08-16-2012, 07:09 AM
Always invalid.
I am searching for the Art of Fighting Arranged MP3. Can someone direct me the active link?


Darth Revan
08-16-2012, 07:14 AM
Here's a link to get them HERE (

08-16-2012, 07:17 AM
Stop posting in my topic if you are unable to help.

Darth Revan
08-16-2012, 07:22 AM
Actually, I DID help... you didn't specify if you wanted to BUY a copy or to leech a ripped MP3 version.

08-16-2012, 07:28 AM
It is stated very clearly in my first post. I am searching for the MP3 download link.

Darth Revan
08-16-2012, 07:29 AM
Yes, it is stated there that you are after a active link to download it. One can assume that you are looking for a active link where you can purchase it via PayPal or somesuch and then download it. If you are after a ripped copy... pssh... go and buy it instead.

08-16-2012, 07:42 AM
I believe you sign up in this forum to download music yourself right. It really make no sense and logic when you advice me to buy instead especially in forum like this. Anyway your advice or info did not help or affect me in anyway. Please refrain from posting in my thread again. Thanks for you cooperation.

Darth Revan
08-16-2012, 07:50 AM
Actually... if you look at my join date (Jan 2003), this forum was NOT a music download forum then, it was a forum specifically for discussion about the videogame series Final Fantasy. It has degenerated into what it is now, where freeloaders and people who don't want to pay for a product (IE: Download music for free) congregate and perpetuate the whole cycle.

Like I said, I DID help you if you intended to buy this soundtrack legally, instead of illegally by downloading it for free. If you intend to search for it to download for free, then by all means keep on searching. However, I personally think that freeloaders such as you (as you have made your intention for wanting to download this for free, thereby robbing the artists of their funds they deserve) are nothing but the scum of the Earth.

Don't worry, I won't bother responding in this thread again. Just one thing: One day, you will get caught and prosecuted. Remember that.

08-16-2012, 07:52 AM
Actually... if you look at my join date (Jan 2003), this forum was NOT a music download forum then, it was a forum specifically for discussion about the videogame series Final Fantasy. It has degenerated into what it is now, where freeloaders and people who don't want to pay for a product (IE: Download music for free) congregate and perpetuate the whole cycle.

Like I said, I DID help you if you intended to buy this soundtrack legally, instead of illegally by downloading it for free. If you intend to search for it to download for free, then by all means keep on searching. However, I personally think that freeloaders such as you (as you have made your intention for wanting to download this for free, thereby robbing the artists of their funds they deserve) are nothing but the scum of the Earth.

Don't worry, I won't bother responding in this thread again. Just one thing: One day, you will get caught and prosecuted. Remember that.

Whatever. Nobody is going to give a "F" to your pathetic logic because they failed badly.

08-16-2012, 08:47 AM
Okay, normally I try not to moderate the music section (as it's not part of the site I moderate), but in this case, I'm willing to make an exception. Despite not giving a direct download link to what you requested, Revan was on the other hand doing what he thought was right and taking a moral stand - no matter how much in denial you are or how you try to legitimize it Abra, downloading music from this site is still illegal. It's just up to you whether you consider it morally right or wrong (It's all a matter of choice). There's been tons of arguements on this forum about this so I'm not going to add anything more.

Also this site is called 'Final Fantasy Shrine' for a reason. Yes, the FF/gaming discussion might not be as active as it used to be, but your idea that the site exists solely for music downloads is a fallacy.The download section is just part of a larger site, a site which has been running for over 12 years now.

And, considering you've posted this same topic in numerous sections (which even have nothing to do with music downloading) which has violated the Forum guidelines,only serves to make you a target for ridicule. Music download requests should only go in the Game Music Requests section. Nowhere else. Hassling uploaders to reupload links is also a no-no. It's up to them if they feel like uploading - whining and complaining to them like a spoiled child denied a lollipop from his mummy will only earn you their ire and probably a banning too.

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm having a go at you, as it's not my intention, but as a moderator I can't just stand idly by and watch my best friend get attacked like this over a mere matter of form.

08-16-2012, 12:43 PM
Okay, normally I try not to moderate the music section (as it's not part of the site I moderate)...
...I'm sorry if it seems like I'm having a go at you, as it's not my intention, but as a moderator I can't just stand idly by and watch my best friend get attacked like this over a mere matter of form.

There are Mods out there ? i tought Jesse is the only one remaining here...

08-16-2012, 01:03 PM
Jessie is an admin, not a moderator (meaning you annoy him, he'll do something evil to your account like change your password, thus locking you out of it, if you are lucky ;)).

