08-05-2012, 12:34 PM

i search for few rare Recording Sessions by James Newton Howard. I Hope anyone can help me.

James Newton Howard | 1999 - The Sixth Sense - Recording Sessions (Bootleg) | 30 Tracks

01 - Main Title [1M1]
02 - Vincent Gray [1M4]
03 - Untitled [1M5]
04 - Run To The Church [1M6]
05 - De Profundis [1M7]
06 - Look At My Face [1M8]
07 - Untitled [1M10]
08 - Going To School [2M1]
09 - Mind Reading [2M2]
10 - Photographs [2M7]
11 - Upset Words [2M8]
12 - Stuttering Stanley [2M9]
13 - Zoloft [3M4]
14 - On The Staircase [3M6]
15 - In The Dungeon [3M7]
16 - Staircase/Dungeon [3M7R]
17 - Malcom's Story [3M8]
18 - Cole's Secret [3M9]
19 - Suicide Ghost [4M1]
20 - Hanging Ghosts [4M3]
21 - Dead Boy In Hall [4M5]
22 - Act Of Vandalism [4M7]
23 - Tape Of Vincent [5M1]
24 - Tape Of Vincent [5M1R]
25 - Help The Ghosts / Lynn's [5M2]
26 - Kyra's Ghost [5M4]
27 - Searching Kyra's House [5M7]
28 - Kyra's Tape [5M8]
29 - See You Tomorrow [6M1]
30 - Malcolm Is Dead [6M2]

James Newton Howard | 2002 - Signs - Recording Sessions (Bootleg) | 19 Tracks

01 - Main Titles [1M1]
02 - First Crop Circles [1M2]
03 - Death Of Houdini [1M3]
04 - Roof Intruder [1M4]
05 - Crop Circles In India [2M1]
06 - Recruiting Office [2M1A]
07 - Pizza Parlour [2M2]
08 - Baby Monitor [2M3]
09 - In The Corn Field [3M1]
10 - In The Corn Field - Alternate [3M1]
11 - Interesting Developments [3M2]
12 - Through The Telescope [3M3]
13 - Brazilian Video [4M2A]
14 - Throwing A Stone [4M5]
15 - Boarding Up The House [5M1]
16 - Into The Basement [5M2]
17 - Asthma Attack [5M3]
18 - The Hands Of Fate - Part 1 [6M1]
19 - The Hands Of Fate - Part 2 [6M2]

08-05-2012, 07:35 PM
There's only 6 tracks missing from Signs, which are:

1m03 Death of Houdini
2m01 Crop Circles in India
2m02 Pizza Parlour
3m01 In the Corn Filed (Alternate)
3m02 Interesting Developments
3m03 Through the Telescope