01-24-2004, 08:32 PM
Well, looking at a lot of evidence, they're siblings. 1) Mainly, the designers have said that there is a relationship between the two, but it's not romantic. 2) They look similar. I mean very similar. Brother and sister similar. 3) Square have made a point of showing early on that Ashe is 2 years Vaan's senior. If they were the same age then that could've arsed things up a bit. 4) They're the same race, from the same Kingdom, Ashe is a princess (typical Lenna & Faris scenario...). What do you think ?

01-24-2004, 09:22 PM
Yes, it is possible, but many things are possible. Besides, I do not think they look that similar. And just that they come from the same kingdom does not mean they are related.
We don't have enough information on Vaan's family background yet, but he seems from his ideas etc fundamentally different than Ashe. A girl leading rebels fighting to become the rightful queen, and a boy that simply wants to be free... If they are siblings they probably don't know about each other, it would be very Star Wars-ish indeed, well...
Might be, might not be. I'd prefer it to be not true. Show us there's yet another way of not falling in love with one another! XD

Bahamut ZERO
01-27-2004, 09:17 AM
The sibling thing within Final Fantasy games works well - just look at Edgar and Sabin, and Lenna and Faris (or Reina and Faris, dependent on which version of the game you've played...) Also, not knowing that they are related might be cool, but having them know and be on opposite sides of the party for a while would be even better.

01-27-2004, 09:16 PM
The sibling idea sounds really cool but for what I read about on some Chinese website says Vaan and Ashe should fall in love and things like that, so yeah...

Well I'm cool with any kind of those ideas , as long as the storyline is nice and neat =]

01-28-2004, 09:13 PM
that was probably a rumor on that chinese site.

i dont really no whats going on. i usually listen to misao, cause she is a genius. :D but the suspense of what it will be, i juss wanna play the goddamn game. i want to no as much as i can. however, not knowing will make the game much better. so a general warning to some people. u mite not wanna no what happen! we will see anyway. kind of a repeat from ff8 maybe. u see rinoa in the beggining, but u learn later of her infatuation with seifer. that changes. hu know wut will happen in ff12? alrite the creators no, but thats not important.

01-31-2004, 03:01 PM
The man on FF XII looks like a girl, and the girl on FF XII, well, she lookin fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Guess my background pic of yuna will be replaced by her..

02-02-2004, 03:32 PM
this all sounds a bit like the Zidane - Dagger thing, ya know, thief - princess protagonists. but a bro - sis thing would be cool, different from all the post FFVI stuff anyway

02-02-2004, 04:10 PM
Originally posted www.rpgfan.com
In a Dorimaga interview, Isamu Kamikokuryou, who is in charge of Final Fantasy XII's background art, mentioned that its heroine, Ashe, will be the strongest female lead character in a Final Fantasy title to date, and also very individualistic.

02-27-2004, 08:33 AM
Im not to sure If vaan and ashe are related or anything but as far as design goes I think its some of Yoshida best work. Ive only seen the two lead charecters but Im sure the cast will be awsome. This games gonna rock!:)

03-03-2004, 05:16 AM
If Vaan and Ashe are indeed brother and sister, that doesn't rule out the love story- it just means they can't fall in love with each other. Unless Square wants to go all Angel Sanctuary on us. XD

I'd love to see a sibling relationship on par with Edgar and Sabin's.

03-04-2004, 09:45 PM
12 looks cool, but if the theory of Vann being a thief i dont like, i really didnt like the main character being a thief, Zidane was a thief and Locke (dunno if i spelt it correct) was also a thief, we dont really need another main character being a theif. I think the thief profession is ok but not the best.

03-24-2004, 10:02 AM
whatcha talkin bout? thieves rule!! zidane was a kickass theif, so was locke, i would love to see the old theif profesion to come back to a main character, theif's are beast!!

03-28-2004, 09:48 PM
Also Vaan is younger than Ashe because Vaan is only 17 yrs old while Ashe is 19 yrs old.... Ashe looks like a sister or big sissy to Vaan right??:D

04-04-2004, 03:32 PM
I think that the "brother-sister" theory is actually a pretty good one...

And I mean good as in possible, not good as in I want the leading male and leading female to be related... ;_;

I've always been very welcoming to different plot ideas as FF has advanced and evolved over the years, but there's something about the sibling thing that I just don't know if I could swallow....

hb smokey
04-04-2004, 04:20 PM
Well, Vaan and Ashe are indeed brother and sister.

04-12-2004, 07:49 PM
I don't think your 'sources' would be very happy if they knew you were telling us that. Plus, It's not in the early development stages its 70% complete! Of course, they'd still be able to change whatever they like I'm sure.

Tactical Error #5
04-13-2004, 01:54 AM
It seems quite likely enough that they would be brother and sister. We'll just have to face that as a possibility. Wasn't Terra the main character of ffVI?About the thief thing, it seems to happen at the end of a console's run... VI, IX, XII.

04-13-2004, 02:32 AM
There was no real main character of VI, though Terra and Celes are the only ones who would fit that role.

Ashe, will be the strongest female lead character in a Final Fantasy title to date, and also very individualistic.

