01-28-2004, 08:39 PM
This is my theory,many have found it,one of the best.

We know that in AC "star scar syndrome" is killing people,but where did it come from?I believe the answer is in FF7.Put it this way,how did the ancients vanish?They were all killed by "srar scar syndrome".When meteor crashed down,they found Jenova inside.Jenova gave the ancients "star scar syndrome"!.

This is VERY possible,but this leads me to the guy in the wheelchair,its Sephiroth(he didnt die in FF7) who is dying of "star scar syndrome".What better plot to make,the same disease that wiped out the ancients is now killing humanity,and Cloud must fight it.

Give me your comments on this,i will hopefully post more soon................(moderaters:please dont close this ffac thread,this is different and will actualy lead to something))))

01-28-2004, 08:57 PM
Ha ha, The ancients/Cetra got wiped out by the greedy humans who wanted to Promised Land...weren't you listening to Sephiroth in the game? As for Sephiroth being in the wheelchair...I's only been two years, i reckon it's just some new guy, like the white haired dude that kisses his hand.

01-28-2004, 09:36 PM
I believe it could be close if not too far off, but as for Sephiroth can you believe everything he says? I mean his mother obviously wasn't an Ancient...

Neo Sephiroth
01-29-2004, 10:08 AM
actually Kie your wrong...the Cetra DID get killed by a virus...but Seph cant be in the chair sence he is not a Phisical should pay more attention to the "little details" Seph is nothing more then his spirit...his body is dead incased into a tomb of in part the theory is correct and yet its not...

01-29-2004, 12:55 PM
sephiroths mother was lucretia wasnt she?i cant quit remember, its been a very long time since ive played that game...i think im gonna start playin it again...

01-29-2004, 01:02 PM
Then who is in the chair.I realy think "star scar syndrome" killed the ancients.Lucrecia didnt have HUGE importance in the game,so i dont thnk she is in the chair.
One more thing,in the video of best quaility,when the "clone" is walking toward the wheelchair,is that a Shinra sign on the right?????Could their hideout actualy be Midgar ruins??

Neo Sephiroth
01-29-2004, 03:59 PM
perhaps...the person in the chair could be anyone...but Sephiroth was not a real being but an astro projection from his spirit so he can not be sick,withered,or could be anyone including Hojo or a reborn Sephiroth...the reborn thing seems more acceptible

01-29-2004, 04:49 PM
.. Since when was Sephiroth an astral projection? o_O

01-29-2004, 05:51 PM
But wait,When weapon was begining to come back to life didnt Cloud,under Sephiroths control,give him the black materia to Sephiroths pysical body.He was almost in a cocoon.And the black materia brought back the real Sephiroth.And thats the one you fight at the end,Sephiroths physical form.

I had this on a different thread,but for anyone who didnt read it.................

This is new news----

-Cloud will use 6 swords. These are stored in his motorcycle which is called "Fenrir".
-The function of Barret's right arm has changed.
-There are three opponents, the original silver haired enemy, and two others.
-The weapon which the two opponents use is called Velvet Nightmare
-The silver haired enemy uses a refined double sword.

The movie is now 15% complete.
-Cloud's sunglasses are more practical than for fashion, as they serve the purpose of protecting his eyes.
The movie will now run for somewhere between 70 and 80 minutes instead of the 60 minutes we were originally told.
-Cloud's character model has been altered, in order to reflect a more younger appearance.
-The original silver haired enemy is the leader. Although his name is yet to be released, it has a simple meaning.
-The three opponents all have different abilities, although they look similar in facial structure.
-Although the opponents are male, they may appear to have feminine qualities also.

Neo Sephiroth
01-29-2004, 05:59 PM
well I dont know if it did...after all the final battle in Cloud's subconsious was not his real body so I dont know if it could be explained like IS a debatable subject

01-29-2004, 06:14 PM
Well we debated it........a lot.But i still think its him in the chair.And one thing is for sure,"Star scar syndrome" wiped out the ancients.And thats an exclusive from yours trully.Anyway,Neo Sephiroth you got some good views on FF7.

01-29-2004, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Neo Sephiroth
actually Kie your wrong...the Cetra DID get killed by a virus...but Seph cant be in the chair sence he is not a Phisical should pay more attention to the "little details" Seph is nothing more then his spirit...his body is dead incased into a tomb of in part the theory is correct and yet its not...

Hand me proof, and I shall believe you.

01-29-2004, 10:48 PM
Alright, here is something, in the beginning sephiroth may have been the astral projectin, he had died. He manipulated the lifestream to 'put him back together' at the Jenova council or whatever it was. After Cloud gave him the black materia, he because a physical Sephiroth once more. So who's to say he just doesn't do the same thing?

Ultima Fire
01-30-2004, 07:54 PM
bored waitin for AC

heres a little help, this is the best fan fic ever i mean it, its huge like 60 chapters, i havn't finished it but it rocks so far

01-30-2004, 07:55 PM
Hand me proof, and I shall believe you.

Right Kie, how long has it been since you played the game?

If you play through every single minute and get every secret, you get the whole story.

All the Ancients except Ifalna (Aeris Mother) died of Star Scar Syndrome. Jenova came from and i quote 'A calamity from the sky' which suggests the first meteor - yes there was one hence the crater in the north.

Sephiroth read up his past but misunderstood Hojo's records and thought Jenova was an ancient and went psycho trying to redeem the planet. Cloud was a solder (not in SOLDER) and killed sephiroth. He collapsed and Zack helped him until they were captured by Shinra and Cloud was Enfused with Jenova Cells as was Zack (again) to create clones of sephiroth.

Sephiroths body was encased in mako and frozen in the crater, his spirit refused to return to the lifestream and he travelled it gaining all knowledge.

Sephiroths Spirit possess' all clones except Cloud and that is who you fight. Jenova's spirit possess' all clones of her (including sephiroth) and tries to destroy the planet. Sephiroth thinks he is trying to become a god, but all he'll succeed in doing is doing jenova's dirty work.

The final battle with sephiroth (the one with omni slash) is in clouds mind. Cloud overcomes sephiroths spirit and sends it to the lifestream (hence the fact that sephiroths spirit explodes).

That leads on to my ff7ac theory, see my new post.

01-30-2004, 11:17 PM
Very good,sums it up pefectly.

PS.In FFAC Clouds bike is called the Fenrir,i just noticed its a summon from FF9 too...............

01-30-2004, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by denny
PS.In FFAC Clouds bike is called the Fenrir,i just noticed its a summon from FF9 too...............

actually if you want to get technical, if you go even farther back you'll also find out that fenrir was an esper too... i don't remember either or not if he existed in 4 tho?

01-30-2004, 11:29 PM
ok,you got me there,but hey,they always re-use names.i aint complaining,but they do,cant wait for FFAC.............

01-31-2004, 05:55 AM
Right On, FF7AC Will be the DVD of the year (whichever year it comes out) for all FF7 fans, it wont make such a bad image like Spirits within did because it is based on such a good game.

Spirits within was a quick storyline made up to reachout to all people not just FF Fans, unfortunatly id didnt reach out to either.

FF7AC will rule and i thuink it will make people go out and buy FF7 if they havent played it, cos my friends ff7 is the best FF/RPG, maybe even the best game i have ever played.

FF7 Forever

01-31-2004, 09:59 AM
The only reason why the bike is named fenrir is simple....fenrir is a Norse god tt comes in the form of a very gigantic wolf, with special emphasis on "wolf"

Squall from FF8 is symbolised by the lionheart, such that many things related tohim bear the name lionheart, and if u realize if he were to haf a bike, it would be named something to do with a lion...

It's the same case with Cloud here, they are using a wolf, as in lonewolf, to represent Cloud....

And if Cloud has six swords, it now makes sense why one of the swords seen in the trailer is rusty why the other is shiny....if we are lucky Ultima weapon may be seen....

The star scar syndrome killing the ancients is more or less cum it onli attacks humans now? This may mean that the grp that has Jenova's head is using it to extract the virus and modify it.....

Which will inevitably mean tr the person in the wheelchair is Hojo...

Dun get me wrong....I sure hope my theory is not correct....cos i HATE hojo.....wld be stoopid if he appears again.....

01-31-2004, 11:44 AM
huh? whos got jenovas head? i thought she had i mean its on her body when you fight her...didnt seph take it get killed fall into life stream and the jenova reunion make it go back to her?......and yes hojo is a right dumbass

02-01-2004, 08:14 AM
like i said...pls read the trailer scripts.....someone in the trailer mentioned "they've got jenova's head.."

