01-27-2004, 03:48 AM
Out of all the Final Fantasy summoners, who do you think would win if they all duel'd it out?

Rydia has been a big favorite of mine, I mean as a kid she isn't that strong, but after living in the underworld, I believe she's unstoppable. If I were to place them in a certain order this is how I'd choose and why:

1. Rydia (4), obviously the best
2. Terra (6), i mean she pretty much is her own summon
3. Dagger & Eiko (9) are pretty equal, but combine powers... BOOM!
5. Kaze (U), they're okay, for coming out of a gun
6. Yuna (X), better with a gun... lol!
7. Makenshi (U) only has 1 summon, not much there...

I can't think of anymore.... post who you think would win in a fight or if I missed someone, and I'm only talking about fully-pledged summoners, not a Cloud equipped with a Knight of the Round materia okay, lol!

Rabid Monkey
01-27-2004, 11:46 AM
There is the Job Class "Summoner" in other FF games.

01-27-2004, 12:55 PM
I wouldn't consider Terra a summoner, really. I mean, true, she can transform into an esper, but it doesn't really work in the same sense that summons work in the other FFs. Plus, Terra can actually summon espers herself, along with every other character in FFVI.

Forgive me if I'm being hyper critical here, Terra is like my favorite character ever.

01-27-2004, 05:22 PM
Rydia, no matter what! when she comes back up from the land of the summoned monsters and when you beat the queen and king. after that she is thee most unstopable out of the full fledged summoners.

01-27-2004, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Ndi
I wouldn't consider Terra a summoner, really. I mean, true, she can transform into an esper, but it doesn't really work in the same sense that summons work in the other FFs.

yes, i know what you mean exactly, but the only reason i put her on my list all together is because she's an esper herself. i would of put Makenshi's brother on there too, but his are the exact same summons only except for the difference of color (even though he did kick his brother's ass).

02-07-2004, 05:00 AM
Hmm. I don't know. In a fight in which nothing is removed as far as compensation goes, Yuna would own all others because of Break Damage/HP Limit and being able to teach Aeons special abilities.