07-17-2012, 04:25 AM
Does such a disc exist I have heard rumors but never seen one??

07-17-2012, 06:31 PM
i would be inetested in this as well. i have lying around somewhere the complete one from TK, but that's it

07-17-2012, 10:34 PM
Does such a disc exist I have heard rumors but never seen one??

It does but its got nothing exclusive on it.

07-18-2012, 06:45 PM
Is this explanation ( enough?

07-18-2012, 09:52 PM
Is this explanation ( enough?

There's still an FYC, which some people would like to have. Especially those that collect them. I have seen it on eBay, it exists

07-19-2012, 08:41 AM
Found it.

The Bank Robbery (5:26)
Blood On My Hands (2:17)
Watch The World Burn (3:48)
A Little Push (2:37)
And I Thought My Jokes Were Bad (2:29)
Agent of Chaos (6:55)
More Gloomy Noise (1:18)
More Droning Textures (4:18)

code: FYC BAFTA / 7706 DARK

Nothing new...

07-19-2012, 08:43 AM
Lol. Quite the Zimmer-hater lately, ben.

07-19-2012, 09:21 AM
Nonsense. You know that... I think it's sad because I've heard his music a long time.
Unfortunately, his work in recent years has become increasingly worse. After each score, he promised "Now things will get better." Unfortunately, no.
With hatred has nothing to do. I'm annoyed and I'm just not ready to apologize a lack of quality long term. He wants that we buy his CD's? But not so.

The lack of quality and the more than questionable sales strategy shows a lack of respect towards his fans. Ticket bonus, several editions with different content,
whacky remixes and now this "super exclusive" iphone app. Should we buy these things? ONE edition with full content. Point.
Everything else is making money at the expense of the fans.

And obviously I'm not the only one who thinks so.

"Nothing new..." is a quote from the fyc cd owner, I've never heard the promo tracks.

07-19-2012, 10:47 AM
Nonsense. You know that... I think it's sad because I've heard his music a long time.
Unfortunately, his work in recent years has become increasingly worse. After each score, he promised "Now things will get better." Unfortunately, no.
With hatred has nothing to do. I'm annoyed and I'm just not ready to apologize a lack of quality long term. He wants that we buy his CD's? But not so.

The lack of quality and the more than questionable sales strategy shows a lack of respect towards his fans. Ticket bonus, several editions with different content,
whacky remixes and now this "super exclusive" iphone app. Should we buy these things? ONE edition with full content. Point.
Everything else is making money at the expense of the fans.

And obviously I'm not the only one who thinks so.

"Nothing new..." is a quote from the fyc cd owner, I've never heard the promo tracks.

Count me in on that. It's insane that Batman fans are going crazy over this score which for lack of better terms is a less than savvy remixes aimed at only making profits. It is definitely not a step up from the previous works he made which unfortunately has some other names to be credited for though im afraid may not have gone that far in recognizing their contributions for that matter. It's understandable the way fanatics would take blindly and even might called this a masterpiece is to be expected, what else is new. For all I care the man could be smiling right now thinking that even his mediocre/ less than inspired works is being treated highly like a royalty. LOL

I've got nothing against him but when people goes ape crazy over something that is not what it really is, I can't help but voiced out my opinion say my piece or forever be silenced.

07-20-2012, 12:32 AM
Nonsense. You know that... I think it's sad because I've heard his music a long time

Oh I know buddy, wasn't being serious :)

You are right on about the different editions. Give us one CD - even if you have to download extra tracks, at least make them the same as on other versions (i.e. no iTunes exclusive) and make them available in lossless or MP3. None of this 128k stuff or 96kbps from an app that not everyone can get.

Or better - spend the extra cash and release a 2CD set right away. The cost of pressing a 2CD set is actually hardly any different to pressing a 1CD set.

07-20-2012, 03:08 AM
i am totally in agreement. having to track down the various "exclusive" tracks is just a push towards piracy - in 6 months, the only place youll be able to get them is that. (tosay nothing of never having a proper quality version of the song).

07-20-2012, 11:32 PM
Back to the topic can anyone up the FYC version please or a link? thanks

07-20-2012, 11:35 PM
I think I can. Give me some time.

07-21-2012, 03:26 AM
I think I can. Give me some time.

anxiously waiting :D