07-23-2012, 12:35 AM
Hans Zimmer's innovative new music app which adjusts itself to your life. Although all tracks are available in manual mode.

App Link via iTunes Store (http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-dark-knight-rises-z+/id542656871?mt=8):

Official Site (http://darkknightrises.rjdj.me/)

It's pretty easy to rip the music, all you need is a direct line input into your computer from your mobile device. All the tracks are already suites.

Trouble for some people is that the bulk of the music is part of a 21 part internal app purchase, "Origins". Two other tracks are separate internal purchases: "Gotham City By Night+" & "Gotham City+".

I'd like to see this eventually show up on here.

07-23-2012, 12:58 AM
Already has, earlier in the week... 2 different uploads. On teh first page.

07-23-2012, 01:05 PM

I did do a search, but that thread didn't show up (and even now it still isn't; haven't even found the second thread). All I saw being posted was the score release.

Here's the link for Future Users:
Thread 118368