The Judge
01-31-2004, 01:56 AM
Im struggling to find a Good RPG game game out on pc with a good storyline line to. What I'm really looking for is a game that focuses on character development like in the final fantasy games. any suggestions please?

cheers, The Judge


Evad D'Aragon
01-31-2004, 01:12 PM
The PC is not the platform of choice for this kind of game.

The only one I can tell you about is Septerra Core. And it's an oldie.

01-31-2004, 07:51 PM
Neverwinter Nights, Morrowind 3, and Diablo2 is about the best ones you'll find, other than FF11.

Bahamut ZERO
01-31-2004, 09:40 PM
I will recommend Morrowind, for the sheer scale of the game and the number of side quests you can do, although you're not really driven by a storyline as such (you're not forced to do the main quest.)

I love Morrowind though. It's a great game. I lost three months of my life to it. :)

The Judge
02-02-2004, 09:44 AM
I got morrowind and the add-ons. i must admit, it is really good. but sometimes it gets boring. I spent hours just walkin around looking for one item.


02-03-2004, 03:28 AM
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

Read here ( to find out why.

02-08-2004, 08:26 PM
all the PC really offers in the way of RPG's is AD&D based games such as Baldur's Gate.

Personally i love them though and have purchased quite a few of them.

If you haven't given Baldur's Gate a shot you should. It's a very different type of role playing than your use to from Square games but it is however an awesome game.

Currently BIOWARE are the foremost PC RPG software house. Check out any of thier works.

I may be mistaken but wasn't Grandia 2 released on PC?

I would steer clear of the current PC Final Fantasy conversions though becuase they are really quite shit when compared to the Sony versions. The graphics are sharper on the PC but the music, which really makes the game, is in MIDI format! how terrible is that?

02-08-2004, 08:39 PM
I can't name a PC RPG that really develops much of a character development (in story). You could try the already mentioned Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic or NWNs... but PC RPGs are way different from Console RPGs in how they present themselves.

Bahamut ZERO
02-08-2004, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Rinoa's_Knight
I may be mistaken but wasn't Grandia 2 released on PC?

You're not mistaken, Grandia 2 WAS released for the PC. I lost two weeks playing it... I should've thought about it myself.

Grandia 2's a brilliant game for a pick up and playthrough once. There's not a lot of scope for replayability but it's fun first time round.

The only problem I had was playing the videos. The videos wouldn't work sometimes, and I'd have to reload and rewatch after changing res. =/ But otherwise it's all good.

02-08-2004, 09:03 PM
Final Fantasy VII and VIII r on PC :D

how bout Star Wars Galaxies

02-09-2004, 09:36 PM
7 & 8 are whack on PC

02-09-2004, 09:52 PM
The only difference between the PC and PSX versions of FF7 and 8 are the control systems...and sure, it takes some of the soul out of the game when you play it with a keyboard, but it's still the same great storyline...

And about the music being MIDIs, all PSX music files are MIDIs. They just sound 'cleaner' coming out of your TV then they do coming out of your computer, unless your Sound Blaster MIDI decoder is up to Sony's PSX sound card spec.

Evad D'Aragon
02-09-2004, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by ExS
The only difference between the PC and PSX versions of FF7 and 8 are the control systems...and sure, it takes some of the soul out of the game when you play it with a keyboard, but it's still the same great storyline...

And about the music being MIDIs, all PSX music files are MIDIs. They just sound 'cleaner' coming out of your TV then they do coming out of your computer, unless your Sound Blaster MIDI decoder is up to Sony's PSX sound card spec.

Not exactly. Sony has a specific "MIDI" format. It's not exactly MIDI. But, indeed, if you have a good ol' Sound Blaster 16 you're not going to enjoy the music on FFVII and VIII PC. Which is why they included a Yamaha Software Synthesizer with FFVII.

But if you run them on WinXP, just have an updated DirectX. Using the Microsoft Software synth in both cases will run just fine. Some songs won't be as good but some others will actually be BETTER than their PSX counterparts.

As for the graphics :

The 3-D is much better while the 2-D pre-rendered backgrounds look like crap. The FMVs in FFVII are bad but the ones in FFVIII are breathtaking. If you install the maximum install you'll get better load times except for loading a FMV (although there is a way of making it so it will load on your HDD if you're an advanced user but that'll cost you a lot on HDD space )

ExS said it though : It's all about the controllers. Try a Gravis pad. Better yet, buy yourself the PSX-to-PC converter :)

All in all , the playability is better on the consoles versions but with a good video and sound combo on PC you actually might find it quite enjoyable ;)

Lightning Mage
02-15-2004, 02:24 PM
Diablo 2 is sorta like kingdom hearts. There aren't random battles like FF.
Septera Core is a great RPG. There aren't random battles either. But if there is an enemy you see you run into it and the battle begins. You can also find this game with Shogo which is a nice shooter. It's in one of those Dual Jewel packs at Target.

