01-23-2004, 03:48 PM
Ok who would be better at fighting using there skills ie:

Zells or Tifa=fighting

Cloud or Squall=sword skills

Irvine or Barret=guns

Aries or Edea(kinda)=magic.........essence(dunno how to say aries without spoilers)

angelo or redXIII=Biting or jumping through people...

selphie and quistis i think dont have others but if u know any from ff7 plz say so.

Ark Mune
01-23-2004, 07:06 PM
I haven't really played ff8 much, but watched alot of it so i would say tifa over zells.
Cloud and squall are kind of close but i like cloud a lot more.

Barret would own Irvine with his big as chain guns.

Aries or Edea i have no clue. :confused:

angelo or redXIII, i would say RedXIII because he is a machine (not literally of course)

01-24-2004, 03:54 AM
Tifa would own
Cloud and Seifer would own
Irvine own
Aeris own
Neither...they would destroy each other at the same time.

01-25-2004, 08:48 AM
Tifa wud beat Zell
Cloud an Squall will draw
irvin wud beat barret

02-10-2004, 04:42 AM
cloud would easily beat sqaull..............squall is tooo slow.i can make sumthing to eat by the time squall attacks and clouds omnislash will atke on anything!!!!!!!! end of discussion.

Tactical Error #5
02-11-2004, 04:32 PM
What about...

Also, a closer match would be...
Irvine-Vincent= Shotgun

Of course there is no question on this one but...

02-11-2004, 05:27 PM
Vincent would cream Irvine as a mutant

angelo would be Nanaki's b$%^&

have to say Edea or Adel or Ultemicia (all same magic person to me) would cream Aeris cause her only cause is to supply the holy materia...

Cloud and Squall is a terrible matchup cause they're both so great and i hate to mark it a draw so Squall gets my vote cause his cutscenes are more real and exciting and going against Bahamut in the Undersea Laboratory with Lionheart just blew me away

c'mon now: Yuffie would have bound Rinoa to the face of the mountain behind Wu Tai before she could say 'angelo!'

02-12-2004, 04:46 AM
Originally posted by FFFanatic

irvin wud beat barret

irvine beat barret?!?! since when?never

02-14-2004, 12:26 AM
1)Zell or Tifa=fighting
-It would be a tough battle, but i think Zell would win this match

2)Cloud or Squall=sword skills
-It would be a draw

3)Irvine or Barret or Vincent=guns
-Totally Barret, his Limit Break is far off better than both of 'em

4)Aries or Edea=magic
-Dunno about these two :eye:

5)Angelo or RedXIII=Biting or jumping through people...
-Red XIII would win easily

6)Rinoa or Yuffie=Long Distance
-I'd say Yuffie would win this battle against Rinoa, cause she has more training than Rinoa does (meaning skills)

7)Selphie or Quistis or Cid=other weapons
-Selphie would win this battle against cause og her Limit Break is way off better than Cid and Quistis