01-17-2002, 12:46 PM
Okay, it's survey time :D Tell the world what are your favourite and least favourite things about FF7. These are the questions:

Fav. character:
Fav. materia:
Fav. place/location:
Fav. NPC (non-playable character):
Fav. boss:
Fav. enemy:
Fav. bad guy:
Fav. weapon

Least fav. character
Least fav. materia
Least fav. place/location
Least fav. NPC:
Least fav. boss
Least fav. enemy
Least fav. bad guy:
Least fav. weapon:

I'll post mine later ;)

01-17-2002, 04:51 PM
Fav. character: Vincent
Fav. materia: Enemy Skill (variety of stuff)/Contain
Fav. place/location: I liked Cosmo Canyon and Costa Del Sol
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): Jesse
Fav. boss: Ultima Weapon
Fav. enemy: Magic Pots ;)
Fav. bad guy: Elena
Fav. weapon: Death Penalty

Least fav. character: Cait Sith
Least fav. materia: Elemental
Least fav. place/location: Nibelheim (f**king annoying music)
Least fav. NPC: Old Man (in that Mythril cave)
Least fav. boss: Carry Armor
Least fav. enemy: Fangs
Least fav. bad guy: Heidegger
Least fav. weapon: Final Heaven (for some reason it was REALLY WEAK with Tifa at level 65ish)

That's my dis/likes. :D

01-17-2002, 06:29 PM
Fav. character: Cloud Strife
Fav. materia: Cure(can't live without this), and All(for the dough)
Fav. place/location: Midgar, Nibelium
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): Ruby and Emerald weapons
Fav. boss: Ruby and Emerald weapons
Fav. enemy: Ruby and Emerald weapons
Fav. bad guy: Ruby and Emerald Weapons
Fav. weapon: Buster sword and Ultimate weapon

Least fav. character: sorry, Caith Sith
Least fav. materia: Underwater(don't need this since it takes 3-5 minutes to beat emerald)
Least fav. place/location: um... the bird statue place... what's it called again?
Least fav. NPC: Palmer
Least fav. boss: like them all
Least fav. enemy: Rufus
Least fav. bad guy: hate them all
Least fav. weapon: like them all

By the way, final heaven's power depends on Tifa's limit break. Just fill up the limit bar before going to fight bosses

01-17-2002, 07:02 PM
Fav. character: Vincent
Fav. materia: Enemy Skill/ Master Summon
Fav. place/location: Midgar and Junon
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): the Don xD
Fav. boss: Ruby Weapon
Fav. enemy: Dragons
Fav. bad guy: Rufus
Fav. weapon: Ultima Weapon

Least fav. character: Cait Sith
Least fav. materia: Elemental
Least fav. place/location: Kalm
Least fav. NPC: That girl you meet in Junon
Least fav. boss: Jenova (All forms)
Least fav. enemy: ?? =/
Least fav. bad guy: Heidegger
Least fav. weapon: Premium Heart

Tadaaa :D

01-17-2002, 08:50 PM
Perfect, here's my list:D

Fav. character: Cloud
Fav. materia: Contain
Fav. place/location: Midgar
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): Zack
Fav. boss: The Turks
Fav. enemy: Red Dragon
Fav. bad guy: Reno
Fav. weapon: Ragnarok

Least fav. character: Cait Sith
Least fav. materia: Throw
Least fav. place/location: Gongaga
Least fav. NPC: Mukki
Least fav. boss: Rapps
Least fav. enemy: Malboro
Least fav. bad guy: Scarlett
Least fav. weapon: Red XII's weapons :)

01-17-2002, 11:30 PM
Fav. character: Cloud
Fav. materia: Master magic
Fav. place/location: Costa Del sol /midgar
Fav. NPC: Dyne
Fav. boss: Ruby Weapon
Fav. enemy: Sephiroth
Fav. bad guy: Palmer
Fav. weapon: Nail Bat

Least fav. character: Cait Sith
Least fav. materia: Hp<>mp
Least fav. place/location: Great Glacier
Least fav. NPC: Don Corneo
Least fav. boss : Materia Keeper
Least fav. enemy :Hojo
Least fav. bad guy: Hojo
Least fav. weapon: Pinwheel

01-18-2002, 05:51 AM
<FONT SIZE="2" COLOR="#113399" FACE="mirror">Fav. character: cloud
Fav. materia: master summon or mime
Fav. place/location: gold sauser
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): sephroth
Fav. boss: jenova death
Fav. enemy: ruby weapon
Fav. bad guy: seph
Fav. weapon: ruby