Neo Xzhan
02-15-2004, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Evad D'Aragon
The PC is not the platform of choice for this kind of game.

The only one I can tell you about is Septerra Core. And it's an oldie.

Hell yes, Septerra Core is one of the best RPGs, not just for the PC, but in general. It's simply awesome and I praise myself very lucky to have found an original copy of the game.

I can recommend any game from the Forgotten Realm series, most known are the Baldurs Gate saga and Neverwinter Nights.

I will also recommend Morrowind or any other part from the Elder Scroll series.

I will count Deus Ex as a RPG, since you gain experience through out the game to customize your character. And most importantly that there are alot of ways to play this game. You can play it several times and create total different characters each time and finish the game anyway you like.

Breath of Fire IV was released on PC (I have that game) so you might wanna try it, it's good. Or Ultima IX and one of my more favorites, Vampire: The Masquerade Remdemption.

Who ever said that the PC isn't good for RPGs clearly was mistaken :P

Evad D'Aragon
02-15-2004, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by Neo Xzhan

Who ever said that the PC isn't good for RPGs clearly was mistaken :P[/COLOR]

You're the mistaken one, dear. Compared to PSOne and even PS2 it's sadly lacking in the RPG department. When a platform like PS2 that has been around for far less than PCs has more quality RPGs than the former that's a good sign that, either the PS2 is doing extremely well in the RPG department or the PC's doing extremely bad. Your choice.

02-15-2004, 10:55 PM
Grandia 2 might be a good one becuase I played this game. Of course you may play that game.

02-16-2004, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by Evad D'Aragon

You're the mistaken one, dear. Compared to PSOne and even PS2 it's sadly lacking in the RPG department. When a platform like PS2 that has been around for far less than PCs has more quality RPGs than the former that's a good sign that, either the PS2 is doing extremely well in the RPG department or the PC's doing extremely bad. Your choice.

what r u on about? did you notice that the RPGs on PC are extremely different to the console RPGs? think about target audiences, think about developer interest. Square's RPGS account for a LEAST 50% of whats on the shelf as far as RPGS for PSX go in the English speaking countries.
the PC is not by any means LACKING in the RPG department. it is however maybe lacking the type of Final Fantasy clone RPGs that you obviously want to play. the PC has some damn excellent RPGs available and the quality of gameplay is up to standards set by anything on other platforms. something tells me you think "RPG" means turn-based random encounter experience point gathering, when in fact it stands for Role Playing Game. as a mattter of fact, PC RPGS are built upon the systems used in the first pen and paper RPGS, which means the PC RPGS are the traditional games.

Evad D'Aragon
02-16-2004, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Rinoa's_Knight

what r u on about? did you notice that the RPGs on PC are extremely different to the console RPGs? think about target audiences, think about developer interest. Square's RPGS account for a LEAST 50% of whats on the shelf as far as RPGS for PSX go in the English speaking countries.
the PC is not by any means LACKING in the RPG department. it is however maybe lacking the type of Final Fantasy clone RPGs that you obviously want to play. the PC has some damn excellent RPGs available and the quality of gameplay is up to standards set by anything on other platforms. something tells me you think "RPG" means turn-based random encounter experience point gathering, when in fact it stands for Role Playing Game. as a mattter of fact, PC RPGS are built upon the systems used in the first pen and paper RPGS, which means the PC RPGS are the traditional games.

What are YOU on about ? Like I didn't notice. Diablo and Baldur's Gate are in no way similar to Final Fantasy yet are RPGs. Yes PC IS lacking in the RPG department. Why ? You have to take into account the ratio number of games/years of existence of the platform. THEN you see why it's lacking. Why is that in merely one year you can have about as much RPGs released on PS2 than in two years on PC (not taking into account games already released) ? That's because PC IS lacking. I'm not saying it's doing "bad", it's lacking compared to PS2. Then again it's doing better than both Cube and Box so you could say it isn't "lacking", it's just not the platform of choice. The PS2 is. Which is exactly what I said in my first post but that you obviously didn't read.

And let me make you notice something : What made the "RPG" term popular out there in the video game world is the "Final Fantasy type" RPG, not the "Dungeons and Dragons" one. "Dungeons and Dragons" made the term "RPG" popular into schools but not the video game world. No, I do not think "RPG" stands for "random-encouter-experience-system" but many people have learned about this type of RPG before the "PC RPG" style. And you can probably bet it's the most liked as well judging from sales chart. Have you ever heard of Baldur's Gate outselling Final Fantasy ? No. I didn't either.