Yay!!! Sexy and strong, just how I like 'em :P

05-10-2004, 03:57 PM
I dont really like the character desighns for Final Fantasy 12...
What happend to the colourfull characters that roamed the FF universe like in FF10? If you ask me, FF10 has the best character of all the FF games overall. Its a pitty that FFX-2 was such a dissapointment, because you didnt even get a chance to play with Wakka, Lulu or Kimari. Theire such great characters, why did Square-Enix leave them in the dark? And I didnt like the overall atmosphere of X-2. I fell in love with Yuna in FFX, but in X-2, she was just so childish, that goes for rikku aswell.
But back to my point. Vaan looks like a girl, Ashe looks exactly like Yuna in FFX, exept she doesnt have one blue and one green eye.The only characters I like though is Balfeur and that woman who has the rabbit ears. If anyone wants to talk to me about the FF games, please just e-mail me. My address is [email protected]

05-10-2004, 05:30 PM
We can talk with you in here.

Okay... I substract the bit about FFX-2 being boring... have heard that often enough, still find it stupid and am annoyed that I have to read it in a FFXII thread, too...
... I realize what you say is a) Ashe looks like Yuna... to which I reply... no. Something is different. I know some people only ever look as far as the hair colour, but she looks different enough, and that's only from a few pictures we've already seen. In the game she'll have her own way of talking, walking, her own kind of behaviour, and we'll probably realize that their personalities are a lot different... and Ashe will look Ashe. Nothing else.

The thing about the colours may be true, but it's a silly thing to complain about. Sure colours rock, but to me the characters of FFXII as far as we know them look good, the designs please my eyes... There are some bright colours, the pink of Ashe's skirt, the yellow and blue of Penelo's suit, and I'm not even talking about rings that Balflare wears on his fingers!
As long as it looks pretty, who cares that earlier FF games looked pretty with their bright colours? FFXII is beautiful in its own way. That's all that counts.

Ereptor Eximius
07-14-2004, 01:22 PM
Well, first off, I for one believe the theory of Vaan and Ashe being siblings. They both have blonde hair and bluish-grey eyes, with several other similair features. It's not like Square hasn't been known to use Star Wars Cliches before (Necron's speech, Biggs & Wedge, The whole FFX Father-son thing, etc.) The only thing that gets me is that it isn't like Square to make their plot twists so obvious, so I guess we'll have to wait and see...

As for Ashe being the strongest FF Female to date....well...just take a look at her sword for godssake!

08-02-2004, 01:54 AM
I think FFXII will be better than FFX. I mean with no more turn-base battling and all..That will definetely be an improvement! Also, mabe Ashe won't be a goody-two-shoes Like most of the FF heroines..And she looks cool too.

08-03-2004, 05:00 AM
Ashe is the sole daughter of the king of Dalmaska and hence the next inline to the throne. Following the invasion of her country, she becomes the leader of the resistance against the Empire. During a wild pursuit, she loses one companion after the other. Despite her desperate situation, she still hasn't lost the pride of a princess. In this situation she meets Vaan, and before long loses her heart to him.

Looks like they won't be brother and sister after all. =/

But who knows? Square might surprise us yet.

hb smokey
08-03-2004, 06:18 AM
But I don't see how that clarifies that they aren't brother and sister. I still believe that once you play it, you will find out that Vaan and Ashe are siblings.

08-03-2004, 08:20 AM
Well, it would certainly be weird if she fell in love with Vaan, only to discover he was her sibling.

But it would make for quite an interesting twist.

Blue Cat
08-07-2004, 01:51 PM
My personal opinion is that they ARE NOT siblings :)
The reason I say this is because in the FF12 trailers you see a parade for Ashe and a mysterious man (also wearing royal gear). Theoretically if Ashe was to have a brother, he would be heir to the throne, and not her. It's simply the way it works in fantasy (its a sexist style sometimes). This is of course unless he was younger (yes, which Vaan is) but my point is...

The boy she stands with on the float down the parade certainly looks like her brother. He doesnt show much attention to her (in a loving way, more in a sibling way) and wears royal wear whilst not being of great importance. He seems of equal importance to Ashe. It's not Vaan either.
That man has to be her brother.

It is possible that Vaan may have interests in Penelo (theyre closer ages and seem right for each other). Penelo is also Vaans childhood friend and they are very close to begin with. (But... this is starting to sound like Cloud x Tifa x Aerith)

Ashe wont fall in love with anyone. Not anymore than a friend. Why? Because it's her duty to fight for her people, and she will not be swayed from this thought. Shes a true Warrior. The only love interests here will be Penelo x Vaan and/or Fran x Balthier.

Besides, Vaan travels with Basch!! Basch killed Ashes father, the king! I mean come on, as if she isn't gonna get her back up about that one.

On the other hand - Basch also killed Vaans brother, so Ashe and Vaan might find a liking to each other through the fact theyve both been damaged by Basch.

Its all one big mystery.

[/end rant]

EDIT: The guy on the float with Ashe is also the leading Soldier of their army it seems. Maybe she was on the float showing her support towards the army. It's strange this character hasnt been introduced by square enix yet, he seems to be a rather important character. I also read Ashe is the SOLE child of the king. So that throws the sibling idea out the window too. lol.

terra child
08-11-2004, 11:59 PM
The game is probably gonna lead you to believe that they aren't related in any way, but near the end of the game as the story unfolds the whole bro sis thing will bust out