02-01-2004, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Arch@ngel
The star scar syndrome killing the ancients is more or less cum it onli attacks humans now? This may mean that the grp that has Jenova's head is using it to extract the virus and modify it.....

well it never said that it was "only" targeting humans. And as for Jenova's head, the only time that Sephiroth had her head was when he cut it off during the Nibelheim incident, but if you remember correctly, Cloud overpowered Sephiroth throwing him into the Lifestream... which anywhere from that point on he was trying to bring her back to a whole again... i don't believe that her head was mentioned else where other than from that flashback other when in Midgar the headless body. So for all we know, maybe she was reunited with the rest of her body. And I highly doubt they would be able to extract a virus from her, it's probly just some spell "it" knew, I mean unless they materialized it to make the spell, but it's just too far fetched.

02-01-2004, 11:10 PM

The newest issue of Dengeki features a short comment of Tetsuya Nomura, art director for Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children. Supposedly, the development process is in full swing. A female character is being planned, perhaps the one we heard in the Jump Festa 2004 trailer.

The trailer which ships with Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission will apparently contain a whole series of new information, not yet made public. More information on the new female character will be released at that time. We can look forward to that.

Square's newest DVD movie, Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children will be released Summer 2004.

Thats it for now..........................
update soon............

Neo Sephiroth
02-02-2004, 09:54 AM
Thank god more info may be out soon...kinda gets annoying making ideas with only little bits of information...well I hope it names the person in the wheel chair and mabie a little more info about the person Cloud fights...I say it has something to do with the title(as most movies do)

02-02-2004, 12:38 PM
Well,if i get anymore info,i will post it here,that you can be sure of.This is already the best FFAC thread so far,thanks to you guys.........

02-02-2004, 01:34 PM

- Every character from the game will be featured in the film, and the reason they have not been shown is because they are still working on them. Overall, work in the graphics department is 10% complete, and the characters will be constantly evolving. In other words, the characters we've seen are not their final designs. 20 principal characters will be featured in the film, and some confirmed names are Tifa, Barret, Red XIII, Yuffie, Vincent, and Aeris ("in some form or another").
- The Turks may also make an appearance.
- Cloud doesn't only fight people, he will also face some "terrible monsters."

Thats it for now,update you soon........

02-02-2004, 03:43 PM
just wondering, I beat FF7 again last night, and I do remember everything that happened and shit (actually I don't remember Sephiroth attacking me in the 1-on-1 fight, which was countered by a 1-hit kill), but after the credits (also remember this, for the most part), the part with Naniki (Red XIII) was 500 years in the future, and it is him because of the tattoo on his shoulder. But anyway that's not what I'm saying here, there was another part that my friend pointed out to me that I never noticed before (probably cuz my TV wasn't loud enough), but when the screen turns black again you can hear children laughing? Now that's what he says are the Advent Children, but do you think that it might have any connections to the actual movie?

Crapfully crapfully,


02-02-2004, 03:47 PM
i always heard the children at the end but always thought of it as a promisd land thingy and then forgot about it till today the more i think about it the more it would make sense to suggest that it means the humans survived (which the obviously do unless cloud cant die as his part seph or some crap thing like that....i dunno)

02-02-2004, 03:53 PM
it also makes you wonder tho, 500 years into the future Midgar seemed dead... suppose something really bad goes wrong in AC... I mean it looks like Red XIII is unfazed tho? What if the Star Scar Syndrom really does only affect humans? Oh, and I also noticed that they refer to what was known as the "Planet" in VII, is actually being called the "Star" now...

02-02-2004, 03:56 PM
the star???? ah well im sure theres a reason but you dont know something awful happens it just looks ovregrown to me kinda like the planets healed! and taking it back remember originally its all dead around midgar at the end all green again.......think about it

02-02-2004, 04:15 PM
Midgar is destroyed at the end because of meteor,although you do have a good point.As in,why is plant life growing there,something they could explain in FF7AC.

02-02-2004, 05:22 PM
just thought of something, if jenova came from the sky by way of meteor, then could another of jenova's race come in "meteor" and cause the star scar syndrome? makes perfect sense, jenova caused a disease, why can't another of her race do it.

Makes ya think don't it.

02-02-2004, 05:23 PM
it's too far fetched, but it has crossed since that if you look at the so called "clone"s eyes, but i don't know

02-03-2004, 09:30 AM
why ask?:notgood: update if you have anything interesting, cause if you don't we will go into off topic conversation

02-03-2004, 09:41 AM
ok,i will see what i can find,
ps.who likes my avatar,and what is it from??

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 09:46 AM
no idea

02-03-2004, 03:20 PM
I'm almost positive that the ancients were not killed by "star scar syndrome", they mean "planet scar syndrome" when they say star by the way. Planet scar would mean the meteor hitting also. Regardless, when they said "calamity from the sky" they meant summoning meteor, you know the big red thing. They were not referring to Jenova. The ancients were killed off by other people it says so right in the game, which is why sephiroth has a vendetta against regular people in the first place, because he thought he was an ancient and the ancient were killed off by other people.

02-03-2004, 03:22 PM
I was thinking that the star scar syndrome had something to do with holy and its affect on people when it was released.

02-03-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by JimiTittisnax
I was thinking that the star scar syndrome had something to do with holy and its affect on people when it was released.

or so we would have you to believe..... hehehe...

02-03-2004, 07:09 PM
yes the star does refer to the planet, same difference, but in the game they specifically refer to jenova being the calamity from the sky... i could see why you would think it was meteor, but jenova came from meteor, therefor she came from the sky... kool-beans?

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 07:31 PM
he is right...the were refering to Jenova...and people did not kill the Ancients thats just what Sephiroth thought before he became a being who knows the knowledge of the life stream

02-03-2004, 07:39 PM
well kiss mah grits.
Wait i thought Jenova was man made. remember? She was hooked up to the whats-it in Nibelheim or whatever when Sephiroth pulled her out. She had to have been man-made or how else did she get there.

02-03-2004, 07:55 PM
Yes Lucrecia is Sephiroth's mother, Vincent Valentine and Lucrecia loved each other. Hojo took Lucrecia and injected Jenova cells into Lucrecia's body. Sephiroth was then born.

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 08:10 PM
ok now here is what happened...Jenova "came from the sky" wile INSIDE Meteor back when the Ancients were still alive...they then fought a war with her untill they froze her in Mako...she unleashed a virus that killed the Ancients exept for a few...Prof. Gast found her and put her in the tank...Sephiroth is a normal human...but when he was in the womb...thats the thing babies are in before they are born...they injected a high level of Jenova cells in him witch made him powerful...THEN after a few years Sephiroth got Meteor and summoned it again and so on...oh btw seph was dead that was his clone being controlled by his get all that?

02-03-2004, 08:20 PM
The game doesn't say anything of professor Gast writing about that Jenova is in a meteor. and if the meteor hit already how come it's still in space???(lol)

02-03-2004, 08:20 PM
Honestly? i dont think jenova is gonna have anything to do with the movie. it's one thing to say that they're gonna bring back sephiroth, but they're not gonna pull two resurrection moves and say that jenova magically came back too, that'd be insanely ridiculous.

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 08:21 PM
...ever think that it might not be the same meteor?

02-03-2004, 08:21 PM
Ya I agree, but I wonder if that mystery man is a clone or somthing.

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 08:23 PM
2 words...Jenova Reunion

02-03-2004, 08:23 PM
.............No and if a meteor that size hit the Earth , know one would survive I gurantee.

02-03-2004, 08:24 PM
and it talks about the reunion in the movie trailers... i mean that is if you translated it

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 08:24 PM
the man is a clone...there are two others with him...please read other threads before doing things like this

02-03-2004, 08:26 PM
i thought that he was a clone too at first, but i don't know... those aren't mako eyes...

02-03-2004, 08:27 PM
Hey by the way didn't Jenova Die?????? In the ship were you get the Ifrit Materia

02-03-2004, 08:27 PM
You know that could be Sephiroth's son???

02-03-2004, 08:27 PM
if it says there's a reunion in the translation. how do you know that particular reunion is referring to jenova? it could be referring to cloud and sephiroth.

02-03-2004, 08:29 PM
Hey you live in New Jersey, NewWark, man I been there.

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 08:29 PM
again its the Jenova Reunion...they even talk about it in the game...Hojo tells you about it right before the Weapons burst out

02-03-2004, 08:29 PM
jenova can't die as long as a piece of her remains, and as you "should" know that as long as Cloud is still alive, then there still can be a reunion, and you don't have to summon meteor to bring the reunion

02-03-2004, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by JimiTittisnax
if it says there's a reunion in the translation. how do you know that particular reunion is referring to jenova? it could be referring to cloud and sephiroth.

cuz it also refers to that they got jenova's head, and yes it does say jenova (2nd trailer), and they question if they're gonna try the reunion again...

