View Full Version : Thread 119064">(GB/C) Pok�mon Trading Card Game / Pok�mon Puzzle Challenge

08-10-2012, 05:36 PM
I've had one of these for a good while on my MediaFire folder, but I never got to actually share it with many people. Here's a shot at changing that:


LINK: Part One (

Title: Pok�mon Trading Card Game
Size, Type & Quality: ~71 MB, MP3 VBR1
Number of Tracks: 25


LINK: Part One (

Title: Pok�mon Puzzle Challenge
Size, Type & Quality: ~99 MB, MP3 VBR2
Number of Tracks: 24


I recorded both of these straight out of their respective games using VBA-M. The former is one of my personal favorite soundtracks, though I had to record the music at just the precise moments-- saving and loading the file so the music began properly, recording a small few of them several times and editing them at different intervals to cut out sound effects. Meanwhile, the latter I made just for the heck of it once upon a time, using the Sound Test in the game for most of the tracks.

Now, Puzzle Challenge's soundtrack is weird because, for some inane reason, I made the tracks play four times instead of the traditional two. I apologize for that, but it should still be listenable.

All in all, hope you all enjoy these! ^_^

08-10-2012, 08:13 PM

08-10-2012, 09:03 PM
Finally, the fabled music of Pokemon Puzzle Challenge and Pokemon Trading Card have been released. Thank you so much and the music brings so much nostalgic! <3

08-10-2012, 11:02 PM
Big thanks for your hard work.

08-12-2012, 07:24 PM
Unfortunately, there are more accurate and precise ways of getting the music.
Fortunately, I've just finished a new rip of TCG 2 today (better than my old one) which just needs trimming and tagging. All 33 tracks from the second game, the credits theme from the first, and all duel jingles are included (this is as complete as it can get.) I was planning to do Puzzle Challenge too, though sound test and VBA-M should be pretty darn accurate already.
It seems you have the dedication and interest to rip more old game OST's, so if you need any advice just shoot me a PM. I do agree with you about TCG's OST; IMO there are virtually no bad tracks and it's a shame it all went into an obscure spinoff game. I'm assuming you didn't know about the sequel; it has many new tracks, many of which well surpass stuff from the first. Can't say when to expect a release because I'm going out of town for a week.