In my opinion, the PC's the gaming platform of choice if you're into FPS (Which stands for "First-Person Shooter", like DOOM, just in case you think I don't know what that is.) and have a lot of money to ugrade your video card , CPU and RAM every two years at the VERY LEAST.

Oh, of course any game that gets released on multi-platform will look better on PC by a mile. So that makes it the platform of choice for multi-platform games as well. That is , IF your PC's up to today's ever-changing standards AND/OR you have enough money to keep it that way.

02-16-2004, 04:25 PM
Hey Hey Chill Chill

PC and Consoles really can't be compared in terms of gaming by a large extent. PC's have been around for an extremely long time and really has it's own way of dealing things rather than Console games.

As you know, PC RPGs are VERY VERY VERY different from Console RPGs. PC RPGs are more based on leveling up a character, going through the game and finding rare items, attacking whatever you see when you want. Console RPGs are more storyline based and has a different type of battle system of it's own. You really can't compare both in sales since not EVERYONE has a PC good enough to run games such as Morrowwind, NWN, or Knights of the Old Republic.

A PS2 is a PS2, you can't upgrade it, you can't do much to it, you have it and that's it. This is why most people perfer console games because you really don't need to upgrade your Console at all. While you see people whining about how the PS3 is coming out and all, what about those who have to get an extremely large make over for their computer? There are more console gamers compared to PC gamers that sales of a PC game will most likely never overshadow a major console game release.

RPGs for the PC are not lacking, if they are then FPS are lacking because I can really name an RPG for every FPS.

Doom - Everquest (it's a MMORPG, biggy)
Doom 2 - Morrowwind
Quake - Dungeon Seige
Quake 2 - Balder's Gate
Quake 3 Arena - Deus Ex
Unreal Tournament - Diablo
Unreal Tournament 2003 - Diablo 2
Unreal Tournament 2004 - Lineage (same deal, MMORPG)

and the list goes on and on and on.

PC's are far from lacking in the RPG department, you want lacking RPGs? Try the Dreamcast, it really only had 4 or 5 out in the US... at least big ones.

02-16-2004, 05:26 PM
what the hell is all this Deus Ex is an RPG crap! it's a FPS nothing more!

Evad D'Aragon
02-16-2004, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by MogKnight

PC's are far from lacking in the RPG department, you want lacking RPGs? Try the Dreamcast, it really only had 4 or 5 out in the US... at least big ones.

You're exactly proving my point here by comparing a platform that has more RPGs to another. PS2 has more RPG if you look at the ratio age/number than PC. Therefore PC isn't the platform of choice for RPG. PS2 is. You even strengthened my argument by adding the "you don't have to upgrade a PS2" part because then getting more RPGs for that platform is even cheaper.

And just because I answer to someone's argument doesn't mean I'm getting angry. I already said to everyone to get off my back about that. People like Loki or TK would answer things way harsher than me and you'd all be like "oh my gosh you're so funny" or "you're so right". But if it's me, it's "chill out Mura". Give me a break. So your "chilling" part is by no means necessary.

Rinoa's Knight made a point in the way I didn't precise that PC lack "console" style RPGs. I should have, sure. But neither he nor you have proven otherwise that PS2 isn't a better platform for RPGs in general than PC.

02-17-2004, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by The Immortal
what the hell is all this Deus Ex is an RPG crap! it's a FPS nothing more!

Deus Ex is a FPRPG. It's even labeled as an RPG in gamefaqs if I remember.

I don't know if I haven't made this point (besides, I was sleepy at the time) but no one can really compare PS2 and PC in RPGs, it's not because one has more than the other, it's because they are of completely different genres that they had their own branch of Console Style and PC Style. But you got to remember, PC RPGs aren't as "brought out" as Console RPGs. Also notting the fact that PCs are really constantly changing, there is no way you can use that theorem (is that the word I'm looking for?) of ratioing the time of system existance and actual games for the PC.

Now is the PS2 actually the greater holder of RPGs? Yes if you like console style RPGs rather than PC style RPGs. Is there more Console RPG fans to PC RPG fans, that's debatable. Is there more Console RPG games than PC RPG games, we're not sure. The PC is only one system that has been around for ages while Consoles have been around for almost that long and both sides are always upgrading.

So, saying which one can handle RPGs more, it's really just preference other than real fact. The PC outweighs one thing, the PS2 outweighs another. Which is the real thing that can support RPGs? Again, preference. PS2 has the greatest holder of Console Style RPGs while the PC is the greatest holder of PC style RPGs. If you try to just go with plain generalization of both, you really can't, no one can agree if they face the facts.

02-17-2004, 01:20 AM
Deus Ex includes leveling up, an inventory, equipping, and an indepth story... nope, no way is it an RPG. Curse them for having an alternate combat system!