02-03-2004, 08:34 PM
as long as cloud is alive there can be another reunion? what? are you saying that cloud was a clone? because he wasn't, they established that in the game.

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 08:35 PM
I dont know even I thought that was Emerald at Junion before I found out about Sapphire Weapon so you learn some things from other people all the time...

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 08:36 PM
he was injected with Jenova's cells

02-03-2004, 08:37 PM
they said they had jenova's head? what weird freak carries around severed heads?

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 08:37 PM
as was everyone in SOLDIER

02-03-2004, 08:39 PM
i thought he was injected with mako. i dont remember him being injected with jenova cells.

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 08:45 PM
hm i dont think he likes to be proven wrong...especially when the other person is right...anyway the only thing i forgot was how to get into the special battle at the arena

Seig Warheit
02-03-2004, 10:11 PM
Oh geez.....

Anyhow.I'm gonns develop a theory overnight. Besides, on Cloude's bike those are EXHAUST pipes, not swords.

Some pics you guys might enjoy:

Just Cloud Hi Res ()

Cloud Bike Fig Hi Res ()

Cloud on Bike More Visibilty ()

02-03-2004, 11:09 PM
Although,did anyone see the trailer(where they play a piano,not one winged angel),well when cloud is fighting the mystery guy cloud is attacked so hard his sword is hit straight out of his hand.But instantly cloud pulls out ANOTHER sword from his side.
Well anyway,rumour has it he has 7 swords.

ps.cant believe i missed that huge ffac disscusion,on my own thread.........update soon

02-03-2004, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by denny
ps.cant believe i missed that huge ffac disscusion,on my own thread.........update soon

oh believe me... just be glad that you weren't there, lol

i havn't seen that trailer yet, you got any new links?

02-03-2004, 11:14 PM

02-03-2004, 11:16 PM

02-03-2004, 11:30 PM
Yes he was there experiment,with hojo.What do you think of the bios,i dont think they reveal too much,but there intreasting.

02-03-2004, 11:36 PM
OH,i get it,anyway,im here now working to get more news.......

ps..i know it was obvious by the footage but...............................VINCENT IS CONFIRMED AS CHARACTER,,,,,

Neo Sephiroth
02-03-2004, 11:50 PM
no he seems to think Jenova was created by Shinra...just let him think what he wants to...anyway nice work denny...and that wasnt really a discusion it was sort of a debate...

02-03-2004, 11:50 PM
JimiTittisnax and NeoSephiroth: please watch it, that kind of chatting/flaming is really, really annoying. debating is fine- that isn't.


edit: I've deleted four posts since I made this post. do NOT reply if you don't have anything to add to the original topic- it's annoying and pointless. all future posts like that are going to be deleted. don't do it in here, and don't do it in other threads.

if you have questions about what is and isn't allowed you can check the help forum.

02-04-2004, 05:57 AM
I agree wif alex mack....

u see...many of the posts r made without ani credible support, and ironically, the posts r there becos the authors of these posts r saying tt other posts r not true.....


like i said...pls watch the trailers or read the script b4 cummin to any conclusion or rebut any fact....

Cloud DEFINITELY has more than one sword......just see the various trailers.....

the name "JENOVA" was mentioned....even if u onli watched the trailer....u could haf recognised the word jenova out of the rambling of japanese....

and pls dun keep quoting Sephiroth...cos he is living a lie...meaning tt many things he said r things he intepreted wrongly...thus causing him to act the way he acts....

and yes....we shld wait for more info + pics....the discussion is near a standstill....

02-04-2004, 09:33 AM
the pics of him and the bike show no other swords beside im surpised he can carry his yet alone some more wheres he keep them any ideas? im thinking in the same place sonic kept all them rings.....

02-04-2004, 09:43 AM
it is IN his bike....

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 09:50 AM
he could just take them out of his inventory...ware ever that is...

02-04-2004, 01:07 PM
i mean ya, it's not like you see where they keep evry single little item at in the game you know, lol

02-04-2004, 01:07 PM
He has more than one sword for sure,but where dis he get them?.We supposedly see Cloud put his buster sword(rusted) into the ground,which is Zacks grave.Also,it was announced that the female voice(not child) is not Aerith,but apparently a NEW character,updates soon...........

02-04-2004, 01:11 PM
I'm kinda hoping that it's Tifa, lol. But for some reason I don't think that the voice heard in the trailer.. After seeing some of the newest scans of the actual real life people in those bubble suits or whatever they are, one of them seems to be like a kid, maybe about 8-10 years old........ now how old was Marlene again? Just an opinion, not by theory, needs more evidence in future releases....

02-04-2004, 01:14 PM
Could be Marlene.I heard a rumour that some ff7 characters has died from the disease,but thats not true,its official,every ff7 character is featured.But hey,i cant wait,its either going to be great or crap,and we know how its goin to be. avatar is a ff5,3(?) sketch.Its one of the ff covers anyway,anyone like it??

Seig Warheit
02-04-2004, 06:38 PM
Where do you get all of this crap, denny?

02-04-2004, 06:45 PM
What do you mean "crap"???

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 06:54 PM
yeah ware do you get your info?

Seig Warheit
02-04-2004, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by denny
What do you mean "crap"???

Well I don't mean crap, but some of it just seems to be incorrelatable.

02-04-2004, 08:10 PM
so where do you get your info from?

Seig Warheit
02-04-2004, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by Draven
so where do you get your info from?

I get all of my info from,, and all of the forums I belong to.

02-04-2004, 08:14 PM
Some of my info is rumours,but i say there rumours,but the news i give is official,i get it from different sites.

Neo Sephiroth
02-04-2004, 10:24 PM
how do you know it's Zack's grave and not Aeris'?

02-04-2004, 11:05 PM
well if you remember zack died right outside midgar, aeris was buried in that lake... so it's zack's

I wonder if we'll see any flashbacks of Zack... that would be kool

02-05-2004, 12:41 AM
u guys r great at this. played the game, but haven't taken time to analyze as much.
Edit: (comment is about me; you guys rock)

thought that Ifalna mothered Aeris. Ifalna is Cetra. So Aeris half Cetra. Explains why Sephiroth used Cloud to kill her (no humans allowed in Sephiroth's utopia). Jenova's control over Sephiroth makes sense. But three enemies? can't be predicting them now cause this is after the game.
Fenrir is awesome, six swords? two for each baddie or what?
all will be revealed with FFAC's the insight though..

02-05-2004, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by Arcanine78
u guys r great at this. played the game, but haven't taken time to analyze as much.

we've analyzed a lot.... this is just a small chunk of it, there are other forums concerning different things... check out the clone forum if ya get a chance, it's nothing, but a start

02-05-2004, 01:57 AM
Well I spent like 20 min to read from the very first post because I didn't come here earlier.... There are a lot of interesting things around.

1. Jenova (Since the thread is focusing on her), if she did come with the Meteor, (well I'm not sure about this but anyway) then it is possible that she gave the Ancients "Star Scar Syndrome", and maybe Jenova is one of the summon thing like Shiva, Ifrit etc. you know, so she brought the Meteor and came with it when someone summons.

2. "Star Scar Syndrome", since it's Star Scar and for what I understand from the Japanese letters at first was that Meteor hit the planet and left a "Scar", then the planet is taking energy of the lifestream to heal that Scar, then caused "Star Scar Syndrome". So when Meteor was summoned the second time (because Jenova is still alive?), it brought back the "Star Scar Syndrome". So I think it's not Jenova giving people the virus but the Meteor did.

3. The wheelchair man, we have no clue who that is now... (at least I don't) but as the white hair dude was kissing his/her hand then he/she might be Jenova, you know how Sephy thought Jenova was his mother, that dude might be as crazy as him. Plus that person got all covered up, because Jenova doesn't have a whole body? (That's a little bs but... haha could be~)

4. >Personal Thing!< where to download the trailer other than the one we saw 100times already? (the playing piano one?)

02-05-2004, 02:00 AM
well played.... well played.......

The Joker
02-05-2004, 02:08 AM
I'm sorry...but I don't recall ever hearing the scar star syndrome being mentioned in FF7...

