01-22-2004, 08:13 PM
we're compiling a "hints, tips and tricks" section for FF X-2.

so post any interesting tricks that you may have stumbled across during the course of the game. we don't want obvious things (like "save often!" or something along those lines).

they should be similar to the hints found here (

you'll be credited on the page once it's done. please try to make them as professional as possible: proper spelling, grammar, etc. thanks!

01-23-2004, 01:55 AM
I will help out with some hints and stuff once I start working on the FFX-2 stuff.


Before you touch any Hotspots in each chapter, go to each area to be sure that you don't miss anything useful or helpful. It'll help you in the long run as you might find Dress Spheres and it'll also help you get 100% complete on your second or third time around.

Vivi FF
01-23-2004, 08:07 PM
When you are in an unsure place, it's best to make sure your better dress spheres are equipped and/or easily accessible from your current dress sphere. Encountering a really tough monster or boss when you're in the middle of learning abilities for a party consisting of a White Mage, Black Mage, and Songstress could prove deadly.

When placing dress spheres on a Garmet Grid, it's best to make sure your best dress sphere (Dark Knight, Mascot) is on there somewhere as well as a curative dress sphere (White Mage, Alchemist). It would be wise to have Gun Mages in case you encounter a fiend with a Blue Bullet spell.

Because you have only three party members, you should always have no more than 3 of any piece fo equipment. Some are understandable as two equipped would give more bonuses (ie. equipping two Hyper Wrists will give you +80 in Strength, +40 for each). However, some cannot be doubled up (ie. Star Pendants cause you can't guard against posion for twice as much). So you should sell any excess equipment, including outdated ones (Why have 3 HP +20% accessories, when you have 3 HP +100%?).

To obtain a large amount of cash (probably for paying of O'aka's debt), head over to Guadosalem in Chapter 2 (becareful you don't start up Hotspot mission). Save your game, then go to the Inn Keeper and ask to buy some new data. The data costs 10,000 gil, but you'll be able to sell it a specific person in Guadosalem based on a clue. If his clue is "The person you least expect" then that's what we're looking for. If not, reset and load up the game again and try again. Once you get that clue, sell the data to the innkeeper. He'll give you 100,000 gil for it, ironically, giving you a 90,000 profit! With all that money, you can buy 99 of everything at O'aka's in order to reduce his debt. Note: Once you pay off his debt, you'll be able to buy really cheap from him, and sell for much more gil to Barkeep. Do this a few times to get even more gil!

If you have trouble leveling up, obtain the Lady Luck dressphere and learn the Double EXP. ability. Trust me, this really does help out with levels! Note: Only the character w/LL equiped w/that ability will recieve twice as much EXP.

01-23-2004, 09:38 PM
These are ported from my submissions to NeoSeeker:

Easy Win Against Aeons

In order to win the battles against most of the aeons easily, just go into the battle with all three of your characters as an Alchemist. You get the Alchemist dressphere by clearing out the fiends in the area that Clasko chooses for his chocobo ranch.

Once you're in the battle, just use "Mix" and mix two elemental Gems of the type that the particular aeon is weak against. Have each character to this and the aeon should go down before they can even really get off any good attack on you.

Ifrit - Ice Gem
Ixion - Water Gem
Shiva - Fire Gem

You can get these elemental gems by winning battles against various fiends that like to use attacks of those elements. Assuming you've been battling all around Spira, then you should have a fair amount of each of them in your stock.

Score High on Beclem's Gunner's Gauntlet

Beginning in Chapter 2, you have the option to play a mini-game at Besaid Island called "Gunner's Gauntlet." A character named Beclem who is training the Aurochs, who have all the joined Youth League, challenges Yuna to participate in this mini-game as a way to prove her worth. It is necessary to at least participate in this mini-game in order to get Episode Complete in Besaid and to get at least 500 points in order get story completion. Of course, what you really want is to score high. Here's how:

- Watch for special ammo that will help you to shoot the fiends faster. Special ammo includes Double-Shot, Death-Shot and Volley-Shot. You can also find Quickshot items that increase the speed at which you shoot, items that increase Yuna's HP and items that let you upgrade two of one ammo into one of the next highest level of ammo. Some of these don't become available until you reach higher levels of the game.

