08-04-2012, 06:15 PM
Anyone remember that little gem of a FPS Apogee developed back in the day? Well, it's coming back, as announced here ( among other places. Interestingly, this reboot will include an option to use the original music, which I found here ( after some Googling, instead of the heavy-metalized remake which can be heard in these videos (

08-04-2012, 07:26 PM
My favorite track was track 20 Task Force. I hope they remake the original score

08-04-2012, 08:11 PM
My favorite track was track 20 Task Force. I hope they remake the original score
Consider those hopes fulfilled. From that DigitalSpy article:

As a nod to fans of the original game, the game can be played either with the original soundtrack and sound effects as well as the updated heavy metal soundtrack.
And here's a hands-on report ( from We've Got This Covered.