07-27-2012, 11:47 PM

This is my personal rip/edit of the 2001 Playstation 2 "survival horror" game EXTERMINATION. For those who are not familiar with the game is a "Resident Evil-ish" survival horror excurision into the Antarctic involving military personnel and some very suspicious government operatives/experiments (and that NEVER ends well) with mutated DNA and failed experiments and whatnot. The game also has a few early Metal Gear similarities and also perhaps a hint of influence from the film version of "The Thing". It didn't sell very well (initially) though it was quite underrated (which helped it achieve the status of "a hidden gem" of the early "survival horror" era). I played this one YEARS ago and remembered enjoying it (for the most part). Recently I thought it might be nice to revisit this game (at least from a "musical" sense) so I dug it out of my closet and what happened is described below.

PSound helped me extract the audio file from the game ( extracted as one GIGANTIC file with every single sound from the game itself contained within one enormous WAV). The first half (or so) of the file was the MUSIC section. The last half was the "dialogue/effects" heavy area. Using Audacity I was able to cut and seperate all of the musical selections from the MAIN audio file. The majority of these I was able to utilize with only the need for a few fade ins/outs and several "trim" edits. The rest I needed to work on a bit. I looped a few tracks (to extend length and contribute to the overall listening experience) and even "merged several tracks into one" as a means to aid continuity. In a few instances effects/enhancements were applied as needed/appropriate. Ultimately all tracks were exported as MP3 320kbps. I think the end result turned out pretty well (despite myself). It had been YEARS since I had actually played the game so the "track names" (that I created) are somewhat "relevant" but perhaps NOT entirely "accurate". Don't worry about it, though, as this is a nice listening experience from start to finish. The main theme "Extermination" is one of the best anthems you'll hear from ANY game (especially of this era) and the rest of the selections are quite compelling (if not inspiring) orchestral action pieces (with plenty of modern electronic treatment throughout). The closing track "Candy Girl" is a bit of an anomaly (compared to the rest of the "action/adventure" score). It appeared at the extreme end of the game (itself) and sounds like some sort of late 40's early 50's "jazz/doo-wop" radio song. It is a departure from the rest of the soundtrack (musically) but it HAD to be included..... was THERE. Also included is some "album art" (and images) created from modified available web material.

Extermination was developed (and released) by Deep Space Inc. via Sony Entertainment in 2001. Motoki Funayama composed the music for this game. Using free software, I extracted, edited, looped and merged the audio tracks (from this game) into a "fan soundtrack" which is intended SOLEY for fans of this (and all) "survial horror/adventure" games. This was created by "a fan" for "all fans" of the genre. I hope you enjoy it. Cheers!

Extermination Unofficial Game Soundtrack

01-Extermination 3:51
02-Distress At Fort Stewart 2:55
03-Team Red Light 1:45
04-Action Ventilation Action 3:19
05-Time For A Plan Dennis 3:57
06-Saddle Up Marine 3:37
07-DNA Does Not Agree 1:44
08-Tactics Take Precedence 1:50
09-Mutant Waiting 1:43
10-A Revelation Unexpected 1:42
11-Lament For The Lost 3:23
12-A Fight For The Memories 1:52
13-Downtime 2:06
14-Arm Your Detonators 1:30
15-Decisions Have Consequences :29
16-Confront Run Escape :21
17-The Time Is Now :23
18-On My Shoulders 2:15
19-Slimey Bacterial Bastard 1:51
20-Analysis Analogous 2:38
21-No Time For Fear 1:35
22-Respite and Reality 1:09
23-Condition Critical 1:40
24-Team Resolute 2:19
25-Red Blood Red Alert 3:16
26-Extermination End Game 2:35
27-Candy Girl 3:37

Total Track Time 53:22

Read CAREFULLY....the link IS the password: EXSHUNGYROS (

07-28-2012, 02:49 AM
Well...despite successfully checking (and DOUBLE checking) my upload to PEEJE...PEEJE took it upon itself to decide that my link now "does not exist". I have re-uploaded to the "ad-ridden" Sendspace until another solution is found. Sorry for anyone who tried previously to download the music.

07-28-2012, 09:35 PM
The link... IS the password? 0.o

Nice touch, I look forward to this.

07-29-2012, 01:05 AM

But why did Senspace make me download an executable file and run it just to download it? I think that's a little silly on the site creator's part. I got it anyway, so, I guess it's just a minor issue.

