02-01-2004, 10:20 PM
I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but doesn't the one that most of us have described out to be the Clone seem a little cat-like? I mean look really close at those eyes seriously!

Check it out here, scroll to the bottom! ()

let me know what ya think?

02-02-2004, 05:56 PM
look at the guy at the top! a turk perhaps? revamped vincent? or all out new guy?

Lightning Mage
02-02-2004, 10:47 PM
well that's odd.

i don't think that has much to do with the storyline but, as i usually am, i may be wrong.

Neo Sephiroth
02-02-2004, 10:54 PM
there are 3 clones

02-03-2004, 07:03 PM
that's not really answering my question here... i mean those aren't mako eyes.... they look a little alien'ish if you ask me!

02-03-2004, 07:06 PM
A lot of anime characters have cat-ish eyes.

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 07:32 PM
there are three of the young one middle and one older

Bahamut ZERO
02-03-2004, 07:45 PM
Remember Hojo did some experiments on Red XIII (the subject XIII tattooed onto his hind leg.) Maybe the clone's eyes can be attributed to it being experimented on using Red's DNA? Or maybe I'm just taking the theory a bit too far?

02-04-2004, 12:06 AM
I think you have hit something good here,they do look like cats eyes, kinda stumped,He could have being an experiment during the ff7 story to create someone would could get rid of Sephiroth(bahamuts point,red xii).They could have keeping him under raps,because they also wanted Sephiroth dead.The three of them could be three clones after an experiment with red xii to take out sephiroth.maybe,buy anyway,good point.Those eyes look cat like,good work.
I urge anyone to post up theorys..........

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 12:09 AM
it could just be the way its done with no meaning at all...but you never know

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 12:20 AM
well thats what this whole board is for...anyway they could have crossed red's DNA with seph's...but that is unlikly

02-04-2004, 12:31 AM
well, by using this whole new thing, i'm gonna see if i can come up with some kinda theory explaining his eyes, using 'in-game facts' obviously, but you'll know i failed if i end up saying something like...

"Well, after my conclusive research, I've detected that he is wearing contacts... that is all, thank you!"

Yeah so, don't be thinking I'll be giving up so easily!

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 12:34 AM
I am aware...but I wasnt trying to start anything intentionally...but it is if you think about know there are three clones...we have looked into the one that Cloud fights extensivly and it might be time to talk of the other two...

02-04-2004, 12:37 AM
yes, and also I'm guessing that their eyes may be the same but I havn't seen a clear enough close-up of the others.... actually if it wasn't for one of the sites denny had listed who knows how long ago, I probably wouldn't of ever noticed the eye thing

02-04-2004, 12:43 AM
yeah yeah yeah...

but how do we know that there's only 3 clones, if that's what they are, i mean, how do we not know if squenix is gonna have others or something else later in the mix? Like men in black robes again? Who knows... it's too early to speculate

02-04-2004, 01:04 AM
I'm lost. Anyway, the dude with the cat eyes could very well be Sephiroth's kid, and you probably can't inherit "mako eyes" genetically.

02-04-2004, 09:40 AM
i like the idea of sephiroth hunters good concept, but if they are sephs kids who'd he get jiggy with??

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 09:52 AM
yes the title says childeren right in it...they could be more of Jenova's "kids" like seph was

02-04-2004, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Neo Sephiroth
yes the title says childeren right in it...they could be more of Jenova's "kids" like seph was

yes, i was pretty much thinking the same thing, but they could be Shinra-made just like Sephiroth was, through the womb of more women......... but if it were that way they wouldn't be clones (clones are those that were injected with jenova cells), they would be exact equals, brothers to Sephiroth, and I wouldn't doubt it, I mean how many other secrets do ya think Shinra had, lol

02-04-2004, 01:10 PM
I heard somewhere that Cloud took over an orphanage aerith had,and that the "advent children" were the kids.The orphanage was in the church and one of the kids was the child talking in one of the trailers.I heard it somewhere,but forget where.

02-04-2004, 02:21 PM
hmm i never saw no orphanage or heard of one but you never know.......

on a different note when you escape the church am i the only one that thinks its out of preportion? i mean cloud is as big as the door.......