- Every so often, Yuna has to stop shooting to wait for a reload. As long as you time carefully and keep a resonably safe distance between Yuna and the enemies, you should be fine.

- Gain higher levels by getting better scores to find more fiends on the course, get more types of ammo and score a prize for each level you reach. The prizes are anything from Garment Grids all the way to the unique accessory Adamantite.

- Here is a blow-by-blow strategy of how to approach the course in order to score the big points:

- You won't be able to max out at Level 10 the first time you play through. Score as high as you can, gain some levels and then play again.

- On the first screen, you'll find several stationary lupine monsters. Fire away them by locking on with Circle and firing with X. Collect the treasure chests that they drop to pick up more ammo. At higher levels, there will also be lupines coming out from the center path. Save at least five shots to take out one of these and make sure it's close enough to Yuna that you can reach the treasure chest. Then grab any remaining treasure chests and exit to the next screen before another can show up.

- On the next screen, just take out the fiends as they appear, moving forward when possible. Negotiate the curves, making sure to grab the treasure chests. When you get towards the end, wait until you can see the last lupine fiend and then take it out and grab the treasure chest, otherwise you might not be able to reach the chest.

- On the next screen, keep firing at the fiends for as long as possible, using normal ammo for as long as you can. Use breaks in the action to move forward and grab the treasure chests. If the enemies seem to be catching up, run backwards to make up ground or switch to a stronger ammo. Once you reach the bridge, it gets kind of hard to see what you're doing. Don't be afraid to use Death or Volley ammo if you have to quickly clear out the fiends and get past that bridge as quickly as possible.

- You have now reached the gold mine. There is a spot just a little past the bridge where if you position Yuna just a little to the edge of the path where the fiends aren't coming, then even if you aren't able to take them out, they will run right past Yuna and can't hurt her. This is called the "blind spot." Just fire away and use breaks in the action to quickly run out into the path and collect the treasure chests, then move quickly back to the blind spot before the fiends can catch up.

- In the later levels, you will start seeing a fiend called Bicocette, one of those hard-shelled ones that drops Volley ammo. This is your chance for the gold mine. Wait until you reach the blind spot and wait for a whole gaggle of fiends to show up. Make sure that the Bicocette is in with them and then hit them all with a single volley shot. Quickly run out into the path when it's clear and grab the Volley ammmo that the Bicocette dropped and any other that you can if you want. Wait for the next group and keep repeating to rack up huge amounts of points.

- If at any point you are hit by a fiend, your Chain gauge goes down to zero. Try not to let that happen because Chain is what lets you score the big points. When you get down to about 45-30 seconds remaining, exit the blind spot and make a run for the end. Use any remaining Volley or Death ammo that you have to clear the fiends that get in your way, but make sure to save at least one of these items. When you get to the next screen, lock on Target and use it to take out the huge robot enemy. Don't worry about grabbing the treasure chest it drops. Exit to the beach area and run up and talk to Beclem, or Keepa in Chapter 5. This will end the current round and you will be awarded any prizes are levels you are due.

- If you don't think you're going to beat your high score, keep letting the enemies hit Yuna until she is out of HP. This will bring up an option to Try Again. This works even at the very beginning just when you're trying to beat Beclem's score to get Mission Complete.

Stop Those Runaway Chocobos

After completing a certain sidequest, you'll be able to raise chocobo's at Clasko's chocobo ranch. Once you've caught some chocobos, you then have the option of sending them out all over Spira to search for items. The only catch is that sometimes when you return to find out if you got any items, Clasko will tell you that one or more chocobos ran away. Here's the trick: the results aren't actually finalized until you talk to Clasko. So before you go talk to him, save your game at the handy save point right there in the ranch. Then talk to him and if none of the chocobos ran away, then you're good. However, if they did, soft reset (Select, Start, L1, R1, R1, R2) and then talk to him again and this time, if you're lucky, then he won't say any ran away.

This works best if you just got unlucky. However, if you're doing what the game told you to do and sending out chocobos to areas they're not suitable for, it might take several resets to get the result you want.

All Lucky 7s
(I didn't come up with this, but I did modify the strategy somewhat and it just has to be included.)