07-29-2012, 03:50 AM
Sorry about that SendSpace crap. I LOATHE those sites that "misdirect" you into downloading something you don't want (or need) or send you into a labyrinth of ad-riddled websites. I only went there (SendSpace) because Peeje took a dump on me again (for the THIRD time). The availability of non-subscription "ad-free" upload/download sites seems to be dwindling to about nothing these days. I've "re-upped" AGAIN to Peeje (one last try). If this one fails to "stick" I'm gonna have to look elsewhere for file storage. ANYWAY...I hope you enjoy the music. Cheers.

07-29-2012, 04:51 AM
It's alright.

Anyway, it's nice to see that there's more tracks, because what I have has a couple missing. But I noticed that all the tracks sound slower compared to how they sound in the game. Was this on purpose or they came out that way?

07-30-2012, 12:03 AM
But I noticed that all the tracks sound slower compared to how they sound in the game. Was this on purpose or they came out that way?

Hmmm. Not sure why that would happen, DoDoRay. I extracted ALL the audio files on the disc (including the dialogue). Although I seperated the "music only" tracks from the rest I didn't notice any noticeable pitch issues (i.e. slowed down) with the voices. I didn't alter the tempo during the editing at all. I haven't actually played the game in quite a few years so if there IS any difference in tempo I probably wouldn't have noticed anyway. Maybe I'll break out the old PS2 and have a listen this week. Oh well. At least the new Peeje link hasn't tanked yet. Cheers!

11-30-2012, 01:33 PM
Hi, I would like to get this one but the link seems to be down. Any chances for a re-upload?

11-30-2012, 02:03 PM
"File does not exist" :(
If you can, please re-up at any site. Still, I may put down Halo and plug in the PS2 and revisit because you have sparked my memory, or lack of, for this game.

11-30-2012, 04:20 PM
Re-upped for erccn, 2gunaction and any other interested "mutant fighting" Marines! Enjoy! Cheers!

11-30-2012, 11:25 PM
Thank you Cratinus - your quick reply is greatly appreciated. I have just finished my second run through the game and your great rip will serve as an excellent reminder of the good time I had with it (IMHO, it is the most underrated game of the PS2 Survival Horror library). I have to agree with DodoRay tough, the tracks sound a bit slower than in game - but that's OK with me, as it they come out more sinister and suspenseful this way.

11-30-2012, 11:42 PM
Thank you Cratinus - your quick reply is greatly appreciated. I have just finished my second run through the game and your great rip will serve as an excellent reminder of the good time I had with it (IMHO, it is the most underrated game of the PS2 Survival Horror library). I have to agree with DodoRay tough, the tracks sound a bit slower than in game - but that's OK with me, as it they come out more sinister and suspenseful this way.

Glad I could help, erccn. I can't (for the life of me) figure out why the tempo of the songs is slower in my rip than during gameplay itself (as I did not alter the time signature at all). Oh well. Enjoy the music anyway. It's a good collection of musical moods from a pretty good (and underrated) game. Cheers!

12-01-2012, 02:11 AM
Christmas has come early!
Thank you very much!
Now, I AM digging that game out and playing again...after a listen first, of course.
Thanks again.

01-08-2013, 03:42 PM

01-08-2013, 09:08 PM
Re-upped for Fox09 and any other "Exterminationeers" out there! Cheers!

01-08-2013, 09:22 PM
I actually own the game disc and decided to give it a try a couple months ago. It has a classic and somewhat cliche set up for a survival horror title, but still can be pretty interesting.
It felt like the game had potential but overall the gameplay was not very deep and pretty straightforward. It would be nice to have more challenge - replenishing ammo at the armory basically gives you unlimited ammo, I'd like to be able to conserve each bullet you know, like in old Resident Evil titles.
Overall I didn't get to far, just to the point where you meet that chick in a yellow biohazard suit. Though I'm planning coming back to it and probably finishing up the journey.

07-20-2013, 06:57 PM
Oi something that I've came across just now is that the music from the game was officially released on one of compilation sets (8CDs): Legend of Game Music 2 ~Platinum Box~ (
Disc 3, tracks 68~75. Thought they are awfully short, but still, just thought it was worth a mention.

09-27-2013, 07:23 AM
The file was deleted... Could someone please re-upload the file?

11-02-2013, 06:33 AM
This is not the same thing as what the OP uploaded, but it should do for now:
Extermination PS2 rip by soundtrack1000 (

03-07-2014, 09:27 AM
Oi something that I've came across just now is that the music from the game was officially released on one of compilation sets (8CDs): Legend of Game Music 2 ~Platinum Box~ (
Disc 3, tracks 68~75. Thought they are awfully short, but still, just thought it was worth a mention.
Saw that too @vgmdb, but it turns out that this is NOT Sony's Extermination, but rather Taito's Extermination game from 1987.

Btw, no link on this thread is working.