02-04-2004, 02:24 PM
in the translation of the 2nd trailer, the one they talk about them having jenova's head and the reunion, earlier in it he says something about an orphanage. I still think that it might be Marlene maybe?

02-04-2004, 02:41 PM
Well if it is marlene,Barret will be a main character.

02-04-2004, 02:45 PM
perhaps, but it is possible that the rumor you heard that one of the chracters dies in the movie, it might be him, and if he dies in the movie, he's still in it....... but I don't think he'll die, but who did you give the flower bought from Aeris to? I chose Marlene going off of some stupid rumor that Aeris could actaully be resurrected, but it did unlock the spirit scene when you revisit Midgar.

02-04-2004, 02:47 PM
it was marlene for me too (at first) coz i thought it might make a better impression that clouds a nice giving kinda guy then i twigged it has the reverse affect and seein as how it looks a bit peado anyway i give it to tifa all the time i still havent got round to dating barret yet though......

02-04-2004, 02:50 PM
I meant that there was a rumour evryone died between ff7 and ff7ac,its not true,everyones in the movie,that means cait sith.I dont know why people hated him.I liked him.

02-04-2004, 02:52 PM
cait sith was kinda cool as a character i never used him much though but doesnt he reappear fast after hes chrushed does he have his own standby team??

02-04-2004, 02:54 PM
The first one was a bot controled by that guy in shinra,cant think of his name.the second was the real deal

02-04-2004, 02:55 PM
they were both robots, i believe it was Reeves tho

02-04-2004, 02:56 PM
i thought so but how does he get there so fast...?
coz he gets chrushed then outta the bushes pops the mk2 gti edition!

02-04-2004, 02:58 PM
Reeve thats it,well done.Well gotta go,and play Soldier of fortune 2 online,catch you later

02-06-2004, 09:49 PM
Okay I have come to a conclusion to the picture at the beginning of the post. And again I have to say for the record that this is only just a possible theory, so for the time being, it's just something to go off of until more info is released, or until the actual release of the movie. So anyways, here is my so called "The Eye-Theory".....

Okay, note that Jenova in her original form, or the one that killed the Cetra, she looked no different than any other, or so claimed in Prof. Gast's interview with Ifalna, the last full blood Cetra. Jenova didn't change shape until after she started killing them off with the virus. But, the Star (Planet) sensed the danger and created the WEAPONs... but since the Cetra imprisoned her, the WEAPONs were no longer needed and went into a "Sleep Mode".

Now, Lucrecia, one who was loved by Vincent, was carrying a child. Hojo used her and injected Jenova cells into the womb and blah blah blah, you know, eventually it lead to the birth of Sephiroth. And it's only common knowledge that since he has Jenova cells in him, he also has her DNA... so he wasn't entirely wrong when he said that Jenova was his mother. So, he may also carry a few of her traits within him.

Now later, blah blah blah, he summoned Meteor, and blah blah blah... and they stopped Sephiroth and Holy was released at this very moment. But instead of stopping the Meteor, it was having the opposite effect and was also gonna destroy the Star. But like the last impact of the original Meteor that struck in the time of the Cetra, the Star's Lifestream all came to one point of intersection and defended the Star, and that's where the game ended.

Okay, so now 3 new enemies appear. And they all pretty much look the same, but it is the youngest one that of most resembles none other than Sephiroth. Now, this is where the hereditary part comes in. Maybe, and I said maybe, the silver hair could be one of these attributes. And also, the face looks the same between Sephiroth and the new foe. So maybe that might also have something to do with that. I did infact come to the conclusion that these new enemies are in fact NOT clones. Cloud is a clone, but yet looks nothing like Sephiroth right. Well I believe that Hojo was just trying to create more Sephiroth's in the same manner he did before, through a womb, but the others that were injected with the Jenova cells after birth were infact the clones, just like Cloud and Zack in Nibelheim. And I'm sure you've noticed, but pretty much every clone rejected the cells and got very sick (probably the constant head noseia/blackouts), but only one didn't reject the cells, but he was shot down and killed.