Get Lady Luck and then on any of the Reels, familiarize yourself with where the symbols are and then time hitting Pause so that a 7 appears at the top of the reel or just below the top. Let go quickly and hit "X" and you should get it to land at the bottom. Do this three times and you'll get all 7s. For Random Reels, this bribes the enemy and gives you gil. To maximize the effect, try to have three Lady Lucks in your party so you also win more gil and items. If it's a tough enemy, have two Mascots and a Lady Luck. The one doing Random Reels should at least toss a Potion before doing CONGRATS! so just before that happens, switch the two Mascots to Lady Lucks to claim the full bounty. If the enemy acts, quickly switch back to Mascots. Once you get the timing right, this really works great.

01-25-2004, 06:52 AM
The Special Dress Spheres are EXTREMLY helpful in a tight spot and during the final boss fight. the locations of each are as follows.

Paine-Chapter 1,Find Tromell at Macalania Woods and speak to him 4 times and the dressphere is yours.

Rikku-Chapter 2,While checkin out the oasis at Bikanel Desert ,during the mission to obatain 3 Leblanc Uniforms, The sphere you find will be Rikku's dress sphere.

Yuna-Chapter 2, Found on Djose highroad during Leblanc uniform mission, obtained when you find the sphere.

01-25-2004, 02:20 PM
Good information. If you can tell us the details on finding Paine's special sphere in Chapter 2, that would help even more.

02-22-2004, 11:13 AM
do u level up on ffx-2?

02-26-2004, 05:39 AM
I'm new here but I will try

About the via infinito
some say that mega tornberry can't be avoid, but truthfully all the mega tornberry can be avoided! there will be no encounter as long as you are not at the same side of the mega tornberry, you can run beside it

About the boss in via infinito, all the boss in via invinito can be bribed! including paragon. Don't try it to trema though, the bribe cost should be around Max HP x 4.

Lu Bu
03-06-2004, 06:48 PM
Easy gil

Pay off oaka's debt and then he sells cheap items buy 99 off him and sell them to barkeep (this can only be done while oaka is onboard the airship)

03-06-2004, 08:18 PM
Please don't submit stuff that's already been submitted.

In fact, Sarah, I'm half-tempted to close this thread since it seems like nothing anybody's submitting to these threads is getting posted.

Lu Bu
03-07-2004, 11:30 AM
sorry i didnt see the pos about oaka's gil tip and u know wat i still cant see it

03-07-2004, 12:13 PM
Vivi FF's post - hint: run a search for "O'aka."

Lu Bu
03-07-2004, 01:19 PM
oh my mistake

so because of 1 mistake u decided the best thing to do was to threaten to close the thread dont u think that was a bit mean?

03-07-2004, 01:46 PM
(sighs) Read my complaint about your post and then read my explanation about why I was threatening to close the thread. Do the two seem related?

Lu Bu
03-07-2004, 02:09 PM

well usually when people say in fact it means it is related to the past sentence. if u wouldnt of said in fact then i proberbly wouldnt of said anything

anyway lets forget i said anything its not worth fighting over
what do u say? is it forgotten

03-07-2004, 04:46 PM
Hmm? Forget what? Was there something happening? Just can't seem to remember...

Lu Bu
03-07-2004, 04:57 PM

03-07-2004, 05:11 PM
lol :lol :lol :lol :lol did something happen :eye: :notgood:

03-17-2004, 04:23 PM
I got a tip. To get the most strongest items in the game, During chapter 5, go to Bevelle. While in the temple, go to the hall to the right. A short movie will start, then you will see a portal. Step onto it to enter a special area. This area is 101 floors deep, so be prepared. At every 20 floors(20, 40, 60, etc.) you'll have to fight a boss. But the bosses are people that died in ffx and did'nt get sent to the farplane. And if you ever reach the bottom floor('cause I can't, it's really, really, really hard.), be prepared, because some guy named Trema will be waiting for you. All of his stats are 255, his luck is at 100, and his HP is at 999,999! This will be tough, but the items you'll get, it's worth it. Hope this helps somebody. Later

P.S.-If any body needs more help, just let me know.

03-17-2004, 11:00 PM
well , here's a bug in the dancing mini game (US version only).regardless of anything just simutenously press triangle , circle , x and square as fast as you can until the game'll easily win 500+ points!

03-18-2004, 01:07 AM
virus369 - sorry, but the existence of the Via Infinito isn't exactly any big secret.

