01-25-2004, 04:12 AM

Does any one know how you can get to the sleeping man in the cave before aeris dies? i tried but its blocked by a river, and i can't breed chocos coz i ain got the air ship. how can i access this dude with out airships or chocos? can u use the buggy or somthing? Please help!

01-25-2004, 04:34 PM
No Problem

First wait until you get the buggy, then drive it into Costa Del Sol. From there use the ferry back to Junon and go onto the world map. When you appear, you have the buggy!!!

Drive over the part in the river that the buggy can pass to get to the sleeping old mans cave. Talk to him and he will tell you how many times youve escaped battle (if not then exit, battle then talk to him again). Escape enought imes so that the last two digits are the same (eg 133 escapes) and talk to him. he will give you some mythril.

Take this to the weapon shop near Gongaga (the empty one) thae man will be there after you have the KeyStone. Talk to him and give him the mythril. Then he lets you choos either the big box on the ground floor or the small one upstairs, choose the small one and you get Aeris' Final Limit Break.

02-07-2004, 07:48 AM
thanks buddy!