Anyway, Hojo knew that this method wasn't working, or already had a Plan B in progress. So more than likely before all of this, he tried to create others the exact same way he created Sephiroth, injected the cells into the womb of more women, but I'm sure that there really wasn't too many volunteers, so he used the next best thing, an artificial womb, or a test tube.... or if you know what I'm getting at, the Nibelheim Reactor to be precise. And to even furthur make his plan a success, he but Jenova herself there so that the cells would be constantly flowing. Which would give perfect reasoning for that one creature that comes out of that one tank. So this could be the way that the new 3 villains were created, either in Nibelheim (which would be my first guess) or some other hidden location Hojo had elsewhere.

Now, as for the eye thing, maybe that is hereditary also, but Sephiroth's weren't like that, but then again who knows? I mean after being in SOLDIER for how many years, his eyes could have turned into Mako eyes just like the others. But also remember, it's not likely that the exact same traits would be carried over to another sibling. I mean honestly I don't look like my sister (thank god), so the answer could be within there.

But the only reason I still think that Jenova may be in that wheelchair is the fact that in the trailers they say that they have Jenova's head, and that they are trying to bring the reunion. It's been 2 years since, so who knows how far they've got... and you've fought pieces of her, and she is very much alive, so I think that it is her under that robe and she is more than likely almost complete. And in order to complete her they need every little cell, which could explain why they are after Cloud. And why hide under the robe you ask, I mean come on, how hidieous do ya think she's gonna look all rotted and shit.

But that pretty much wraps up the Eye Theory, which I say there are only 2 possibilities to my theory... either all I wrote above is true, or the following statement is the alternative Eye Theory:

Well, after my conclusive research, I've detected that he is wearing contacts... that is all, thank you!

02-06-2004, 09:52 PM
Maybe he created them to combat sephy,but it went wrong,congraats on that post,best ive heard yet.

02-07-2004, 09:34 AM
Asyrian, ur theory is almost wondeful, except for the fact about the wheelchair guy....

It shld be hojo instead...not jenova...

y would the three new villians respect jenova? i dun think so....Instead, i think the three new villians see hojo as their benefactor, probably becos he was the one tt gave them their powers.....

wtf.....hojo could really be tt wheelchair guy...i hate hojo.....

02-07-2004, 01:55 PM
the person who looks like a cat is a clone of sephiroth when he was younger. so it is a younger sephiroth

02-08-2004, 07:32 AM
ok, i just joined this place and i keep seeing clones...3 of them, i know of seph, and i know i havent played the game in about 6 months, but i dont think im that out of it...who the hell is the other clone? kevin or w/e? the dude with the black hair, or is it some new dude for the movie, cause im some what lost, help me out here.....and btw..yeah he does have cat eyes...must of eaten 2 much pussy

now i feel stupid..i said kevin , i meant zach...i guess i am out of it, oh well...

02-08-2004, 08:39 AM
the 3 "clones" are new characters in the film you see them fighting cloud in the trailer go watch it its cool

02-08-2004, 05:17 PM
yeah i saw the trailer, thanx though...but seeing that i dont speak jap...kinda hard for me to know whats goin theres 3 new clones? as in the 3 new enemies...right? i think im getting it

Lightning Mage
02-09-2004, 12:34 AM
All three are clones of Sephy. As you might have guessed.

But theyre all in every way equal to Seph's abillities. The one with the catlike eyes must have Sephiroth's speed capabilities. ( Ya know like a cat.) The rest of Sephy's powers must be divided equally between the three clones.

If you wish to see my full FF7 AC theory go to the FF7 AC theories thread.

02-09-2004, 12:39 AM
Did anyone really understand what I was trying to say?

Sevath Grei
02-09-2004, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by Asyrian
I don't know if anyone else has noticed, but doesn't the one that most of us have described out to be the Clone seem a little cat-like? I mean look really close at those eyes seriously!

Check it out here, scroll to the bottom! ()

let me know what ya think?

I totally agree. "He" also looks like a woman, but then again, Sephiroth in the flashback has very feminine lips...

02-09-2004, 01:19 PM
OK,i download a trailer in dvd quality,4 seconds long which shows Cloud on his bike evading bullits.But,it shows him taking out a sword where those "pipes" are.So in conclusion,there swords not exhaust pipes.ill try and find the site again.but,yes,video footage that they are 6 swords.does that put it to rest???

