02-02-2004, 09:12 PM
i was just wondering if anyone else caught on to the little joke with auron and jecht at the end of ffX, cuz i seem to be the only one who actually noticed it, though it took me a while too... anyway, if anyone knows or thinks they know, post, i'll tell you if your right or wrong.

02-03-2004, 02:25 PM
(Putting a spoiler warning in the title.)

I don't remember anything funny about this scene. Is it the similarity to the three Jedi ghosts at the end of Return of the Jedi?

02-03-2004, 04:07 PM
I have absolutely no clue, but I look forward to finding out whatever the answer is.

02-04-2004, 08:05 PM
i give you a hint, it has nothing to do with looks, if i said anything more and it would be too obvious.

Bahamut ZERO
02-04-2004, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Teknori
i give you a hint, it has nothing to do with looks, if i said anything more and it would be too obvious.

Well you've got me stumped...

Mind you, I've only seen the ending once.

Hold on... The movie Ghost? Where Patrick Swayze goes through the female lead? Whatsherface? That's the only thing I can think of...

02-04-2004, 08:21 PM
That's a stupid hint. What do you mean by "looks"?

The Joker
02-05-2004, 02:23 AM
Not a completley stupid hint...

There might be a sound or something...

I give up, what?

02-05-2004, 03:18 AM
Yeah, I'm tired of the game. Nobody seems to know and my curiosity can't be held in much longer.

02-05-2004, 03:27 AM
Must be an extremly well hidden joke ^_^


02-05-2004, 12:03 PM

What the hell is it? O-o

Bahamut ZERO
02-05-2004, 12:23 PM
To quote the Matrix: "There is no spoon."

Or rather... Maybe there is no joke. =/

Heh. Well, I still can't think of it, but I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it.

02-05-2004, 02:08 PM
fine then, but just to let you know, its not as impressive as you might think!

Jecht:your late Auron.
Auron:I know.

the first few times i saw this, i ignored it, and i thought, ok, aurons late bringing tidus to him, and i accepted that, for a while. but before you say that that isnt a joke, read what i have to say.

that part has 2 meanings, the one which i stated earlier, and this one.

"to be late" is another term for "to be dead". when jecht says this hes just stating the obvious. Auron says i know because, well, of course he knows, hes the one thats dead.

i will admit that i did NOT look it up to check if it was official, but i think that they used that term (late) purposely as another meaning, so you can take it either way. i told my friend this, and he agrees with me. have any comments, write away! and feel free to think its stupid, cuz i know some people arent going to think its true.

02-05-2004, 02:12 PM
haha, okay. Maybe. Or you could just be reading into it too much, I don't know. ...

02-05-2004, 02:39 PM
Oh. I totally forgot this.


Reminds me on one of the Discworld books, after someone has just died and Death shows up saying: I'M SORRY I'M LATE.
And the newly dead says: "Yes, me too."
Death didn't get the joke, I remember...

02-05-2004, 03:10 PM
I never thought of it that way. Good one.

02-05-2004, 04:20 PM
there's one more thing i forgot about, but its not a joke as much as it looks like a screw up in the end scene.

when Yuna is sending the aeons, valefor gets sent twice. you can see it "blow up" into pyreflies two times, one right after the other.

The Joker
02-05-2004, 05:42 PM
"haha, okay. Maybe. Or you could just be reading into it too much, I don't know. ..."

You really don't read too much into dialouge...the golden rule is "There is no small talk" and even the simpliest things can have a double meaning.

Maybe they did Valefor twice because....he had 2 limits unlike the rest? :erm:

02-05-2004, 05:45 PM
It's FF. Not Shakespeare. Ususally poorly translated, too. One would wonder if they have time for such nuances...

The Joker
02-05-2004, 06:01 PM
Even games have double meanings, even tripe ones as well.

FF7 was interpreted by some as a game about environmentalism and such...lines are purposely constructed as such and though the translation is a good point, sometimes they are re-integrated to fit things.

FF8 had a couple, FF9 had more I think....for example. I can't recall a specific event though, dang it. ><

02-05-2004, 07:22 PM
about the Valefor being sent twice, it could've just been different angles or the pyreflies diffused from the explosion and recollected to fly away, but whatever i guess.
the joke between Jecht and Auron i thought was obvious, but that doesn't matter either...but Auron could be gay and Jecht is saying Auron's having his baby...stupid too huh...oh well

02-05-2004, 07:42 PM
The English translations of recent Final Fantasy games is full of nuances, Duo. Remember Kuja's sentence "I am certain that you will be most pleased." It could have been "I'm sure you'll like it.", but the translators gave him this choice of words because it told so much about his personality. :)
For me it's clear that a lot of thought goes into these translations.