03-07-2014, 09:31 AM
Saw that too @vgmdb, but it turns out that this is NOT Sony's Extermination, but rather Taito's Extermination game from 1987.

Btw, no link on this thread is working.
Ah yes you're right. I should've looked at other games' titles on those CDs and realized that they are from completely different era.

03-07-2014, 05:22 PM
Give me a day or two...I'll see what I can do regarding a re-up. Cheers!

03-07-2014, 07:29 PM
Re-upped for all you frozen mutant exterminators! Cheers!

03-07-2014, 10:45 PM
Thank you for re-upping so quickly :)

Edit 1: Which version is that of Candy Girl? Do we know the performers? I quite enjoy it. And why the hell this wasn't played during my end credits?!

Edit 2: Indeed, the tracks are about 10% slower in tempo (affects pitch too). For example, Candy Girl seems to be around 3:17 (youtube ( I'll try to find a quick way to alter the album's tempo back to what's close to the original.
Note: I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but during the game, there were many times when the voices 'slowed down' like a broken record. I thought it was my ps2 freaking out, but maybe it's bad programming. PAL user here.

03-07-2014, 11:12 PM
Thank you for re-upping so quickly :)

Edit 1: Which version is that of Candy Girl? Do we know the performers? I quite enjoy it. And why the hell this wasn't played during my end credits?!

Edit 2: Indeed, the tracks are about 10% slower in tempo (affects pitch too). I'll try to find a quick way to alter the album's tempo back to what's close to the original.
Note: I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but during the game, there were many times when the voices 'slowed down' like a broken record. I thought it was my ps2 freaking out, but maybe it's bad programming. PAL user here.

Not sure about Candy Girl (or who performed it). It was in the extracted audio file (and game) so I included it. I am still bewildered and befuddled regarding the tempo discrepancy. I didn't even notice it during the initial editing because all the other dialogue sections did not sound "slowed/pitched down" at all. Anyway,'s still a pretty good listen. Glad you enjoy it. Cheers!

03-09-2014, 01:47 PM

04-02-2014, 04:03 PM
I've yet to receive a reply from the OP so I'll just go ahead and post this for anyone interested :)

I've managed to correct the speed issue. Pitch+tempo have been altered approx. +8,8% per my exhausting calculations. I also applied a bit of normalization since many of the tracks were low on volume. Loading the files to audacity and converting again would be a transcode anyway, so I decided to convert to v0 as I do with all my rips. I didn't wanna mess with Cratinus' awesome titles, so I kept them. What I did add in the tags, was alternate titles in the comments tag so that you know when/where a track is played in the game, and based on that (with a little help from Eric Scott ('s descriptions), I re-arranged them as chronologically as possible (I finished the game a couple of months back so I did my best to remember the correct order). Total playtime now is 54:38, around ten minutes shorter.

01. Motoki Funayama - Distress At Fort Stewart
02. Motoki Funayama - Downtime
03. Motoki Funayama - Mutant Waiting
04. Motoki Funayama - Analysis Analogous
05. Motoki Funayama - Red Blood Red Alert
06. Motoki Funayama - No Time For Fear
07. Motoki Funayama - Confront Run Escape
08. Motoki Funayama - The Time Is Now
09. Motoki Funayama - Decisions Have Consequences
10. Motoki Funayama - Lament For The Lost
11. Motoki Funayama - Time For A Plan Dennis
12. Motoki Funayama - Respite & Reality
13. Motoki Funayama - DNA Does Not Agree
14. Motoki Funayama - Condition Critical
15. Motoki Funayama - Arm Your Detonators
16. Motoki Funayama - A Fight For The Memories
17. Motoki Funayama - Team Resolute
18. Motoki Funayama - Team Red Light
19. Motoki Funayama - On My Shoulders
20. Motoki Funayama - Action Ventilation Action
21. Motoki Funayama - Slimey Bacterial Bastard
22. Motoki Funayama - Tactics Take Precedence
23. Motoki Funayama - Saddle Up Marine
24. Motoki Funayama - A Revelation Unexpected
25. Motoki Funayama - Extermination
26. Motoki Funayama - Extermination End Game
27. Motoki Funayama - Candy Girl
TOTAL 54:38

Of course, all credits go to Cratinus for the initial extraction and editing! :)

As a bonus, I'm including game artwork and edited covers, screenshots and some video content; (1) the Extermination opening sequence, (2) the trailer and (3) the crappy ( ending from the NTSC version (unfortunately I could not find the PAL ending). Enjoy!

Extermination (!g5dVBSiQ!GHk3ZyPMBc1HhSQRRC7r-gPvHCtgXcQ2HctS7DBvIyE)

04-02-2014, 05:47 PM
Thank you, Croix-San.