01-25-2004, 06:32 PM
Have you ever cried over a Final Fantasy?

Final Fantasy VIII was the first Final Fantasy to ever make me cry, and the first game to ever make me cry, for that matter. During the scene with Squall and Rinoa on the ship, I felt the tears well up. The endings to IX and X made me cry as well.

The game that's jerked the most tears out of me has to be X-2- during the Yuna's Dream movie, and during 1000 Words, I always, always cry, without fail. I've bought the spheres, and it doesn't seem to matter how much I watch it. It always makes me bawl.

Neo Xzhan
01-25-2004, 07:50 PM
Need I say spoilers ahead?

In FFVII Aeris' death, always mae me cry no matter what. I believe that was my first time I cried for a game aswell.

In the end of FFX when Tidus starts to fade, somehow that made me sad.

Lt. Lady Nyru
01-25-2004, 09:30 PM
Sad Moments::sad:
-When Cloud put Aries to rest.
-The ending to FFX was freakishly sad.

Touching Moments:
-When Tifa and Cloud made that promise to eachother before
the big battle.
-Squall smiling (that was kinda scary, but he's cute so it don't
-Of course, the FFX kiss. Can I be kissed like that?

01-26-2004, 03:36 PM
-Of course, the FFX kiss. Can I be kissed like that?
Which one do you mean? :D You wanna be kissed by Tidus or by Seymour? :)

Okay, here me:

FFIX: Kuja's death :( *sniff*
FFX: "I hate you, Dad!", underwater huggling, the end
FFX-2: 1000 words, the normal ending...

edit: I put a spoiler warning in the thread title, in case you wonder

01-26-2004, 04:18 PM
The only time I cried was Aeris' death FF7. That was sad. :(

01-29-2004, 12:38 PM
I cant really say i've cried over anything. but a sad moment for me was when Locke is trying to talk to Celes by that port in FF6, she just ignores him and walks off. that kinda stuff was happening to me at the time in real life, lol. i guess that would be it

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
01-29-2004, 04:55 PM
Well I haven't cried ever at a game, and never have come close. I'm just not sentimental enough I guess. But crying at games just doesn't appeal to's just computer animation, thats's not like....real life

01-29-2004, 08:23 PM
The only moment in any FF game that actually had tears coming from me was in FF6 at the end of the ghost train sequence when Cyan says his final farewell to his wife and kid.

02-01-2004, 04:20 PM
aeris death was really sad i thought the bit when you find out the truth about cloud and he charges after sephiroth was cool i felt like cheering him on!

ffx i wasnt that bothered about i dont like tidus that much his voice grates the only thing that made that game (except for good story and yuni...shes hot) was auron he rocks!

oh and lt Lt. Lady Nyru i kiss like that!

Lt. Lady Nyru
02-01-2004, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by bob
aeris death was really sad i thought the bit when you find out the truth about cloud and he charges after sephiroth was cool i felt like cheering him on!

ffx i wasnt that bothered about i dont like tidus that much his voice grates the only thing that made that game (except for good story and yuni...shes hot) was auron he rocks!

oh and lt Lt. Lady Nyru i kiss like that!

Heehee, thank goodness someone can. Sloppy kisses suck.

The Joker
02-02-2004, 03:20 PM
FF7 -

Aeris' death made me cry, and Cloud still had to get up and fight. Speaking of which, how did he carry her when there were all those things you were supposed to jump on? Did he jump with her? In any event, he made damn sure she got a proper burial.

Other sad moments in FF7

Tifa talks about her father dying, and then Cloud saves her. The music played was so fitting and so sad. Was it called something like "Somewhere over the mountain?" I don't recall.

Aeris' mother talking about how she got Aeris.

Red XIII seeing his father stoned at the temple area with Bugenhagen.


The very end. Yuna's great speech, dreading the fact that Tidus is gone and was only a dream. And how it ends "Never forget them..." I began to tear up on that one.

Neo Xzhan
02-02-2004, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Misao

Which one do you mean? :D You wanna be kissed by Tidus or by Seymour? :)

Okay, here me:

FFIX: Kuja's death :( *sniff*
FFX: "I hate you, Dad!", underwater huggling, the end
FFX-2: 1000 words, the normal ending...

edit: I put a spoiler warning in the thread title, in case you wonder

Yea deffinatly the "I hate you dad" bit. It holds something personal to me.

