08-16-2012, 05:44 AM
Does anyone still have this one? It seems to be more of a cue-by-cue complete score and may even include music not on the edited version...

mp3 is fine, thanks.

Please, no Rapidgator, Rapidshare or, these hosts are killing me..

09-14-2012, 03:17 PM
Ok, I realize I requested the inferior quality version. I did some homework and tracked down the better one as well as the promo compilation with the McNeely tracks. Now all I need is an elusive track that only seems to be part of the inferior set: THE MARSHAL PLAN PART 2. If I was to associate this track with the better Boot, it would come after the track HIDING as it is the continuation of that cue before EMPTY ROOMS. No it is not the suspense intro to EMPTY ROOMS, as some thought, so I am still looking for this track...

Has anyone tracked down a clean HQ version of this cue yet?

09-15-2012, 05:12 PM
Bio, do you soulseek? There are a few on there that have all sorts of stuff i don't see in normal searches...

Yea, I can get a copy of the track, but it is not likely a HQ copy. I can do just the one track on soulseek, looks to be mp3 160, which is why no one wants that boot, I bet...

09-17-2012, 03:54 AM
Thanks Amanda, but if the bitrate is 160k, then it represents that same inferior one :-(.

09-17-2012, 02:31 PM
It is all I can find. Several members on soulseek have it, but 160 is the BEST I have seen...:/

09-18-2012, 03:52 AM
Also, it's not the bitrate perse, but the bad leak actually. the 160k is how I identify it from the better boot that, amongst others, Sanico posted a while back.