02-02-2004, 03:38 PM
like come on, Ivalice, judges, Viera, Bangaa etc.

02-02-2004, 04:06 PM
well it is... just wish it were more like the original FFT (PSone) world, but you know.... more into the past, where they describe to be massively overfilled with airships, oh wait, didn't they say something about that too? I think that maybe it just might be after Tactics:Advance, but way before Tactics.... but I honestly hope it's an entirely new game by itself... :cool:

02-02-2004, 04:12 PM

For being the last to understand that the game will be set in the world of Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced!
It's been a known fact for months now.

And let's differentiate between:
to be FFTA and to be set in the world of FFTA

02-02-2004, 04:18 PM
well said misap :cool:

best non-news ever :/

02-02-2004, 04:25 PM
well i only just found out about FFXII so i think u can cut me a lil slack! anyway, from what i found out, Tactics Advance and XII are not linked. since i'm european, i've never played the original Tactics so i wouldn't know much about that

02-03-2004, 02:22 PM
Yeah, but let's pretend I'd only just found out about FFVII. So should I go to the FFVII forum and open a thread named "Hey, is it possible that Cloud once was a member of SOLDIER?"

Anyway, I recommend you check the other threads before posting a new one and stating the obvious... That's just an advice, friendly advice, nice friendly fluffy advice, man's best friend~

02-03-2004, 06:55 PM
Cloud was in SOLDIER!?!?!?

02-04-2004, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Asyrian
Cloud was in SOLDIER!?!?!?


02-07-2004, 09:29 PM

Ayrian: lmao (cheep joke but still funny)
Misao: bah humbug, but u gave me an idea, i might just start a thread like the one u suggested just to see the response lmao (i'm semi-serious btw)

Bahamut ZERO
02-07-2004, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Asyrian
Cloud was in SOLDIER!?!?!?

Technically speaking: No.

And for those who haven't played FF:TA or who haven't read the news (*coughs* me *coughs*) This might be news... :(

Yes, I am quite lazy.

02-08-2004, 12:10 AM
thank you

02-08-2004, 06:59 AM
Originally posted by The Immortal

Ayrian: lmao (cheep joke but still funny)
Misao: bah humbug, but u gave me an idea, i might just start a thread like the one u suggested just to see the response lmao (i'm semi-serious btw)
Under normal circumstances I'd say, go for it. But at the moment with all those FFVII AC hype going on, it might not turn out as you expected. :)

>: People should read the news, that's why other people write the news!

Bahamut ZERO
02-08-2004, 09:28 AM
I've been busy doing other stuff... Like looking at the ceiling. The ceiling's very important. >:

Yes, I did have a vague idea that the world in FFXII was the one in FF:TA, I was just saying. =P

Yeah, anyways, roll on whenever the game's due out.

02-08-2004, 09:54 AM
i just hope it doesn't turn out too much like FF:TA, it's a good game and all but i just don't really dig the battle system as much as the others

02-11-2004, 12:42 AM
yes its based in the ff ta world but from what ive heard vann sounds alot like zidane from ff9....i have high hopes for game!!!

02-11-2004, 02:24 PM
i kno, wat the hell, did they forget they made FFIX?

02-11-2004, 08:22 PM
For crying out loud...

I'm not sure what they teach in schools over there, but there's a little thing called 1st, 2nd and 3rd hand knowledge.

1st hand is actually seeing it for yourself - in the case of FF12, the only CONCRETE evidence is what's shown on the FF12 site.

2nd hand is reading things from a reliable source - IGN is usually good for this, and they label the difference between press releases and rumours.

3rd hand is hearing things off mates on the internet, and then spreading it until suddenly it's 'truth'.

Square Enix has not annouced ANYHWERE that Vaan is like Zidane - It's just another one of those 'he's like Tidus' things, because in their eyes, they look similar. Hell, when FF8 came out, people thought Squall looked like Cloud. You see my point.

