01-25-2004, 06:40 AM
Could Somone plz explain to me what this new FF is gonna be about? I hear FF7 FF8 and FF9 but mostly FF7. Are people pullin my leg on FF7? Jus reply and tell a noobie about it.

01-29-2004, 06:06 PM
No one is pulling your leg about it, they're making an FF7 sequal movie, AND game from what I hear.

The movie is based 2 years after the game, Meteor's gone, Sephs dead, all that and stuff. There is a new bad guy, he's supposed to be a Seph clone or something like that, there are also two other dudes that I have no clue about and Cloud has a whole new look two. If you want to see a trailer, there are 3 here, and there are some on another site to,

That is what I know.