02-01-2004, 06:03 PM
Ok, it�s been since 1998 when I last played so please enlighten me. When you�re at then northern crater, how far can you actually go before you can no longer return to the airship? I go through 3 different screens and then I see the others not in my party waiting below for me. Can I continue going down or will it be too late to turn back? When I last played I just went straight through to beat the damn game, but something was calling me all these years later to master it. So, I need to bump up the AP and this is where I'd like to do so! So please, if anyone knows exactly how far you can go down, please let me know. :D


02-04-2004, 09:48 AM
once you go down the slidey slope you cant go back at least to my knowledge anyway

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 09:59 AM
lol you can go back from ANY point in the crater...just keep going back up untill your at the place ware you jumped down...go into the big cave and climb the rock ladder thing to get back

02-04-2004, 12:38 PM
Thanks for the replies, I�ve been screwing around with the crater seeing where I can and can�t go. There are certain places that won�t let you back up I found, however there�s always a way back up....even if it takes an hour! :eye: By the way, anyone know where I can get elixirs a little easier than the crater? I can�t buy these suckers anywhere?? I can�t find those damn harpys outside of the gold saucer either, so.......If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated! :lol


02-04-2004, 02:22 PM
if you get the w-item materia you can use the little cheat......

i forget how exactly it goes but im sure some of the others round here know about it

02-06-2004, 04:00 AM
lol you can go back from ANY point in the crater...just keep going back up untill your at the place ware you jumped down...go into the big cave and climb the rock ladder thing to get back
No, once you agree to start on the path to Sephiroth ("let's mosey") you cannot go back. From any other point you can still go back. After all, how else would you be able to get the master materia from the Huge Materia at the Planetarium? Some of the materia you can't even get until you're in the Northern Cave.

Harpies don't have Elixirs. You can steal an Elixir from a Mega Tonberry. That's the best way to get them, outside of cheating.

W-Item: Go into the menu and select an item, then select another item and cancel. You will now have another of the first item you selected, now select the second item again and cancel again. Repeat over and over. I'm pretty sure this is how it works. Obviously you must have the W-Item materia equipped to a character for this to work. You can get it in the return to Sector 8 by heading the opposite direction of the way you're supposed to go on the underground path leading the underground entrance to the area where you fight Proud Clod.

02-06-2004, 08:26 AM
Is it possible to get the W-Item materia if I'm already on disk 3?


Dr. Lucien Sanchez
02-06-2004, 10:15 AM
Unfortunatley it is not, you can get back into Midgar still, but you cant go into the underground. Sorry about that. At least its something you'll probably remember to get next time you go through the game (that is IF you decide to take another shot at the game from the beggining)