02-17-2004, 01:24 AM
Of course it's not an RPG.... it's FPRPG. :P

Evad D'Aragon
02-17-2004, 01:38 AM
I suppose you have a good point, MogKnight. But that's if you consider all consoles to be the same platform, which I don't.

A pentium III isn't the same as a Pentium IV yet can be considered to be the same gaming platform if you can play the same games. They both are PC and they both are the same gaming platform. Of course it's only to an extent, not all games that ran on previous PC will run on existant PC due to hardware incompatibilities and whatnot. I guess you can apply that to the PSOne and PS2 as well. But no way you can apply that to GameCube and PS2, see ?

I now realize that since you can apply it to PSOne and PS2 and if you can apply it to Pentiums it makes both of them about the same life span...maybe a year or two more for the PC. But even so I don't think PC outweighs PlayStation in terms of number of games/years of existence. Think about it : PCs didn't have as much RPGs before than now. Unless I'm mistaken. Although I still believe it isn't the platform of choice for the genre it at least won't have a bad 2004 regarding RPGs compared to Cube and Box. But that is some "new trend", it wasn't always like that. However, PSOne has had more RPGs that PS2. It's even considered by many to be the "console queen of RPGs".

That makes it hard to believe PC's such an awesome platform for the genre when two generations of a consoles have seem to beat it.

EDIT : Forgot to say, PC RPG and Console RPG are two totally different sub-genres yet are part of one same general genre. So, you can compare them and yet you can't. Weird, I know.

02-17-2004, 08:10 AM
no, Morrowind is an FPRPG, Deus Ex is styled too much like a regular FPS, sure it has RPG elements but that doesn't make it a RPG or even FPRPG, it's more Half-Life than Morrowind if you get me. and ExS, a lot of FPSs have great stories, e.g., Halo, Half-Life, Unreal 2 etc. so your great story point means fuck all

02-17-2004, 11:52 PM
Deus Ex is still more role-playing than a full fledge FPS. In a FPS, you just go pick up a weapon and kill. In this, you have to sneak, you got to be careful, you got to pick up stuff, jump this jump that, evade this, don't do this, level this up, equip that item, equip this item.

Much like Metroid Prime, which is NOT a FPS, it's an adventure done in a First Person View. What makes Deus Ex not like Metroid Prime, it has more RPG than Metroid Prime. In fact, Deus Ex requires you to give stats to various things to your character. You need to level up your sniper skills, your augments and so on. If you didn't have to go through all that, it would be a very slow paced FPStrat/Shooter then.

Games like Half Life, you don't need to worry about leveling up, you can just go straight from start to end without having to kill anything that you see. Half Life is also a Multiplayer game (with lots of great mods might I add), Deus Ex you just can't play in a multiplayer environment unless you edit a lot of what it is in the first place. Your items in Deus Ex are FAR DIFFERENT than what you would carry in any FPS, you have soda in your inventory that you need to drink. In an FPS, you just click on a button and boom, your life is filled up.

And for further proof of what other people think...

Read the top.

02-18-2004, 12:11 AM
im wondering who cares which system has more RPGs???????

talking about PC RPG releases it doesnt make sense for them to have anywhere near as many releases as the PSX/2 if you think of it this way. the PC is NOT a a gaming system by primary function and neither is it used as a gaming platform as primary function.

Final Fantasy style RPGS have been a huge success on the consoles, PSX in particular becuase of the user base and that is way there continues to be so many on that system.

the PC doesnt need more RPGS. it does absolutely fine with what it has. in fact if you did actually look at the PC RPG releases over the last years, it's all expansion type shit to MMORPGS or entire new online role players.

the systems cant be compared. console rpg and pc rpg are different genres. i'll use Baldur's Gate AGAIN as an example, compare the PC gameplay with the console gameplay. the PC version was so unsuitable for console they needed the create an enitre new formula of gameplay.

on the topic of dreamcast RPGs may i remind you that
the releases the dreamcast DID get were quite good in any case.

not everything RPG revolves around Final Fantasy or that element of gameplay.

and if it weren't for D&D, FF wouldnt of had the genre of RPG to adopt in the first place. FF brought new innovation in RPG to modern times, but D&D i'll think you'll find in its day, ruled RPG.

02-18-2004, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by The Immortal
ExS, a lot of FPSs have great stories, e.g., Halo, Half-Life, Unreal 2 etc. so your great story point means fuck all

...maybe, but the inventory, equipping and levelling up still stands. <3 to Mog.

02-18-2004, 12:38 AM

Was your post supposed to be "Not FPS" or "Not RPG" cause now I'm confused. :(

02-18-2004, 12:57 PM
I would have to say star wars galaxies. May sound like a crappy game but its fun as hell.