memory that bad......coz cloud wasnt second in charge hes the plain old boring soldier zack is second in command and the SOLDIER clouds the one that lifts seph in the air and chucks him in the life stream at the same time fufilling his promise to tifa....convienent

02-05-2004, 04:15 PM
Two years later, at the age of 16, Cloud returns to Nibelheim as Sephiroth's second-in-command - having fulfilled his dreams of joining SOLDIER and reaching First Class. On the journey, he consoles one of the guards on his travel sickness, but says - "I wouldn't know.. I've never had motion sickness." There have been reports of increased monster activity in the Mount Nibel area, possibly due to a reactor leak, and a SOLDIER group has been dispatched to investigate further. This is Cloud's first visit to Nibelheim in two years and he looks forward to seeing Tifa, but she is nowhere to be found - so instead, he visits her house, playing the piano in her room. and reading a letter to Tifa from one of her childhood friends; the son of the general store owner:

From the Scholar :notgood: again

Bob if you actually paid attention to the game , you would know that Cloud was the Second-in-Command. Read the Paragraph.

02-05-2004, 04:28 PM

but hes not ZACK is cloud is your average ass boring soldier like the ones you fight at the begining that story is the original story cloud gives.....not the real one someone else tell him!

02-05-2004, 05:45 PM
if you go through clouds memory in the lifestream you would see he was the boring ass MP like from the biginning of the game, if you got to the lifestream and still didn't get it :notgood: then you are an idiot

i think clouds dad is squall

02-05-2004, 05:49 PM
lol im sure i just critiscised in the Jenova thread by you 2 for flaming, tut tut, they mite not have played the game fully lol, mite no know all the details you said! :D Pot calling kettle black! ;) :p

02-05-2004, 05:53 PM
i you actually pay attention we are giving him the truth as his arguments are incorrect the other thread involves ideas and the individual involved is actually asking if they are correct (you see the ? on the end of them?)

please dont act like you are master of all things ff7 and actually contribute ideas

that would be great

02-05-2004, 05:55 PM
yeah would be great if you didnt try and be such a smart ass.

IF you actually read my comments on the other thread i was clearing up fact from fiction to do with what happened in the game, not the speculation part, just as valid as your points here about zack being the dude from soldier etc, i was saying what happened in the game also. If you didnt have your head SO FAR up your own ass you'll realise my post just then in this thread was a joke. Heard of one of them? If you find your sense of humor "that would be great"

02-05-2004, 05:57 PM
considering the fiction had already been cleared there wsa no need to insult the thread a simple agreeance of the facts would have been fine

and yes i have heard of a joke i believe its called your father

02-05-2004, 05:59 PM
oh how mature of you. clearly showing how infantile you are there. "lets insult there family, ohhh nobodys tried that before, how original i am heheheheh"

And no it hadnt really been cleared up properly it had been pushed to the side, i suggest you go re-read it as i didnt point anyone out in particular.

So grow up.

02-05-2004, 06:03 PM
it had been "pushed aside" as it was no longer important and if i need to grow up the perhaps we can both go to school again as with comments like "head up your own ass" etc.

i personally vote we veto this conversation before the admin step in........and leave it as your a prick but then again so am i agreed?

02-05-2004, 06:05 PM
LOL ok. I really wasnt arguin with you in either posts to begin with just thought i'd clear a few things up for the ppl who misunderstood. Really didnt mean it to appear offencive which is obviously came across as which i didnt mean it to.

SO, lets just drop these ever lasting retorts and drop it then :p ;)

02-05-2004, 06:07 PM
back to topic would you contribute your ideas on clouds father? im still rolling with idiot in the pipe.....

02-05-2004, 07:56 PM
The Don of the Slums

02-05-2004, 08:08 PM
Hmm clouds dad could be a lot of people, we never really find out anything about clouds mum, she could be the village slut :p

Didnt he say his father left him when he was very young or something? I dont remember the beginning of the game that well

02-05-2004, 09:14 PM
Savior_Sephiroth: please don't post that many times in a row. I fixed it for you this time. in the future, please use the "edit" button. :)

02-06-2004, 12:38 PM
Though I posted this in another thread, I posting it again:

In a Fanfiction I read, the author said that Cloud's mom use to work with President Shinra as his secretary. The two had an affair and she wounded up getting pregnant. He was married to her sister, so he fired her and sent her to Nibelheim.