02-05-2004, 02:09 AM
it's not mentioned in 7, it's what the movie is based on.... this is probably one of the tiny pieces of information that we do know is true

02-05-2004, 02:50 AM

It's on the offical website, I can translate some of the information on it for you:

Story Outline:
2 years later, people living peacefuly. "The Northern Hole thing" (I don't know how to translate this) started to change and transform. Suddenly the "Star Scar Syndrome" spread all over the world and people now are facing a new danger and challenge.
Mystirous guy appear, cloud became the only hero to save the world, Sephy's illusion has been seen... and blah blah blah~

Well maybe not 100% but I think it's about 90% right =]

02-05-2004, 10:00 AM
"the northen whole thing started to change"
does that refer to northern crater changing, that could cause me to draw conclusions that the star scar syndrome came from northeren crater

oh and for those that were flaming earlier, cloud and zack were injected with jenova cells, go to the shinra mansion basement and a cinema will play and show zacks death, it pretty awesome if you haven't seen it

02-05-2004, 01:11 PM
You guys got some intresting points.Can i throw a question out??did anyone see the scene with the wheelchair??yeah,and did anyone happen to see on the far right a shinra sign,i think.Its Sephiroth,and he has a "nest" in midgar ruins.Anyway,keep up the good posts on my thread.

02-05-2004, 01:45 PM
saw that. doesnt mean its in midgar, after all the house looks intact, look at the state of midgar. Would make more sense for it to be in Shinra mansion, where it all began etc

just sifted through an amazing amount of crap in this thread.
Jenova came from a meteor, she's referred to as the "calamity from the sky" and made the northern crater.
Jenova wasnt man made, what a joke. There can be many meteors, the point of the black materia is to pull small planets/meteors off their course, says so in plain english in the game. Doesnt mean that there will be a jenova for every meteor that hits either, the first meteor wasnt summoned. Jenova was the ancients enemy, "she looked like one of us" said ifalna, she shifted shape and went from Cetra colony to colony infecting them with the virus, thats what killed most of the Cetra off, then the remaining ones sealed her in a stratum in the northern crater wheres centurys later was discovered by Gast and Hojo, and put into the Nibelheim reactor.

Sephy was injected with Jenova cells whilst in the womb AND showered with mako.

Some of you seriously need to play the game again.

02-05-2004, 03:14 PM
We played the game and we didnt say half the crap you made us out to say.Look,i know she wasnt made.People make there opinions and you cant do much about it,either can i.Im not picking a fight with you im just sayin people view it different.

02-05-2004, 05:00 PM
Lol go back and read the last 5/6 pages as i just read them and clearly didnt imagine people claiming jenova was man made etc.

Besides i wasnt aiming those comments at you, nor a collective "we" as you said, more at a few individuals who obviously havent played it in a while, if at all. Heres a few quotes to prove my above point that they are wrong:

when they said "calamity from the sky" they meant summoning meteor, you know the big red thing. They were not referring to Jenova NO they were referring to jenova it clearly says

Wait i thought Jenova was man made. remember? She was hooked up to the whats-it in Nibelheim or whatever when Sephiroth pulled her out. She had to have been man-made or how else did she get there. NO, play the game again

Hey by the way didn't Jenova Die?????? In the ship were you get the Ifrit Materia NO that was Jenova Life i believe, did you complete the game? You fight Jenova several times

get my point?? ;) :p

02-05-2004, 05:06 PM
exactly who are your points directed against maybe that individual hasnt yet completed it that doesnt mean he doesnt have points to bring to this discussion i think you should bring some points instead of insulting this thread

02-05-2004, 05:30 PM
lets be civil about this, some people don't know the game like the backside of their hands so they make some mistakes of judgement because of their lack of knoledge, so don't "burn" them like that, just civily state that what they said is wrong, don't point them out like that:notgood:

02-05-2004, 05:32 PM
dam straight.......

02-05-2004, 05:39 PM
I didnt mention any names, give 1 if they're offended, they shouldnt make statements that arent true. The games 7 years old FFS, not prancing about the fact that some people mite not have played it yet.

I wasnt flaming anyone what i was saying as people back there were arguing points which werent true (in which case posts had to be deleted because ppl were arguing these points so expletively) so my points are valid, i was clearing up a lot of things that people were arguing about, and i hardly think the main points of the story are little things do you?

02-05-2004, 07:19 PM
Lets not argue everyone,this thread is for theories not evidence,if you wanna add to it go ahead,but a fight was brewing.He is right,jenova was not man made,but people who say she was were making theories to lead to something problem.

Damn i love my avatar

02-05-2004, 07:53 PM
okay, if you do go back, i'm sure that those posts were only posted by one person (at least 2 of the 3, not sure).... and if you also remember, I argued against every single thing he put up... i know what happened during 7, i know who was created and who wasn't....

02-05-2004, 08:10 PM
Well i didnt mean to rub people up the wrong way just pointing out the facts in case they werent clear.

Asyrian after reading a lot of your posts i know you know what your talking about ;) :p

But your right no arguements as its supposed to be about fans of the game :D

02-05-2004, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by &lt;--rYaN--&gt;
But your right no arguements as its supposed to be about fans of the game :D

Yea, that's right...

Anyway, kinda of an update... I have came to a conclusion that they are contacts (probly wrong, lol!).... oh, oops, wrong forum...... hehe.. hehe.. he....

02-05-2004, 08:32 PM

The Northern hole thing(sorry typo it was hole not whole I fixed it already) I posted earlier was mentioned in FF7 I think (But just can't remember the right name for it), I saw people talking about it in other threads before. Or it's where the Promised Land is, where the first Meteor strickes. And I'm positive that the Meteor or the hit cause the "Star Scar Syndrome". And by the way they never officially confirmed that Sephy is still alive in his physical form in FF7 AC, they said only his illusion appeared so that wheelchair man might not be him.

->Whoever was arguing about the posts

Well people give their opinions and write what they know from the game, just point out if you support the idea or dissagree, don't be too sharp because forums are like a community, be nice to each other, people SHARE thoughts here.
But the most important thing is give enough info to support your idea, don't just type oh isn't Jenova man made? or You guys are wrong go play the game again! Attach some info with where you get those ideas and why, one sentence don't help people understand you.
Save the space people, it takes time to read each page in one thread, if everyone just come and post one sentence, and wait for someone else to ask WHY, then it's really bothering to read those extra posts.
Say as much as you can in one post, make it easy for other people to get your point and post their thoughts.

02-05-2004, 09:51 PM
Stop this,i know you all dont want to argue.Differebt horeses for different courses..........hhhhmmmmmmmm

02-06-2004, 12:38 PM
you know, this totally crossed my mind, but suppose that the disease really is from Holy, I mean at the very end when it met points with Meteor, they even said theirselves that it was having the opposite affect. But the Lifestream came out and stopped it... or whatever it did. But I do think that Holy might be trying to wipe out the human race, I mean if ya think about it in the very last scene of the game (500 years later), it shows Naniki (Red XIII - it is him because of the tattoo) looking over Midgar. This doesn't prove nothing, but what if the only to survive were the animals of the Star (Planet). This might be a possibility, one I don't like, but it can always be a factor?

02-06-2004, 06:03 PM
Good,very good.Although i think that 500 years later its just there to show that the world is healing and everything eventualy worked out.Although,in ffac the disease will be caused by jenova or Sephiroth,i am certain,thats him under the cloth.Its what everyone wants.cant be jenova,she wasnt exactly human form.

02-06-2004, 08:50 PM
are you sure, i remember during the interview with ifalna, she said that jenova looked just like a normal person, and from there she spread the virus, or something similar to that. i'm probly the only one, but i'd be really disappointed if it were Sephiroth under that robe. I really do kinda hope that it is Jenova, which I will explain a little better with the conclusion of me Eye Theory in the other thread in just a few. But I know that you know about as much to this game denny as I do, so I'm not saying you're wrong, but not saying you're right... just listen to the other theory and maybe you'll get why I'm staying with my original Jenova Theory

02-06-2004, 09:50 PM
I know what your sayin and u could be right but what the fans wanted all along is Sephiroth.And the three men,Sephy could be their actual father.maybe.

02-06-2004, 09:51 PM
yes, but then again they could be brothers.... go ahead and read my post on the other thread and you'll understand why i've come to believe this

02-06-2004, 09:55 PM
Ive read it,pretty good,hhhmmmmmm................there clones of sephy to combat him when he was causing havoc.thats my theory.but it went wrong,they followed sephiroth and became his minions.............