02-02-2004, 04:52 PM
yes, where jecht dies and tidus holds him, that was some serious shit... throw that in with the sad music from final fantasy 4, and you probly couldn't get me to stop.....

02-04-2004, 01:57 AM
haha, you guys have emotions.

02-04-2004, 02:10 PM
Let's see, nobody has mentioned this yet: I usually break down in the FFIX ending somewhere around when the black mage says that he's Vivi's son. I think it's the music.

02-04-2004, 05:28 PM
I cried bucketloads when Aeris died. I hadn't bought the guide yet, or knew anyone else who had played it, so it came as a shock. Something about all the emotional parts of FF7has the ability to get me close to welling must be the was always so fitting....

I didn't cry at 8, and I was pretty close to it in 9 when Dagger and Zidane hug at the very end.

In 10, I cried when Tidus "dissapeared". I wouldn't have done, but the part where Yuna runs to hug him, but goes right through him...part of me wanted to laugh my head off, but the part of me that won that mini battle of mind was the part the sobbed at the look on Yunas face as she watches Tidus' "life force(?)" float off, whiles she still on the floor. An amazing bit of CG there.

02-04-2004, 07:15 PM
every ff was a mission to me. ffIX had something though, when zidane woke up after his meeting with garland and sulked off, powerful but alone, and the music, independence can depress u...

02-08-2004, 08:40 AM
aeris's death. that is such a powerful scene and the music really adds alot to it. i think without the music it wouldnt of got me.

ff8 almost had me although funnilly i can only remember the experience and not what scene it was!

but yeah aeris's death, only game, only time. man that was so incredible i never thought a game could get that outta me like that.

but i suppose if other games like alien vs predator 2 and resident evil make u shit yourself then y couldnt a game make u cry too?

question is what emotions are still left to be brought out?
anger has been there for a long time :lol

02-10-2004, 11:04 PM
sh�t!!!!! i cant pic just ONE !!!!!! ill mention must of them...

ff7:when aeris gets killed. i love that bit,the music, the emotion cluos shows....ill play the game to see that bit again

ff8: (in progress of completion) well...the only bit i can think of is wen squall saves rinoa from drifting off into space.....sorry

ff9:yeah i think its the music wen we find out that vivi has children but i like the play wen u find out that zidans alive...great

ff10:it has to be when tidus bids farewell to every1 ...another great scene 4 me

ffx2:waiting for this to be released in this country first!!!!!!!!!

Bahamut ZERO
02-11-2004, 08:55 AM
I think my eyes were definitely watering at the end of Final Fantasy IX. Okay, sure, I wasn't actually crying, but I was damn close. I saw the ending coming a mile off, but it still didn't stop me from being overjoyed when it actually happened. It's one of the best written and best crafted endings of any games, even if it was cliche.

02-11-2004, 11:22 AM
Aeris�s death and final resting place at the bottom of the lake got me going I could not believe they killed a main character. Oh Sephiroth paid dearly for that.

02-11-2004, 12:42 PM
Well, SPOILER! (whooo! Really?!!)

Seeing Auron vanishing into thin air before my eyes.

I almost cried. I fought them off. U_U

The scene before finally killing Yunalesca when you can see the memories of Auron, Braska and Jecht was very dramatic and (for me, as an Auron-fan) very very very sad. :notgood:
Darn that Yunalesca!!!!! :mad:

Uhm... :eye: Am I the only one who cried because of Auron?!

Oi...~ :erm:

"Lady Auron" :cool:

02-12-2004, 03:20 AM
Originally posted by Maliris-San
Well, SPOILER! (whooo! Really?!!)

Seeing Auron vanishing into thin air before my eyes.

I almost cried. I fought them off. U_U

The scene before finally killing Yunalesca when you can see the memories of Auron, Braska and Jecht was very dramatic and (for me, as an Auron-fan) very very very sad. :notgood:
Darn that Yunalesca!!!!! :mad:

Uhm... :eye: Am I the only one who cried because of Auron?!

Oi...~ :erm:

"Lady Auron" :cool:

yeah i think you are!!!

03-06-2004, 02:10 AM
x2 was close to bringing me to tears......y didnt tidus come back?!?!?!?yyyyyyyyyy?