02-09-2004, 10:58 PM
I could really careless if they're swords or not (sorry denny), but yeah, I've seen the video a while back, and it also looks like he pulls it from behind him.

02-11-2004, 09:00 AM
go to advent and see their miscalleneous....u'll see the statue of the bike. There are many exhaust pipes....although i'm pretty sure the swords r stored in the bike, i can't see how.....

02-11-2004, 01:32 PM
You say you couldnt care less??well i dont care either but why does he have there swords.Could be a lead to a theory.

02-11-2004, 08:30 PM
could be but i don't see why... i mean unless he has some for different elements, or double ap, but i don't really think that there is enough time in the movie to get into all of that.

02-14-2004, 07:43 AM
I think he has them just for show, God talk about coming well prepared lol.

Sevath Grei
02-14-2004, 10:28 PM
the title Advent Children isn't necessarily based on the fact of hte new clones being Sephy's kids. Advent also means arrival, or I think it means the beginning of a new age. Advent Children....the brooding of a new age, that's what I think it means

Cloud's Clone
02-15-2004, 12:49 AM
Did anyone ever think that its possible that Hojo was able to "make" more than one Sephiroth. I mean, he was supposed to be the best scientist in all of Midgar. Well, besides Professor Gast of course.

02-15-2004, 02:07 AM
mew... i dun think hee looks like a cat.. he just smirking wich males his eyes pointy, and have a veird evil smile.:confused:

02-15-2004, 02:03 PM
I think the title of the movie has something to do with the Reunion, and yes Hojo did make more then one Sephiroth, those are the clones.

Cloud's Clone
02-15-2004, 07:48 PM
Well, it's also possible that the story has something to do with Zack. I mean, what if Hojo got Zack's body after he was shot down by the Shinra solidiers. Hojo could have modified his body.

Sevath Grei
02-15-2004, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Cloud's Clone
Well, it's also possible that the story has something to do with Zack. I mean, what if Hojo got Zack's body after he was shot down by the Shinra solidiers. Hojo could have modified his body.

I like that idea...

02-15-2004, 11:32 PM
Can anyone explain why Sephiroth was killing his clones in the Whirlwind maze? This just popped up in my head, seemed very odd.

Cloud's Clone
02-15-2004, 11:52 PM
Maybe he wanted to show Hojo that he didn't need to make any more clones of Sephiroth? Ya know, "showing off his capabilities" so to speak. Sephiroth did like to show off his fighting strength throughout the game.

02-18-2004, 02:22 PM
I think he killed his clones for the same reason he killed Aeris. To get more spirit energy into the lifestream for him to soak up.

02-19-2004, 07:15 PM
lol, okay let me clear up some of your questions real quick before I get to my actual post. Let's see here we go...

1) Sephiroth was created in a different style than the clones, therefore I think that it is possible that Hojo created others just like Sephiroth, NOT clones, but in their own entity.

2) It could be possible that Zack could have been used since he was the only actual clone that didn't refuse the Jenova cells, and therefore Hojo would consider him as an asset.

3) Sephiroth was killing the clones at the crater so that he could bring Jenova back together, and with their deaths, the cells would all return to her... the reason of the reunion.

But anyway I hope that I answered some of your thoughts... but anyway, the new trailer off of Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission is out, I can't seem to get it to work on this computer, so maybe some of you guys will have some luck.

Cloud's Clone
02-19-2004, 07:37 PM
Good point and my thoughts exactly

Sevath Grei
02-19-2004, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Asyrian
lol, okay let me clear up some of your questions real quick before I get to my actual post. Let's see here we go...

1) Sephiroth was created in a different style than the clones, therefore I think that it is possible that Hojo created others just like Sephiroth, NOT clones, but in their own entity.

2) It could be possible that Zack could have been used since he was the only actual clone that didn't refuse the Jenova cells, and therefore Hojo would consider him as an asset.

3) Sephiroth was killing the clones at the crater so that he could bring Jenova back together, and with their deaths, the cells would all return to her... the reason of the reunion.

