08-16-2012, 01:33 AM
His work on FF13 first caught my attention so I delved into the rest of his relatively small discography, and I liked everything I heard. The problem is there's not more of it. I'm looking for similar sounds to what his recent work has been like: orchestral and electronic seamlessly and gracefully combined. Also, I know he didn't do much actual work on FF13-2's soundtrack, but I found myself enjoying a lot of what Naoshi Mizuta did for that soundtrack as well. It was kinda in the same vein as Hamauzu but with its own style. Can anyone recommend me any composers or OSTs that can offer me a similar experience? Thanks!

08-18-2012, 09:04 PM
Really? I never thought that Nobuo's and Hamauzu's styles were that similar but maybe I'm just not realizing it.

What kind of covers do you do? Yeah, I love Hamauzu's use of violin solos. It'd be interesting to see him try solos with other instruments. I can't wait to find out what his next project will be, I want to hear it so bad. Have you heard his work on Sigma Harmonics? It's a really great soundtrack as well.

Any other suggestions?

08-19-2012, 04:01 AM
I'm not fond to Hamauzu's style of music, but if you're looking for stunning violin solos you should give it a try to anime music composer Yuki Kajiura, you should try her Tsubasa Chronicle OST 1. She blew up the glass ceiling for that one ;)

08-20-2012, 06:49 AM
I think a perfect resemblance can be found in the music of Ryuichi Sakamoto, who is one of Hamauzu's greatest inspirations ^^

08-20-2012, 11:56 PM
I'll be sure to check out Sakamoto, thanks.

I'm not fond to Hamauzu's style of music, but if you're looking for stunning violin solos you should give it a try to anime music composer Yuki Kajiura, you should try her Tsubasa Chronicle OST 1. She blew up the glass ceiling for that one ;)

I kinda breezed through some of the tracks from that OST on YouTube but I didn't hear any violin solos...could be that I was clicking around...any tracks in particular you'd recommend?