03-06-2004, 02:13 AM
Hmm... a "why" question that has a solid answer! Because... you didn't complete the requirements for a Good or Perfect Ending!

03-06-2004, 02:22 AM
give me the way how many endings is there?

03-06-2004, 02:36 AM
Five. That's all I'll say without going into description, since this the general section.

03-06-2004, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Five. That's all I'll say without going into description, sincee this the general section.

FIVE ENDINGS?!?!?! :eek: WOW :eek: .........i better get cracking then!!!

03-06-2004, 02:47 AM
A couple of them are just slight alterations though and you don't have to do that much to view them.

03-06-2004, 02:49 AM
i dont understand y they made x2 so damn easy!!!

Landlord of Sector 7
03-06-2004, 03:52 AM
Originally posted by boogybro87
sh�t!!!!! i cant pic just ONE !!!!!! ill mention must of them...

ffx2:waiting for this to be released in this country first!!!!!!!!!

What country is that BoogyBro? Because in the X-2 forum didn't you say that you had just finished playing it and it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be?:eye: Wow you're confusing.

03-06-2004, 09:06 AM
I think aeries death made my eyes water and also while cloud is telling his story to tifa in the lifestream made my eyes blurry cos i can relate to some of his storys. Also in IX where the evil black mage kills all the slave black mages on the airship it was sad

03-06-2004, 03:07 PM
yes yes Aeris death was just too much.
If any thing that was one of the most emotional times in ff history.

Also the ffX ending the whole fading tidus thing.:( :( :( :(

03-06-2004, 05:40 PM
i would have to say the part when you got fight sephiroth one on one at the end of ff7 and you execute omnislash, they were more tears of joy that i would be able to kick his sorry little ass one more time

also the bit when rachel died for real and spoke to locke one last time, that was pretty emotional

03-06-2004, 11:09 PM
i didnt complete it 100% yet i just got through the first half of the game....but is pretty easy!!!!!

03-06-2004, 11:58 PM
Never mind I'm crazy:confused:

03-07-2004, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by zell86
Never mind I'm crazy:confused:

not you i was talking about what landlord of sector 7 said

03-07-2004, 12:05 AM
I know you werent talking to me.
That whole never mind me thing was because I edited my post and I was talking to anyone who read it between then! so I just wrote never mind me.... whatever

03-07-2004, 04:56 AM
get back on topic! :notgood:

Landlord of Sector 7
03-07-2004, 04:28 PM
Yes boogybro but you said you are waiting for it to come out in your country so how could you have played it? Anyways, I think on 7 when Sephiroth finds out he is not human made me pity him and I almost cried because evil or not, something like that shouldn't be hidden from you. And Aeris' death didn't really make me cry because I was like there is no way a main character can die, oh well I am sure I'll be able to bring her back later. Boy was I mistaken:(

03-07-2004, 05:55 PM
I also think X in general is a tear jerker for me.

And Boogybro did or didnt you play X-2?
You and landlord are hard to follow when you post about it.

Oh yeah Im off topic again.
Sorry!:erm: :erm: :erm:

03-07-2004, 09:17 PM
Why is it that everyone says that Aeris's death was sad? Honestly I laughed my head off when she got killed by Sephy. And then the sad music while Cloud and Sephy are arguing too funny.
Although what did make me cry was in IX where Kuja was just about to die and also when the lovebirds get back together.
FFX when Tidus "disapears"
Also 1000 words was sad.

03-08-2004, 10:17 PM
yes i did say i hadn't played ffx2 yet....about 2 months ago...
let me break it down 4 u...
x2 came out inlate feburary in the uk......brought it...completed it in 20 hours (50%).....landlord is the 1 thats confusing every1 not me.....i hope that cleard things up!!!!

oh yeah...and laughing at the part when aeris died is prttey sad!!!

03-09-2004, 12:51 AM
Give me one good reason to cry when aeris died. What part of that was not funny. BTW I have nothing against Aeris she is actually one of my fave characters from VII

03-09-2004, 01:02 AM
im not saying u should cry.....but laughing?!?!? thats just stone cold!!!

03-09-2004, 01:09 AM
Stone-cold my foot! That was funny! You still have to tell me why it is sad.

