08-28-2012, 05:17 AM

TRACK LIST1. Title Screen & Menu
2. Prologue
3. Story Demo (Confidence)
4. Stage Select
5. Papagayan Anthem
6. Mini Boss
7. Story Demo (Stress)
8. Level Completed
9. Infiltrate
10. Flutes of Ektanadu
11. Leap of Faith (BCR2 Remix)
12. Ok, We'll Move (BCR2 Remix)
13. Absolute Zero
14. Boss
15. Impending Danger (Short Edit)
16. Story Demo (Melancholy)
17. Bionic Commando Rearmed (BCR2 Remix)
18. Heat Wave (BCR2 Remix)
19. Impending Danger
20. Final Boss (McNamara's Theme)
21. Epilogue & Challenge Rooms (OK, We'll Move BCR2 Alt Remix)
22. Credits (End Game)
23. Game Over
24. Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 Chipstep Remix (Credits)
25. RADDass (Credits)
26. Stage Select Remix (Unused)
27. Papagayan Anthem Remix (Unused)
28. Impending Danger (Unused)
29. Confidence (Unused)
DOWNLOAD (http://www.mediafire.com/?b4qi9o28jcn3wdp)
pw = jizamez

You can sample the soundtrack from my youtube playlist (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL325BFE22008BF4BA&feature=view_all).

The day that no one ever imagined would arrive but here it is...the release of Bionic Commando Rearmed 2's in-game soundtrack! All files were converted from source and includes all tracks that are found in-game as well as a few that (as far as I know) are unused but were left over in the game data. All tracks (excluding Flutes of Ektanadu, RADDASS and Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 Chipstep Remix) have no official names, so I just improvised on most. I couldn't name them based on the stage they play in as most of them are re-used in multiple stages throughout the game. Tracks were ordered in when they're heard in the game. And just for reference, the 360 and PS3 versions of BCR2 seem to use different tracks for certain stages, so don't be alarmed if it doesn't seem like it's in order (if you're a 360 owner, as I played the PS3 version).

Putting this all together was pretty tedious and time consuming but I've wanted the soundtrack for quite some time and I wanted to bring something to the ffshrine community that I imagine most gave up hope on. In any case, I hope you all appreciate the work I put into it and enjoy, everyone!

08-28-2012, 05:52 AM
Yay! I'm out to party today.

I actually enjoyed this game's music more than the first Rearmed, mostly because this was made out mostly of original compositions instead of remixes!

Thanks Jizames! :D

08-28-2012, 06:01 AM
You sir, are amazing! I tip my hat to you, amazing work!

P.S. Here's a little cover I made in case anyone wants it:


08-28-2012, 06:48 AM
Some people attempted to rip the score from the game in the past and it was unsuccessful, but you pulled it off. Awesome skillz and you rock for sharing it, jizames.
Many many thanks for this. It's a pretty cool soundtrack, too bad they never got around making an official release as it totally deserves one.

And just one question: what type of files were the source files and if they are lossless would you be able to share it as well?

08-28-2012, 07:02 AM
In case you haven`t noticed this has been asked and answered already. He has given his reasons to not upload lossless of those as well and it`s all was mentioned here (http://forums.ffshrine.org/f70/bionic-commando-rearmed-2-a-85686/2.html#post2072363).

08-28-2012, 07:07 AM
Some people attempted to rip the score from the game in the past and it was unsuccessful, but you pulled it off. Awesome skillz and you rock for sharing it, jizames.
Many many thanks for this. It's a pretty cool soundtrack, too bad they never got around making an official release as it totally deserves one.

And just one question: what type of files were the source files and if they are lossless would you be able to share it as well?

It's my pleasure and you've also contributed a hell of a lot around here for us to be thankful for. As far as the source files, they were an odd mix of little-endian wav files and ogg vorbis. The only ones that would make sense to release in flac would be the wavs but only 5 of those tracks were (Boss, Mini boss, and the 3 unused tracks at the end of my gamerip). The ogg's were already a bit lossy and although I'm not a fan of lossy-to-lossy conversions, the spectrals looked almost intact after converting to v0 mp3. There was somewhere in the range of 40-50 ogg files that had to be pieced together since it used a loop format that's similar to Streets of Rage Remake (if you've ever taken a look at it).

08-28-2012, 07:11 AM
Ok got it, and thanks for clarification. Yep I didn't notice it's been mentioned already in the other thread. But VBR mp3 is perfectly fine. Kudos albatross.

08-28-2012, 11:14 PM
Thanks for the good work !

08-31-2012, 10:19 PM
Some great news! Simon Viklund himself got back to me about my rip and gave me the project names for all the tracks via email (as well as thanking me for getting it done!). For those of you interested in some interesting details about the music, here's what he had to say:

I don't have names for all the tracks, because I realized already during development that Capcom didn't care enough about it to put the soundtrack out. Here are my "project names" for the tracks (in the order of your playlist):

"Menu Theme"

"Prolog" or "Sabio's Theme"


"Stage Select"

"Papagayan Anthem"

"Mini Boss Theme" (this is really "Intruder Alert" from BCR1 revisited)


"Stage Clear" (have you noticed that this stinger uses the melody from "Sabio's Theme" but in a triumphant major key?)

"Facility" (although I like your name "infiltration" - the common denominator with the levels in which this theme is used is that they're all in some man-made environment, like a base or some other building. So both names work.)

"Flutes of Ektanadu" ("Ektanadu" was the indian tribe that lived on Papagaya before modern civilization spread to the island. However, this backstory is never brought in the game.)

