07-13-2012, 03:37 PM
does anyone have this

In 1969, the great Alfred Hitchcock made a secret dream come true when he filmed a real-world James Bond in an adaptation of the best-selling Topaz espionage-novel which dealt with the unmasking of a Russian mole inside France's Secret Service. With a solid plot, an international cast and location-shooting in New York, Washington, Paris, Copenhagen and Havana, the master filmmaker had everything he needed except for a composer to replace Bernard Herrmann � their split during the filming of Torn Curtain was irremediable. Hitchcock's composer for Topaz would be Maurice Jarre, who'd moved to Los Angeles five years previously and now had two Oscars to his credit. "I was quite worried, overawed even, at the idea of working with such a legend," said Jarre. "The stamp left by Bernard Herrmann was so strong that I wondered whether I'd be capable of stepping in." Not only was he capable, but Topaz turned out to be a pure concentrate of Maurice Jarre's talents: an instrumental Meccano construction � Ondes Martenot, zither, synthesizer and accordion � of heady melodies which are almost obsessive, plunging dizzily into traditional Cuban rhythms. But above all it is a great unknown score whose melancholy and sad lyricism win out over the spy-thriller elements of the film. Specially restored from the original master-tapes, Jarre's music from Topaz is available here in its complete version for the first time: until today, it was one of the last, great Hitchcock soundtracks to remain unissued. It's a must for both Jarre aficionados and every fan of the master of suspense.
1. Russian March (Opening Credits)
2. Main Title from Topaz
3. French Embassy
4. The Farewell to Juanita
5. Welcome to Cuba
6. Deadly Appointment
7. Love Theme for Juanita de Cordoba
8. From Copenhagen to Washington
9. Suspicion
10. The Hidden Microfilm
11. Betrayal
12. Secret Identity
13. Topaz (Conclusion)
14. Russian March (Version 2)

07-13-2012, 08:43 PM
Yes I do.

07-17-2012, 02:14 AM
It's no Bernard Herrmann ... but Jarre can do some nice from time to time. :)

07-19-2012, 05:23 PM
Request for upload! Would be greatly appreciated!

09-16-2012, 01:14 PM
no links added ?

10-06-2012, 03:30 PM
Topaz Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Universal Music) (1969) (2012) (112MB)

TOMPSMJ6912.rar | Game Front (http://www.gamefront.com/files/22337099/TOMPSMJ6912.rar)

10-06-2012, 04:23 PM
Thank you, Wildwood!