As for the battle system - have you seen the screenshots? There is no way it can be a Tactics game. The battle scenes are the same 'party facing big monster ready for hack and slash', same as the other FFs, not 'party running around on grid' like Tactics.

Judges involvement? Due to the nature of Ivalice at this point in time, not likely to be the 'force of justice' thing they are in TA. More likely villians of some kind.

I'm looking forward to the FF:TA tie-ins - the GBA game introduced a beautiful world, but the storyline was very character-centric. An epic adventure based in Ivalice is going to be beautiful.

02-12-2004, 03:14 AM
i didnt say vaan is gonna look like zidane....but hes supposed to be happy and chearfull all the time...now tell me who would you say is the most chearfull main character out of all the ff's???

and judging by the gameplay that i have SEEN it isnt tactics based!!! the fight style is alot like ff10 which isnt a bad thing!!!

i just hope its time based and not turn based liki in 10!!!!

The Joker
02-14-2004, 04:19 AM
I was just about to post a topic after I saw that "warrior" thing....

I got a question. Are there any real differences between FFT and FFTA? I mean, will FF12 play just like FFT? I've never played FFTA, but I have FFT. I just want to know what to expect kinda...

Sorry if I come off stupid

*waits to be flamed*

02-14-2004, 08:28 AM

okay. I remember someone asking this earlier! ^_~ I think. Well, the shots of the FFXII battle system don't indicate it will be anything like Tactics so. :o

Also, I don't know, I haven't played FFT, but I hear the only real differences are plot (Tactics has a good one, I hear, but the one in TA is really basic and just an excuse to battle ^~) And a few different classes/changed around and stuff.

02-16-2004, 10:17 PM
It's set in the same world as Final Fantasy: Tactics Advance, but the storyline is supposed to be much darker, and the gameplay is promised not to be strategy based. I read in EGM that it will probably be similar to the battle system in Vagrant Story.

Plus, the bunny girls were cuter in Tactics Advance.

The Joker
02-17-2004, 05:53 PM
If its anywhere close to being like Vagrant Story this game will be the best Final Fantasy to bare the name. Vagrant Story was probably one of the most ambitious RPGs on PS1 and with the PS2 technology. They will probably integrate some of the gameplay ideas they had for Vagrant Story that they couldn't use because of hardware limitations in PS1 into FFXII.

03-10-2004, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Asyrian
Cloud was in SOLDIER!?!?!?
Ohh, what answer to give...

04-10-2007, 11:00 PM
Um... yeah Final Fantasy 12 is based in Ivalice... Montblanc is in the game along with the Ba'Gammen or Bannga(on Final Famtasy tactics advanced) The Giza Plains, The Salikawoods is still there, The Feywood is there, well the only thing that isn't there is the Skyferrys. Famfrit has to be the useless thing ever... Even on 12. It is the the first esper you gain on Tactics and one of the last on 12... WEIRD?

04-11-2007, 05:23 AM
This thread is over 3 years old DON'T NECRO POST IJDIT!!!!!!!

04-11-2007, 05:31 AM
And to think, I used to believe MY answer to the "what race do you like" tread was picking something up from to far back....

04-12-2007, 08:18 AM
Oh snap, thread necromacy! :D

Anyway, yes it is, I have a few ideas to back up why this might be THE Ivalice:

- Monteblanc is in the game (He's the Moogle which helps Marche)
- The Totema monsters are in-game as well (Found in the Mist abilities)
- All of the races (Hume, Viera, Bangaa and Moogles) are exactly the same in FFXII as well as FFTA

However, there are a few changes as well:

- Death is everywhere (Reks + The Dalmascan King anyone?), whereas FFTA death is only around in the Jagd's
- There are entirely new areas to explore, which makes the FFXII Ivalice bigger then the original FFTA version.
- There are no more 'Classes' now, only liscences, these did not exist in FFTA.

Very weird if you ask me. O.o