Least fav. character: cait sith
Least fav. materia: mp\hp switch
Least fav. place/location: last doungeon
Least fav. NPC: hiddegger or whatever
Least fav. boss: the one in cosmo
Least fav. enemy: master tournbie
Least fav. bad guy: WTF! same thing as enemy or NPC
Least fav. weapon: saphire...cuz you cant fuckin fight him! </FONT>

01-18-2002, 10:54 AM
Fav. character: Cloud Strife
Fav. materia: Bahamut-ZERO
Fav. place/location: Cosmo Canyon
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): Bugenhagen
Fav. boss: Proud Clod
Fav. enemy: Ruby Dragon (no, that's not a typo...i MEANT dragon)
Fav. bad guy: Any of the Turks :)
Fav. weapon: Ultima WEAPON

Least fav. character: Yuffie Kisaragi. Stealing little b*tch >=(
Least fav. materia: Ultima. So disappointing.
Least fav. place/location: Midgar Slums.
Least fav. NPC: The Mayor of Midgar
Least fav. boss: Materia Keeper/Carry Armour
Least fav. enemy: Anything that doesn't give me good stuff >=(
Least fav. bad guy: Sephiroth. He killed... ;_;
Least fav. weapon: Omega. 'cause he ain't in the game.

01-18-2002, 11:16 AM
<font color=2670A8 face=tahoma size=2>There are alot of things that I don't really remember. Heh, I couldn't even beat the game after trying more than five times. =|

<B>Fav. character:</B> Vincent Valentine.
<B>Fav. materia: Cure.
<B>Fav. place/location:</B> Midgar.
<B>Fav. NPC (non-playable character): </B>Merlene (or what's her name?)
<B>Fav. boss:</B> Jenova.
<B>Fav. enemy: Sephiroth. ^_~
<B>Fav. bad guy: Reno.
<B>Fav. weapon:</B> Err.. sword?

<B>Least fav. character: Yuffie.
<B>Least fav. materia: Eh, Demi?
<B>Least fav. place/location: That coast city thing..
<B>Least fav. NPC: Palmer.
<B>Least fav. boss:</B> Carry Armor.
<B>Least fav. enemy:</B> Er?
<B>Least fav. bad guy:</B> Hmm.. I could list alot but I don't understand the question. xD
<B>Least fav. weapon:: Fist?


01-18-2002, 12:22 PM
Fav. character: CLOUD!!!!!!!!!
Fav. materia: Enemy Skill
Fav. place/location: Midgar
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): Reno
Fav. boss: Ultima Weapon
Fav. enemy: Prolly...................Dragon Zombie (Isn't it cute?)
Fav. bad guy: Rufus
Fav. weapon: Apocalypse

Least fav. character: Cait Sith by far
Least fav. materia: Cover
Least fav. place/location: Cosmo Canyon
Least fav. NPC: Reeve (cause he made Cait Sith)
Least fav. boss: Scorpion Guard
Least fav. enemy: Magic pots (annoying)
Least fav. bad guy: Rude
Least fav. weapon: Any of the Megaphones (Cait Sith's weapons)

01-18-2002, 02:03 PM
Fav. character: Vincent
Fav. materia: Elemental
Fav. place/location: Midgar and the Icicle area
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): Reno or Scarlet.. can't choose XD
Fav. boss: The Turks :D
Fav. enemy: Those things that send sparks in the woods near Junon... Great limit break raisers in the begin of the game =P
Fav. bad guy: Reno
Fav. weapon: Conformer

Least fav. character: Cait Sith
Least fav. materia: HP <-> MP
Least fav. place/location: Fort Condor
Least fav. NPC: Zack
Least fav. boss: Demon Gate
Least fav. enemy: Ama-blabla.. The turle thing on the beach (Wutai)
Least fav. bad guy: Sephiroth
Least fav. weapon: Barret's weapons XD

01-19-2002, 03:06 AM
Fav. character: Cloud
Fav. materia: Mini
Fav. place/location: Midgar
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): Rude
Fav. boss: Rufus
Fav. enemy: Sephrioth
Fav. bad guy: Septhriorth
Fav. weapon : all the orginal