02-06-2004, 10:03 PM
that't not the point I was getting at, I'm saying that they aren't clones, that they are the "Advent Children" of Jenova... they were more than likely in the process of being created before the whole Clone Project. So I think that they are Sephiroth's brothers (only through Jenova, must read my theory to understand- for those that havn't), and Hojo created them for the same reason he created Sephiroth, the plan to find the Promised Land, but you gotta remember, Hojo believed that Jenova was an Ancient (Cetra) where he was appearently mistaken. So they are gonna try to do the same as Sephiroth's original plan, to bring back their mother Jenova... which for some reason they were brought up to believe that she would show them the way to the Promised Land, the Shinra original plan

02-06-2004, 10:45 PM
-> Asyrian

Oh I'm totally with you this time. Can't draw the conclusion of the brother theory but I believe the 3 of them are definetly Sephy's follower (or whatever you want to call them).
Then the wheelchair man should be Jenova if this is true. (as I explained earlier for the reason)

But I still don't go with the virus was spead by anyone. Just think about it: STAR SCAR, and METEOR HIT THE PLANET AND LEAVE A SCAR. That makes more sense, or they'd call it Jenova Virus instead LOL!

By the way, I think that Jenova looks like a normal man should be confirmed in the game, well or at least I believe so ^^

So yeah, my conclusion after all -->If the choice is between Jenova, Hojo or Sephy on the wheelchair, then that should be Jenova, plus it says "Sephy's Illusion" only on the offical site.

02-06-2004, 10:55 PM
For those who havn't read my Eye Theory, please check out my other thread on here (just to better point out at what I'm saying for those I may be confusing)...

The so-called "Clone" (

probly my best theory yet, please let me know what your thoughts are

02-07-2004, 12:24 AM
Yup that one actually does work and I kinda thought it that way also, but as you conluded that much, I wish your theory is all wrong now, so it would be more interesting to watch the movie.
I'm not going to talk about it anymore, I'll just wait for another few months and go buy the DVD and watch it in my sweet little room, haha.
Summer is coming, =] not too long to wait.

02-07-2004, 02:25 AM
Wont be out in summer,dont wanna sound pesimistic but i doubt it.........

02-07-2004, 02:26 AM
it'll probly be out late summer/fall i say

02-07-2004, 02:27 AM
Yep,they will hold out,increase anticiapation.If its succesful a game will follow.

02-07-2004, 02:29 AM
well I don't know about a game other than any of the other planned games... but I think this movie is gonna take them a while, I'm pretty sure they don't wanna mess up like they did with TSW

02-07-2004, 06:05 PM
Its do or die,good or bad.The producer said himself it could lead to a game.!.Well i hope so,sort of.Its fine the way it is,any bad product now would taint the series.But hey,it will be good.

Man in the wheelchair........

Its gotta be Sephiroth,when the "clone" holds his hand the sceen cuts to Sephiroth.To show 2 things........(one)the new guy is somehow related................(two)and this is how Sephiroth once was and what the new guy hopes to become.

It realy has to be Sephiroth,I know jenova could altar her image to loke like the ancients buy,why do it now???And hojo,possible,considering he started it in the begining.
Thats my theory................

02-07-2004, 08:23 PM
yes... but if you watch the 2nd trailer, right after the wheelchair scene it cuts to Vincent, and hmm... I wonder what they both have in common? Get my drift?

02-07-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by denny
Although,did anyone see the trailer(where they play a piano,not one winged angel),well when cloud is fighting the mystery guy cloud is attacked so hard his sword is hit straight out of his hand.But instantly cloud pulls out ANOTHER sword from his side.
Well anyway,rumour has it he has 7 swords.

ps.cant believe i missed that huge ffac disscusion,on my own thread.........update soon

Are you sure that it is a sword? It looks like cloud is hitting with his fist after. then again, we never do see him punch anything in the game.:confused:

02-08-2004, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by denny
Wont be out in summer,dont wanna sound pesimistic but i doubt it.........

Well didn't they say it's out in summer2004 in Japan?
Anyway I'm going back to China this summer till fall (like sep or oct) so I believe I can get it there~ hehe

And People! PLEASE! This is the second time asking you guys, where to see or download the other trailer?

02-08-2004, 03:29 AM
He must have a well-amount of money to afford all that.

02-08-2004, 05:00 AM
Forget the website with the other trailer,isnt it the third one on this site?

02-08-2004, 04:25 PM
i think that Sephroth may be the cause of the star scar syndrome, because by star they mean planet and by scar it hink they mean the wound from meteor (aka northern crater) so that would mean the syndrome is coming from there, and who is at the crater? sephroth is which is why i think he is the cause of the syndrome

02-08-2004, 06:54 PM
For what I've believed in -- The virus is a natural cause, not man made.

02-08-2004, 07:07 PM
Wouldn't Sephiroth be safe from infection, including the clones, Cloud, and Nanaki, They were all injected with Jenova Cells. shouldn't they be invulnerable from the infection??. the infection took place before Sephiroth was born, so how could he have created it?

02-08-2004, 10:17 PM
Where can i get this 3rd trailer that mentions jenova in it then please? :cool:

Lightning Mage
02-09-2004, 12:20 AM
The man in the wheelchair is Sephiroth. Sephiroth fell in the lifesteam and so did Cloud. We all know that Cloud had to be confined to a wheelchair afterwards for a while.

There is more than one person with silver hair other than Sephiroth. There's that one guy with the short and spikey silver hair. I think they are all more clones of Sephiroth. Only this time they obey his commands and they are in every way equal to Sephiroths power. The one with the shorter silver hair has Sephiroths speed and strength capabilities and the spikey silver haired one has his magical and defensive abilities.

Aeris will probably just appear in flashbacks. I heard that the trailer and pictures may not even be part of the film itself. I heard in the graphics department they are only about 10% done. Cloud may look more like the original from FF7 than he does now.

I hope I'm somehow right.
Let me know what you think of my theory.

Neo Sephiroth
02-09-2004, 11:06 AM
very good but I see a few flaws...#1 Sephiroth was nothing more then his spirit though out the game...he died in thew reactor when Cloud killed him...seoh had controll over all his clones Cloud was the acception because he started as a normal person and was not completed...and about the 3 "clones"...why would it be called "advent children" if it was about clones? the ability thing seems like it could work...well anything is possible so really we have to wait untill it comes out...

02-09-2004, 12:28 PM
from online dictionary


The coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important

So this could be a variety of things, important children? Still doesnt rule out children of sephy ;)

Sephys spirit was in the body in the big ball of materia up in the north crater as well, but we all know how things survive in the lifestream, after all it is a collection of the worlds spirit really isnt it, so Sephiroths spirit in there could easily have been put into another body (see animation @ Cosmo canyon about things returning to the earth to be born again etc)

But that still doesnt mean it IS him, too much to speculate on, just going to wait for some more OFFICIAL news or a new trailer etc. :)

02-09-2004, 12:53 PM
Well,this is what think,it has to be Sephiroth in the wheelchair.Because it makes the most sense.He is a shadow of his former self,which means the tables have turned,now he doesnt pose a big threat(apart from star scar).Cloud must kill him to stop Seph spreading the disease.But the three guys are in his way.They are immune to it like Cloud.They,i believe are clones of Sephiroth,one young,one older and then the oldest.I believe that the youngest guy will be important,the one apparently "closet" to Cloud (age).

Its goin to be interesting to see how Barret and Vincent will take part.I think Vincent will play a big part,as red xii.We dont know much details yet,but no harm in theorys?

I will try and dig up more info soon.........thanks

OK,i download a trailer in dvd quality,4 seconds long which shows Cloud on his bike evading bullits.But,it shows him taking out a sword where those "pipes" are.So in conclusion,there swords not exhaust pipes.ill try and find the site again.but,yes,video footage that they are 6 swords.does that put it to rest???

Neo Sephiroth
02-09-2004, 04:35 PM
good job with the "pipes" thing denny but 6 swords? why the hell would he need so many?

02-09-2004, 06:46 PM
dont know...........realy dont know,ha,thats a first.

Seig Warheit
02-09-2004, 06:49 PM
The same reason he has a big huge ass sword, I guess.

Also, Asyrian, when the heck do you interview Ilfana? I don't remember talking to her throughout the whole game....

02-09-2004, 06:53 PM
I dont remember him sayin that.Lets let him defend himself before we say all of this...........

02-09-2004, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by Seig Warheit
Also, Asyrian, when the heck do you interview Ilfana? I don't remember talking to her throughout the whole game....

Whoa whoa whoa! I never said that you could interview her, I mean she's already dead by the time the story starts. You just watch the Prof. Gast videos in Icicle Inn.