Bahamut ZERO
02-05-2004, 07:43 PM
"I want to be a blitzball when I grow up." o_O

02-06-2004, 10:29 AM
Eh, there's a difference between a good translation and a brilliant piece of literature. Storywise, FFs aren't that great. And the they're pretty heavy handed with the hidden themes. haha, I mean, the environmentalism bit couldn't have been more obvious in 7. A little ham-fisted, I would say. :/

Of course, it's possible that this joke was purposely included, it probably was. It's also possible that you are reasing into it too much. *shrugs*

The Joker
02-06-2004, 03:55 PM
I think thats the big problem though.

People refuse to look past the surface of movies or games and find that out. Legitamentally good movies/games are labeled crap simply because a person decides the movie is bad, and will already assume that this movie/game has no higher meansing or things beyond the surface even if the person was willing to look previously.

There reallly is a death of being analytical and artistic these days I find. The only way to truly know if there is something past the surface, is look.

Misao says it perfectly. If you ever take an English 102 course, every word is a hint towards something, especially earlier written controversial books that aren't allowed to completely come out and talk about something considered socially repulsive.

The background, upbringings, dialouge, choice of words, everything. Even the smallest story, the rule is "There is no small talk in small talk."

02-06-2004, 05:08 PM
Right. The main problem here is that FFX has roughly enough characterisation and plot to fill a small cup. Well, you slightly condescending ... person, I'll have you know I'm quite skilled at English composition, analytical writing, functional English, etc. I don't know much about your America standards and "English 102" courses, but I rank as one of the best in Ireland, at least according to standard testing, which isn't THAT special, but it would certainly make me, at the very least, COMPETENT in analysing a text. The main problem with X is that there isn't an awful lot beneath the surface. Compared to the FFs VII - IX, which were packed full of deeper meaning (I know I insulted them above, forgive me, I wasn't really concentrating, I meant to just insutl X o_O) X is just some lame blockbuster filled with 'SPLOSIONS and such. I would also like to point out that there is an IMMENSE difference between a piece of literature that an author has put his life on hold to create, where not a word goes unthought of, a beautiful piece of *ART*, and the half-assed plot of some rubbish game TRANSLATED from Japanese. The two are so extremely different, it is nothing but a vile insult to those who spend their lives creating masterpieces to be wasted on the likes of you. Game exists why? To make money. Book exists WHY? It's art, it's something that's trying to escape from within you, something ricocheting about your interior that you just HAVE to get out for reasons you don't even know, you just know that you DO, it is art and that all there is to it. BUT FFs are different. Sometimes they succeed and have genuinely thought-provoking under-themes. But X... well, it's like comparing Die Hard with anything by Wilde (if anyone ever does this I will cry), saying that X is comparable to real literature. It's not someone's heart and soul on canvas or paper, it's something churned out by Square to make money. Often somewhat nicely written, it can have hidden themes, or is at the very least enjoyable, but X fails monumentally at even this. Between surfer dude Tidus and breast-woman Lulu. It's a piece of tat. That's not the point, though. The joke may or may not have been intentional, like I said, it probably was. Which is all we're really here to talk about. I wasn't even bringing that into contention. However, I do find it offensive that, when someones opinion differs from you on a certain piece (one with very little artistic integrity), you assume they know nothing about analysis, particularly of movies. And if a person decides a movie/game is crap... so what, that's their OPINION. Just because you feel it's good, doesn't mean they are wrong, there are no absolutes here. And yes, that X rant is just my opinion. But you can look all day for deeper meaning in anything, from Barney & Friends to rubbish Ben Affleck movies. That doesn't mean it's there.

okay. there are other things I could say, but I won't because I will sound incredibly bitchy. ;D So maybe I'll continue this in The Worst FF Thread.

edit : okay I was pretty offensive there. o_O Sorry about that. It's just you seemed, um, a little condescending. But it's nothing personal, I have a short temper, I guess. My speakers are broken, I'm cranky. Sorry. :(

The Joker
02-06-2004, 05:24 PM
Yeah, way off tangent there, but thats cool. No, I am not, nor was my intent to ever be condescending. Your rhetoric doesn't come off offensive either so...no need to apologize?

In any event...I don't assume they know nothing of analysis. People know analysis, whether they choose to use it or not, is their choice and often, people will choose not to execute it.

One cannot also assume there is no higher depth to videogames. Sure, they are created for money, but how many artists would also like some money of their novel?

I will grant you some things like Barney you need not look. But there are surprises. You can't always judge the book by the cover so to speak. Someone tried to tell me that Animal Farm was satire for communism and Stalan and I didn't believe it until I read some critical thoughts on it and of course, then I believed them.

If FFX was written as a novel, who knows. It might be comparable in fact. We only have the screen play at best.

02-06-2004, 05:27 PM
I stopped reading after line 5 because I am sick of reading about FFX being that bad. I don't want to spread this discussion over every single thread, alright?