This puts up an interesting delimna. In the game, while Tifa was in Cloud's mind, she said that Cloud's mom just showed up one day with a baby...and no father.

Also, in Rufus's death scene, right before the energy bolts hit the tower, they show a close up of his eyes. When they narrow, i'm just sturck with the image of cloud for some reason.

Also to clear up a previous argument, Zack was the second-in-command, the original 'Sephiroth's Shadow'.

02-06-2004, 01:57 PM
Alex mack??? What the fuck, you really that kid from TV that dropped off the face of the planet!? :lol If not, that�s still pretty funny! :lol

Clouds dads - I kinda am going with something shinra, maybe the pres (like somebody said earlier with Rufus' eyes, maybe his bro)

Maybe Dio....he does fight better than the average SOILDER

I don�t think we will ever know....could be anyone :o

Vash- :eye:

02-06-2004, 07:20 PM
Yes could be anyone.....

....or could it?

02-06-2004, 09:02 PM
Quick impression for ya...Sephiroth : Cloud I am your father!!...Cloud : NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!:lol

02-06-2004, 10:24 PM
Cloud is short and skinny and has blonde hair, so his father would have to be kind of the same build as Cloud, so seppie couldnt be his father. i think his father wouldve been in SOLDIER cos Cloud wanted to join in his youth so with his father being in SOLDIER it wouldve given cloud inspiration. But its just one of those mysteries we may never kno and one that will never be answered.

02-07-2004, 12:36 PM
Hey, but as an teaser, they may hint in 'Advent Children' who his father is

02-11-2004, 02:43 PM
Could be anyone,but i doubt Sephiroth,but maybe............

02-11-2004, 04:42 PM
Sephiroth can be his father, but I doubt it. They are similar. They both received Jenova cells and mako therapy (That could be the cause of their incredible strength). well, it doesn't really matter who has what color hair, because 23 chromosomes come from the father, and 23 chromosomes come from the mother. Cloud could of recieved his mothers hair genes, and so on.

Neo Sephiroth
02-11-2004, 06:45 PM
his mother did have the same hair as Cloud...mabie in AC they will tell us

02-11-2004, 06:59 PM
Cloud couldn't have a father since he was suppose to be a clone of sepheroth. So my point is that he couldn't have a father since he is a clone. But Jenova could be kind of his mother like sepheroth, except she gave birth to sepheroth and not to Cloud...

02-11-2004, 07:49 PM
nyargh! It is not specified whether or not Hojo made clones of Sephiroth in a body capsule or something or another or not..but if he did, then why were there younger and older clones (or just shorter/taller clones that were in Nibelheim) and why did he need to experiment on humans with mako like in the Nibelheim reactor? but again they never specify that point which makes determing Cloud's origin difficult and why this thread exists...but if Tifa's, Sephiroth's, and Cloud's memories are correct, cloud did age from the time he spent in Nibelheim planning to go into SOLDIER and when Cloud is all grown he must be human..and must have parents..Cid doesn't make too much sense other than Cloud has blonde hair like Cid and Cid was affiliated with Shinra..could be another thing he's pissed about other than losing his chance to go to the moon..

02-12-2004, 04:27 AM
as that you never see tifa's mum and you never see cluods dad.....did you ever think that they might be related?perfect explanation if you ask me!!!

02-12-2004, 01:24 PM
No thats not called an explanation,thats called inbreed.Cant be,they have feelings for eachother,i know they wouldnt know but,no i doubt it...................

02-12-2004, 04:19 PM
That also would be pretty damn nasty since they slept with each other when they were near the crater.

02-12-2004, 04:36 PM
The hell!!!:shock: when did they sleep with eachother, i don't remember that!

And clouds dad is..........................................Red XIII
:lol Mwawawawawawawawawawawawawa!!!!!!:lol

02-12-2004, 04:51 PM
well Tifa woke up next to him so they technically slept with eath other. That seen were Tifa leaned of Cloud's shoulder and fell asleep. Outside the crater or "Great North Cave".

02-12-2004, 05:04 PM
they slept next to eachother not with eachother, i was bout to say, let me find out they got it on

02-12-2004, 05:10 PM
you sure it wasn't outside of Midgar when Cloud told everyone to make sure they wanted to go to the North Crater and face Sephiroth/Jenova??

