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08-27-2012, 10:56 AM
Each one has a + or a - aspect to it.

The music, especially.
Back in the Dark Ages of Hollywood, synth was acceptable.

Today, people condemn the mere thought of synth.

With the technology today, it's easy to call anything garbage.

Unless the music is solely designed to be purely digital like an 8-bit cover of a modern-day orchestra score will people call it "art".

Let's get over our deluded selves and actually detach our wretched souls from easily-passed conviction and actually name music.

Music that stands out from the Remakes/Reboots/Spin-offs that are commonly disregarded due to their sole nature of replacing the original content from centuries ago.

Or even memorable scenes.

Much of Nolan's reboot of Batman stands out much more than Burton's or even Schumacher's Batman.

Fright Night (2011): "99 Problems" by Hugo.
Clash of the Titans (2010): Ramin Djawadi's score. It really stands out more than the movie itself. And stands out more than Laurence Rosenthal's score.
Batman Begins: James Newton Howard bringing a more humanistic side to the Dark Knight.


10-05-2012, 06:24 PM
The 70s remake of King Kong is my personal favorite.

01-01-2013, 05:37 AM
I know a lot of people consider Prometheus to be a prequel, but I would also consider it to be a spin off since its not a direct prequel with Alien. But as a spin off, I absolutely Love it, one of my favorite films of 2012!

01-01-2013, 06:24 AM
I like the King Kong remake and LOVED Prometheus. I also liked the 1998 remake of Godzilla. Both moves are greater than the reviews state in my opinion. I cannot compare them to their originals just like I can't compare Nolan's Batman to Burton's. Some people may be able to and that's fine. But to me, I feel like they're from two very, very different eras. Too different to compare the films. All of which I appreciate (minus Batman and Robin). Forever was ok.

As for Nolan's Batman, one word that comes to mind is EPIC. In a recent interview, Michael Keaton said Nolan got it right and that is where he wanted to take the third one in the original Batman film series. He was originally slated to be in Batman Forever (or whatever it was originally titled as), but withdrew. Not sure why. But I think it's either cause of money, direction of the franchise or that Burton withdrew from directing although I still think he remained in some other role. But not sure about that either. I have no clue as to why Burton didn't direct. I think perhaps the studios wanted Forever to be less dark and more family friendly for whatever reason which isn't really Tim's style as his films are known to be dark. So I think that's why he stepped down as director (or was told to) which is what I think lead to Keaton's departure.

01-01-2013, 06:39 AM
The Scorpion King: Rise of the Warrior - The sequel to a prequel of a remake.
The Godfather part II - Prequel and sequel in a single film!
Terminator Salvation - Since it takes place after the other films, it's a sequel. But since there is no time travel, it takes place before the Terminators are dispatched to the past. So, it's a prequel?
Highlander II - Is it a sequel or is it a reboot?
Troll 2 - It's a 'sequel.'
Curse of the Cat People - It's a 'sequel.'
Catwoman - It's a 'sequel'?
Rankin and Bass "Return of the King" - Last part of a Lord of the Rings trilogy they forgot to make.
Leonard Part 6 - Parts 1-5 were never made. That's the joke.
Star Wars prequels - Parts 1-3 WERE made. That's the joke.
Buckaroo Banzai versus the World Crime League - We were promised. WE WERE PROMISED!

What were we talking about again?

01-01-2013, 08:18 AM
The Scorpion King: Rise of the Warrior - The sequel to a prequel of a remake.
The Godfather part II - Prequel and sequel in a single film!
Terminator Salvation - Since it takes place after the other films, it's a sequel. But since there is no time travel, it takes place before the Terminators are dispatched to the past. So, it's a prequel?
Highlander II - Is it a sequel or is it a reboot?
Troll 2 - It's a 'sequel.'
Curse of the Cat People - It's a 'sequel.'
Catwoman - It's a 'sequel'?
Rankin and Bass "Return of the King" - Last part of a Lord of the Rings trilogy they forgot to make.
Leonard Part 6 - Parts 1-5 were never made. That's the joke.
Star Wars prequels - Parts 1-3 WERE made. That's the joke.
Buckaroo Banzai versus the World Crime League - We were promised. WE WERE PROMISED!