"Leap of Faith - Revisited" or "Caves" (the echoing character of this theme suits hallways and cave-like environments, which is why the theme is used in this kind of maps.)

"OK, We'll Move - Revisited"

"Mountain" (the idea for this track was to suit levels where you were high up - the melody ascends and there is a lot of large scale echoes that gives a feeling of being high up on a mountain peak or something. This track needs a real name though because I'm really happy with it. I like the melody and the chord progression, although the weird drum rhythm probably throw some people off.)

"Big Boss Theme" (this is really "Intruder Alert" from BCR1 revisited, again!)

I don't remember this track's name but your name - "Impending Danger" - is really good. It's based on the drum'n'bass track heard later in the game.

"Sadness" (your name "Melancholy" works just as well)

"Bionic Commando Main Theme - Revisited"

"Point of No Return" (this track was only meant for the map where you travel on the missiles. It's not a full-fledged remix of "Heat Wave" although the melody pops up at one point. It's more like a wink towards that song.)

"Escape" (this was meant only for the reactor escape sequence, but I don't know if it was eventually put on more maps)

"Final Boss" - let's not spoil who's the last boss by naming it "McNamara" ;-)

Is this version of "OK, We'll Move - Revisited" really in the game? Regardless, I don't have a unique name for this version. I know I experimented with using radio tuner noise in the legato melody)

"Credits" - I agree the track is underwhelming compared to the contest winners. Those guys did a tremendous job.

"Game Over" - again, this is a take on "Sabio's Theme"

09-01-2012, 12:02 AM
This is great jizames. I didn't know Simon Viklund was aware of you doing the rip, and what surprising about it is that he thanked you for it. I mean doesn't he already have all the master tapes?

09-01-2012, 12:21 AM
This is great jizames. I didn't know Simon Viklund was aware of you doing the rip, and what surprising about it is that he thanked you for it. I mean doesn't he already have all the master tapes?

I was a bit surprised too, I had a feeling he might've been telling me to take it down or something. lol I'm pretty sure he has some kind of legal agreement with Capcom that doesn't allow him to release the music himself but is ok with random people posting it up on the net (he thanked some users who ripped a few tracks on youtube on his blog). Maybe he doesn't have the masters themselves (or just keeps them under wraps). I wouldn't doubt it if Capcom made sure that the music was their property alone, they're kind of anal about intellectual property.

09-12-2012, 08:23 AM
thanks jiz. Great Soundtrack!

09-22-2012, 06:39 AM
many thanks ^_^

09-23-2012, 07:36 AM
Great work!

09-23-2012, 11:54 AM
This is great , make mine Bionic!

10-29-2012, 04:18 PM
Great stuff. Thank you, jizames!

12-23-2012, 10:18 PM
really good work, thx.
too bad nobody cared to release the ost to the game.

12-24-2012, 08:06 PM
Ack! The MediaFire link is blocked because it's either encrypted, or the file shairing limit has been reached. Can anybody re-up or get this working again? I've been waiting FOREVER for this OST!

12-25-2012, 12:43 PM
Here's a mirror, it's all the original files uploaded by Jizames here, I haven't tagged them according to Simon Viklund (http://forums.ffshrine.org/f72/long-last-bionic-commando-rearmed-2-complete-119766/#post2075562), though.

No pass!

BCR2Jizames.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?eqamwk8c7zytrfh)

12-25-2012, 02:05 PM
You just made made my Christmas! I know what I'm listening to on the way to my folks' house this afternoon! Thanks!

12-26-2012, 04:53 AM
Thanks for this awesomeness ;)

04-21-2013, 06:35 PM
Hi! Can you please re-post a link to download the BCR2 soundtrack? Or can you post links to download each track via youtube?


04-21-2013, 07:08 PM
Blind as a mole are you?

Here's a mirror, it's all the original files uploaded by Jizames here, I haven't tagged them according to Simon Viklund (http://forums.ffshrine.org/f72/long-last-bionic-commando-rearmed-2-complete-119766/#post2075562), though.

No pass!

BCR2Jizames.rar (http://www.mediafire.com/?eqamwk8c7zytrfh)

Still live and running.

jizames upload is still online, all that's needed is a bit of trickery to get it working: OMGBCR2 (http://www.mediafire.com/?dbi4hm33e7lpb1l,qdk6wmn7rabf2az,b4qi9o28jcn3wdp) (copy it to your own account and download from there).

04-21-2013, 10:13 PM
Thanks. But I am still having a problem downloading the files. I copied it to my own account,
downloaded it and I still won't play. Its downloading a document and not an mp3. Every time I try to open it this pops up:

“OMGBCR2.rar” may be an application. It was downloaded from the Internet and will be opened by iTunes. Are you sure you want to open it?"

I select yes and I get nothing. Can can you help?

Never mind. I got it working. Thanks for all the help.

04-21-2013, 10:40 PM
Because you need WinRAR (http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm) to open the file and therefore extract its contents (the .mp3s). Might as well go with 7-Zip (http://www.7-zip.org/) instead.

04-27-2013, 01:19 PM

07-06-2013, 01:28 PM
many thanks

10-09-2013, 03:59 PM
Thank you!

03-12-2014, 10:38 PM
Wanted this for years. Thank you for supplying this rip. I'd happily purchase the soundtrack, were it available. BCR2 gets a lot of undeserved flak, I think.

03-12-2014, 11:16 PM
Agreed. Not as brilliant as BCR, but still worth a listen now and again. I just wish they had signed Viklund on to direct the game as well as compose it.

01-20-2017, 09:05 PM
Thanks a lot for sharing this!