And admins and moderators aren't advertised as such - the only way you can tell one is by looking under the 'moderators' box at the bottom of each forum index page. If there are none listed, that's not a sign that no one oversees it - be assured Jessie, TK, Marceline and Sarah still keep a close eye on things. ;)

08-16-2012, 04:41 PM
This thread definitely belongs in the Request thread, but by that same token, it strikes me as hilariously wrong-headed, if not monumentally stupid, to trot into what is clearly and specifically a download link portion of the forums on a high horse, which you already adit to despising, contribute little of worth, and then act shocked(or call in a mod friend to fight your battle) when the people there don't take your higher-than-thou puffery and insults seriously. "Scum of the Earth?" LOL really? What did you honestly expect to achieve, beyond earning a slap across the face with a hearty "Fuck You and The Horse You Rode In On"? I doubt this guy doesn't know the legal logistics of downloading music, and I'm certain being a sanctimonious ass will do little to show him or anyone else the light.

As for what you're looking for, Abra...well, I don't know which arrange album you mean, as there are plenty, but they're all right here. Try doing a bit of searching of your own from now on before making a request, and remember to keep them to the proper thread.

08-16-2012, 05:14 PM
This thread definitely belongs in the Request thread, but by that same token, it strikes me as hilariously wrong-headed, if not monumentally stupid, to trot into what is clearly and specifically a download link portion of the forums on a high horse, which you already adit to despising, contribute little of worth, and then act shocked(or call in a mod friend to fight your battle) when the people there don't take your higher-than-thou puffery and insults seriously. "Scum of the Earth?" LOL really? What did you honestly expect to achieve, beyond earning a slap across the face with a hearty "Fuck You and The Horse You Rode In On"? I doubt this guy doesn't know the legal logistics of downloading music, and I'm certain being a sanctimonious ass will do little to show him or anyone else the light.

As for what you're looking for, Abra...well, I don't know which arrange album you mean, as there are plenty, but they're all right here. Galbadia Hotel ( Try doing a bit of searching of your own from now on before making a request, and remember to keep them to the proper thread.

Well said:)

I just found out from someone that the MP3 link in Galbadia Hotel are all invalid. Thats why i create a topic here to ask. Thanks alot.

08-16-2012, 05:19 PM
They work for me, and I just tried it. Did you right-click?

08-16-2012, 05:22 PM
They work for me, and I just tried it. Did you right-click?

Its invalid link. Theres no mp3 file to save.

08-16-2012, 05:25 PM
I don't know what to tell ya, then. It isn't giving me any trouble. You are trying to get the tracks one at a time, right?

08-16-2012, 05:30 PM
Jessie is an admin, not a moderator (meaning you annoy him, he'll do something evil to your account like change your password, thus locking you out of it, if you are lucky ;)).

And admins and moderators aren't advertised as such - the only way you can tell one is by looking under the 'moderators' box at the bottom of each forum index page. If there are none listed, that's not a sign that no one oversees it - be assured Jessie, TK, Marceline and Sarah still keep a close eye on things. ;)

Woah Jessie has gone Admin ? Well he is pretty smart and very patience, always meet him in the Music Section and like his posts.But whas thinking he is a Mod.
And Sarah is still live ? I thought she (?) deleted her account....mmh

08-16-2012, 05:32 PM
I don't know what to tell ya, then. It isn't giving me any trouble. You are trying to get the tracks one at a time, right?

Download 00_mr._karate.mp3 from GHthis is a track page (

I right click on the Click here link but the file i downloaded is not MP3 just a Document file..

08-16-2012, 05:36 PM
Where it says "click here", right-click and select "Save link as...".

08-16-2012, 05:41 PM
Yes yes, but the file i got was not a MP3 music file just a 46kb document file. I think this has something to do with my server.

08-16-2012, 05:46 PM
Then yeah, I think you're fucked. Sorry. Try somewhere else You really could give those ebay links a shot. They're pretty cheap for long out-of-print early 90's albums. That doesn't happen often.

08-16-2012, 05:50 PM
Yah too bad. Last time i can still download them. Thanks anyway.

Sound Reaper
08-16-2012, 06:04 PM
Ok, time to clear some stuff up. If by an offset chance you are reffering to me, THEN NO. What I told you (or tried to tell you) is that the files on Galbadia Hotel might timeout for some who are downloading various files. It happens to me all the time. All I do is wait about an hour or 2 when it does this and everything is fine afterwards. It all boils down to patience in this case cause I'm sure you aren't the only one that happens to.

At any rate, here is the link:
Download Art of Fighting from - send big files the easy way (

08-16-2012, 06:24 PM
Darth Raven was trying to help you, so it's not really a smart move to be rude to him. It may not have been what you were looking for, but he did try to help.

Being rude will only make him not want to help you in the future.

08-17-2012, 06:21 PM
I personally think that freeloaders such as you (as you have made your intention for wanting to download this for free, thereby robbing the artists of their funds they deserve) are nothing but the scum of the Earth.

I kinda feel ashamed now for all of the soundtracks that I've downloaded throughout the last 5-6 years.

Thanks, Darth Revan! :P