What were we talking about again?

Started watching Salvation, which I'll finish tomorrow. But to answer your question, judging by on what you said about it in your comment above, I drew the conclusion, as probably anyone would by reading your comment on it, that it's both a sequel and a prequel.

Star Wars prequels - I actually liked them. Others did too. Believe it or not, I was ok if they did not reveal how Anakin became Vader as that would keep his human side hidden and keep him as dark and mysterious a figure as possible. But that's probably the main or one of the main reason they were made. Many were wondering about it and have been wanting for years to see his transformation. So after decades and decades, they finally got what they wanted. IMO, Phantom Menace had the best music and villain as Darth Maul looked awesome. His double light-saber weapon was awesome too. I believe he was the only one in the Star Wars movie to have that. Too bad he didn't go on to Attack Of The Clones as General Griveous wasn't as great to me as Maul was. After having half of his saber broken by Obi Wan, he could have ran to fight another day. The music at the end of Attack Of The Clones still remains a favorite of mine as does the end music to Revenge Of The Sith, which was basically Imperial March. Had it not been for the prequels, we probably wouldn't have gotten that music, which of course, obviously does not compare to the music in episodes 4-6.

The joke is the ridiculous edits Lucas made to Star Wars for the blu ray release. I was initially anticipating them once I read they were set to be released. But after watching the edits which hit the net before the sets came out, I was turned off to buying them. To this day, I haven't seen one Star Wars on blu ray yet and doubt I will because of those edits. Regardless, I still your opinion regarding the prequels even though I respectfully disagree with it (unless you meant "joke" in a good way) so respect mine to whether you agree or not.

01-01-2013, 08:32 AM
I liked the Total Recall remake even though it's very different than the original I love both equally as much cause I really like Arnold Schwarzenegger AND Kate Beckinsale.

01-01-2013, 03:49 PM
I liked the Total Recall remake even though it's very different than the original I love both equally as much cause I really like Arnold Schwarzenegger AND Kate Beckinsale.

Yeah that was a good one. I have not seen the original as I associate Arnold too often with Terminator. But I plan on checking it out soon. He's actually made some awesome actions films aside from Terminator and Total Recall. His worst movie? Jingle All The Way. I did like the movie even though the whole Turbo Man thing was stupid. I found Kindergarten Cop funny (in a good way) and it did have some bit of action towards the end of I remember it correctly.

That and JATW were geared towards kids though or so it seemed so in that respect, they're good. But being that he's more known as an action star, that JATW movie didn't fit him at all.

As for Kate Beckinsale, first film I saw with her in it was Underworld and I've really liked her ever since. Don't know if her role as Selene will be topped. I find that role to well executed. It's like SMG, David or MPG probably won't be able to top their performances as Buffy, Angel and Zack Morris respectively. Those roles were too perfectly executed and those shows never go away as they're still about and seen even now after all these years. I'm sure the cast members still get asked about those shows now. Sucks shows like those aren't done now. Today's shows (most of them) are cancelled after 1 or 2 seasons and after the shows, even the ones that last longer end, they're usually drifting out of people's minds. Same goes for most of today's movies.

01-11-2013, 06:58 AM
WB is working on a remake/new adaptation of Little Shop of Horrors that I'm hesitantly optimistic about. It has the possibility of being terrible is one thing is off (the casting, the CGI on Audrey II, the directing), but, if done right, and done with the original ending, it could end up being THE film version of this beloved musical.

Also, I'm hoping the My Fair Lady remake goes through, because I would love to see an adaptation of the musical instead of a straight translation from stage to film.