Least fav. character: Cait Seth
Least fav. materia : don't think I have one
Least fav. place/location: any place not in a city
Least fav. NPC: That Truk girl(can't remember her name)
Least fav. boss : that robot 6 arm thing
Least fav. enemy: don't have one
Least fav. bad guy: don't have one
Least fav. weapon: don't have one

01-22-2002, 11:27 AM
forest near cosmo canyon , whats it called
materia keeper
magic pot
buster sword

cait sith
rufus, what a fag!
any of red's weapons :mad:

01-22-2002, 02:54 PM
Fav. character: Nanaki
Fav. materia: Contain
Fav. place/location: Cosmo Canyon
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): Palmer
Fav. boss: Materia Keeper
Fav. enemy: Icicle
Fav. bad guy: Palmer
Fav. weapon: dunno

Least fav. character: Cait Sith
Least fav. materia: Transform
Least fav. place/location: Gold Saucer
Least fav. NPC: Don Corneo
Least fav. boss: Godo (sooo annoying)
Least fav. enemy: Icicle
Least fav. bad guy: Scarlet
Least fav. weapon: dunno

01-22-2002, 03:34 PM
Fav. character: vincent
Fav. materia: contain
Fav. place/location: Mideel
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): sephy(if he counts)
Fav. boss: ruby weopon(so challenging)
Fav. enemy: iron giants
Fav. bad guy: sephy
Fav. weapon: ruby

Least fav. character: cait sith
Least fav. materia: cover
Least fav. place/location: mideel(enemies are so weak)
Least fav. NPC: don corneo
Least fav. boss: don's bird thing
Least fav. enemy: midgar zolom(so strong yet no exp)
Least fav. bad guy: don
Least fav. weapon: weak no growths

01-22-2002, 04:06 PM
Fav. character: Vincent
Fav. materia: Contain
Fav. place/location: Costa Del Sol(Beach,hmmmm)
Fav. NPC(non-playable character): Elena
Fav. Boss: Ruby weapon(HARD)
Fav. enemy: Red dragon
Fav. bad guy: Sephiroth
Fav. weapon: Ragnarok

Least fav.character: Cith Sith
Least fav. materia : Mini
Least fav. place/location: Midgar
Least fav. NPC: Bugenhagen
Least fav. boss: Jenova(All forms)
Least fav. enemy: That Giant Snake near Midgar.
Least fav. bad guy: Don Corneo
Least fav. weapon: Cait Sith's weapon.

01-22-2002, 04:38 PM
Fav. character: Aeris
Fav. materia: Counter Attack
Fav. place/location: Gold Saucer
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): not sure, it's been a while since I've played the game.
Fav. boss: Emerald
Fav. enemy: Magic Pot :)
Fav. bad guy: Sephiroth
Fav. weapon: can't remember its name; Cloud's sword with triple growth.

Least fav. character: Yuffie
Least fav. materia: HP<->MP
Least fav. place/location: The bug/frog forest
Least fav. NPC: Hojo
Least fav. boss: not sure
Least fav. enemy: not sure
Least fav. bad guy: Hojo
Least fav. weapon: not sure

01-23-2002, 12:33 AM
Fav. character: Cid Highwind
Fav. materia: Err... Master summon
Fav. place/location: Mideel
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): Rufus
Fav. boss: Emerald Wepon
Fav. enemy: Magic Pots
Fav. bad guy: Palmer
Fav. weapon: Rune Blade

Least fav. character: Cait Sith
Least fav. materia: Elemental
Least fav. place/location: Northern Crater(Boring except worth it for magic pots)
Least fav. NPC: Priscilla (Little b***h who needs to get a life and stop dreaming)
Least fav. boss : Sephiroth (Disappointingly Easy)
Least fav. enemy : Those frogs
Least fav. bad guy: Hojo
Least fav. weapon: Those crap megaphones!!!

