09-11-2012, 11:39 PM
Don't know if this is the proper forum to be asking this question, but I'm trying to extract the song tracks for Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone from the composers website as they are the prope lengh and name. My question however, the site is a flash site so my question is how does one go about extracing/converting the songs into mp3?

For reference, you can find the songs here:

Robb Mills - Composer (

the tracks are playable...thanks again,.

09-14-2012, 03:26 AM
My question however, the site is a flash site so my question is how does one go about extracing/converting the songs into mp3?

For reference, you can find the songs here:

Robb Mills - Composer (

the tracks are playable...thanks again,.

Assuming you are already running Firefox, there are a couple addons you'll want to get:
Flashgot and DownThemAll
[Optional: Video DownloadHelper]

After restarting, play through all the songs that you want, then click the icon for flashgot. Tell FlashGot where you wish to save the files to, and you should be good to go.