02-01-2004, 06:28 PM
You guys told that the new movie passes 2 years later .. but we can see in some trailers and pictures that some places are still the same.. and even are reseeing at the movie, like the church where cloud falls down and meet Aeris.. and Midgar... and its also true taht some parts of the movie are in flashback.. like Sephiroth.. then MY WILD GUESS ABOUT THE WEELCHAIRED MAN is that: in the original FF7, thares a point where Cloud falls in some kind of pond.. where he gets into a whellchair and has to face his inner self.. then as you can see there could be himself.. seeing all again... if he heas to fight agains his inner self.. so i think that the guy om the wheelcahair is cloud himself..

just my guess..

See ya

Lt. Lady Nyru
02-01-2004, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by erizavalpassos
You guys told that the new movie passes 2 years later .. but we can see in some trailers and pictures that some places are still the same.. and even are reseeing at the movie, like the church where cloud falls down and meet Aeris.. and Midgar... and its also true taht some parts of the movie are in flashback.. like Sephiroth.. then MY WILD GUESS ABOUT THE WEELCHAIRED MAN is that: in the original FF7, thares a point where Cloud falls in some kind of pond.. where he gets into a whellchair and has to face his inner self.. then as you can see there could be himself.. seeing all again... if he heas to fight agains his inner self.. so i think that the guy om the wheelcahair is cloud himself..

just my guess..

See ya

Wow, my head hurts with that one, but good theory. That would be freakishly awsome if Square dropped a bomb on us like that. I hope that it's not something predictable like Sephy or Aries. Don't get me wrong, I like them (especially Sephy), but I would like to be entertained. Surprise us, damnit.

02-02-2004, 05:58 PM
good theory, definately plausible and very original, u know ur stuff

02-04-2004, 03:45 AM
Remember at the end of disc 1? After climbing the north crater wall but prior to fighting jenova death? (or was it after jenova?) anyway....before cloud gives sephiroth the black materia....

Cloud tells sephy, "this is the end" to which sephiroth replies "yes, this is the end of this body's usefullness"

now, bad translations aside, the ff7 story is complicated. But the fact was that the sephiroth we had been encountering had been a phantasm or an illusion or a shadow of sephy's consciousness. His real body was in the northern crater.

Anyway, after cloud gives him the black materia and admits that he wasnt "looking for sephiroth" but that he was being "drawn to him" yadda yadda the crater collapses burying cloud and sephiroths mortal shell and causing the rest of the party to flee with rufus in the highwind. the end it is ambiguous as to just what you are fighting (those 2 forms of sephy certainly arent the body we saw suspended in north cave!) and the last battle with cloud he is still in spirit form....


it is my belief that the person in the wheelchair is sephiroth himself, or, his body at least, barely alive and vegitable like...just as cloud was for much of the second disc. Who knows why the short haired punk likes kissing his hand....thats a totally other theory for you.

02-05-2004, 11:26 PM
Hey youuuu Bang!! you know more than I do about Final Fantasy.... ummmm you got my attention.. well maybe.. it could be Sephiroth's vegetable body... at least it could be interesting... The Mystery Man goes,, and kiss the guys hands and then out of nowhere Cloud jumps on him and hte fight begins again hahhahahahahahah *evil grin* kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *gets mad at the sceene* well anyway.. for now we can only dream.. but I liked you BANG... Call me .. hahhah