02-01-2004, 04:00 PM
I like VII for a whole lot of reasons but mostly I like the villian Sephiroth the most. Squaresoft did such a good job developing his character. The way he killed Aeris was such a shock. I can also remember the first time I heard the one-winged angle theme, the sopranos came in right as he cast supernova. Hopefully he will be more than just a flashback in Advent Children.

Please post your favorite thing about FFVII (could be anything)

You are just a puppet. You have no heart and cannot feel any pain.
- Sephiroth [list]

02-01-2004, 05:27 PM
I can't just pick one. If you think about it, that game was more than a game, it was almost as if you were in character. You were Cloud, you saved the Planet. Sephiroth is without a doubt the baddest enemy in all of Video Game history. We could even take it into movies. I think it would be awesome to see Sephiroth and Hellraiser go at it. Back to the point, the Aeris death was a shock to me too, cuz I actually LIKED her :) But, you want to know something. It's symbolic. What actually happened is producer Hironobu Sakaguchi allowed Aeris to die as an expression of grief after his mother died during the production of Final Fantasy III. Everything ties together. Games and Reality are one. Final Fantasy VII is the greatest game of all time and will be a legacy.

02-01-2004, 08:29 PM
that is EXACTLY what I am trying to get at. It felt like you belonged in the game. When I played VII and found Aeris dead I personily wanted Sephiroth dead too, it made the game personal. Square mixed everything up and fused all the good qualities and their trickes into one. I don't know anything else that could pull it off like that, I got hooked (like I wasn't before!). This is way Sephiroth is the bad ass he is. Masamune is his trademark. The whole package in my opinion is the greatest thing in video game history.

A major turnin point for the themes of FF. I wanted to see if anyone else had a similer opinion.

"...she smiled till the end" - Cloud

02-01-2004, 08:32 PM

02-07-2004, 08:12 AM
My favorite part was after the 3rd time i played it and actually understood the story 100%!


02-12-2004, 11:25 AM
Aeris' Death.
I mean, come on, it made my brother cry. It's so unexpected. Personally I thought it was quite moving, just a bit odd cos she didn't bleed but I suppose they have to do it for censorship purposes. You always thought she'd come back, but it never happened...

02-12-2004, 01:54 PM
I liked loads of bits but just done the bit again where diamond weapon is heading for midgar, great bit of the game, nice and fast paced for a change, lots of cool Vids as well :)

02-12-2004, 05:09 PM
The best thing about Final Fantasy VII must be.......

The entire game!!!
O.K reality and games should be separated very carefully or else you would only get crazy...

But I guess the whole story and the extreme cool characters (every single one of them is good and some ultragreat) and ofcourse Earis� death is something nobody would see coming.
That she can�t be returned to live in any way is cool too and the last thing is that you fight and Shinra (Turks, Rufus, mako energy etc) and Sephiroth + Jenova at the same time is BRILLIANT!!!

It is just the best game i�ve ever played in my entire life!!!

02-12-2004, 05:24 PM
Understanding the original story about Soldier, Shinra, and the Cetra and then the time where Tifa is walking Cloud through his memories to find the truth are big pluses as far as FFVII favorites...

as far as individual portions/moments/parcticulars...the omnislash and battle with Sephiroth at end of game: spectacular!

02-12-2004, 08:16 PM
I have to agree with Brein and Arcanine78, The game is all that and a bag of chips :D , and more. Too many good scenes to say. I would say the game is still the best RPG around. renegadehol, your brother must of been really attached with Aerith huh?? The only time, I saw blood, was when Jenova was revealed and on the last battle with Sephiroth, were Cloud fought him in his head.

02-12-2004, 10:56 PM
Undoubtely Aeris's death.. that set the story for FFVII.. everything unfolds in the later discs...

The Joker
02-14-2004, 03:28 AM
The overal story/atmosphere. The tragedy, the magic, the dark industrial look, the perfect music to add to it....also, I like the fact there is more exploration involved than in some of the other FFs.

02-14-2004, 05:05 AM
I like the variety of mini games, and the golden saucer, with the chocobo racing and all. This FF has a lot more variety then the others.

02-14-2004, 08:44 AM
Yes the Golden Saucer is brilliant too!!!

Still every little bit of it is wonderfull, it never stops...