To everyone else, keep 'em coming, I guess. I suppose they'll be posted, sooner or later.

03-18-2004, 03:25 PM
Well, sorry about that. But if you or anybody else needs help with tips anyway, just let me know, ok? Later

03-20-2004, 05:43 PM
I don't know if anyone said this yet, but it's so hard to look

Easy points in the Dancing Mini Game in Chapter 4

When Yuna and Rikku are rehearsing their dance, you can easy gain more than 500 points by simultaneously hitting Square, Circle, X, and Triangle disregarding what the games says. Using this method you can get an accessory that works in similar ways as Ribbon

Here's a very useful tip for gaining AP

Easy AP

First, go to the "Config Menu" and change the cursor to "Memory". This will make things a lot easier. Now go to an area with low level monsters, such as places with 1 or 2 stars preferably. Now get into a battle with a weak monster. If there are more than one, you can kill them off until there is one. Now, depending on what Dress Sphere you have, you can do the following:

White Mage:
Continually use "Pray"

Continually use anything in "Stash"

Use "Sentinal"

Use any dance

Basically, you can do anything, as long as you're not hurting the monster, each time you use these abilities, you'll get 1 AP. to a maximum of 99 AP per battle, per character, if you've been in a battle for long enough you should leave and encounter another battle. This is very helpful for getting abilities with 999 AP.

The reason for changing the cursor to "Memory" is because you'll be able to just hold down the X button and it'll continually use that ability. It's also important to have a healer, just in case.

Also, for some Dress Spheres, you might not be able to use an abililty that won't harm the monster, in that case you can use items instead as it will also increase AP, note that it will deplete your item stock.

Sorry if you don't understand me, I'm not very good at explaining but I'll explain it again in a different manner if you don't understand.

BTW, the "Attack" command is probably the only command that doesn't give you AP. Though something that replaces "Attack" such as the White Mage's ability "Pray" will give you AP

03-20-2004, 07:35 PM
I don't know if anyone said this yet, but it's so hard to look
That may be so, but regardless of how hard you think it is to look, it is your responsibility to at least scan the thread before posting something that might have already been posted. Like the dancing game tip that was posted just a few posts before yours.

03-20-2004, 08:25 PM
Yes, I see it now

Here's another tip

Stat Leveling in Blitzball

When leveling up your stats, you should level up a specific stat first before going to another as it will give you more balanced stats. For example when you level up "SHT" it will decrease "REC" down.

The best order to level stats in is:
1. Passing: PAS up, END down
2. Iron Man: END up, BLK down
3. Blocking: BLK up, RNG down
4. Throwing: RNG up, ATK down
5. Sandbagging: ATK up, CAT down

Also there's one MORE thing I almost forgot to mention. There's REC and SHT that both lower each other if you try to increase the other. For this situation, you should increase REC first, as it decreases slower than SHT. Then do SHT, and max it, the go back to REC and max it cause it will be lowered and keep going back and forth because sometimes the stats won't be lowered. Basically this is the order for that:

1. Recieving: REC up, SHT down
2. Shooting: SHT up, REC down
3. At this point you alternate MAXing both between the two until they both MAX

Basically, you're just increasing the stat that went down before. All your stats should be maxed if you go in this order except CAT, but the CAT would be useless anyway unless you're using that character as Goalkeeper.

For the Goalkeeper it's like this:

1. Blocking: BLK up, SHT down

The shooting may get to 0 but it's irrelevant to Goalkeepers because only CAT matters.

In the end, you'll have a really good team, I was able to win every game I played by maxing my player's stats. You'll also be able to get the very useful AP egg!!

Again, I'm sorry if you don't understand, I'm very bad at explaining stuff.

03-30-2004, 04:18 PM
Thanks for the blitzball tip. Now playing blitzball is extremely easy!

04-01-2004, 01:50 AM
Easy levelling up!

Just go to the last place( the place where shuyin is) and then equip you're lady luck with double exp and use a ring(with "encounter enemy always" ability) and that's it. :rolleyes:

05-03-2004, 12:08 PM
For beating high-hp enemies.

If you beat the black elemental in via infinito, you will get the accessory catnip. This makes all hits on an enemy do 9999 hp when your hp is below 1/3. Equip this with a gunner or lady luck, and use trigger happy (130000 damage) or four dice (max of 240000 damage).