02-12-2004, 05:32 PM
i think it was outside midgar, but i know it wasn't near the crater

02-12-2004, 08:09 PM
Well I'm not too sure with my answer, but they did sleep next to each other (Lucky Bastard Cloud :notgood: ) He is two timing with Aerith (well was :( ) and Tifa. Hey when Cloud and Aerith were on a date, and riding in the ride that (I forgot the damn name OK?!?!), it looked to me as if she was trying to come on to him or something. Ancients these days :p .

02-12-2004, 11:28 PM
if you fell to sleep next to tifa what would you do???
i know what ill do!!!!

02-13-2004, 09:29 AM
i'd fondle her "funny fun bags":lol

02-14-2004, 07:15 AM
lol... wouldnt you like to know. :eye:

02-16-2004, 08:40 AM
I reckon Cloud's dad could be Sephiroth, i mean nobody knows how old he is and he could of possibly had a fling wit Cloud's mum when he was younger that would explain the inhuman bound between them despite the jenova cells.
But maybe his dad was a turk?
It definately couldn't have been Squall as Cloud is Zell's great grandfather who he has a picture of in his room and Zell explains to Squall and Rinoa that his great grandfather was an ex-soldier!
Any ideas to whom Zell's great grandmother is?

02-16-2004, 07:38 PM
Can't remember Zell ever explaining that in FFVIII..of course can't remember many other minor scenes so i won't say it didn't happen..but then why didn't anyone else bring this up? well i guess it's just because that's going forward in the lineage..and were trying to go back..most FF's never really outline a character's family history anyway..but i still say Cid..not that this would hint at the truth but Cid was uncle to Yuna and father to Rikku in FFX..

Neo Sephiroth
02-16-2004, 08:17 PM
it might be me but every ff game is set further into da future...i mean ff1 was in the medevil times wile 10 was far in the future...look at each one...the main guys might be all related

Cloud's Clone
02-16-2004, 08:34 PM
There has been a theory that Cloud's dad was killed by Shinra solidiers. To be more specific, a Turk by the name of Vincent Valentine. This supposedly happened right after the end of the Wutai War, during the period when Lucrecia met Vincent.

02-18-2004, 11:50 AM
now that i haven't heard

but speaking of FF8 lineage, i heard a rumor that squall was clouds son not zell

02-18-2004, 04:13 PM
Sephiroth is in his late 20's and early 30's because Lucrecia is his mother, Vincent was 28 at the time Lucrecia gave birth to Sephiroth, so Sephiroth isn't Cloud's father.

02-19-2004, 08:09 AM
It'd make more sence that Zell is related to Cloud than Squall is. Zell is short, has blonde hair and talks about his rellies being soldiers. But i seriously doubt it, and in FFX-2 isnt there a dude named Shinra ??????? so that stops the theory about all ff being in a set time line by game number.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
02-20-2004, 12:10 AM
Okay, FF7 and FF8 are two totally different worlds, different universes. So enough with the "OMG, Squall is Cloud's decendant OMGZ!!!" junk.

Cloud's father is an unknown, and will remain an unknown. For him to be the son of any other playable character (as has been mentioned) would be the dumbest plot element EVER in a FF game. Same goes for being the son of Sephiroth or Hojo or any other mainstream character.

And for the record, Cloud and Tifa did screw beneath the Highwind at the end of Disk Two, at the scene when everyone went to their hometown or whatever to "find out what it is they're fighting for".

We had this discussion years ago back when everyone was running across this for hte first time when they played the game.

Remember when Cloud and Tifa went back onto the Highwind and it turned out everyone was waiting for them in the Bridge?

Cloud: So, how come you guys just snuck on here?

Red XIII: Well, y'know, Cid...

Cid: Quiet, you never know what they might've said, now!

Tifa: You mean you were watching?!!!!!

*Tifa runs off to one corner of the bridge and drops to her knees with hands over face, apparently hideously embarrassed.

*Everyone else looks at each other.

*Cloud scratches head and shrugs.

Cloud: Okay, everyone, let's go!

It happened something like that, anyway.

cloud strife 21
02-20-2004, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by Strife-x
if you go through clouds memory in the lifestream you would see he was the boring ass MP like from the biginning of the game, if you got to the lifestream and still didn't get it :notgood: then you are an idiot

i think clouds dad is squall

squall is younger than cloud so squall is not a choice

cloud strife 21
02-20-2004, 12:44 AM
could'nt vincent be the dad?

