08-28-2012, 07:13 AM

Catalog Number : SCDC-00288
Release Date : 20.08.2003
Release Price : 2100 YEN
Genre : Soundtrack
Label : Scitron Digital Contents
Composed by : Yuki Iwai, USP
Arranged by : Wavelink Zeal, Takayuki Aihara
Performed by : -

_SCDC-00288_R-TYPE_Final.rar - 438.98 MB (http://www.sharpfile.com/r48pbdkf/_SCDC-00288_R-TYPE_Final.rar.html)

pw = Soundtrackheaven

08-28-2012, 07:25 AM
Im gonna grab this on a whim, I searched for some songs on youtube of this game and the music seems excellent ^.^
thanks executable!

08-28-2012, 07:27 AM
That's funny, I was actually wondering a couple days ago whether or not this game had a soundtrack and here it is. lol Thanks for this. Just out of curiosity though, why not mediafire or one of the faster filesharing sites?

08-28-2012, 07:29 AM
That's funny, I was actually wondering a couple days ago whether or not this game had a soundtrack and here it is. lol Thanks for this. Just out of curiosity though, why not mediafire or one of the faster filesharing sites?

I wouldnt trust mediafire, they always delete your files. Just be happy with what you have.

08-28-2012, 07:32 AM
I wouldnt trust mediafire, they always delete your files. Just be happy with what you have.

Mediafire appears to be safe as long as you encrypt filenames. It seems to be the case for peejeshare also, files don't get deleted as long as the archive prevents file viewing.

08-28-2012, 07:45 AM
Mediafire appears to be safe as long as you encrypt filenames. It seems to be the case for peejeshare also, files don't get deleted as long as the archive prevents file viewing.

yes but they have a track record of deleting files by uploaders such as Jessie, Infernus Animositas, OrangeC etc. Do you know how much effort it takes to upload as much they have on their accounts, then have them all deleted in one fell swoop? Very wasteful and discouraging when you consider the amount of time it takes to upload vgm. I say stay away from Mediafire and use multiuploader hosts, that way there are multiple download links.

08-28-2012, 07:52 AM
Thanks for the upload! Very interesting!

08-28-2012, 07:58 AM
Just out of curiosity though, why not mediafire or one of the faster filesharing sites?

Not fast enough ?
Go in store and buy it.Content will be Immediately in your Hands.

08-28-2012, 08:43 AM
Not fast enough ?
Go in store and buy it.Content will be Immediately in your Hands.

Too late, it's done. ;P No need for a smartass response though, it was a simple inquiry.

08-28-2012, 09:07 AM
Too late, it's done. ;P No need for a smartass response though, it was a simple inquiry.

It has nothing to do with being a smartass, i am tired of the crying people, who cant Download illegal stuff fast enough.

That remembers me on that great RED vs BLUE Episode years ago....with lot of truth.

Real Life Vs. Internet - YouTube (http://youtu.be/URsqTsMfNqY)

08-28-2012, 10:01 AM
Please Mediafire mirror! Sharpfile crap with 98 k/sec, on Mediafire you get 700 k/sec!

08-28-2012, 10:35 AM
Sharpfile crap with 98 k/sec, on Mediafire you get 700 k/sec!

08-29-2012, 10:03 AM
Please Mediafire mirror! Sharpfile crap with 98 k/sec, on Mediafire you get 700 k/sec!

See? I am not the only one.

08-29-2012, 11:09 AM
It has nothing to do with being a smartass, i am tired of the crying people, who cant Download illegal stuff fast enough.

That remembers me on that great RED vs BLUE Episode years ago....with lot of truth.

Real Life Vs. Internet - YouTube (http://youtu.be/URsqTsMfNqY)

lol Ok, so your defense mechanism just kicks in for no reason then? I've seen how you act all high and mighty in posts over the past months and you seriously need to get your head out of your ass. Hell, I ask a simple question and you couldn't even answer that. I personally had no problem downloading from sharpfile (although it was slow) but there are a lot of better alternatives out there. It's like you WANT to piss people off by having to deal with wait times, captchas, etc.

When I share stuff, I do it because I know it'll make the FFShrine community happy/excited to have stuff that they requested or didn't expect and I'll always shoot for the best filesharing site available to get it in as many people's hands in the shortest amount of time. You just come off with a "DEAL WITH IT OR GO **** YOURSELF" attitude, which no one around here deserves.