01-23-2002, 10:10 AM
Fav. character: Vincent Valentine
Fav. materia: All
Fav. place/location: Rocket Town
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): Sephiroth
Fav. boss: Safer Sephiroth
Fav. enemy: don't know
Fav. bad guy: Sephiroth
Fav. weapon: Emerald

Least fav. character: Cait Shit...ahum Sith
Least fav. materia: luck plus
Least fav. place/location: Midgar
Least fav. NPC: Tseng
Least fav. boss: Reno (1:st battle)
Least fav. enemy: don't know
Least fav. bad guy: Tseng
Least fav. weapon: Diamond

03-23-2002, 03:16 AM
Fav. character: Cloud And Aeris
Fav. materia: Summon
Fav. place/location: Midgar, Costa Del Sol, and Icicle Inn
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): Reno
Fav. boss: Sephiroth (human form, 3rd fight. VERY last of the game)
Fav. enemy: House of Hell (the toy house that can fight in Midgar XD)
Fav. bad guy: Sephiroth
Fav. weapon: Ultima Weapon (And Cid's Mop, for laughs)

Least fav. character: Caitsith (I like all the characters, but him in the least)
Least fav. materia: All Materia, Cover Materia
Least fav. place/location: City of the Ancients (It's beautiful yet it brings tears to my eyes :( )
Least fav. NPC: N/A
Least fav. boss: Proud Clod (thing took me forever)
Least fav. enemy: Rufus (the dufus! XD)
Least fav. bad guy: Again, Rufus
Least fav. weapon::Any of Tifa's weapons, really..

03-23-2002, 03:20 AM
:mad: i dont wanna answer all the questins, so fav. charac. cid

03-23-2002, 03:53 AM
Fav. character: Cloud
Fav. Materia: All
Fav. place/location: Gold Saucer, Midgar, Costa Del Sol
Fav. NPC: Bugenhagen
Fav. boss: Hojo last form
Fav. enemy: Unknown (the tongue dude)
Fav. bad guy: Rufus
Fav. weapon: Yuffies Rising Sun(looks cool)

Least fav. character: Aeris
Least fav. Materia: Sense
Least fav. place/location: That one desert prison at the bottom of Gold Saucer
Least fav. NPC: Heidegger
Least fav. Boss: GodoLeast fav. enemy: Adamantai (sp?)
Least fav. bad guy: Don Cornio
Least fav. weapon: Barrets little scissor hand thing.

03-23-2002, 05:48 AM
Fav. character: Tifa
Fav. materia: Knights of the Round
Fav. place/location: Costa Del Sol
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): Palmer or the "Don"
Fav. boss: Jenova
Fav. enemy: Behemoth
Fav. bad guy: Sephiroth
Fav. weapon: Sephy's Muramasume

Least fav. character: Cait Sith
Least fav. materia: Fire
Least fav. place/location: The Temple of the Ancients
Least fav. NPC: Hojo
Least fav. boss: Lost Number
Least fav. enemy: Bomb
Least fav. bad guy: Heidegger
Least fav. weapon: Any of Cait Sith's Mega phone crap

03-23-2002, 05:52 AM
Fav. character: Cid.
Fav. materia: Master Magic & Summon hehe :D , If not then id say enemy skill.
Fav. place/location: City of Ancients ( awsome music ) / Midgar.
Fav. NPC (non-playable character): The highwind pilot he r0x0r! ;)
Fav. boss: Gi - Nattak ( Easiest boss. give it a phenix down or cast life on it and poof battle done. )
Fav. enemy: Rude and Reno
Fav. bad guy: Heidegar ( GYA HA HA ) He was sinister. :D
Fav. weapon : Mop! lol cid ownz!

Least fav. character : Aeris..she dies to damn quick.
Least fav. materia : Comet ( it looks kinda gay and its weaker then meteor rain. )
Least fav. place/location : Nibelheim ( it was dumb! )
Least fav. NPC: Didnt have one..the chars were pretty cool.
Least fav. boss : Hojo
Least fav. enemy : Hojo LoL
Least fav. bad guy: Didnt you ask this already!? :confused:
Least fav. weapon: LoL all the megaphones although it would be funny to watch a cat scream at the ruby weapon in live action through a megaphone :eye:

03-26-2002, 04:35 PM

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
03-27-2002, 09:02 PM
Fav: character: Red XIII.
Fav: materia: Knights Of The Round.
Fav: place/location: Cosmo Canyon.
Fav: NPC: Buganhagen.
Fav: boss: Safer Sephiroth.
Fav: enemy: King Dragon.
Fav: bad guy: Sephiroth.
Fav: weapon: Apocalypse.

Least fav: character: Aeris.
Least fav: materia: Hp<--->Mp.
Least fav: place/location: Bone Village.
Least fav: NPC: Heidegger.
Least fav: boss : Airbuster.
Least fav: enemy : Marlboro.
Least fav: bad guy: Hojo.
Least fav: weapon: Any of Aeris's shit!