02-20-2004, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by cloud strife 21

squall is younger than cloud so squall is not a choice

it was a typo, don't know what the hell i meants to say but it was a typo.......... wait i meant to say cloud is squalls dad, i was confused i guess :notgood:

02-20-2004, 01:03 PM
Well, my theory is that cloud only had a dad and mom, zack couldnt be his brother because of the flashback, cloud was just a soldier guy in that blue suit and zack was just there assigned on the mission, but appearently zack and cloud were prolly friends but not brothers. and i think that Squaresoft meant for him not to have a dad.

02-20-2004, 05:55 PM
Your probably right. When cloud when back to his mother's house and she was saying "I wish you would settle down..." blah blah, she never said anything about his father, or what happend to him.

Anyone think it'll talk about his pappy in Advent Children?

02-20-2004, 08:38 PM
Maybe, but I highly doubt it.

02-21-2004, 05:49 PM
Cloud tells that his dad had died when he was young.

Cloud's Clone
02-21-2004, 06:45 PM
Its very possible he was killed in the theory I stated about Vincent killing him when he was a Turk..... If you remember, Vincent was locked up in the Shinra Mansion basement for a longtime, say long enough for Cloud to grow up.

02-23-2004, 09:20 PM
Hmm, if that's the case then Cloud's Dad could have had something to do with the Jenvova Project?

04-24-2004, 04:40 PM
Cloud has no father. He was a clone of Zack who was a clone of Seph, so......yesh, no daddy.

Well, If you look at a way Vincent would be both thier dads....o.o.......Vincent had an affiar with Lucrecia, who in turn had Seph therefore making Vincent Cloud and Zacks dad....skeery.....

04-27-2004, 01:23 AM
u know what let me end this now clouds father is red xiii and thats only because he never shows up in any of the threads so if you go into relative theorizing it shows that in truth red xiii is father to cloud and vincent because they were all in the jenova project and since hojo or whatever was trying to get red xiii to get it on with everything else it shows that red is has had 4 children which were non other that zack, cloud, sephiroth and vincent (thats why vincent can turn into other creature) and that why red is the father of everyone

04-27-2004, 06:25 PM
cloud's dad cannot be found anywhere in the game... vincent wasn't killed by the turks, he was put to sleep and altered by hojo... red XIII, well, .. no comment... sephiroth.. come on!!! ... wait!!!, i take it back... i like the president idea, especially since rufus DOES look like cloud (somewhat), but realistically.. maybe... anyways.. my point is, what does it matter??!!??
(and back a ways to the sleeping 'next' to tifa thing... well... :D)

oh yes!!! and like odin said... none of the FF games are in the same world!!! there's connections (the ex-soldier thing w/ cloud in FF8 (which cloud was not) and the "i used to know a guy with a sword like that" (Zidane) thing in FF9) but these are just things that the programmers put in for 'amusement' (for lack of a better word, tho one would be appreciated.) and as far as i know (which isn't much cuz i only like FFVII and haven't played much into others after it) it only references cloud.

and one more edit... the different world doesn't apply to FFX-2 and FFVII Advent Children... for obvious reasons!!!

04-27-2004, 06:54 PM
ya i still like my theory better i mean it somewhat makes sense so im sticking too it

04-27-2004, 07:00 PM
hey if you're into a flame tail dog raping people that's fine! (naw i'm just playin!!!) anyways, it's not too bad an idea (what i mean is it's good) and i think we should start a fanfic on it (red being 'everyones' dad) i mean, it would get popular!!! lol

04-27-2004, 11:06 PM
hell ya it would i mean it has reasonable evidence with vincent and u can really come up with anything once u think about it

04-29-2004, 04:56 PM
uhh... hey! quit posting after me rotex (not serious, just couldn't think of anything to write back!)

girls call me pogi
04-29-2004, 05:23 PM
Where the heck do people come up with these things?

Cloud has no father. He was a clone of Zack who was a clone of Seph, so......yesh, no daddy.
Cloud was a natural human, untill after the Nebelheim incident where he was utilized by Hojo for experimenting.

It'd make more sence that Zell is related to Cloud than Squall is.

Anyway, I would like to hear more on this theory about his father getting killed by Vincent.

I don't think that identifying Cloud's father matters much. Why? Because if he was important, then he'd be in the game.