Seig Warheit
02-10-2004, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Asyrian
are you sure, i remember during the interview with ifalna, she said that jenova looked just like a normal person, and from there she spread the virus, or something similar to that. i'm probly the only one, but i'd be really disappointed if it were Sephiroth under that robe. I really do kinda hope that it is Jenova, which I will explain a little better with the conclusion of me Eye Theory in the other thread in just a few. But I know that you know about as much to this game denny as I do, so I'm not saying you're wrong, but not saying you're right... just listen to the other theory and maybe you'll get why I'm staying with my original Jenova Theory

Oh. I was misled by this. I thought not. I mean she was dead, it says so at the beginning of the game. I'll have to fly the highwind on over to icicle inn and watch the scenes though. That's got to be like the only thing I haven't done in that game.

02-10-2004, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Seig Warheit

Oh. I was misled by this. I thought not. I mean she was dead, it says so at the beginning of the game. I'll have to fly the highwind on over to icicle inn and watch the scenes though. That's got to be like the only thing I haven't done in that game.

there should be no reason why you can't go back there... you just select one of the four videos ( i think it was four), but they should be there no matter what

02-11-2004, 10:49 AM
this is insane:eye:

02-11-2004, 01:16 PM
Asyrian is right,you can watch for videos.One about the ancients,Weapon,some other and one where Hojo comes in and gets Gast killed.Its a small secret,but yes,they are there.

02-11-2004, 01:57 PM
but how can the person in the wheel chair be jenova when sephiroth cut her head off and in the game everytime you fight jenova spehiroth throws a body part of hers. ex. when aries dies he throws an arm or somthing as he flys away. unless she some how came back together i believe the person in the wheelchair is indeed sephiroth.

02-11-2004, 02:35 PM
Advent dub?is that irish?dublin?anyway,yes your right,i dont believe for a second its Jenova,but you never know.Ill put my money on Sephiroth and to a lesser extent Hojo.

02-11-2004, 03:47 PM
no its not irish dub is a form of reggae but i've been to Dublin and i loved it. if that person ended up being hojo i would be shocked. one you kill him on the sister ray in Midgar and i dont see why he would play a major role in AC. I... like you would put my money on Sephiroth because i dont believe he is dead, when you fight him in final form its in the lifestream in clouds mind. but what i also dont get is why would he be all sick from the star scar when it was him who went to the lifestream to become a god and it was him who called apon Meteor. To me there is to many possabilities for the person in the wheel chair to be a number of people.
If anyone can answer some of my questions i am more then happy to listen

02-11-2004, 04:12 PM
Yeah,it will be Sephiroth,it has to be.Its what the fans want.Well it what i want,i ask you about dublin cause im irish,born in dublin,live just outside.

02-11-2004, 04:19 PM
Well Jenova could of recovered or just could of morphed into a being. Like he did when he tricked the Cetra. It could be Sephiroth, but I got a lot of doubts on that.

02-11-2004, 04:27 PM
Jenova,you said "he"?!,some of the guys here would eat you alive for that,hahaha.But yeah,i know what your saying but i still think its Sephiroth.

02-11-2004, 04:32 PM
yeah we'll let you slide on the "he" haha. but like i said earlier it could be a number of people but i'm putting my money on Sephiroth, but who knows for all we know it could be Aries or somebody new. i would be disapointed if it was Aries though.

Neo Sephiroth
02-11-2004, 06:30 PM

02-11-2004, 06:37 PM
I think that while sephiroth fell during the unleshing of the weapons incident he could have fell in the life stream. cause if you remeber in the game when cloud returned he was also in a wheel chair. so that could be a hint to who is in the wheel chair.

Neo Sephiroth
02-11-2004, 06:39 PM
you are taking into consideration that the body that fell was just his body...long dead from Cloud(reactor thing) his spirit is what is the problem really...

02-11-2004, 07:02 PM
I dont think he died in the mako energy,it made him stronger.If he was pumped full of it,something must have happened.

Neo Sephiroth
02-11-2004, 07:12 PM
well anything is possible

02-11-2004, 08:26 PM
You all have some pretty good points but I'm gonna stay with my thoughts of Jenova, and I just refered to it as she since that is how she was protrayed by Sephiroth... she really has no gender i think. But anyway, I'm only saying that it is her because they talk about the Jenova Reunion in the trailer, and if you look at new guy when he's kneeling down before the wheelchair person, he kinda has a devilish grin on his face.... as if maybe he's gotten all the parts (well except for Cloud, but it probly some lure) but who knows.... anything is possible. There is only 2 people I believe to be in that chair.... Jenova or Sephiroth, and I don't know why, but for some reason I would be really dissapointed if it were him... only on the fact that it would be the most predictable.

02-11-2004, 08:50 PM
But he is there mentor,he was all powerful and now he is reduced to this.Although he is still powerful cause i believe,he is the one giving star scar.He didnt die,if he was pumped full of it wouldnt it make sense for him to survive falling in??I would be surprised if it is anyone but Sephiroth.The three men are protecting him cause he cant fend for himself.

He is a mere shell of himself,but knows that the unknown guys will do his work.

02-11-2004, 10:42 PM
What i think would be great if that the person in the wheelchair ends up being Rufus.
That would just be so unexpected!
Could also be Zack (somehow)!

02-11-2004, 11:23 PM
What i think is its going to be someone we expect it to be, its going to be a fairly short film afterall, so dont think they really want to waste lots of time explaining some weird plot twist

02-11-2004, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by &lt;--rYaN--&gt;
What i think is its going to be someone we expect it to be, its going to be a fairly short film afterall, so dont think they really want to waste lots of time explaining some weird plot twist
Yea, good point. I mean they already have enuf things to explain, but i can still live in hope. even tho i know its probably gonna be Sephiroth or Jenova in the wheelchair!

02-12-2004, 04:14 AM
i dunno iif anyone's said this yet so ill jusy say it...
up until i heard about star scar playing part of the film i thought sephiroth was the 1 in the wheelchair still could be but now i think it IS jenova because she is the one that spreads star scar so she has to play a part in this film and i think the person in the wheelchair is her part!!!!

do you's agree?

02-12-2004, 04:31 AM
failedclones theory was better then the starter of this thread....u should check it out!!!

Neo Sephiroth
02-12-2004, 09:47 AM
well this one has more info on it

darkness of eternity
02-12-2004, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by denny
This is my theory,many have found it,one of the best.

We know that in AC "star scar syndrome" is killing people,but where did it come from?I believe the answer is in FF7.Put it this way,how did the ancients vanish?They were all killed by "srar scar syndrome".When meteor crashed down,they found Jenova inside.Jenova gave the ancients "star scar syndrome"!.

This is VERY possible,but this leads me to the guy in the wheelchair,its Sephiroth(he didnt die in FF7) who is dying of "star scar syndrome".What better plot to make,the same disease that wiped out the ancients is now killing humanity,and Cloud must fight it.

Give me your comments on this,i will hopefully post more soon................(moderaters:please dont close this ffac thread,this is different and will actualy lead to something))))

hmm..i suppose it's plausible, but 1. jenova was not inside a meteor, jenova actually caused the first wound remember what Ifalna said "calamity from the skies"? that WAS jenova, i think that meteor may have caused star scar syndrome, possibly mental/physical/emotional scarring, 2. if jenova did cause star scar syndrome then sephiroth wouldn't be suffering from it as he is one with Jenova

darkness of eternity
02-12-2004, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by denny
I dont think he died in the mako energy,it made him stronger.If he was pumped full of it,something must have happened.

of course sephiroth didn't die then, you forget, sephiroth is jenova, and therefore can't die, plus the lifestream didn't make him stronger, his strength remained normal, as did cloud's.

02-12-2004, 12:48 PM
Sephiroth wont die from star scar,but he is withered and frail from the last fight against cloud.Remember when you found the REAL Sephiroth incased in mako??Well that shows he didnt die,and who is to say Cloud didnt kill him??I can bet now,Sephiroth is in the wheelchair,Ryan is right,we expect it.Its a short movie.It wont be Rufus,Jenova,Zack or Aerith.

Sephiroth is what most fans want.But dont expect him to resemble the one we remember.

I will predict now,in the end of Advent children,there will be a question mark over the end,that will lead on to a game.Even the producer has said,work for a game is possible.

02-12-2004, 01:06 PM
OK,ok,ok.......i have to change the topic slightly.............

Who here thinks that the character model of Cloud (in ffac) is a revamped Tidus.I have heard a few people saying it elsewhere and it just grabs my goat.I dont wanna start a fight,just wanna know why.He doesnt look anything like Tidus.Plus,Tidus was a wimp.Let yourselfs be heard...............

02-12-2004, 01:46 PM

I agree, Tidus just looked like a pretty boy lol, couldnt scare shit, but Cloud looks like he'd kick your ass without so much as a change of facial expression.