03-09-2004, 01:13 AM
last anciant alive....
doing all she could to save the planet...
BAM!!!! She's dead without even knowing...
yeah...that's funny...back to the subject!!!!

03-09-2004, 01:16 AM
She is not the last ancient. Now Sephy is. Also she should have known Sephy would try to kill her. Oh yes it is funny.

03-09-2004, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by labrat
She is not the last ancient. Now Sephy is. Also she should have known Sephy would try to kill her. Oh yes it is funny.

*sighs* explain to me and every1 else how sephiroth IS the last ancient?

03-10-2004, 10:30 PM
Do I really have to explain how Sephy is the last ancient?

03-10-2004, 10:36 PM
yes please we are all listening!!

03-11-2004, 05:52 PM
And if I refuse? What can you do then?

Top Cat
03-11-2004, 06:13 PM

Anyway, I can't think of any really emotional moment in FF for me. Not oe that really jerked an emotion... apart from the end of X. That was a bit sad.

03-11-2004, 09:53 PM
i thought the ending of x was a bit sad but alot of ppl have been dissin it....check this thread:

03-11-2004, 10:21 PM
Fine I partially take back that Sephy is the last ancient. I say partially because there is no proof that he is/isn't the last aqncient. I say that he is because he is partially Jenova's son.I say that he isn't because for all we know there are more ancients out there. I know that the games says there aren't though were did Aeris's mom come from.

That is why I say that Sephy is the last ancient.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-11-2004, 10:38 PM
God it is so funny how you say Sephy!! LMFAO!!:) :) :) :) But yeah I think that it was sort of funny just how it didn't look very realistic. Not just cause there wasn't any blood but because it was like she died instantly and didn't have any emotion whatsoever.

03-11-2004, 10:41 PM
lol :lol you know what would be cool? watchimg a 10min scene of aeris dying with emotion..
great idea landlord :erm:

03-11-2004, 10:45 PM
Landlord can't you tell that I like him? I've liked him since I frist saw him in Nibelhiem.

03-11-2004, 10:48 PM
you frist what'ed him in nibelhiem?!?! :eye:

03-11-2004, 10:49 PM
I meant to say "first" saw him in Cloud's memory.

hb smokey
03-31-2004, 02:39 AM
I think my eyes may have watered up in only one scene. The ending of FFX.

03-31-2004, 02:47 AM
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
FFIII when Celes jumps off the cliff.
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Garnet aka Dagger
03-31-2004, 06:10 PM
-When Rinoa was unconscious at Balamb Garden and Squall was telling her how much he missed her.

-When Rinoa was out in space,and Squall saved her u.u..

-The Flashbacks of Squall being little.

-The first part of the ending.

-When the Black Waltz kills the Black Mages on the Airship when its leaving Dali.

-In Black Mage Village when Zidane was talking about his past.

-When Zidane is depressed about Garnet becoming Queen.

-When Zidane saves Garnet from Falling off Alexandria Castle.

-Almost all the parts in Terra are sad and make me cry. u.u.

-The whole ending. First it was sadness and then happiness ;p

-When you first learn Tidus is a dream.

-The Ending.

Yes I know u.u. Im very emotional.

04-09-2004, 08:53 AM
The only bit that made me cry in all the FF's i've played was Aeris' death, i really felt sorry for Cloud and Aeris' mother.

04-12-2004, 04:45 PM
I cried just like the ret when aeris died. I found it hard to believe that they killed a main character.

But my first Movement to a sobbing moment was when Yuna lost clould at the end of 10. I was so sad!

And when Yuna sings 1000words in X-2 oh ya the tears come back.:puppydog: :puppydog:

04-13-2004, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Yunie235
But my first Movement to a sobbing moment was when Yuna lost clould at the end of 10. I was so sad!

What. ^.^

04-13-2004, 05:08 PM
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Tidus!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Yaeh I'm offically a jackass.:laugh: :laugh:

04-13-2004, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Yunie235
Yaeh I'm offically a jackass

What. ^_____^

04-14-2004, 12:43 PM
yunie235 pokes at incubus..."is that a tear?? You were crying to, weren't you?!:shock: :shock:

04-15-2004, 07:01 AM
Yes. *sniffles* *Huggles*

04-15-2004, 02:07 PM
<---passes her sweet husband a tissue.;)