I won't post much more about this, to be honest I don't feel like posting about FFX anymore AT ALL because sooner or later someone will go ahead and turn this into one whiney This-game-is-so-bad-compared-to-the-old-ones stupidity. Bye.

02-07-2004, 09:23 PM
u seem to be thinking about FF stories in a kinda hollywood movie sense, but FF is 100% (cept for the translations and crap) and therefore u must think of it along the lines of japanese films and if ur at all familiar with japanese films they tend not to faavour the hollywood style obvious endings and undercurrents (7 seem to be the exception with the enviromentalism but i'm sure if u think about it longer u may find another)

02-15-2004, 04:06 PM

Ok deep..

02-15-2004, 06:51 PM
Hey udo, nice rant, but Ben Affleck does have a few movies that aren't rubbish and actually have meaning (Dogma, Chasing Amy, and Good Will Hunting).

As for that joke at the end of the game, it's probably there on purpose, I always liked the relationship between Auron and Jecht, and this little joke put a smile on my face.

02-19-2004, 10:35 PM
Auron having a baby:eek:
Who would of been the father:confused:

03-02-2004, 12:58 PM
all the sumonors that travil to Besaid get Valdafor mabey it was a diffrent one???

03-02-2004, 03:16 PM
No cause if that was true then you would see more of the others as well.

03-02-2004, 03:41 PM

But in any case, you do see the others. Remember, Isaaru had one under a different name which he tossed at you during the underground Bevelle battle. And Belgemine has one too.

03-04-2004, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by finnaga
all the sumonors that travil to Besaid get Valdafor mabey it was a diffrent one???

GRRR! There is NOT more than one of each aeon in ffX, why do you think you couldn't summon valefor when Belgimine summoned it, same with Ifrit and the rest of em!!The aeon's are shared, if they weren't, there would have to be alot more fayth's!! One fayth represents one aeon, not a bunch of one kind, and don't say maybe there's a temple somewhere else in the world with another valefor fayth, because Spira is all there is in the world... im done now:p

ps: ...i feel really...REALLY stupid right now...umm, that wasn't Valefor, from a quick glance, it really does look like Valefor though...anyway, i played through the ending, yet again, and i looked closer this time...it turns out that the first one was Bahamut...please dont hate me for my stupidity...i shake my head at myself...:notgood:

03-05-2004, 12:18 AM
You're right, it's fair to say that in that when Isaaru or Belgemine summoned Valefor or Valefor-looking aeon, Yuna couldn't summon Valefor as a counter.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-05-2004, 12:47 AM
Umm....yeah I think that it is funny that Auron is pregnant and all but what is this about him being dead? Am I in the wrong place? *Shakes head in disgust.*

03-05-2004, 12:48 AM
Have you beaten FFX Landlord? If you had you would know what people mean.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-05-2004, 12:54 AM
I know I was just joking!:( You don't need to get all offensive.

03-05-2004, 12:55 AM
Ah ha, Landlord. Now I know why you said what you did over in the FFX-2 forums...

03-05-2004, 01:36 AM
It wasn't ment to be offensive, i just couldn't think of anouther way to type it.

03-11-2004, 03:26 PM
Where the hell do the dark aeons come from as you can fight them with there equlivelent aeon, eg you can fight Dark ifrit with your Ifrit....

Not that you ever would!!!

03-11-2004, 03:27 PM
The Dark Aeons aren't apart of the storyline, they are bonus monsters.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-14-2004, 03:37 AM
Huh? There are dark aeons???? What are you guys talking about???:eye: :eye: :eye: :eye: :eye: :eye: :eye:

03-14-2004, 04:47 AM
From what i've deduced it's from the international version of the game.

Top Cat
03-14-2004, 09:38 AM
Yep. Click here (http://forums.ffshrine.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12731) for more info about them.
And Dark Aeons are optional, and bloody hard too :(.

03-15-2004, 11:05 AM
But why the hell do those people call you a traitor/heathen... If there is no relevence to the story...

and the other thing is that some of there are not hard to find, so if you didn't save for ages and went back to Besaid, what in gods name do they expect you to do??? as it is impossible to run away!

03-15-2004, 10:11 PM
humans are very amusing

03-16-2004, 08:56 PM
My god, what a spurious and weak link.
Get a job, or something.

03-17-2004, 11:23 PM
you know i was joking

03-18-2004, 12:59 AM
How about this: limit jokes like that to the General Discussion area and the "joke" type threads. Now what was this topic about again?

03-18-2004, 08:12 PM
i don't remeber...:confused:

03-18-2004, 09:00 PM
The "Hidden Joke" between Auron and Jetch i believe.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-18-2004, 09:45 PM
Yes it was about Jecht saying to Auron that he was late after he was dead. And then I made a joking post saying Auron was pregnant what? And then Vanga told me if I had beat the game I would know what they were talking about and then I said you don't need to get offensive and then he said it wasn't meant to be.

03-18-2004, 11:12 PM