08-29-2012, 11:15 AM
lol Ok, so your defense mechanism just kicks in for no reason then? I've seen how you act all high and mighty in posts over the past months and you seriously need to get your head out of your ass. Hell, I ask a simple question and you couldn't even answer that. I personally had no problem downloading from sharpfile (although it was slow) but there are a lot of better alternatives out there. It's like you WANT to piss people off by having to deal with wait times, captchas, etc.

When I share stuff, I do it because I know it'll make the FFShrine community happy/excited to have stuff that they requested or didn't expect and I'll always shoot for the best filesharing site available to get it in as many people's hands in the shortest amount of time. You just come off with a "DEAL WITH IT OR GO **** YOURSELF" attitude, which no one around here deserves.

Again: see, I am not the only one.

Leon Scott Kennedy
08-29-2012, 11:53 AM
The sharer is entitled to pick whatever host he/she wants, and given that this kind of person [I mean the "sharer" in general] is the one offering you something out of his/her own collection and or pocket... there's no real need to go "What crappy speeds. Upload it on another server", either. The so-called "Deal with it or go to hell" attitude may come off as rude to some, but one's entitled to have it in certain circumstances. After all, we don't owe each other anything.

Personally, I think that the sharer spends time ripping CDs, sometimes going as far as scanning booklet/etc... It's somewhat "fair" that we spend time to get what we want.

While I, in the past, did try to offer the best host(s) for my few shares, the fact that most downloaders were able to get in 10 minutes what required me to spend 2-3 hours uploading... Well, it pissed me off, but that's just me.

The time some of you waste crying and waiting for a better host would be better spent by actually getting the file. I'm not seriously trying to defend Executable's actions (not that such thing is needed), but put yourselves in the uploader/ripper's shoes... for once: you're doing something that may put you in trouble, you're 'wasting' time trying to offer a bunch of unknown folks stuff they might enjoy, and what do you end up getting? "This host is crap, I'm not downloading it" - The desire to return you a "Well, then, your problem... fuck off" is there, and pretty much well deserved.

08-29-2012, 01:40 PM
Well, I respect other people's opinions even if I don't share them. I just don't see the point in buying, ripping, scanning, tagging, uploading an album for everyone on the forums and then make it extra hard for them to actually download it. To me- that sounds completely nuts. Why go through all the trouble in the first place then?

08-29-2012, 02:01 PM
I just don't see the point in buying, ripping, scanning, tagging, uploading an album for everyone on the forums and then make it extra hard for them to actually download it.
To me- that sounds completely nuts. Why go through all the trouble ?

If you dont like the complicated way, go buy it. Its the easiest way of all.

And for the future, if you dont like my uploads, dont download them, and stop complaining (thats for all of you)

Leon Scott Kennedy
08-29-2012, 02:11 PM
Well, I respect other people's opinions even if I don't share them. I just don't see the point in buying, ripping, scanning, tagging, uploading an album for everyone on the forums and then make it extra hard for them to actually download it. To me- that sounds completely nuts. Why go through all the trouble in the first place then?
Man, it's not about making it extra hard for you intentionally... It's about lack of valid alternatives. MediaFire, the one which people suggests the most, is cracking down on copyrighted material/accounts' suspensions since MEGAUPLOAD demise, last I heard about them... they even started to implement some kind of MD5 Hash-check or whatever it is, so if they find out the item(s) you've uploaded match the ones on their 'blacklist', they automatically delete them along your account as an extra gift. The other favourites (RapidShare, Crocko, FileFactory,...) drastically reduced their download speeds for free users, FileServe/FileSonic only allow to store files, now...Sharing feature plugged... New faces like PeejeShare suddenly started to return you "Such file doesn't exist on this server" as soon as you've finished uploading! Mirrorcreator, or those websites which go and upload the file multiple servers rely on the aforementioned "slow names", thus, they aren't really that useful... either.

File-sharing has become harder for everyone, if you didn't notice it. You're stuck with crappy speed, as downloaders, but trust me... The uploader isn't in a much better situation. Even if he/she wanted to give you a better host, nowadays it's pretty hard to do so.

08-29-2012, 02:14 PM
Thanks, Leon Scott Kennedy, for a response that actually makes sense (unlike Executable's, who can only do 1 thing which is knee-jerk reactions)

08-05-2018, 02:24 AM
re up?

09-09-2018, 04:53 PM
Yeah, I was just looking to get into more of Yuki Iwai's stuff, but no luck. :/

EDIT: Well, found the collection box in FLAC, this has the FINAL soundtrack and others: link here. (Thread 85806) Now if only I could find R-Type Tactics...