04-29-2004, 05:30 PM
wow!!! someone with a brain. i'm glad SOMEONE knows that cloud ain't a clone! and yeah, like the second part says:

quote: It'd make more sence that Zell is related to Cloud than Squall is.

yeah... WTF???!!!???oneone!!!?

anyways, maybe killing cloud's dad is another of the 'sins' that vincent claims he has to atone for!!! hmmm...

04-29-2004, 06:48 PM
ya but who really cares i mean he has nothing to do with the story line unless they say something in advent children so whats the point its not going to matter if we find out who it is

04-29-2004, 06:52 PM
are you STILL posting after me rotex???? lol.

but yeah, i thought we were moving on to the vincent killing his dad theory... we can discuss how he did it... with DETAILS!!! ;)

04-29-2004, 07:16 PM
well since he uses a gun i think he................................................ ..
turned into a beast and killed everyone one in the general area to make sure it would never come out in the game and he probably brainwashed the game engineers just to make sure

04-29-2004, 07:18 PM
what about the murder itself???

04-29-2004, 07:36 PM
well see no one knows what happened bacause everyone was either killed or brainwashed but if i had it my way it would be that he turned into the beast and bit his head of and them turned into the frankenstain dude and played basketball with his head

04-29-2004, 07:38 PM
and then turned into chaos and gave his head to satan

04-29-2004, 07:45 PM
sure if you want to be a satanist thats fine but im a good god loving kid that would never do that *wink wink*

05-03-2004, 05:38 PM
i'm not the satanist, vincent's the one who turns into him!!! i'm actually a christian...

quit postin after me! lol

05-07-2004, 12:41 AM
nooo im still leaning towards the satanist part but hey..... i forgot what we were talking about but ya im sticking with my theory thats its all a conspiracy by vincent to confuse everyone

05-07-2004, 09:10 AM
I think cloud`s dadis zack`s dad

05-08-2004, 04:06 PM
Never! Come on now, I have told you guys over and over I was that guy in sector 7.

05-10-2004, 09:40 PM
Not that I'm saying that this is true but if I had to say anything I'd go with the Vincent killing his dad. But then that's not possible either because then that would mean Cloud is older that Sephiroth. And would also say that Vincent is over 49. Whay say you to that? So then I take back what I said that Vincent killed Cloud's dad. Since that's out of the question I'll go with pres Shinra.

BTW Cloud is NOT a clone!!!

05-11-2004, 06:36 PM
why would that make cloud older than sephiroth???
and of course, vincent IS older than 49, he was genetically altered and put to sleep (like cryosleep) so he didn't age, but his birth date is still long ago!
and yes tarbal, cloud is not a clone!

05-12-2004, 09:55 PM
If Vince is over 49 then everywhere you go why does it say he is 27? BTW no way Cloud is older than Seph!!

05-13-2004, 02:43 PM
i was actually asking why that would make cloud older than sephiroth...

05-13-2004, 08:04 PM
That would make Cloud older because then Vincent met Luceria before even Sephiroth was born. She married Hojo then had Sephiroth. Well first Vince kills Cloud's dad then falls for Luceria than Seph is born.

05-14-2004, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by labrat
That would make Cloud older because then Vincent met Luceria before even Sephiroth was born. She married Hojo then had Sephiroth. Well first Vince kills Cloud's dad then falls for Luceria than Seph is born.

Im not to clear on the timeline of events but what if Vincent kills Cloud's father after Sephiroth is born. Besides I dont like this theory. I like the one about Clouds father being the Shinra president. Not that it matters but is kinda makes sense. Rufus does not look like his father so he must look like his mother and if Rufu's mother and Cloud's mother were sisters than Cloud and Rufus would get their looks from their mothers not their father. Thus Cloud and Rufus look related. Again, not that it really matters.
I'm also getting tired of people saying Zack and Cloud are clones. They are not clones, I'm not sure anyone is a Sephiroth clone. Weren't they just infused with Jenova's cells, thats why Sephiroth can control them. If they were pure Jenova clones they would have similar powers as Sephiroth. He is an actual Jenova offspring. And Cloud was the regular soldier and Zack was the second in command. The reason Cloud thought he was in SOLDIER was becaus he stole Zack's identity and somehow thought he really was Zack while he was in the Shinra Army(not sure why that is someone explain please).