But anyway I hope that I answered some of your thoughts... but anyway, the new trailer off of Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission is out, I can't seem to get it to work on this computer, so maybe some of you guys will have some luck.

Bravo! Well put. My thoughts exactly as well

Sevath Grei
02-19-2004, 10:07 PM
This is really starting to bother me, but everytime I see a picture of Vincent, the caption beneath it says: possibly Vincent, maybe a new character. It is obvious that this is Vincent---notice the billowing cape around him, as well as the flying buckles in every odd direction, even the hair and the legs.

Doesn't anyone else notice this? If it isn't Vincent, then its his clone, and he enjoys dressing exactly like Vincent.

02-19-2004, 10:19 PM
Yeah it's only obvious that it's him... oh and I kinda also noticed that you are new here, so if you accidently forget to post something and no one else has replied, just hit the edit instead to prevent double posting, and also talking back and forth between 2 people. I've gotten a couple of threads closed like this before by mistake (sorry denny). Enjoy the forums tho!

02-20-2004, 06:47 PM
Asyrian very good thoughts on ff7,and yes it has to be Vincent,cape,hair and those pointy feet,haha.Im not getting ffx-2 at all,even to see the trailer,ffx was dissapointing.anyways forget about ffx.Does anyone think Barret will put on his gun arm in the movie,i hope so,dont like his new hand.

Sevath Grei
02-24-2004, 12:18 AM
Can anyone possibly tell me what the weapons are called that the clone's are using...the gun's i mean. U know, in Asyrian's picture

Sevath Grei
02-24-2004, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by denny
I heard somewhere that Cloud took over an orphanage aerith had,and that the "advent children" were the kids.The orphanage was in the church and one of the kids was the child talking in one of the trailers.I heard it somewhere,but forget where.

That makes sense in some ways. In the trailer that I saw on tv, there was a child talking at the beginning. But all he said was: two years later....possibly another theory? DAMN THERE ARE SOO MANY ALREADY

Sevath Grei
02-24-2004, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by bob
hmm i never saw no orphanage or heard of one but you never know.......

on a different note when you escape the church am i the only one that thinks its out of preportion? i mean cloud is as big as the door.......

lol, i thought so too. But considering the graphics of the game...that's probably all they could manage....

02-24-2004, 12:37 AM
saw the new trailer finally, they got an mpg version up today. it's freakin' great! the whole swords in fenrir is absolutely true, but also during the fight scene it shows cloud using a side arm when he loses his sword. cloud really looks like he's losing to all of them

02-24-2004, 05:17 PM
cloud would never lose to those....those....those losers

but where is the ffx last mision ff7ac trailer??

02-25-2004, 01:04 PM
Sevath Grei,the weapons are called Velvet Nightmare.
They look pretty cool too.

02-26-2004, 09:56 PM
okay I've been watching the video and I just noticed something going against something that we've thought to have clarified. Appearantly we thought that the sword used in the fight in Midgar with Cloud and the "Clone". The sword that the enemy uses is not split down the middle but as a whole! It was just the indentation in the middle of the sword giving it that appearance. So it seems that the sword does appear to resemble, if not in fact, the Masamune. I don't believe that the enemy is in fact Sephiroth, but he looks younger. I think, like I previously stated, that he is a brother of Sephiroth. I'm not trying to make any more speculations than I already have, but it's obvious that this sword can change a few people's theories.... I believe that he's not Sephiroth, but there's always that chance I could be wrong. Post your thoughts.

04-21-2004, 09:59 AM
sephiroth was having the reunion fite?
perhaps hojo wants the reunion so he made more clones of sephiroth to do his dirty work. mayb hojo wanted sephiroth to do the reunion ang that wheelchair guy is hojo. maybe these clones realise wat there there 4 wat u fink ppl?

04-21-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by whoopingtree
sephiroth was having the reunion fite?
perhaps hojo wants the reunion so he made more clones of sephiroth to do his dirty work. mayb hojo wanted sephiroth to do the reunion ang that wheelchair guy is hojo. maybe these clones realise wat there there 4 wat u fink ppl?

by far thats THE most smart theory ive heard i TOTALLY agree

04-24-2004, 09:28 AM
ii havent seen the new trailer yet............