Besides, Clouds outfit rocks and Tidus's was just... gay :D

02-12-2004, 02:26 PM
hahaha,.......ok,i will finish this debate now,ok........
But i disagree,he only is precieved as a look-a-like cause of the blonde hair.

Cloud has a thin face while tidus has around face.Big difference.
But yes,lets not even get into their looks...........

02-12-2004, 04:50 PM
Jesus Christ, guys, quit the double posting.


02-12-2004, 05:00 PM
Tidus was a wussy,sexualy frustrated,dream of a bitch, crybaby":notgood:

Cloud is a "badass, chop you in two, jenova pumped, purple jump suit wearin ass kicker":cool:

Nuff said

Neo Sephiroth
02-12-2004, 06:45 PM
true...but seph might get back to 100% in the end and they would fight...the last time they did they were in clouds mind so cloud had the edge...i would like to see them have a good fight not some one move thing (and KH sucks so that really doesnt count, like seph would get beat by some kid with a key)

02-12-2004, 06:59 PM
Your right a FINAL fight would be amazing,with the one winged angel music in midgar ruins......maybe it might happen.But yeah,Tidus was a wimp,Cloud is just plain cool.

02-12-2004, 08:39 PM
They should have a final fight in the movie against Seph. because in the game all you had to do was attack him once and he was dead, where is the fun in that?

02-12-2004, 08:54 PM
That was to show that it was the final time Sephiroth would be in Clouds mind(but ffac).It just symbolised Cloud over coming it.

Seig Warheit
02-12-2004, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by denny
Your right a FINAL fight would be amazing,with the one winged angel music in midgar ruins......maybe it might happen.But yeah,Tidus was a wimp,Cloud is just plain cool.

WTF? You had better play FFX again before you say anything like that again. All I'm hearing is "OMGZZZZ CLOD IZ DA UBR Ki>LLLRT I!!!!!11111! TIDDIS IZS T3H SUX0rZZZ!!!!!11111" That's all I'm hearing. If you would like to have a nice discussion of FFVII AC without bashing other characters from other games, then that's fine, but then at a certain point you cross the line. Please refrain from doing that again.

02-13-2004, 12:01 AM
this is what i think ac ia about so far....

scar star syndron...humans are staring to die from it meaning jenova must be alive...i believe the person in the wheelchair is her...the person you see cloud fighting...thats not sephiroth...he is 1 of 3 (or more) clones..there are two others..1 with a gun and 1 with a hair style like paine from ffx-2....and sephiroth...well..we all know that seph is weak from the final fight with hes recovering and there will DEFINITLY be a final fight between the two..oh yeah and either tifa or aeris is in it because you hear a femal voice at the end of one of the trailers!!!thats all i have!!!!!

p.s.i mean...come on ....out of all the characters tidus IS the ONLY whimp out of the lot!!!!

02-13-2004, 09:47 AM
it's plain simple guys...d guy in d wheelchair is SEPHIROTH !! d young silver hair dude grinned as if saying like "i won't let you down" he looks very confident with what's he's doing! it can't b jenova cos it wouldn't b tat logical(i tink) the "clones" wouldn't know that jenova is their "mother" like sephiroth did since Nibelheim is destroyed...

if u have anything else...i would like to hear it
all of ur theories make sense guys =)

Neo Sephiroth
02-13-2004, 09:50 AM
it will most likly be him because the movie is in fact only 70-80 min long

02-13-2004, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by Neo Sephiroth
true...but seph might get back to 100% in the end and they would fight...the last time they did they were in clouds mind so cloud had the edge...i would like to see them have a good fight not some one move thing (and KH sucks so that really doesnt count, like seph would get beat by some kid with a key)

They did have a final battle, not everyone has heard or seen it but in KH:FM, cloud(baddass version) and sephiroth fight it out in an epic battle, it was so awsome
check it out here
its the one titled showdown of fate, if you haven't seen it then you know nothing of sephiroths greatness:lol

oh and the kid with the key(sora) would never beat seph, keyblade what a joke:whatever:

Neo Sephiroth
02-13-2004, 06:32 PM
i HAVE heard of kingdom hearts and personally i think it is pure offence but it really had nothing to do with the ff7 story at all they just used the people...and the fight was enntertaining but again, was not really anything more then i said kingdom hearts shit before i just used the sentence in the () on the post you quoted

02-13-2004, 07:32 PM
hmm zack in the wheelchair is a great idea....but its difiicult to tie him in with the clones theve gotta be the "advent children" and i think its agreed they are some sort of clones or mesh of seph

02-13-2004, 07:54 PM
lol, I know this is totally off subject, but after seeing that KH video of Sephiroth and Cloud fight (still gets you worked up and then it stops before the climax), but just seeing that makes me wish they could make another Erhgeiz (however it's spell'd) or something like that and actually be able to fight like that, kinda like Soul Calibur II with those Guard Impacts... but as you can see I like some fighting games, but it has to be worth it to get my attention. Nothing could do that better than an FF fighting game... but anyway, I still don't think it's Sephiroth in that wheelchair, I mean that's kinda stupid if you ask me. I mean I have no doubt that he'd make a possible entrance or something in the movie... I just don't want it to be so obvious of who's in that chair, kinda like those old scoobie doo cartoons where they unmask the unknown culprit at the end (i know, bad analogy), but I hope it's something surprising...

02-14-2004, 01:23 AM
omg... havent come here for really a long time... so yeah, so many cool stuffs again... But I lost the interest to talk about the wheelchair dude --> Nobody knows who that is now, and it's pointless because almost everyone got sorta same ideas and seems almost everyone think it's between Jenova and Sephy. Why not wait for more info then make your choice.

Well saw people talking about Tidus vs Cloud... C'mon! they look totally different! Not even the color of their hair. Cloud got light yellow hair and Tidus's was gold with a little brown. And their faces are different like someone said it earlier.

BTW I don't think Tidus is that bad, yeah Cloud is cooler but Tidus is NOT bad!:mad:

02-14-2004, 02:07 AM
yeah, i honestly don't care who it is either, i just put my thoughts down. and as for square copying characters... the only two that I think were exactly the same would be Tidus and Shuin... and yeah, there ya go... lol!

02-14-2004, 02:21 AM
Tidus and Shuin? Haha... Thought you'd say Cloud and Shuin... That's what other people were talking about also.
But all the characters look different to me o__o They are Japanese looking, Asian... (Well to me only maybe) As how I think other same race people look alike... o__o
People just can't make such comments when don't even understand the background of a culture....
You'd think they look so different if you are Asian, nothing much to talk about on this topic (last time there were a "blond shit" thread too) as long as we enjoy the game/movie.

Go back to FF7AC, I wish it's Jenova (Or I think) on the wheelchair, since I don't have enough info about the movie so wouldn't say IT HAS TO BE HER. Anyway, said it too many times (pointless)

02-14-2004, 02:51 AM
well I only say that Tidus and Shuin look alike because I have a very valid reason, but it's got no place to be in an Advent Children thread... but I don't want to spoil anything for those who didn't get 100% completion on x-2

02-14-2004, 06:14 AM
[ Way off TOPIC] Oh Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring, that game was almost like Soul Calibur. It was pretty fun though.

Seig Warheit
02-16-2004, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by kawiridle
Well saw people talking about Tidus vs Cloud... C'mon! they look totally different! Not even the color of their hair. Cloud got light yellow hair and Tidus's was gold with a little brown. And their faces are different like someone said it earlier.

BTW I don't think Tidus is that bad, yeah Cloud is cooler but Tidus is NOT bad!:mad:

Thank You! This is almost turning into the Squall Vs. Cloud threads of old (not necessarily here, but elsewhere). I think that Zidane would be the weakling of all of the PS FF heroes, not Tidus. His personality may be wimpy, but with Tidus' attitude, he's probably the only one who could come out of severe mental torture sane out of the PS FF heroes.

02-16-2004, 12:37 PM
I realy enjoyed Ehrgeiz,and still do,anyway,Asyrian when does Cloud fight Seph in KH????didnt see that..........But,KH is seen as a kids game (disney) but i think its even better than something like ffx.The fighting system is superb and it gives a change to ff battles.

But,yes,someone answer,when does Seph fight Cloud in kh???

Neo Sephiroth
02-16-2004, 01:52 PM
after the fight the kid with the key fights seph and beats him...witch is for the chair it would be seph because it is a short movie and they dont have time to work in a big jenova is just a head so far untill the reunion and I quote "they have jenova's head"

02-16-2004, 01:55 PM
Too right,but kh was great,it combined classic characters (i dont mean ff).I beat Seph in kh,but someone was saying Cloud fights him in kh,i never saw that.