02-17-2004, 02:08 PM
My favourite part has to be the part when your in the rocket with Cid after you've fought the turks and Cid is opening up to you telling you how he wanted always to go into space and when Cloud falls into da lifestream and you become Barret/Tifa and have to escape from Shin-RA that bits brilliant i really enjoyed that part it was fun, (The B***h fight between Scarlett and Tifa... Yeh get her ha ha!)
Then when Tifa jumps off the cannon almost misses da rope then grabs it. Woo Hoo!:D :D

02-17-2004, 08:30 PM
I like how they put such an in-depth history into each character. I really enjoy playing the game because everytime I play it there's more to learn about everyone. (I think that they should've made Sephiroth turn around and be a good guy at the end of the game tho' *sniff*) And I also think that the creators should've finished the game and had that whole 'bringing Aeris back to life' thing in it like they were going to do in the first place

02-23-2004, 02:37 PM
Just found this out about what really happened to Aeris, it's really interesting.

Aeris body died at the hands of Jenova... She knew what she had to do to summon Holy, and save the planet... and she did it. But Aeris didn't return to the planet, Aeris didn't join the lifestream after she died. So where did she go?

On the Highwind Cloud says, "......Aeris." "Although she should've returned to the planet by now, somethings stopped her and now she's stuck......"

While floating in front of Holy and Sephiroth at the very end of the game, Tifa says this, "Holy�� Aeris��" "Aeris is here� everyone is here� Cloud is here with us!"

At the same time Holy is summoned, something is happening in Kalm. Marlene is in Kalm, and is sitting at a table. When all of a sudden she senses something. She looks up and says, "The flower girl?" Marlene could sense Aeris in the Holy.

If you haven't figured out what I'm saying yet, then listen closely. After Aeris body dies, she is suppose to return to the planet� But she doesn't. Aeris consciousness is being used to pray for Holy and save the planet... So she can't die yet. Aeris is being held inside Holy, until Holy can be used, and Aeris prayer can be heard.

At the very end of the game, when Holy is holding up Meteor, and the lifestream makes its move, is when it happens. When Holy, Meteor, and the Lifestream combine, is when Aeris prayer is released� And the Planet gives its answer. This is also when you see Aeris face on the screen, one last time�

Also it explains on this website how the Sephiroth that killed Aeris, was not Sephiroth at all, it was in fact Jenova!
Check this site out for more info:

02-23-2004, 02:38 PM
Also i'm gonna surprise you all (hopefully)

Zack is not dead.He was injected with Jenova Cells allowing not to die easliy.The guy in the pipe is Zack.You know when you get Mako Poisoning in Middell thats Jenova's affect just like when the guy in the pipe.Also Aeris says that some guy picked up the guy in the pipe.Remember when two Shinra soliders shot him hes not dead because of the Jenova Cells.Also remember thoose black guys in Nebliem they have numbers.Thoose numbers tells you whos under contro of Sephiroth.Zack had number "1".Also when you go back to Midgar the guy next to the pipe will say that Zack was saying something like the reonion starting.

02-23-2004, 02:49 PM
Actually Sephiroth has number 1...

02-26-2004, 07:27 AM
Actually if you think about it logically Brien your wrong, Cloud and Zack were clones therefore they'll have numbers, Sepiroth was the main one so he woundn't have a number because he isn't a clone, he is born the way he is Zack isn't, he's made that way by Hojo, therefore Sephiroth has no number.
And the first version of Hojo which i have written in already was actually Jenova, (the Sephiroth that killed Aeris).
Cloud was a failed experiment so he didn't have a number, Zack did because he passed, but was unfortunately ruined by Shin-RA soldiers therefore Hojo never got his perfect clone.

02-26-2004, 07:33 AM
Zack is no clone!!!

His parents are in Gongaga!!!

And furthermore Seph got number 1 because he is the number 1 Soldier.

Zack is not a clone he is injected with cells just as Cloud afther the Nibelheim incident 5 years before the game starts.

Didn�t you go to the shinra mansion there later on in the game?
Everything will then be explained what happened to Cloud and Zack.

02-26-2004, 03:27 PM
hmmmmm.....The whole game was my favorite, the main story line was awesome, and it had many minigames to keep you busy for hours! (chocobo....I...got...the...gold...chocobo.....lol ;) ) and Sephiroth was the best enemy ever!:D and now theres a movie!:D :D :D :D Do you guys remember when Cloud wore a dress lol......:eye: I was shocked.