Neo Sephiroth
02-16-2004, 02:02 PM
yes in fact they do...the "showdown of fate" it is for it on kazza or some other can also find it on one of the trailers

02-16-2004, 02:04 PM
Thanks,cool!!But it is a good game,plus a sequel is in the pipe line.But anyway,yes,too right,Seph is the wheelchair guy,and someday you guys can quote me and Neo Sephiroth on that.

Cloud's Clone
02-16-2004, 02:07 PM
Well, I can go with that too. But, remember that these are all just theories. If you think about it, it could be anybody. You just have to open up your mind and be open to opinions and possibilities.

02-16-2004, 02:10 PM
Dont get me wrong,i know its just a theory,but i feel this is the correct one.Although this is one of many theories.

02-16-2004, 02:14 PM
I found the Seph/Cloud showdown of fate(thank you neo Seph),but can someone tell me when it happens in the game???

Neo Sephiroth
02-16-2004, 05:15 PM
welcome denny...i dont know when because i have never played for the ff fighting game some mentioned i have a game someware that is fighting game and it has both Cloud and Seph...also yuffie but i havent unlocked her yet...anyway they are the same exept for some moves...they can use comet lvl 2 on the opponent...was a good game but it was hard as hell

02-16-2004, 05:37 PM
Well i just bought it on ebay.Its called Ehrgeiz and i unlocked Vincent,Yuffie,Red xii(sort of) and Zack.Its a great game,VERY rare.I have a brand new copy,which is VERY,VERY rare.anyway,thanks

02-16-2004, 06:03 PM
Ehrgeiz is cool!! but have you ever tried the lame RPG, thats a part of it? that is awful!

02-16-2004, 07:03 PM
its ok considering the game isnt made to be an rpg.Yeah,great game,like i said before VERY rare.anyway,Ehrgeiz disscusons are for Ehrgeiz threads,and that aint my thread.

Neo Sephiroth
02-16-2004, 07:11 PM
yes that was it...any very nice denny i got mine from kazza and just burned it to a disk...well good luck during the credits cause that person is then any new info on AC?

02-16-2004, 07:15 PM
No info,ill look for some of course.Well im constantly searching because,i myself am an artifical intelligence existing in the information sea know as cyber space,but anyway...........any ffac theorys???

Neo Sephiroth
02-16-2004, 07:27 PM
the most logical one would be seph in the chair and he has jenovas head...he used the "advent children" to get jenova's cells for the star scar i have no idea other then to kill the ppl that used to be in SOLDIER(they were injected with her cells)so they would be easier to tell ya the truth i have no idea as to what the star scar will actually do...

02-16-2004, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Neo Sephiroth
the most logical one would be seph in the chair and he has jenovas head...he used the "advent children" to get jenova's cells for the star scar i have no idea other then to kill the ppl that used to be in SOLDIER(they were injected with her cells)so they would be easier to tell ya the truth i have no idea as to what the star scar will actually do...
Actually the members of SOLDIER were never injected with JENOVA cells.... they were showered in Mako. Only the "clones" were injected with the cells. But anyway, other than that, nothing new...

02-16-2004, 09:10 PM
Thats means this thread will die.....(gulp),we three gotta keep it alive,so we can discuss it further.

Cloud's Clone
02-16-2004, 09:15 PM
But, what about Hojo? Don't you think that Hojo has anything to do with this whole theory? I mean, it was him and Professor Gast that started this. It's possible that Hojo is still alive, and is possibly the guy in the wheelchair.

02-16-2004, 09:20 PM
Could be,hhmm...........possible,but i still think Seph is the one the fans want.anyway,its what i want.But its NOT jenova.I think Neo said in the trailer Cloud says "they have jenovas head".

02-16-2004, 09:30 PM
Well I honestly don't think it could be Hojo... but then again it could be, but if that were the case then Vincent will more than likely be one of the main characters

Cloud's Clone
02-16-2004, 09:38 PM
I like the possibility of it being Sephiroth too. I mean if it is him, then those dudes fighting Cloud are clones. And to have clones of himself, Sephiroth would need somebody to help him clone himself. Right? That's another theory. But, who could be helping Sephiroth?

02-16-2004, 10:10 PM
I'd be kinda depressed if it was Sephiroth... but I would be even more depressed if that guy with the short hair was actually Sephiroth himself... they still havn't confirmed anything yet, but that would totally suck!

Cloud's Clone
02-16-2004, 10:26 PM
Well,what's the point in being dissappointed? I mean, the movie is still gonna be awesome. As long as it has a good story, the theories aren't going to matter. As soon as all of us(members of FFS) see it,we'll be online talking about why we liked it so much.

02-16-2004, 10:28 PM
I agree with Asyrian, it would be a bad idea to have Sephy be the white hair dude... That just doesn't sound right!

Neo Sephiroth
02-17-2004, 09:43 AM
yes if seph was in fact the short haired dude then that would indeed suck ass...if he was in the wheelchair then i would not mind...remember they wont put many twists or surprises in it cause its only around 80-90 min

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 12:19 PM
You may be right, then again they could always make new installments to the movie, like have 3 different movies, just like the game had 3 discs. Just a thought, highly unlikely but it just popped up in my head. Thinking about it now it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.

02-17-2004, 05:41 PM
yes, but if there were actually any twists in the story, first off they would show them in the beginning of the film where it wouldn't be much of a surprise to anyone, and again at the end of the film where if they did it right, it'd make everyone go WTF? And I'm sure Squenix doesn't care if it turns out for the best, other wise they would of made it longer, but I think that nowadays they are just mostly interested in the money, and what better idea than to make a movie to their highest selling game, am I right? Even if they released the whole script for the movie and it sucked balls, you're probably gonna still watch it aren't you, I know I am... and even then I'm still hoping for the best. LOL! We'll see when the movie comes out (still hope they release something new soon)

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 06:11 PM
I'm still gonna watch it, as long as it doesn't suck balls like the last Final Fantasy did. I didn't take a liking to that movie, because it had nothing to do with any of the games. I think the movies director had been watching to much Starship Troopers while writing the movies script.

02-17-2004, 07:55 PM
none of the games had anything to do with the other games, SW didn't live up to my expectations, but I did like it... but it was something for Square to learn off of. You can't just make a movie based on an RPG series and expect the same outcome, there isn't enough time to get into so much detail. I know that there are going to be a lot of people that are going to hate this movie and even some compare it to SW, why? Because there more than likely won't be enough time. But, basing it on a previous FF title, it just might work because only if you play the game you'll understand the movie. But who knows what direction this'll go. I don't care if I go watch it and it does suck, I'll still buy it in the long run. I'm a fan of the series, not just one game. If I say "F" them just because they mess up or don't live up to there expectations, then why should I even call myself a fan. And even every now and then I'll catch myself watching SW once in a while.

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 08:09 PM
You're right. If a person is a true FF fan then they'll watch or buy the movie regardless of how good(most likely)or bad it is. Thats just a fact.

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 08:16 PM
You're right. If a person is a true FF fan then they'll watch or buy the movie regardless of how good(most likely)or bad it is. Thats just a fact.

02-17-2004, 08:29 PM
well you can still be an FF fan, it's just how far you want to take it. I've been here since the 8-bit original, and I'll be there till the end, no matter what they do, I've made the decision that I'll adapt

02-17-2004, 08:32 PM
Oh yeah, also, there are some new images out for the trailer that will be included in the X-2 International + Last Mission game...
I believe that they were at, so check them out if ya get a chance, nothing new, just better resolution.

Cloud's Clone
02-17-2004, 08:51 PM
I see what your saying about being a fan of the series. The first one I played was FF7. But I enjoyed the series so much that I made up my mind to go back and play everyone that came out after it and before it. I was a sort of a late bloomer.

Neo Sephiroth
02-18-2004, 06:44 PM
its okay the first one i had was FF7 too...but that was in 1997

Rabid Monkey
02-18-2004, 10:35 PM
I'm closing this thread. People have been warnned about double posting AND talking back and forth with a single person already.

Sir Dyne
09-19-2005, 09:21 PM
jesus no this is v entertaining

Tidus 66
09-19-2005, 10:37 PM
Jesus these is one year old don't revive it

Top Cat
09-19-2005, 10:40 PM
jesus no this is v entertaining
whoa now, the last post here was in february. 2004.

just for your information, we tend not to bump really old threads. if a thread's off the first page (or older than two months in these newer forums at the moment) don't reply to it. if you think that you can contribute or have something to add, start a new thread linking back to the old one.