02-26-2004, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by LonewolfSquall
hmmmmm.....The whole game was my favorite, the main story line was awesome, and it had many minigames to keep you busy for hours! (chocobo....I...got...the...gold...chocobo.....lol ;) ) and Sephiroth was the best enemy ever!:D and now theres a movie!:D :D :D :D Do you guys remember when Cloud wore a dress lol......:eye: I was shocked.

Yes I�m with you all the way!!!

02-27-2004, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Brein

Yes I�m with you all the way!!!
YA!!!! I've yet to see an enemy as powerful as Sephiroth.....He was the best!:D

Landlord of Sector 7
02-27-2004, 08:19 PM
Hopefully he (Sephiroth) will be more than just a flashback in Advent Children.

[list] [/B][/QUOTE]

I personally think that Sephiroth is the masked wheelchair man. Think about it, it doesn't show Sephiroth actually die and the crater becomes filled with Lifestream. When Cloud fell into the Lifestream, he had to be in a wheelchair for a long time. Maybe, since Sephiroth is sort of not human, he has been physically crippled but can still send out commands to some minions of his by using his mind.

03-01-2004, 10:21 AM
Hey Brien did you forget that that stuff is all from the site i mentioned earlier? And anyway first they didn't say Zack was a clone they said he was made.. You know like Cloud and Sephiroth they were both born from normal people.
And second don't have a go at me about it, send an e-mail to the site, there the ones broadcasting it to everybody.

03-01-2004, 01:45 PM
What is the link because I would like to see what the hell they are talking about.

03-04-2004, 11:11 AM
Okay this is the site when your on it look for a thread named Zack...

03-04-2004, 04:03 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Landlord of Sector 7
[B]Hopefully he (Sephiroth) will be more than just a flashback in Advent Children.

Ya cause it wouldn't be the same without Sephiroth! (hey does anyone else hope they will do a few more movies about the games? I think 7 is the best but a few movies on the other ones would be awesome) (FF the spirits within was ok but had nothing to do with FF unless you REALLY look hard.(and use A LOT of imagination:D) the Earth energy looks kinda like lifestream and the monster nest looks kinda like the Lunar Cry in FF8):lol ;)

Alice Wonderbra
03-04-2004, 07:26 PM
the whole zack thing is fucking retarded.

with that being said, my fave thing was the storyline and character development. the game does a great deal of twists in the plot, so you keep figuring out new things, and its not just like, "well, the princess is in one of these castles" sort of story. this technique unveiled a lot more about the characters personalities in this way.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-04-2004, 11:24 PM
It is hard trying to think of my favorite thing from ff7!

Limit Breaks
Battle Graphics
Cool Weapons
Bad ass bosses
Concept of Materia
Awesome Music

Crap, well I'm having such a hard time I will just say that the coolest thing is the Regen spell (seriously, the Regen on 7 was awesome because it was constantly going slowly but on all the other ones it just did little bits at one time and really fucking sucked)

03-05-2004, 03:11 AM
I loved the entire game with a passion, words could not express how much i like that game, i liked the love triangle in it and i was shocked at how much Cloud is like myself, in physical form and (kinda) mentally.

03-05-2004, 04:02 AM
is it me or do u always say that devil hunter???
anyways the things i like about 7........i cant think of just 1 cos there are so many....for 1 it has by far the deepest storyline of all the final fantasy's 2.cloud is 1 cool muther f*cker.....3.the part when sephiroth killed aeris (hey....im an aeris...)and the final battle with the one winged angel music (if u ask me ....that supa nova move was toooo long). those are some of my favorit bits but i have loads more...well thats it *goes to start a new file on final fantasy 7)..

03-05-2004, 03:30 PM
The death of Aerith was best part. She was annoying, stupid and ugly so I wasn't suprised...I even saved before it so I could see her die whenever I feel like killing somebody...or laughing...

cloud strife04
03-05-2004, 10:26 PM
the whole thing!

OMNISLASH!!!! yea....im so kew:cool:

Landlord of Sector 7
03-05-2004, 10:49 PM
Actually the best thing I think about FF7 (at least the american version) was Ruby Weapon baby uh.